
Chapter 273

Chapter 273

The sword demon spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were filled with surprise and horror, perhaps he did not expect the poison in Baiwu Villa to be so powerful.

He looked up at a group of people, gritted his teeth, turned and ran into the darkness.

Tiangong is very big, I don't know where he hid.

At this time, Tong Hua was not in the mood to pay attention to the sword demon, and looked at Feng Qingyang in his arms with a flustered expression.

"Concentrate..." Feng Qingyang sensed that something was wrong with Tong Hua, and comforted him, "I'm fine, I can't die. Miss Tong, you've gone into a state of insanity when you practice the Southern Border Charming Technique, don't hurt yourself at this time... "

Chu Lin also grabbed Tong Hua's hand to calm her down.

Tong Hua took a deep breath, and said to Feng Qingyang with a tone of laughter or tears: "You are the one who is injured and dying, yet you still have the time to comfort me?"

Feng Qingyang: "I really can't die..."

In fact, Feng Qingyang didn't live long, the cause of death was not the sword he blocked for Tong Hua, but the aftereffects from dissolving the secret medicine on his body.Tong Hua always felt that she was sorry for Feng Qingyang. If it wasn't for her lack of skill in learning and the refining of the secret medicine, the young Wudang master would not have died because of it.

Chu Lin persuaded her, saying that the secret medicine on Feng Qingyang's body would kill him in the end, no matter what, the result was the same.But Tong Hua got stuck in the corner and couldn't get out, just like when Lei Tang died for her back then.

Feng Qingyang squinted at the direction where the sword demon fled: "His martial arts are unfathomable, senior's palm is poisonous because he was careless, judging by his character against 24 Zhuang, he will definitely come back after suffering such a big loss... ...While he is not around, you all leave first..."

"No." Tong Hua interrupted Feng Qingyang, "I said I came to kill him."

"You can't kill him." Feng Qingyang knew that Tong Hua was stubborn, and now he felt that this stubbornness drove him crazy, "Senior Tong can't move, and the mute slaves will die if they attack, you won't let them attack, you and Chu Lin are left That kind of situation just now can't kill him, and the result will be the same if you do it again." Staring at Tong Hua's unwilling eyes, Feng Qingyang had no choice but to speak harshly, "Miss Tong, if you do it again, maybe no one can protect you, Or maybe, the next person standing in front of you is Chu Lin."

Tong Hua: "..."

Anyway, Tong Hua was shaken.

Feng Qingyang just wanted them to leave this Heavenly Palace as soon as possible, to take revenge and kill the Sword Demon, and wait for Shaolin's support to arrive.He came early, had fought with the Sword Demon, and knew its horror well, if Tong Hua insisted on doing it himself, she must be the one who died.

Seeing that Tong Hua was about to be persuaded, unexpectedly, Tong Le Youyou from over there said: "Since the sword demon is powerful, so what if Shaolin comes? Can you kill him? The Central Plains Wulin gathered people to come to Tianchi, how could the court do that?" There is no news, if the prince realizes that this is a great opportunity, leads people to cut off the way out, and surrounds all the elites of the Central Plains Wulin to death in this Tianchi. Survive?"

Everyone fell silent, knowing that what Tong Le said was not nonsense.

Tong Le: "The sword demon is poisoned and forced to move his kung fu. At this time, the poison has entered his heart and he is weak. Otherwise, why would he run away? If we can't take this opportunity to kill him, I am afraid that the people who are in a passive predicament will become us."

Later, there was a heavy army of the imperial court to cut off the road, and there was a death fight between swordsmen and demons with martial arts unrivaled before.Those people who followed Feng Qingyang felt that something was wrong, but unfortunately they were no match for the Sword Demon at all, so please ask Tong Hua and the others to kill the Sword Demon?This group of children, who has the status and position to say this...

After a moment of silence, Tong Hua pushed Feng Qingyang to Ah Da, stood up and began to explain: "The worms left in the valley have sent news that someone has entered the valley and is coming towards Jianzhong, Xiao Jiu, go out and stop them, don't let them Enter the Sword Tomb, and kill those who are disobedient. Ah Da, take care of my uncle and Xiao Qi, stay here and don’t follow me. Xiao Ba, go upstairs and wait for my signal."

Feng Qingyang reached out and grabbed Tong Hua: "What are you doing?"

Tong Hua lowered his head and smiled, "Kill the Sword Demon."

Feng Qingyang: "You..."

Tong Hua: "It's rare for me to care about the martial arts in the Central Plains, but after thinking about how troublesome things will become in the future, I won't have a chance to kill him."

Apparently, the vacillation just now was crushed by Tong Le's words, Feng Qingyang stared at Tong Le in the distance very dissatisfied, and almost shouted: "Senior, let her go to die!"

Tong Le replied coldly: "Are we here for sightseeing?"

The two of them yelled and the other was indifferent, and they started arguing back and forth.

After hearing Tong Hua's arrangement, Ah Da kept staring at her, wanting to refute, and knew that Tong Hua would not listen to her. She was anxious and didn't know what to do. When she was thinking of following up secretly for a while, she suddenly saw Tong Hua A white light flashed across his body.Because the light in the hall was dim, and everyone's eyes were attracted by Feng Qingyang and Tong Le, only Ah Da noticed Tong Hua's abnormality.

This light...

Ah Da stood up suddenly, reaching out to grab Tong Hua, but finally stopped in mid-air, as if he didn't dare to touch Tong Hua.Such a big movement of his caught the eyes of others, and his expression was serious with some fear, making people even more curious about what happened.

But Ah Da maintained this cautious movement, without taking a step forward, without taking a step back, and without saying a word.

Seeing this, Chu Lin immediately understood that the fear in his eyes had something to do with Tong Hua. He first stepped forward and grabbed Ah Da and asked him what was the matter, but he didn't see Tong Hua who was behind him smiling at Ah Da playfully and winking.

Ah Da: "..." Shaking his head helplessly, he told Chu Lin that it was nothing but that he wanted to go with his master.

Chu Lin keenly sensed that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.Following him, Feng Qingyang firmly grasped him, and his arm ached.

"Chu Lin, stop her!" Feng Qing raised his last hope.

"I can't do it." Chu Lin shook his head, "Master Feng, even if your parents died when you were young, you still have the entire Wudang Party who dotes on you, so you don't understand what the word revenge means, and you don't understand working hard to live How difficult it is. Hua'er has been in southern Xinjiang for ten years, and the reason why she has been supported until now is to avenge Baiwu Villa. Now that the enemy is in front of her eyes, even if she knows that she will die if she is no match, she will never take a step back."

Feng Qingyang: "She cares about you most, if you..."

Chu Lin: "If I threaten her with my own safety, she will leave here with me, but I don't want to do that."

At this time, Tong Hua walked up to Chu Lin and put her little hand into his palm. Chu Lin turned her head and smiled slightly, and said to Tong Hua, "I can't bear to say no to her decision, it's because of her wound." Squeeze hard, just look at it and I can't breathe in pain."

Feng Qingyang: "..."

Chu Lin: "I will not be her hindrance, because the road ahead will be wiped out, and I will be with her."

(End of this chapter)

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