
Chapter 233

Chapter 233

Back then, people were looking for the secret medicine Sanshi Pill in Baiwu Villa, but how could they find something that was not there.

Those villa disciples who were bewitched and indulged in the dream of the miraculous effects of the Three Corpse Pill, were unwilling to find anything, and chased them to Mount Huangshan.They believed that the thing was on Tong Bo's body, and no one said anything about the fact that Lieyanmen secretly took away the body.

When I arrived at Huangshan, I couldn't find the body. When I was anxious, I went to the head of the sect and asked him to hand over the three corpses.

The three traitors were detained at the Flame Gate.

"Master intends to let them be buried with Master Tong, but I found that the body of Master Tong...will not rot..." Speaking of this, Lu Dong's eyes showed excitement, "There must be something on the old master. Baby, I can keep his body from rot. I knew that the master would not change his mind because of this guess, so I changed my method. At that time, the news of Tong girl's escape spread all over the world, so I told the master that Baiwu Villa was suddenly robbed. It's a misfortune, Miss Tong must be regretful that she can't send her parents to the grave in person, the owner of Tong Lao Village must want to wait for Miss Tong to come back, and send him the last journey with his own hands... Master is old, and he can't stand such words. He left the old village owner Tong behind, and made three traitors kneel down day and night to make atonement, after a few years, one went crazy, one died, and now there is one left, still guarding the old village owner."

Tong Hua asked without changing his expression: "After all these years, have you found the treasure in Grandpa?"

Lu Dong shook his head: "No, I have searched all over the old owner, but there is nothing... When the master is still there, I dare not disrespect the old owner. I suspected that the treasure is hidden in the body, but I have no chance to do it."

Hearing this, Tong Hua frowned slightly, and her expression became gloomy. If Lu Dong dared to say what he did to Tong Bo's body, she would definitely pounce on him and bite him to death.

Sensing Tong Hua's murderous intent, Lu Dong quickly shook his head and waved his hands: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't do anything! There are no snakes, insects, rats and ants in the stone room all the year round, and the three traitors are crazy and weird. I don't dare to enter the stone room to stay longer Just a moment." Don't think about it baby, how to deal with this corpse that has not rotted or rotted all the year round and seems to be emitting invisible dangers is enough to give Lu Dong a headache.

Therefore, Tong Bo's body has remained until now.

Although it was not his intention, he did leave his grandfather's body and the traitor to himself, so Tong Hua was naturally happy.She bent over to help Lu Dong up, smiled and told him he could go.

"You really let me go?" After seizing the opportunity, he began to disbelieve it.

"I promised you just now, so it's true." Tong Hua smiled. At first glance, she was cute and cute, but after a second look, she felt weird.

Lu Dong didn't think much, turned around and ran towards the mountain, but he didn't see a dark cloud drifting behind him, just stopping on top of Tong Hua's head.The girl lowered her head, she couldn't see her expression clearly, but she felt chill all over her body.

Not long after running out, Lu Dong's figure suddenly stopped, and then he fell forward suddenly, unable to get up again.

Tong Hua brought people over, squatted down, her voice was as cold as ice and snow around her, and she said to Lu Dong: "Because of the kindness of the old sect master to my Tong family, I should let you go anyway, but it's a pity, You insist on doing another death thing with the gold medal of exoneration, isn’t that deliberately embarrassing me.”

Lu Dong was lying on the ground, not because he didn't want to move, but because he couldn't move. His whole body couldn't control his body. His limbs and joints seemed to be pressed by many people, and they were pressed against the ground, so he couldn't move.He didn't know what happened, no one had done anything to him just now.Tong Hua's voice rang in his ears, making him tremble more than the scariest and most frightening voice he had ever heard.

"You said, let me go..." Lu Dong finally shouted.

"It's you who gave me a problem, and there's nothing I can do about it." Tong Hua sighed, and then chuckled, "If I let you go back now, wouldn't Chu Lin be in danger? He's the only one left for me now, why? Can I watch you go back to harm him? The old sect master has shown kindness to me, the Tong family, and I have to repay the favor. I will not wipe out the Lie Yan sect. Even if you want to exterminate, it will not be in my hands. But today , please die here to ensure certain secrets, and keep the people on the mountain from knowing.”

Lu Dong is not reconciled, at least let him know what trick he has!At this time, he was speechless and made a whining sound.

"Do you want to know how I died?" Tong Hua explained kindly, "It's very simple. The effect of the secret medicine can make people invulnerable to swords and guns and hard as a stone, but the secret medicine is not resistant to poison."

Lu Dong: "..."

Tong Hua reached out to Lu Dong's eyes and flicked the poisonous powder on his hand.



After finding the entrance of the secret road, the group of people got into the secret road of Huangshan Mountain and continued to walk up the mountain.

After walking for about half an hour, the secret passage was gone, and the exit was still some distance away from the flame gate.

When people came out of the secret passageway, the secret sentry immediately issued a warning signal, and the people on the mountain were shocked when they saw it.

Tong Hua and his party disappeared halfway there, and Anshao couldn't find their whereabouts. Goodbye, they have already reached the mountain.

"What's the matter! Where did she come up from!"

"Is there any path that hasn't been monitored?"

"Where is Lu Dong?"

It is natural to ask Lu Dong about Huangshan, but at this time, he can no longer stand up and despise the heroes.

Chu Lin frowned and thought for a moment: "How did Tong Hua know about the path on the mountain that we don't even know about? Who told her?"

Sun Jixing quickly jumped out and pointed the finger at Lu Dong.

The five sons of Yandang also came out to stir up trouble, saying that Lu Dong went down to intercept and then there was no news, and at the same time, there was no news of the demon girl. Doesn't it mean that Lu Dong betrayed and brought the demon girl from an unknown path?

After this analysis, everyone abused Lu Dong endlessly, completely forgetting that the disciple came to tell the time and said that he did not see Lu Dong.

Chu Lin waved his hand and said, "Leave this matter aside for the time being. People are almost at the gate, and the plan remains the same. Fortunately, I just went up the mountain unexpectedly, which has no effect on the subsequent plan."

Sun Jixing: "Leader, what about the people from Raging Flame Sect? It's hard to guarantee that Lu Dong didn't make other arrangements."

Someone opened his mouth, and Chu Lin took the opportunity to take the words: "Let the disciples in the sect go to the back mountain, and they don't need to intervene here. After the matter is over, we will discuss how to deal with it... Remember, don't embarrass these disciples. I didn’t figure it out, killing the disciples of the sect without evidence and without evidence on other people’s territory, and everyone’s face will be ashamed when they say it.”


After making all the arrangements, Chu Lin went to the back to find the masked man.

The excuse for inviting him back then was that the Three Mountains and Five Mountains could not win. Facing Tong Hua, their fear would lead to a reversal of the situation, and they might lose everything.Besides, if Tong Hua were to tell the truth, it would not be good for future control.

After thinking about it, the masked man felt that it was reasonable, so he came to Lieyanmen.

The goal has been reached, and some people should come out of the hole.

(End of this chapter)

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