
Chapter 251

Chapter 251

Tong Bo asked Tong Le to burn his body and give the leftovers to Tong Hua. This request was already weird. Tong Le didn't think about asking too much at that time. Now it seems that the two beads were deliberately Leave it to Tong Hua for emergencies?

"Since it's useful to you, why don't you keep it for me?" Tong Le asked while comforting herself.

"In my situation, two beads are not enough." Tong Hua also sat down, "This thing is a temporary solution, not the root cause, and I can't reproduce more beads, and I feel restless when I hold them in my hand. It's better to have them all. , come as you wish."

Tong Le: "Is there really no way to copy it?"

Tong Hua shook his head: "I don't understand what the ingredients are at all."

Tong Le: "Forget it... It's not a good thing to rely too much on things that treat the symptoms but not the root cause. You still have to find a way to completely eliminate the poison in your body."

Of course, Zawa told Tong Le about the poisoning, and he knew how serious it was, but after all, it was different from his own situation, knowing the reason and finding a solution, no matter how difficult it was, there was always hope.

Tong Hua: "Tomorrow I will go to Shaolin, when will you... go to the Western Regions?"

Tong Le: "Why, you want to see me off?"

Tong Hua: "Set a time to tell me. And..." Looking at Tong Le, he finally decided to speak out, "No matter what you think or say, in my heart, grandpa is not a bad person."

Tong Le gently placed the teacup on the seat, rubbing the mouth of the cup with her fingers.

Tong Hua went on to say: "You, you got yourself into a dead end, no wonder grandpa, as for my father... Be obedient, do it, these are his own decisions, he is not a fool, really don't want to, who can force him? My father never He didn't tell me how his legs were crippled, probably because he was afraid that I would be hostile to you... The so-called regret, my father never felt that it was a pity that his legs were crippled and unable to walk. I didn't understand why he took special care of him before. Of the twin snakes whose eggs broke out of their shells, he was sad for a long time when one of them died, and now that he thinks about it, his only regret is that you are not in the village or by his side."

Tong Le: "Little girl, you don't understand, your father is too docile."

Tong Hua: "Are you docile? My father dragged a pair of broken legs and killed all parties in the arena because of my mother. I had a big fight with my grandfather over whether I could get in touch with the personnel outside the village. In order for me to calm down and study the Four Books and Five Classics obediently." , guarding at my door before dawn, just to arrest me and go to the study, and then accompany me to study all day...how can my father be docile?"

Tong Le: "..."

Tong Hua: "He, I believe in grandpa. He never thought that grandpa would harm him. Even if it became a fact, he never complained. I understand that you feel sorry for your brother, but you shouldn't put all your resentment on grandpa. , compared with you, Grandpa has no less remorse than you."

After Tong Ze broke his leg and returned to the village, Tong Le heard many things about Tong Bo. It sounded like he had changed. As for not believing it, it was Tong Le himself who didn't want to believe it.

Hatred is the only way for Tong Le to keep in touch with Tong Bo in this life.



After dawn, the situation of Ah Er and the others did not improve. Tong Hua thought about taking the others to Shaolin first, and then let Nazan send someone to pick them up and return to southern Xinjiang.

Ah Er and the others disagreed, and they had to follow Tong Hua in whatever they said.

"I'm the master, listen to me!" Tong Hua put her hips on her hips and warned Ah Er and the others who were about to turn over and get out of bed, "If you follow me like this, I have to worry about taking care of you, so what else can I do? Go back to southern Xinjiang , take good care of your wounds, and wait for me to go back."

The dumb slaves usually have no rules, mainly because Tong Hua dotes on them, this is the first time Tong Hua has given strict orders.

In the end, Ah Da, Xiao Qi, Xiao Ba, and Xiao Jiu followed Tonghua Chulin to escort the puppet to Shaolin, while the others waited in the Taishan School.

Only Taishan is left among the three mountains and five mountains. The Twelve Demons of Tianchi have suffered a great loss here. It is impossible to guess whether they will regroup and come up to make trouble. Zheng Shoucheng is unwilling to leave, and Shaolin Wudang has to send more people to watch just work.

There is also Zhuo An...

He blamed himself for Meng Xiao's tragic death on Mount Huangshan. He went to protect Tong Hua and forgot to take care of his junior sister. As a result...

Chu Lin enlightened for a long time, and after a deep chat, he decided to hand over the Kongtong faction to him.

Tong Hua had no objection to Chu Lin's decision, but felt that Zhuo An, a silly boy, would be easily bullied. She gave Zhuo An all the poisonous powder she carried with her, and carefully explained each effect. This scene made Chu Lin Lin was in a daze, thinking of the past.

Since the head brother must follow Miss Tong, Junior Brother Zhuo An had to go back to the Kongtong faction to preside over the overall situation. Fortunately, people in the Jianghu were in panic, and with Shaolin Wudang in front of them, no one would go to Kongtong Mountain to make trouble.

Besides, there is Yan Jun, who is not a vegetarian and ruthless, on the mountain...

They went down the mountain and left separately.

Chu Lin asked Tong Hua if he really planned to listen to Tong Le and not go to the Western Regions?
"How is that possible." Tong Hua gritted her teeth, "Sword Demon of the Western Regions, let alone whether Tong Le's flaws can kill him, I'm definitely going to make amends."

Chu Lin smiled and squeezed her hand: "Afterwards, let's go to Southern Xinjiang."

Tong Hua also smiled: "Aren't you worried that Zhuo An's idiot will have an accident with the Kongtong faction?"

Chu Lin: "Well, I'm actually not good at managing sects. I prefer to quietly study the minds of strange soldiers. If it's not for acting to attract Gusha, whoever is the head of the Kongtong sect has nothing to do with me. What about Zhuo An, Thoughtful, with a pleasing personality, he was so disappointed with the Kongtong faction before, and then he approached Gusha in order to prove right or wrong. He doesn't believe blindly, and he doesn't confuse right and wrong just because of someone's words. Distinguish, and when you encounter doubts that no one can solve, you will find the truth by yourself.”

Tong Hua looked at Chu Lin, Zhuo An had seen these things in him. In those years, even Tong Bo was optimistic about him, and said the best words to him from the head of the Kongtong School.


Tong Hua was not the only one who changed unexpectedly, Chu Lin himself said that he is not a good person...

Along the way, there was no accident, and I received a letter from Yan Zheng, saying that the jade plaque Zhuo An found was engraved with the word Tianchi.

Tu Shi and Tianchi got together, naturally because of the secret medicine.

Zhuo An felt suspicious at the time. He didn't understand Western Regions and Nanjiang characters, so he gave things to Tong Hua based on his feeling, hoping to help find the answer.

This kid is really careful.

On the way, I occasionally heard news from the tea shed inn, saying that Shaolin had found a way to test the secret medicine, and activated the Gu technique in the secret medicine for a short time. puppet.

Puppetization can only last for a cup of tea, which is enough to prove that the secret medicine they took is not a good thing.

Now, the voice of questioning suddenly disappeared, each faction shrank in their own homes and dared not come out, let alone go to Shaolin, for fear of being known that they had taken the secret medicine.

They don't want to, and others can't force them to test.

But in this way, the hidden dangers left cannot be eliminated, and no one knows how many puppets exist in the rivers and lakes.

The most urgent task is to develop an antidote.

(End of this chapter)

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