
Chapter 266

Chapter 266
Getting into the water doesn't mean you just drop it.

It doesn't matter if there is nothing below, if it is really below, wouldn't it be suicide to jump into the water rashly?
Tong Hua looked through his bamboo basket, found a kind of insect that could stay underwater for a long time, and handed it to Xiao Qi, who asked him to check the insect in the water.

The worms are not big, and the Tianchi is too wide. Tong Le said that it is too slow to search the Tianchi with worms, unless the place is as big as the entire Tianchi, and they can be found when they enter the water.

"Girl, just throw the poison down and ruin this Tianchi Lake. If there is someone below, I don't think he can come up and show his face."

"Really lost?" Tong Hua was not very happy, this Tianchi looked so quiet and beautiful, she was reluctant to destroy it.

Chu Lin told Tong Hua with a smile: "Senior, you are just joking. If you really live below, there is a way to avoid the water. There is no point in poisoning the water."

Tong Hua pouted and glared at Tong Le.

The heavenly palace cannot be found above, the biggest possibility is that it is underwater, but there is no way to prove it.

Tong Le: "I should have known that I had just caught two Zhongyuan disciples, so I left them to explore the way."

Zawa: "Master, I'll go down."

Tong Le: "Don't kill you?"

Zawa: "I have been down the most turbulent Nu River under the Palace of Eternal Life. This Tianchi is so calm, even if there is something below, it is not difficult for me to hide."

Originally, Tong Le shook his head and firmly disagreed, but a group of people gathered around Tianchi for a long time and had no idea, Zawa took off his coat while no one was paying attention, and plunged into the water with a plop.

The angry Tong Le shattered the big rock beside him with his palm.

Tong Hua smiled and said, "I can't see that the head of the family is such a nervous subordinate."

Tong Le gritted her teeth and said, "Since you are one of my subordinates, you should be obedient... Those who are disobedient will be killed as soon as they come up."

No one thought that Tong Le would really make a move...



After a long time, Zawa has not been seen coming up.

Tong Le walked back and forth restlessly, while Tong Hua looked underwater with her head.

Finally, Zawa came out of the water not far from them.

Swimming back to the shore, Zawa said excitedly that there was indeed a discovery.

"The palace, it's really a big palace! It's completely submerged under the water, it's too big, I can't go around the whole palace at once, I have to look for the entrance again." Zawa said that the palace is all made of stones Even the doors and windows are carved out of stone, the carvings are exquisite and the workmanship is extraordinary, as for whether there is water in it or whether people can live in it, he can't tell.

In addition, there are no ambushes or organs under Tianchi Lake, so it is safe.

But no matter how safe it is, they can't plop into the water one by one to find the entrance, and this underwater palace, the entrance cannot be opened in the water...

"Secret passage." Tong Hua said, "If that is really the Heavenly Palace, the Heavenly Palace where the Sword Demon of the Western Regions resides, then there must be a secret passage somewhere else."

As soon as the words were finished, a booming sound came from under Tianchi.

Zawa wanted to sneak in again to see the situation, but Tong Le grabbed him: "Maybe it's you who went down to frighten the snake, and now they have activated the mechanism to wait for you to die, so you come up to me."

Amid the sound, the ground seemed to shake twice, stirring up slight waves in the Tianchi Lake.

Chu Lin glanced at Tianchi, and finally looked in the direction Feng Qingyang and the others were going: "Could it be that Sect Leader Feng and the others found something? If Stone Heavenly Palace is going to open the door, there should be a lot of movement."

Tong Le immediately decided to find Feng Qingyang and them: "If it has nothing to do with them, I will catch a few Zhongyuan disciples and go into the water to find the entrance."

Tong Hua throws out the bugs, letting them lead the way with the breeze.

Strangely, when they reached the valley leading to the Sword Tomb, the worm turned directly into the valley.

The valley leads to the sword mound, and there is no other fork in the middle. The worm enters the valley looking for the wind and breeze, is it to bring people to the sword mound?
Tong Le said that Chongzi was stupid, Feng Qingyang and the others came from Jianzhong, it is normal to have a breath in the valley, but no matter how you look at it, you should go to the Tianchi Lake where the smell is heavier.

Tong Hua also felt strange looking at the bugs, this has never happened before, unless...

Feng Qingyang and the others returned to the valley...

Chu Lin: "Running around is always in these places, let's go to the valley first to have a look."

So the group returned to Jianzhong along the valley.

The worm eventually stopped and hovered in front of the stone sword.

At this moment, all the fog in the Sword Tomb has dissipated. Looking at this place again, if those stone swords were not smashed to pieces, if these giant stones are still standing, it must be magnificent.

Xiao Ba circled twice around the boulder where Chongzi was parked, and gestured strangely at Tong Hua: Why is this big boulder the only one that didn't fall?
A wake-up call.

The giant stone in the sword mound was either pushed down by the crazy Tong Le many years ago, or was smashed by the fierce puppet yesterday. In the entire sword mound, only this huge rock and the big sword stood upright.

Tong Le thought for a while, when he came here, the evil spirit was sitting on this boulder, and when the puppets were to deal with them later, only this boulder would never be ruthless... Could it be that there is something wonderful about it?
Tong Hua looked around the boulder twice, then jumped to the top to observe for a while, but found nothing.

"Insects searched for their breath and found this place. The boulder is strangely tight. I think it's likely that another group of people thought of the key first, turned back, and somehow found the secret on the stone."

While talking, Zawa casually leaned against the boulder, and he hit somewhere, with a crash, a square on the boulder was slowly sunken, and then moved slowly to the side, finally revealing a passage.

Zawa looked at the place he was leaning on in surprise. There was no protrusion or mark, nothing special, and it was really hidden.

Tong Le thought of the fierce words, in the heavenly palace behind me...behind me, does it mean the back of this boulder I'm sitting on?
Feeling being tricked, Tong Le was very angry.

"It doesn't have to be the tunnel leading to the Heavenly Palace, everyone be careful." Chu Lin took out the judge's pen and walked in the front.

The entrance of this secret passage is narrow, and it becomes wider and wider as you go in. It has nine twists and turns, and people who walk around can't tell the difference between east, west and north.

It is safe in the passage, Xiaoqi Yuchong opened the way, everything went well, but the passage was too dark, the fireflies were flying not far ahead, barely allowing everyone to see the way ahead, and they couldn't see clearly what was ahead.

When the group of people finally saw what was in front of them, they had already reached the gate of Tiangong.

This is a small three-story building built underground. On the plaque is written a Heavenly Palace in Western Region characters. Zawa said that it is not as grand as the Heavenly Palace he saw underwater.

Tong Hua: "The underwater one is used to bluff people, how could it be possible to actually build a heavenly palace underwater, and people still live in it."

Chu Lin: "Go in?"

Tong Le: "Go in and have a look."

Push the door and enter, there is nothing inside, it is empty, except for the supporting stone pillars, there is only a pool inside, and the pool filled with water stays alone in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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