
Chapter 241 Immortality Appearance Is Appearance

Chapter 241 Immortality Appearance Is Appearance
After breaking up unhappy, Tong Le was completely shattered.

He wanted to prove himself, and wanted to gain Tong Bo's affirmation again, but the only strange poison that could win at that time couldn't help Tong Bo, so he had to think of another way.

"Two kinds of poisons, I put them into the Emei water source when they were mature, and the other one was short of a fusion agent. The fusion herbal medicine recorded in the Poison Sutra has been lost. I thought about it for three months, and finally thought of what to use instead, and then something happened."

Tong Hua learned about the effect of that fusion agent from Tong Le's mouth, thinking that there is nothing wrong with the thing he found to replace it, so why did something happen?

Tong Le thought the same way back then, there was no problem, why couldn't it be replaced.It was only later that he realized that if the strange poison could be modified and replaced at will, Tong Bo would have made a whole room long ago.

He took the poison and returned to Baiwu Villa. When the poison came out, he was rejoicing, thinking that he had succeeded in refining the poison. When he saw Tong Bo's flustered face, he was secretly happy, thinking that Tong Bo could not cure the poison he had refined.

Tong Hua said something lunatic to Tong Le: "If you poison yourself, grandpa can't understand why you're so happy, aren't you afraid you're really dead?"

Tong Le: "Little girl, you don't understand. Your father and I have been educated since we were young to put the mountain villa first, and revive the reputation of the villa as our goal in life. Even if we die, even if our bodies are smashed to pieces, we will not hesitate... Tong Bona The poison on my body can't be used, because it is no longer the strange poison in the Poison Sutra. I watched my body change, felt the bones in my whole body continue to be broken and healed, excited in the joy of my success, and felt the pain for the first time. To get rid of the fear of death, in order to get rid of this fear, I confuse the disciples of the villa and let them bring the strange poison I made to poison the Baiwu villa."

Everyone: "..."

No matter how crazy He Linyang is, he will only attack outsiders, because the villa is different to him.

Tong Le went crazy, but he attacked his own family because his crazy six relatives didn't recognize him...

Tong Hua: "Why didn't it work?"

Tong Le: "Because of your father."

Tong Hua: "It sounds like my dad is really your nemesis."

Tong Le smiled slightly: "Thinking about it, since I was a child, whenever I want to do something bad, your father will always come out in time to destroy my plan."

This incident completely angered Tong Bo, he said that instead of letting the whole villa be buried with Tong Le, it would be better to kill this evil person with his own hands.

Tong Ze was the one who interceded, but Tong Hua felt that Tong Bo would definitely not let go at that time, so he followed the wishes of his younger son, let Tong Le go, expelled him from the villa, severed the relationship between father and son, and finally declared to the outside world , the eldest son made a mistake while refining poison and died suddenly.

It was rumored that Tong Le's death was tragic, and in addition to the fact that Baiwu Villa was very bleak and Tong Bo was in a trance, everyone affirmed this rumor, and they didn't even mention the tragic death of Tong Le, so as not to arouse Tong Bo's sadness.As time went on, gradually no one remembered Tong Le.

"Senior, you were poisoned at the time, how did you survive after leaving the villa?" Feng Qingyang asked.

"I survived, but life is better than death." Tong Le raised his hand in front of everyone, "This body has been mutated by poison, so it won't age."

"Immortal?!" Tong Hua exclaimed.

"It's a beautiful idea." Tong Le rolled his eyes, "Actually, I am aging faster than normal, but the appearance will not change, so I can't tell it. The effect of that poison can be good or bad, and there is another The other advantage is that my tendons have also changed, and I can learn everything quickly, and within a few years, I can sweep the rivers and lakes with martial arts."

Tong Hua sneered: "Then why don't you go?"

Tong Le didn't answer, and picked up the dead branches beside him and put them into the fire, watching the flames dance, and there was blood in his eyes.

"Hello?" Tong Hua sensed that Tong Le's mood was wrong, "For my father's sake, I'll just recognize you as an uncle."

"Shall I thank you?"

"you are welcome."

Tong Le clicked her tongue: "Your father loved to follow my ass since he was a child, he was stupid and stupid, and your mother was more knowledgeable about etiquette, gentle and virtuous, how come you are weird like no one else, but why An old thing like Tong Bo."

Chu Lin looked at Tong Le and then at Tong Hua, thinking of the tone of their expressions, their arrogant raised eyebrows, and felt that they were alike.

Tong Hua took the water bottle that Ah San handed over, Gululu took a big sip, wiped his mouth casually with the back of his hand, and urged Tong Le to continue talking.

Tong Le: "After leaving the villa, I found a place to wait for my death, but I didn't die. Since I was still alive, I had to find out what happened to my body. I started to travel around, looking for the so-called answer aimlessly. , and I am still a dead person. I don’t remember how long I’ve been walking, and I met your father on the Lushan boundary.”

It was Tong Bo who asked Tong Ze to go to Lushan Mountain, with the purpose of destroying the Lushan Sword Sect.

Feng Qingyang went back to look for Chu Lin, they had all heard about the Lushan Sword Sect.

Tong Hua: "Why did you destroy the Lushan Sword Sect?"

Tong Le pointed to Tong Bo who was lying next to him: "Your father always obeyed the old man's order, and did it without asking why, so your father didn't know the reason at the time."

"Wait a minute, senior..." Feng Qingyang couldn't help asking, "You mean, the Lushan Sword Sect...was... died at the hands of Baiwu Villa?"

"To be precise, he died at my hands." Tong Le looked at Tong Hua, "Your father is soft-hearted. The Lushan Sword Sect and the Villa have no enmity in the past, and there is no grudge today. Suddenly he is asked to slaughter the entire sect. He won't do it. So I was the one who went up the mountain, and I was the one who killed."

Tong Hua leaned back slightly, and asked Chu Lin about the Lushan Sword Sect.

Chu Lin: "The massacre of the Lushan Sword Sect is still an unsolved mystery. The death of the head and even the disciples is strange. Everyone seems to have been bitten and mutilated to death by wild beasts. There is no complete body to be found. "

When saying this, everyone slowly turned their heads to Tong Le.

"You can't use poison, right? Then who doesn't know that Baiwu Villa did it? I just don't want your father to get into trouble. I was not good at martial arts at the time, so I just used brute force to tear everyone into pieces, anyway, just kill them." Tong Le's expression was calm, as if he was talking about the chicken that was shredded by hand just now, "Afterwards, I felt something was wrong with Tong Bo, so I started to investigate him."

Something wrong with Tong Bo began when he suddenly gave up Qidu at the age of 35. Tong Le slowly pushed back, and for the first time realized that Tong Bo's abandonment was full of weirdness.

At this time, Tong Ze told him that their father did not give up the strange poison, but continued to study it in another way.

In the past, I wanted to reproduce the strange poison, but after giving up, I was studying how to detoxify it.

"That's why he was able to cure my strange poison in an instant on Mount Emei. Refinement turned into detoxification, but what I don't understand is why he wants to study the method of detoxification. Who else can cure the strange poison in the Poison Sutra? Can it be done to threaten him?"

Since it is a bunch of poisons that cannot be reproduced, why bother to study how to detoxify them?

(End of this chapter)

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