The mother-in-law's reaction was within Tang Qing's expectations, but she still needs to confirm at which step she reacted.

Seeing Xiaoqiang gulp down a glass of boiled water, Tang Qing knelt down and asked him:

"Is grandma still at grandma's house?"


"What did she tell you?"

"Grandma asked me to come over and tell you that my things have been packed. She will take them back later and give them to you when we have dinner."

"Didn't she say anything else?"

"No, she told me to be careful on the road, you are waiting for me."

"I'm waiting for you?"

"Well, grandma said that you want to buy me new clothes. Grandpa gave me money just now and asked me to hand it over to you so that you can buy me new clothes."

While talking, Xiaoqiang took out a stack of money from his small pocket and handed it to Tang Qing.

Tang Qing took the money and counted it, five hundred yuan.

"Li Ya, Xinjie, let's go buy new clothes for Xiaoqiang together."

Tang Qing put the money in his trouser pocket.

"Master Jiujin, Xiaoqiang's grandma will be fine, right?"

"Auntie Li Ya, Xiaoqiang's grandma asked Master Jiujin to take Xiaoqiang to buy new clothes. Doesn't that mean that there is nothing wrong with Xiaoqiang's grandmother? Even if there is something, Master Jiujin's past will be more complicated. Why don't you let Xiaoqiang's grandmother handle it over there? Woolen cloth."

Wang Xinjie didn't wait for Tang Qing to answer Li Ya, and explained first.

"Xin Jieya, you are really a big kid, you know everything!"

Tang Qing praised Wang Xinjie.

"Master Jiujin, I can't do anything about my own family and my own affairs. I only know how to cry."

Wang Xinjie has no reservations in front of Tang Qing.

"That's what makes the authorities obsessed and the bystanders clear. It's always difficult for a person to face his own feelings and his family correctly. It's hard for an honest official to break up housework, let alone himself? Let's go, let's hurry up and buy new clothes for Xiaoqiang."

Tang Qing, Li Ya, and Wang Xinjie took Xiaoqiang happily to the big mall for shopping.

"Grandma, grandpa!"

At dinner time, after shopping on the street, Tang Qing s parents-in-law were already in the small courtyard of Tang Qing s parents.


Granny Tang Qing hugged Xiaoqiang tightly to her chest, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Carpenter Wang, Pig Killer, Da Mao, and Shibapi never left the small courtyard, talking to Tang Qing's father.

"Master Jiujin, this is a school opening gift for Xiaoqiang."

"So does this one of mine."

Aunt Shanghai and Shagu came in from the outside one after the other, and handed Tang Qing two bags of items respectively.

"Why are you being so polite? How can I accept it?"

Tang Qing refused to accept anything.

"Xiaoqiang will officially become a student next time, so he can't get tired of being around adults anymore. According to the rules of Allah, there will be a school feast."

"We also have such a custom over there. It is a very solemn thing for adults to send their children to school. When I was young, I always hoped to go to school like other friends, but unfortunately my family was poor and could not afford to go to school."

"Silly girl, Ala was too poor to go to school when she was a child, and now it's too late to regret. However, some people are rich because they love their children too much, and they don't want him to go to school to suffer. As a result, it hurts his life, and it's too late to regret."

"Aunt Shanghai, don't tell me, the richest family in my hometown loves their children so much that they are afraid of falling in their arms and melting in their mouths. When they are in their twenties He still refused to let him leave his side for half a step, and he became a useless person in the end."

"Silly girl, Nong is right. Children must never be pampered. If the child in Ala's womb has such a good chance as Xiaoqiang, Ala and the butcher will send Yiqi to study in a big city even if they drink soup every day."

"Aunt Shanghai, have you met Xiaobaa? She is different when she studies in a big city. Look how sophisticated she is at such a young age? She can also speak ABCD fluently."

"Ala is really happy for Xiaoqiang. He can go to a big city to study in primary school. By then, Yi will definitely choose a prestigious university."

"At that time, we will definitely study abroad. Xiaoqiang will call us auntie more or less, and we can take advantage of Xiaoqiang's wind to go abroad to open foreign meat."

"Hey, I'm happy just thinking about it, I'm so happy..."

"Aunt Shanghai, silly girl, my old lady is actually happy too. You just told me so much. I understand it in my heart. I thank you for your enlightenment. I have figured it out. I can no longer keep Xiaoqiang by my side like this. Then will kill him."

Granny Tang Qing spoke.

"You two can't stop talking. If my Xiaoqiang goes abroad to study, he must bring the two in your belly. Xiaoqiang, first go and get two cans of drinks for Aunt Shanghai and Aunt Sha Gu, let them moisturize mouth, so that I can tell you to heaven again."

Tang Qing spoke, but did not answer Grandma Xiaoqiang's words.

"Mom, I'm going to be an astronaut in the future, isn't that going to heaven?"

Xiaoqiang came out of grandma's arms and ran to bring two cans of drinks to Aunt Shanghai and Sha Gu.

"Qing, I'm sorry for you. I shouldn't have said that to Xiaoqiang. I was also afraid of losing you and Xiaoqiang."

Tang Qing's mother-in-law came to apologize to Tang Qing.

"Eighteen pee, come here!"

Tang Qing ignored her mother-in-law, but yelled eighteen urine loudly into the room.

"Come on, come on!"

Eighteen urine hurriedly ran to Tang Qing and stood upright.

"Repeat what I told you at Xiaoqiang's father's grave this morning!"

Tang Qing's face was gloomy.

"Youth League, I, I, I..."

Shiba pee body began to tremble.

"Goose goose goose what? Do you want to sing to the sky?"

Tang Qing's eyes widened angrily.

"Mom, the white hair is still floating in the green water, and the anthurium is clearing the waves."

Xiaoqiang came over and took Tang Qing's hand.

"Are you saying it or not? If you don't say it, get out of here immediately, and you are not allowed to step here again!"

Tang Qing squeezed Xiaoqiang's little hand tightly, and angrily reprimanded Shiba pee.

Eighteen Urine trembled, and said in a low voice:

"I said, I said..."

"Speak up, open your throat and say it!"

Eighteen urine opened his voice and repeated what Tang Qing warned him before his dead husband's grave:
"Don't gossip, let me tell you, this man lying here is my husband, the father of my son, and I will only be his wife in my life!"

Tang Qing waited for Shiba to finish speaking, then turned to her mother-in-law and said word by word:
"I've said this in front of you because of the optician doctor, and I said it again in front of Shibapi's grave this time. I don't want to say it a third time!"

"Qing, it's all your mother-in-law's fault, and it's also my fault. She already knows it's wrong, and so do I. We know you're good. It's right for you to send Xiao Qiang and Xiao Bae to study in a big city together. We're happy. We are happy."

Eunuch Tang Qing came to persuade Tang Qing.

"It's good for you to be happy. Besides being happy, please don't worry. Xiaoqiang is going to study with Xiaobaa. Li Li and Li Ya are taking care of him. Xinjie is also studying there. Every winter and summer vacation, he and Xinjie can go to school together. return."

Tang Qing's complexion is a little better.

"We rest assured, we rest assured."

Eunuch Tang Qing nodded again and again.

"Grandpa and grandma, there is QQ now, and then you can talk to Xiaoqiang face to face through the computer."

"Yes, yes, this QQ is very convenient."

Wang Xinjie and Li Ya came to help Tang Qinggong and mother-in-law to sit down in the room.

"Dear friends and relatives, Xiaoqiang's school opening banquet is officially open, please take your seats!"

Tang Qing's father stood on the main house and shouted loudly.

"Huh? Is there really a school opening banquet?"

"There is also a school opening banquet in Yancheng?"

Aunt Shanghai and Sha Gu ran to the dining table.

"Can you two slow down a bit? You are not afraid of the baby falling out of your stomach. My dad is talking nonsense. We Shancheng people never hold a school feast."

Tang Qing didn t know what kind of nerves his father had?

"Huh? Isn't this fried rice cake?"

"Zongzi? Is this the start-of-school feast?"

Aunt Shanghai and Sha Gu ran to the dining table to see that there was a bowl of fried rice cakes and a rice dumpling on each person's seat.

"Mom, I still have an onion and two red eggs here."

Xiaoqiang raised a green onion and shook it curiously at Tang Qing.

"Dad, what do you mean?"

Tang Qing didn't understand either.

"Don't worry, sit down and listen to me talk to you."

Tang Qing's father smiled all over his face.

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