
Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Chu Lin didn't care whether Bai Jingyan really believed that he was being controlled, anyway, as long as he didn't do anything, he didn't die.

Three months after Tianquan Villa, 24 villas had accidents one after another.

Witnesses all claimed to have seen a woman in southern Xinjiang clothing, accompanied by several black-clothed entourages, who would be destroyed wherever she went.

After Tianquan Villa, the news of Tong's remnant returning from that year has already spread in Jianghu. There is no need to guess, it is obvious that she is seeking revenge.

In three months, half of the 24 villages were wiped out.

After all, the forces of various sects could no longer sit still and come to the Kongtong faction one after another to invite Bai Jingyan to come forward.

After the discussion, the Kongtong faction widely distributed hero posts, and will hold a martial arts conference in January.

Hearing the news, Chu Lin smiled.

A woman actually wants to hold a martial arts conference to deal with her.

He understood that this was just Bai Jingyan's opportunity to strengthen the Kongtong faction's momentum, and he was also worried that he would use some means to deal with Li Tian.

Practicing sword alone in the back mountain, a little absent-minded.

A gust of wind blew from the mountain, followed by someone who carried out extremely wonderful lightness kung fu.

Stepping on the leaves blown by the wind, with a figure like smoke and fluff, he entered the Kongtong faction all the way without anyone noticing.

Landing next to Chu Lin, the man took out a letter from his black clothes.

Black clothes, dumb slaves.

The letter was written by Li Tian, ​​and it was about Yuan Tian Dan.

About three or four years ago, Yuantian Pill appeared on the rivers and lakes.

Chu Lin noticed that this medicine has the effect of consolidating the foundation and cultivating the essence, speeding up the circulation of true energy and improving internal strength. Compared with the Sanshi Dan, the effect is still within a reasonable range.

Many people in Jianghu toss about this kind of thing, thinking of reaching the sky in one step, and the ending is often miserable.

Rumor has it that Yuantian Pill was produced by Jindingmen. They didn't deny it, but they didn't confirm it clearly either.

In the Mount Tai school, the pill that Li Tian got from Fang Zhao was Yuantian Pill, although it looked different, but in fact, this Yuantian Pill she had seen before, it was the improved Three Corpse Pill.

At that time, Li Tianshun took a few pills away, and all the others were destroyed, and the person who improved the Three Corpse Pill also died.

Why on earth will appear again in the rivers and lakes...

Chu Lin held Li Tian's letter, the corner of her mouth slightly raised, she said she was going to Jindingmen.

The Golden Cauldron Sect is just a small sect that has emerged in recent years. Their skills are sparse, they love to toss about poison and medicine, and their skills are poor. Few people in the world pay attention to them.

That's why those rumors about Yuan Tian Pill were used as a joke to embarrass Jindingmen, but they didn't admit it or deny it, which added a sense of mystery.

Li Tian went to find out how they made Yuantian Pill.

The letter told Chu Lin to eat and drink well at Kongtong Pie, and not to worry like an old man.All the dumb slaves who were sent out returned to her side, no matter how bad she was, she was so good at lightness kung fu, she would have no problem running back to southern Xinjiang.

In addition, Bai Jingyan's situation should not be rushed, this old fox is cruel, Li Tianming wrote that he wanted to learn more from him.

Finally, Jiang Shanxue was mentioned in the letter...



For the martial arts conference a month later, Kongtong sent disciples to rush in and out, and the moon rose to the top of the head before it slowly subsided.

Chu Lin found Jiang Shanxue in the accounting room.

"Junior Brother Ninth? Haven't you rested so late?" Jiang Shanxue was calculating today's expenses.

This group of disciples knew best that the leader, Bai Jingyan, had a good face, and the martial arts conference must not be fooled in the slightest. Calculated in this way, the Kongtong faction's finances are going to bleed a lot this time.

"I deliberately waited until the senior sister was alone." Chu Lin entered the room and closed the door. "I have some things that I want to ask the senior sister."

Jiang Shanxue put down the things in his hands, and smiled: "Why are you so polite? If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Back then, I saved Hua'er and hid it in a cave in the back mountain. Senior sister, you said that you found it after following me. How did the master find the cave, and he knew where I was going to take people to escape, and waited in front?" As Jiang Shanxue said, Chu Lin really said it straight.

"Perhaps I didn't notice that Master was following me when I followed you, so..." Jiang Shanxue explained this matter many times, but Chu Lin never went into it, and sometimes comforted her, saying that it was none of her business.Why are old things brought up again today, and so seriously...

"Yes, senior sister has explained this many times." Chu Lin went over and sat next to Jiang Shanxue. There was a wooden table between the two of them, but it felt like there was an ocean. Unprecedented distance, "I once blamed myself for not protecting the painting well, never thinking too much about what happened that day, so that I forgot an important thing."

Jiang Shanxue felt that Chu Lin came to her tonight not only to chat, but to bring up the past on purpose, maybe...

Bite the bullet, Jiang Shanxue smiled a little stiffly: "Oh? Forgot what?"

Chu Lin turned his head, with knives hidden in his eyes, staring at Jiang Shanxue with pain all over his body.He said: "I forgot, Senior Sister, you are very talented, and your ears are naturally more sensitive than ordinary people. No small sound can hide from your ears."

Jiang Shanxue: "..."

Chu Lin: "In Tianquan Mountain Villa, you can immediately detect and catch bugs when they climb up the table next to you. Compared with following people behind you, which one is more difficult to find?"

Jiang Shanxue didn't answer, she lowered her head, and the room was not well lit, so she couldn't see her expression clearly.

Chu Lin continued: "As you said, the head of the sect followed you and found us, so why didn't you come out and arrest them on the spot? Although the road is not far, but on the way, if someone sees me and Hua'er At the same time, wouldn’t it damage the reputation of the Kongtong faction. Who is he, senior sister, you know that reputation is bigger than life, so he can do anything for this, and there is absolutely no reason for him to go around and play in front of us while watching us leave the cave.”

As Chu Lin himself said, he really didn't think much about what happened back then.

Jiang Shanxue's problem was actually discovered by Li Tian.

In Tianquan Villa, she saw with her own eyes that Jiang Shanxue quickly dealt with the approaching bugs.It is not seeing, but hearing.

It was only then that I remembered about her sensitive hearing.

Although she closed herself due to a change back then, she could still hear the words of the people around her, but she just didn't want to pay attention to them.

When the mountain was snowed in the cave, she did not follow Chu Lin to send Tong Hua away, and then Bai Jingyan appeared in front, setting up a battle, obviously waiting for the rabbit.Before, he was discussing with other people about Soushan, as if he knew everything no matter how he turned around, he led the people to find the exact escape route.

Chu Lin: "It can only be because someone told him, that's why he went around and waited for me to bring the painting to the door. Senior sister, who do you think is the informer?"

Jiang Shanxue: "..."

After sitting for a while, without waiting for Jiang Shanxue's explanation, Chu Lin left.

He's here to confirm this matter, which doesn't mean he's going to do it right away.

It is impossible for the Kongtong faction to kill the senior sister of the same sect without a reason that is reasonable and sufficient for Bai Jingyan to turn a blind eye.

Otherwise, Bei Feng would have died [-] times earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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