
Chapter 256

Chapter 256

Feng Qingyang chased a group of people who "run away" not far from the gate of Shaolin Mountain.

Tong Hua didn't want to talk to him, so Chu Lin turned around to meet him.

"Not too righteous, brother." Feng Qingyang smiled, not as unrestrained as before, but with a bit of bitterness, "Four of the Twelve Demons of Tianchi have come, are you going to help?"

Chu Lin said bluntly: "It seems that you will help if we move our hands? Master Feng, the puppet has been solved, and the rest of the people have nothing to do with us."

Feng Qingyang: "Isn't the head of Chu afraid that this action will bring disaster to the Kongtong faction?"

Chu Lin: "Bai Jingyan killed my parents. The whole Jianghu knew that I had an enmity with the Kongtong faction. Afterwards, he was controlled by others to become the leader and the leader of the alliance. In the end, he took three mountains and five mountains to Huangshan. Except for me, everyone died. ... Who can tell right from wrong about these things? They want to find reasons to target me, so what does it matter if there is one more thing or one less thing?"

Feng Qingyang jumped over Chu Lin, and looked at Tong Hua standing far behind him, she lowered her head, and gently picked up the weeds on the road with her toes.

Knowing in his heart that some things were overdone, Feng Qingyang no longer insisted on anything: "Where are you going?"

Chu Lin: "It has nothing to do with you."

Feng Qingyang: "..."

After a moment of silence, Feng Qingyang sighed: "Master Wu Wang and Master Dong have already left Shaolin, Fengyin Villa will no longer take care of the affairs of the rivers and lakes, and the Wulin of the Central Plains will no longer have the Southern Xinjiang Wu King intervene." After finishing speaking , turned around and left.

Chu Lin walked to Tong Hua's side, took her hand, and said with a smile: "Finally got rid of the annoying guy."

Tong Hua also smiled: "Then where are we going now? The Kongtong faction sees the idiot?"

Chu Lin shook his head: "Let him torment himself."

Tong Hua sneered, and raised his hand to touch Chu Lin's head: "Oh, why is the head of Chu so jealous, and the child's jealousy?"

Chu Lin grabbed Tong Hua's hand and pecked at his mouth: "Do you want to go back to Baiwu Villa?"

Tong Hua nodded, and Chu Lin knew what she was thinking: "It's too late, sir, it's time to go west in a few days, if we don't keep up, we're afraid we'll run into the Western Regions like headless chickens."

Finally decided to go west now.

On the way, Tong Le received a message, and he also started westward.

Calculating the time, the two sides will arrive at the western border city, Cangwu City, almost at the same time.



Tong Le planned to go west by herself, but Zawa secretly followed.

"Do you have to come to be buried with him?" Tong Le grabbed Zawa out.

"How unlucky are these words?" Zawa got up and patted the dust off his clothes, "Master, it's too hard for you to travel long distances alone, so I'm here to serve you."

Tong Le rolled her eyes: "Did I break my foot or my hand, do I need your care?"

Zawa smiled: "What's the matter, I am here, and I can take you away."

Tong Le: "Go back!"

The two quarreled all the way, and Zawa didn't go back until they reached Cangwu City.

Then, at the entrance of the only inn in Tucheng where people can live, they saw Tong Hua who was making tea and drinking water, and Chu Lin who was coaxing her beside her.

"Master, why are you walking so slowly? I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Seeing Zawa beside Tong Le, Tong Hua clicked his tongue twice, "Are you going to play? You also brought your followers."

Tong Le pointed back at the mute slaves hiding on the surrounding earthen walls and roofs, and Chu Lin: "It's better than you dragging your family!"

Tong Le thought that Tong Hua would be disobedient and follow her, so she paid attention all the way to see if anyone followed her, but unexpectedly, this dead girl was waiting for him directly in Cang Wu City.

Everyone has come, and now the only way to stop her from going to the Western Regions is to break her legs, but obviously, this method will not work.

Facts are facts, and harsh words can still be released.

Tong Le asked Zawa to find a wooden stick, the thicker the better, he said he would break Tong Hua's leg.

So the two quarreled again.

At dusk, the waiter in the inn came out to greet everyone for dinner, and Tong Le and Tong Hua stopped.

This Cangwu City is an earthen city. It is close to the desert of the Western Regions. The strong winds are constant day and night.

The city is sparsely populated, there are only the shopkeeper and Xiao Er in the inn, and besides Tong Hua and the others, there are two wanderers.

Cangwu City's resources are scarce, and there are no big fish and meat, so it's good to have something to fill your stomach.

The waiter brought up the meals from each table, including a plate of roast lamb, which looked okay.

Xiao Ba was starving, and when he saw the mutton, his eyes were glistening, Ah laughed and put a piece into his bowl.

But after Xiao Ba put the meat into his mouth, he suddenly blocked the plate of mutton in the middle of the table with his other hand.

Zawa told him not to make trouble, why didn't he let others eat it.

"The food is not right." Tong Hua put down the chopsticks, "Xiao Ba is afraid that there is something wrong with eating, so he won't let us eat."

Hearing this, Xiao Ba nodded slightly, chewing the meat but didn't stop.

Chu Lin looked at the two wanderers carefully. The mutton seemed to suit their appetite. They devoured it hungrily, and ate up the plate in front of them in a short while.

After waiting for a while, there was no abnormality between the two of them.

Tong Le glanced at the plate of mutton that Xiaoba had already picked up: "Are you sure there is something wrong with this kid's eating, doesn't he want to eat alone?"

Tong Hua: "What, are you going to fight with the kid?"

Tong Le: "I'm teaching him that children should not eat alone, they are easy to choke to death." After finishing speaking, he suddenly threw the bamboo chopsticks in his hand towards Xiao Ba.

With quick eyes, Chu Lin flew the bamboo chopsticks away.

And the pair of bamboo chopsticks just hit the Rogue's table.

Now, conflict is inevitable.

The two wanderers were dressed in rags, their faces and hands had new and old scars from the sun, their faces were sallow and their eyes protruded, and they had been exposed to the wind and sun for a long time in the desolate sandy land.

The two people with bad temper came over to argue with their knives, and when they saw Tong Hua, there was malice in their eyes.

Chu Lin frowned, and the judge's pen slipped into his hand.

"This is not the place for a young lady with delicate skin and tender flesh to come. Beware of horse bandits rushing to the city, and taking it back will make your life worse than death."

"It's better to follow our brothers and make sure that the little lady will be well-fed and spicy."

Tong Hua rolled his eyes, seeing the appearance of these two people, they still eat delicious food and drink spicy food, a full meal is not bad.

The teasing was not enough, the two walked around Tong Hua, ready to mess around...

Tong Le drank wine and watched a play, Zawa didn't move, and all the dumb slaves looked at Chu Lin, thinking that the two wanderers would be in bad luck, they would lose their limbs, maybe their heads.

Then, the judge's pen pierced the withered hand that only wanted to put it on Tong Hua's shoulder.

After a scream, Rogue drew his sword and slashed at Chu Lin, and the two fell to the ground in an instant like puppets whose strings were broken.

"Oh? Interesting." Tong Le smiled, "It doesn't seem like sweat medicine."

"Poison?" Chu Lin checked the situation of the two of them, and found that their breathing was as steady as if they were asleep.

At this time, the innkeeper and Xiao Er came over.

"Don't worry, it's not poison." The boss had a wretched smile on his greasy face, "The smell of the dead is stinky, and only the living can guarantee the umami."

(End of this chapter)

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