
Chapter 199 Is it talent or a rat?

Chapter 199 Is it talent or a rat?
Chu Lin's face was gloomy, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through all lies. He slowly approached Bu Zhi. This move that should have excited Bu Zhi made him back away again and again in fright.

"Chu...Chu Shaoxia..."

"The people in Fengdu City may not know Hua'er, but they can't hide it from you Tianji Pavilion. Before the three mountains and five mountains entered the city, they were sure that Hua'er was here. They must have received reliable news, news that they would not hesitate to believe. What is the identity of the person who released the news?"


"Are you explaining yourself, or let me continue?"

Bu Zhi thought to himself, he was doing it for his own good, so if he was discovered, he would have discovered it, which meant that he was persuading him with good words, and Chu Lin would never turn a blind eye if he was sincere...

In Bu Zhi's heart, Chu Lin was always the young hero who saved his life and helped him escape, seemingly cold but actually friendly.

Unexpectedly, after he nodded and admitted that he passed the information to the three mountains and five mountains to let them kill Tong Hua when Tong Hua entered the city, Chu Lin didn't want to hear another word.

The dagger hidden in the sleeve slipped out and stabbed Bu Zhi without any hesitation.

Bu Zhi's eyes widened, and he looked down at the hand holding the dagger, unwilling to believe that Chu Lin would kill him.He looked at Chu Lin, and the fact that he kept finding excuses to deny repeatedly appeared in his mind - the relationship between Chu Lin and Tong Hua was beyond his control.

Chu Lin lowered his head slightly, leaned against Bu Zhi's ear, and said softly, "You can do anything, because those have nothing to do with me, but you shouldn't bully my paintings."

Until his death, Bu Zhi still chose to believe that Chu Lin was a kind and righteous person.



After killing Bu Zhi, Chu Lin went back the same way, and when he saw Yan Zheng, he also saw Tong Hua who had come to meet him.

No matter how the extra strangers in the room fought with Yan Zheng, Chu Lin went over and hugged Tong Hua tightly.

"What's wrong?" Tong Hua knew something wrong at a glance, and patted Chu Lin's back lightly, and asked with a smile, "Have you been bullied by your little lover? I'll avenge you."

"He's dead, I killed him."

Tong Hua was taken aback: "What happened?"

Chu Lin: "He spread the news that you were in Fengdu City. He deliberately sought out the three mountains and five mountains that have enemies with you. The purpose is to let you die here..."

Tong Hua patted Chu Lin's back lightly, without saying anything.

After the two hugged each other for a while, Chu Lin said apologetically, "I hurt you again..."

Tong Hua smiled: "Then Master Chu, are you ready to spend your whole life to compensate me?"

Chu Lin's arms gradually tightened, wishing he could rub Tong Hua into his body.

On the other side, when Chu Lin came to hug Tong Hua, Feng Qingyang forced himself not to pay attention to them, keeping his eyes on Yan Zheng.

Not long after Chu Lin left, an octogenarian old man came suddenly. Before Feng Qingyang finished his salute and greeting, the old man stepped forward and started to attack Yan Zheng.

Up to now, Yan Zheng is at a disadvantage, if he continues to fight, he will definitely die.

Feng Qingyang turned around helplessly: "Have you two finished hugging? This person should be the master that Senior Yan said, maybe he can't be dealt with, this is where we are buried."

Tong Hua came over to take a look, and remembered that the old man Li mentioned by the Tianji Pavilion disciple who prevented them from coming down should be this old man.She didn't care at all and was nervous about the saying that the old man was powerful enough to kill them all, but instead asked Feng Qingyang if he could see the old man's background.

Feng Qingyang shook his head: "The steps look like Shaolin, and the moves look like my Wudang martial arts. There are at least five sects in him. If you want to talk about the specific origin... what is the opinion of the head of Chu?"

Chu Lin also shook his head. The old man has the shadow of their Kongtong sect, but he doesn't know the old man. Besides, how can a person practice so many martial arts at the same time? ...

Chu Lin and Feng Qingyang exchanged glances, and rushed forward at the same time.One blocked the old man's sword that stabbed at Yan Zheng's Mingmen, and the other took a step forward, holding a dagger in his hand to force the old man back.

Feng Qingyang helped Yan Zheng to sit down: "Senior, didn't you say it's [-]-[-]? How can I look at it, you are completely suppressed by him..."

Yan Zheng panted, thinking that it was because of his negligence in martial arts all these years that he fell into a disadvantage: "I didn't expect this person to improve so much in just a few years. If he is born with this talent and understanding, the ranking of the previous generation of masters in the world will be ranked first." It's been reshuffled."

Tong Hua came over, just in time to hear this muttering: "Uncle Yan, you said he has made rapid progress?"

Yan Zheng: "There are no more than three people in the world who can improve their martial arts in a few years."

Afterwards, Tong Hua sneered: "Whether it's a real talent, or a complete rat who hides, you'll only know after you beat him."

After speaking here, Chu Lin over there immediately started.

Although he was pressing every step of the way, Chu Lin's move did not go towards the vital point. Yan Zheng looked at it and felt strange. Tong Hua did not answer his puzzlement in time. He knew that Chu Lin over there had successfully stabbed the old man with a dagger. on the back shoulder.

After a sound of a hard object colliding, Chu Lin stepped back, but there was no wound on the old man's back shoulder.

Yan Zheng: "Secret medicine?"

Tong Hua: "The body of those who take the secret medicine will change, making them invulnerable."

Yan Zheng looked at the old man with complicated eyes, and finally shook his head and sighed.

"For Yan Jun's sake, you left in the first place, and you won't die at my hands. Now that you know what you shouldn't know, there is no reason to leave alive." The old man stroked his white beard, eyes closed. Slightly squinted.

"You didn't ask me if I would agree or not." Yan Zheng got up, broke the knife in his hand and started again, his figure was a little tired, but his face was still determined.

When several people were fighting each other, Xiao Liu who didn't know when he left came back, walked up to Tong Hua and secretly made gestures.After looking down, Tong Hua's eyes flashed.

Immediately afterwards, Ah Da, who received the instruction from Tong Hua's eyes, overturned the wooden frame beside him and threw it at Lao Li, and the whole person immediately stepped forward.When Li Lao split the wooden frame with his long sword, Ah Da was already in front of him.

Ada's left hand is the immortal thousand-year-old sacred tree found in southern Xinjiang by Tonghua. It is combined with the special smelting technique of the Temple of Eternal Life to pour metal into the joints to make it move freely. Has the effect of increasing strength.

He first raised his arm to block Old Li's long sword, and then his arm popped out from his chest. He exerted all his strength, but he couldn't hurt Li Lao at this time, he only needed to shake him back.

Lao Li backed up and hadn't stabilized yet, Ah San had already flashed to his left side to cooperate with Ah Da in attacking, but in the end, Lao Li both suppressed him.

But that's okay, people, there are.

Ten dumb slaves go up together, the tacit understanding that has been cultivated over the years is not so easy to break down.One advance followed by another retreat, one attack followed by one defense, successfully forced Lao Li to the wall and couldn't get out.

In the end, Yan Zheng and Feng Qingyang shot at the same time, with their swords on Li Lao's neck.

Tong Hua kindly reminded: "You'd better not move around, with their skills, they will die together at worst."

(End of this chapter)

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