
Chapter 226 After You Sing, I Come On Stage

Chapter 226 After You Sing, I Come On Stage
On the barren hill, Tong Hua sneered and said, "It's such a big show, it's a trick to get so many people from three mountains and five mountains to sing along."

What plots and deceptions, but the masked man was talking, and the head of Hengshan, Jing Shiying, suffered a dumb loss, and dared not get angry, let alone speak.At this time, he should have realized that this martial arts conference was prepared for Chu Lin. He foolishly went up to snatch it, and bumped into the masked man who came out, making an excuse for him to "righteously" give the martial arts leader to Chu Lin.

I just don't know if his act of snatching on stage will make the masked man bear his grudge...

Standing up to pat the clothes, Tong Hua took the dumb slave back to Taishan School.

The masked man appeared, but it was still uncertain if it was Gusha. If she went to the martial arts conference now, it would be bad to startle the snake. Anyway, she is in the Taishan faction and there is still time.

Zheng Shoucheng told Tong Hua all the hidden paths in Taishan School, she can completely avoid the minions of the masked man, and can only go in and out quietly, and it is much easier for the dumb slave to inquire about the news.

Back in the room, Tong Hua first put incense sticks on Tong Bo's spirit card.After so many years, only these few days in this room can properly offer incense and kowtow to grandpa. Thinking about it, I am really unfilial.

Zheng Shoucheng came back after the sky completely darkened, saying that Gu Sha would leave tomorrow, and he was having a secret conversation with Chu Lin in the room at this time.

"Are you sure it's Gusha?"

Zheng Shoucheng nodded: "It's him."

When Gusha appeared in front of people, he always covered his face. The last time he traveled to persuade people from three mountains and five mountains to besiege Fengdu City, he was questioned by the heads of various factions. He almost fought everywhere and exposed himself It's about the source of the secret medicine.When he was fighting Zheng Shoucheng in the Taishan faction, Zheng Shoucheng shattered the rocks in the mountain with a fencing move, and just hit the mask on Gu Sha's face, revealing his true face in an instant.Although Gusha quickly replaced the mask, Zheng Shoucheng could see his face clearly.

When Tong Hua came and talked about the Tianji Pavilion, Zheng Shoucheng asked her to draw a portrait of Gu Sha, and after identifying it, he confirmed that the masked man he saw was Gu Sha.

"Do you want to do it tonight?" Zheng Shoucheng asked.

"No." Tong Hua shook his head, "I can't beat... Gu Sha is stronger than you and me, even if Chu Lin joins forces, there is no [-]% chance of winning. Besides, there are people from three mountains and five mountains. If you run away, it will be harder to find him than to reach the sky."

If there is no [-]% chance of winning, if it is not completely suppressed, Gu Sha will not easily reveal the secret.

"Then forget it?" Zheng Shoucheng frowned, "Chu Lin, the leader of the martial arts, is under his control. If he asks Chu Lin to kill you, you will die if Chu Lin is obedient. If he is not obedient, Gu Sha will kill him , you two have reached a dead end."

Tong Hua smiled: "Don't worry, if you want to kill me, you have to be able to catch me, but you... I'm afraid he will attack you."

Zheng Shoucheng also smiled: "I voluntarily got involved in this vortex. There was an accident in Sect Master Shi. Although I had my last words, I finally nodded and took over the Taishan Sect. Unexpectedly, a small disciple of Qiushui Villa, Now you are the head of the Taishan faction... This matter is not only yours, but mine as well."

Tong Hua was still worried, and planned to send a letter to Feng Qingyang later, asking Wu Dang to look at it for him.

As for her...

He will also leave the Taishan faction tomorrow, continue to take revenge, and wait for Gusha himself to bring the opportunity of arrest to his door.

Chu Lin's plan to pretend to be controlled by Jiang Shanxue has already lured Gu Sha into the bait, and this opportunity will come soon.



After Mount Hua is Mount Heng.

With a push of Xiao Ba's little hand, all the disciples of Hengshan who were guarding the entrance of the main hall were pushed down, and even the door of the hall behind them was pushed open.

Mrs. Wu An, the head of Hengshan, was sitting in the upper position, calm and composed, as if the Hengshan disciples who were being massacred outside had nothing to do with her.

"The teacher is quite calm." The dumb slave opened the way, and Tong Hua swayed into the hall with his hands behind his back, "Hengshan School is gone, you are still sitting here, why don't you go out and have a last look?"

Seeing Tong Hua, Mrs. Wu An frowned slightly, and then Shu Zhan showed a little smile: "It's not sure whose last glance is today. You can enter Hengshan, but you can't get out."

The dumb slaves killed the Hengshan disciples in the hall one by one, and the screams and begging for mercy lingered around the beams. Those who shouted for help from the master master did not shake Wu An's figure at all.

Tong Hua laughed twice: "Master, master, do you really think that someone will come to rescue you?"

The corner of Wu An's mouth twitched quickly: "What are you talking about?"

"Isn't it?" Tong Hua randomly found a place to sit down, "In order to catch me alive, the three mountains and five mountains are willing to use themselves as bait, wait for me to come to seek revenge and bite the hook, and then cooperate with the inside and outside to kill me, isn't this the plan of your martial arts alliance? ?”

Wu An looked uneasy: "How do you know?"

Tong Hua: "You should ask, where are the other sects that should have appeared at this time. Hengshan was slaughtered by me and left you alone, why didn't they show up? After you die, is there any meaning even if people come? Hengshan The faction is gone, the inheritance is broken, does it really matter if I die?"

Wu An: "Return the peace of Jianghu at all costs..."

"Oh? Forgive my blindness, but I didn't see that you still have the righteous heart of self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice..." Shaking his head and looking around, the Hengshan faction's people were almost dead, and there were only one or two fish that slipped through the net, Tong Hua didn't bother To worry about it, he raised one leg and shook it twice, and continued, "How about this, I'll just wait here, waiting for the other people from the three mountains and five mountains who have promised to come when they see the signal, and wait for them to attack in groups Kill me. It's just Shitai, do you really think they will come?"

When Tong Hua laughed, Wu An's face became more and more ugly.

The person who should have appeared earlier did not appear, and the Hengshan faction ended in a more tragic end than Huashan.

It's not that Wu An doesn't know that there is a problem, but now, besides believing that the reinforcements will come back, what else can she do.

Xiao Ba found a fruit plate from somewhere and brought it to Tong Hua, until he ate a lot of fruit peels, the whole Hengshan was still deserted.

Everyone is dead, and no outsiders come, so it's not deserted.

Feeling sleepy after eating, Tong Hua yawned and asked Wu An: "Master, are you still waiting?"

Wu An gave up, no one would come, she didn't know what was wrong with the plan, anyway, the Hengshan faction was over, maybe, the plan had already regarded the Hengshan faction as an abandoned child...

"Master, don't think about it." Tong Hua looked at Wu An's face, and seemed to have guessed what she was thinking at this time, "There is no problem with the plan of the Wulin League, but you have chosen the wrong person. You released it when I came. No one will see the signal, they don't even know that I have arrived at the Hengshan faction, so naturally no one will come."

Wu An can't wait to shake off the whisk in his hand. The little girl in front of her is full of weirdness after returning from Southern Xinjiang, and her methods are vicious. Not only has the poisonous kung fu of Baiwu Villa, but she also learned a strange martial art in Southern Xinjiang, and brought her back to revenge , actually disturbed the rivers and lakes, and no one could do anything about it.

Thinking of the past, the word retribution suddenly popped up in Wu An's mind...

(End of this chapter)

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