This female barber is very skilled

Chapter 123 A Festive Wedding Banquet

Chapter 123 A Festive Wedding Banquet

"My mother!"

"How did you make it so grand?!"

"Happy? Isn't Master Jiujin amazing?"

"I didn't expect it, Ala never dreamed of it!"

When Da Mao, Sha Gu, Pig Killer and Aunt Shanghai went into People's Barbershop hand in hand, the four of them were shocked.

They were parading around in a rickshaw just now, and they were already very pleasantly surprised.

After having a natal banquet at Tang Qing's parents' house, Da Mao took the silly girl and the pig butcher to bring Aunt Shanghai to his home to recognize the door. The ancestors offered incense and kowtowed.

At 58:[-], the five rickshaws waiting downstairs from the butcher's house and the five rickshaws waiting in front of Damao's house took the butcher, Aunt Shanghai, Da Mao and Shagu to the square respectively.

Tang Qing and some neighbors in the neighborhood were waiting here early. First, the photographer was asked to take pictures of the two couples, and then ten rickshaws set off to parade through the streets.

The ten rickshaws were neatly arranged, the first one was for Slayer and Shanghai Auntie, the second one was for Da Mao and Sha Gu, and the rickshaws of old Longtou, Carpenter Wang, and several young neighbors followed in turn.

As soon as the ten rickshaws appeared on the street, passers-by stopped to wait and see, and the return rate and attention of those luxury car wedding teams were many times higher than those of luxury car wedding teams.

According to Tang Qing's arrangement, Lao Longtou and Carpenter Wang distributed wedding candies from time to time in areas with a lot of pedestrians, which attracted many people to follow the rickshaw wedding team to Shixin Street and to the entrance of the People's Barbershop.

In the people's barber shop, the colorful lights are flickering, the ribbons are fluttering, and the melodious "Wedding March" is playing on the tape recorder.

On the two barber chairs at the head above are sitting Da Mao Niang and Tang Qing's father respectively, representing the parents of the two groom officials.

On the long rows of benches on the left and right sides, on one side are Director Liu, Tang Qing's mother, Wang Carpenter and several other elderly neighbors in the neighborhood, and on the other side are Xiao Wang's policeman, Tang Qing's father-in-law, the old dragon head and several older neighbors. neighbors.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

Tang Qing shouted loudly.

Pig Butcher, Aunt Shanghai, Da Mao and Sha Gu bowed to the door of the shop.

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

Tang Qing shouted again.

The pig butcher and Aunt Shanghai, Da Mao and Sha Gu made two obeisances to Da Mao Niang and Tang Qing's father.

"Bye husband and wife!"

Tang Qing shouted again.

Pig Butcher and Shanghai Auntie, Da Mao and Sha Gu face each other and bend over each other.

"Salute to the leaders and elders!"

Tang Qing still shouted.

Pig Slayer and Shanghai Auntie, Da Mao and Sha Gu bowed to thank Director Liu, Police Officer Xiao Wang and the elderly neighbors who were sitting on the long bench respectively.

"After the ceremony, please invite the bride and groom, elders, and leaders to come out of the store and be seated!"

Tang Qing walked out of the people's barber shop while shouting.


"Ah?! Damn!"

"Ah?! My mother's forehead!"

"Ah?! My dear mother!"

When the butcher, Aunt Shanghai, Da Mao and Sha Gu walked out of the store and took a look, those who were completely and completely shocked by the scene in front of them could only call their mothers.

I saw the colorful lights flickering on the downtown street, and various dining tables were arranged in an orderly manner under the flickering colored lights, and there were all kinds of delicacies on the tables.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight is the wedding banquet for Pig Slayer and Shanghai Auntie, Da Mao and Sha Gu. Please feel free to eat."

Tang Qing stood on the steps of the People's Barbershop and delivered a speech.

"Before we start eating, on behalf of the four newcomers, I would like to thank the owners of the breakfast shops in our downtown street, and thank them for offering their own special delicacies to entertain you."

Loud applause erupted in the downtown street.

"At the same time, Master Sun specially made five special dishes of Yancheng, and the ingredients were kindly sponsored by the contractor. I would like to express my gratitude here. I would also like to express my gratitude to President Qian who was in charge of arranging the venue, Bao Diao, who provided transportation, and others. Colleagues, you have worked hard!"

The contractor, Daduqian, and Bao Wenqu clapped their hands vigorously, grinning to the ears.


Tang Qing announced, and the city center street boiled.

"Master Jiujin, bull!"

"Master Jiujin, amazing!"

"Master Jiujin, I really belong to you!"

"Master Jiujin, I didn't expect you to have such an idea!"

Old Longtou and Carpenter Wang gave Tang Qing a thumbs up, and Director Liu and Policeman Xiao Wang were full of praise for Tang Qing.

"Don't praise me. I just thought about this after thinking hard. The main reason is that the family background of Da Mao and the pig killer is not very good, especially Da Mao's family lives in an old collective house. It can't be because of a wedding that not only wants to buy a house. The dream was shattered, and I was still in debt."

"Master Jiujin, you are so thoughtful, how many people have suffered because of the big weddings and funerals!"

"Director Liu, except for the five special dishes made by Master Sun, what I ate tonight is the original breakfast of each breakfast shop. I just add more ingredients to make a meal, and it doesn't cost much."

"It's so good. It's economical, lively and festive, and it can also enhance the relationship between neighbors in the neighborhood. On behalf of the neighborhood committee, I thank you."

"Director Liu, thank you. Sit down and eat quickly. Police officer Xiao Wang, you can eat too. Hey, President Qian, come here!"

"Hey, here we come!"

When Daduqian heard Tang Qing calling him, he hurried over.

"You are more or less the leader of the bank. You sit next to Director Liu and Police Officer Xiao Wang. The honorable task of accompanying the two leaders tonight is entrusted to you as the big bank president."

"Okay, okay, I will definitely complete this glorious task."

"You four, go to toast!"

Seeing Daduqian sitting down next to Director Liu and Policeman Xiao Wang, Tang Qing called Pig Killer, Aunt Shanghai, Da Mao and Sha Gu to toast everyone.

Tang Qing was worried about the big money, worried that he would take the opportunity to promote his "money makes money" to the neighbors in the neighborhood. Now that Director Liu and Xiao Wang are in charge of the police, how dare he mess around?
"Master Jiujin, thank you!"

"Thank you, Master Jiujin!"

"Master Jiujin, isn't that enough money?"

"It's so lively and festive, how can two thousand five hundred yuan be enough?"

While the Pig Killer and Aunt Shanghai, Da Mao and Sha Gu were grateful to Tang Qing, they were also worried about money.

"Don't worry, there must be a lot of money. Isn't the sum of your two families five thousand? How much does this tofu steamed bun and fried noodle cost?"

Tang Qing explained.

"Aren't there five special dishes of Fatty Sun?"

Da Mao was still worried.

"Didn't you hear that the five special dishes and the lunch table are sponsored by the contractor? Even if he doesn't sponsor, the money is enough."

Tang Qing smiled.

"He still has a little conscience!"

Aunt Shanghai curled her lips.

"You go to toast one by one, I won't accompany you, I have to eat first."

Tang Qing picked up a pair of chopsticks and went to the table to eat Yancheng special snacks.

The breakfast shops in Shixin Street are all Yancheng special snacks. Tonight, the owners of the breakfast shops moved their tables to the street according to Tang Qing's intention, and then put on their own special breakfasts, which is Yancheng Special snacks for the neighbors who come to drink wedding wine to taste.

Fresh meat dumplings, tofu steamed buns, steamed dumplings, wheat wok, spring pancakes, flat pancakes, fried pressed noodles, fried rice cakes, wheat shrimp soup, etc., are dazzling.

The shopkeepers have put in a lot of effort tonight, and this is a free advertisement.Whoever cooks it deliciously, the neighbors will go to that breakfast shop more in the future.

Besides, in addition to giving them the cost, Tang Qing also gave each family a red envelope of [-] yuan and a pack of happy cigarettes. Isn't that unhappy?

Neighbors who come to drink wedding wine hold a big bowl, and they can use serving chopsticks to put their favorite special snacks into the big bowl if they want to eat.

In addition to the special snacks at the breakfast shop, Tang Qing also asked Fatty Sun to cook five special dishes of Yancheng on the spot: braised hoof, stewed duck with dried bamboo shoots, braised pork with dried vegetables, Nanshan fish head, and white-cut chicken.

These five dishes are must-have dishes for weddings and banquets in Shancheng. Since it is a wedding banquet for the butcher and Shanghai aunt, Da Mao and Sha Gu, of course it must be indispensable.

"Master Jiujin, the person you asked me to pay attention to has appeared."

Tang Qing was eating a cage of steamed buns, when Bao Inquired came to her and reported softly.

"Are you sure it's him?"

"You can't go wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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