
Chapter 259

Chapter 259
Tong Hua's silver-handled dagger was almost stuck to Chu Lin's back to block the scimitar.

She smiled slightly: "I knew you were going to play dirty tricks."

The sneak attack failed, and the two stood together again, using the same attack method, side slashing and horizontal slashing, head-on slashing, no matter what moves, the two were synchronized at the same time.

Chu Lin, who has suffered a loss, will not continue to be fooled. He holds the judge's pen in his left hand and plays the Xiaoyao fan in his right.

After a stalemate for a while, the two finally gave up this simultaneous synchronization method and retreated to distance themselves. The gentle-looking man asked, "What are the people from the Central Plains doing here? Who are you?"

Tong Hua: "Who are you?"

The two replied at the same time: "Twelve evil spirits in the Tianchi Sword Tomb, fierce evil spirits."

Tong Hua: "There are two fierce people?"

Tong Le was not sure about this, and looked around the two curiously.

"Central Plains people, what are you doing here?" the gentle man asked again.

"We were just passing by and accidentally entered this deep valley." Tong Hua replied with a smile.

"Passing by?" The gentle man frowned slightly.

"Yes." Tong Hua smiled innocently, "There is nothing here, it's not that I went the wrong way, what else could it be?"

Unlike the Twelve Demons of Tianchi who went to the Central Plains before, this evil spirit did not know Tong Hua, and was puzzled by her answer, but had no doubts. In addition, the gentle man lowered his eyes to think, as if he was planning some bad idea.

"You." He raised his scimitar and pointed at Chu Lin. The gentle man asked him suddenly, "What weapon are you using? I have never seen such a strange weapon."

Chu Lin: "It has nothing to do with you."

"Hand over it!"

Suddenly became a highway robbery?
Too suddenly, Chu Lin didn't react: "What did you say?"

Sven man: "Hand over your weapons, and I'll let you go, otherwise, none of you will leave today."

He didn't doubt the purpose of the group of people here, only thinking about what he fancy.

Zawa, who was watching the show, asked suspiciously: "It has always been said that the Twelve Demons of Tianchi are the twelve apprentices of the Sword Demon of the Western Regions. Why is there another one? Moreover, the fierce one is the head of the twelve evil spirits, and his strength should be stronger than ours. The ones I met before should be stronger, but just now I fought against Chu Lin with a few tricks, and I don’t think I have gained a slight advantage, so I can’t use that kind of trick to deceive children to become the boss, right?”

Tong Le shook his head slightly: "The Twelve Demons of Tianchi were personally trained by the Sword Demon of the Western Regions. They are different from those rankings in the Central Plains who are peddling dog meat. There is absolutely no moisture. This one...is really not right."

Look carefully, after the two stopped, it was the gentle man who was talking all the time. The man with the scar on his face beside him had nothing to say except the fierce sentence. He stood still and didn't even change the expression in his eyes.

Hearing the gentle man urging Chu Lin to hand over the weapon, Zawa didn't understand again: "Why do I feel that this way of speaking is weird..."

Xiaoqi was the first to react, thinking that they might not understand the gestures, so he took out the worm and swallowed it, and said in that strange low voice, "It's like a child playing a temper tantrum."

Zawa: "Yes."

One word awakened Tong Le: "Wrong, wrong."

Zawa: "Master, what's wrong?"

Tong Le yelled at Tong Hua over there: "Girl, fierce is another one!"

In a short sentence, there was no front or back, but Tong Hua understood, and immediately threw the dagger in his hand at the man with the scar on his face.

With a clang, the dagger was blocked by the machete.

"You are really troublesome." The scarred man turned to look at Tong Le, smiled, his face became even uglier, "Can't you let me play for a while?"

Tong Le carefully observed the man, his appearance and posture were different from what he remembered: "I haven't seen you for how many years? You have changed too much, right? Or is it not you that I saw back then?"

"Why can't it be that what I see now is not the real me?"

Tong Le thought about it and felt it was possible: "Are you too ugly or are you too ugly? You dare not come out to see anyone?"

"You are already scary alone, and this time I brought a few more." Dao Scar... fiercely, turned back to look at Chu Lin and Tong Hua, "Although I haven't seen it before, this should be Miss Tong, right? "

Tong Hua: "No, I walked by the wrong way."

Fierce: "..."

Tong Le laughed twice: "It doesn't matter if it is or not. I came to find the Sword Demon of the Western Regions. Since you are here, he is still in the sword mound. Are you going to get out of the way, or are you going to fight with the other twelve?" Shall the land to meet?"

Fierce: "So, all the twelve evil spirits who went to the Central Plains have died at your hands?"

Tong Le hurriedly explained: "I only killed three or four. The others either died in Shaolin or were arrested by those monks. Don't blame me."

Fierce: "Anyway, you won't be able to leave today, so what's the matter if you can't figure it out?"

Tong Le: "Yo, just now you lied to our children to let them go after handing over their things."

Fierce: "This is not a sword mound, I still have the right to let you go, but if you continue to move forward and enter the range of the sword mound, you will not be able to leave even if you really want to."

Tong Le of Longtan and Tiger's Cave was also a person who had broken through once, so he just smiled lightly at Xie Sha's words.

Seeing that this group of people had no intention of leaving, he shook his head ferociously, sighed and muttered in disbelief: "Instead of letting you go in and die, you might as well die by my hands and leave a whole body."

Tong Le pointed to Tong Hua and Chu Lin: "If you want to fight, you can fight, first deal with them and then come after me."

Tong Hua had a bad heart, and when he turned his head to look, Tong Le had already used his lightness kung fu to go into the deep valley, and left a sentence saying that no matter who lives, come in and chase him.

This Tong Hua was so angry that he thought that he had brought him here, and it was impossible to leave him behind or force him to go back, but he didn't expect to come out like this at the door.

She wanted to chase after him immediately, but how could the evil spirit make her leave.

The two men attacked at the same time again.

The scarred face is fierce, who is the other gentle man?
Tong Hua was distracted and almost got hit by the machete, but fortunately Xiao Jiu blocked it for her with his sword.

"Tong girl, you ruined the master's plan, and he will not let you go at the end of the world." With a fierce smile, his whole face became even more ferocious.

"Coincidentally." Tong Hua smiled wickedly, "I won't let him go either."

As the sound fell, Chu Lin made a move, and Xiaoyao threw out the fan and flew towards the evil spirit. The surface of the fan and the bones of the fan were invulnerable and extremely sharp. If you were scratched, you would be seriously injured if you didn't die.

Jisha raised his scimitar to block the Xiaoyao Fan, but unexpectedly, the fan turned in the air and flew over again.The evil spirit was interested in the strange soldiers in Chu Lin's hands, so he stretched out his hand to grab the Xiaoyao Fan. If he hadn't been keenly aware of something wrong and stopped in time, the palm of his hand would have been chopped off in half by the Xiaoyao Fan.

Looking at the bloodstains on the palm, the evil spirit seemed to think of something: "Gusha once said that he found good things in the Central Plains, but unfortunately, no one can use them because of the lack of skills... It seems that this is the new palm of the Kongtong Sect. The door is open."

(End of this chapter)

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