This female barber is very skilled

Chapter 205 Red and Black 2 Tombstone

In the morning light, Xishan Cemetery became lively early.

When Tang Qing, Li Li, and Li Ya arrived at Xishan Cemetery on time at six o'clock, not only the construction team of 20 contractors were waiting there, but many neighbors and villagers from surrounding villages were also waiting there.

When I heard that sisters Li Li and Li Ya were going to dig up Aunt Li's grave to pay homage to her and bury her with her biological father, who wouldn't want to watch the excitement?
Tang Qing hoped that as many people came to see the excitement, the better, so that she would not send her to inquire about and his rickshaw friends to promote Aunt Li's love story, and to return Master Li's innocence.

According to Tang Qing's arrangement, Li Li and Li Ya went to the tomb of Master Li to pay homage first.

The spectators surrounded the inner three floors and the outer three floors, and the people underground might be woken up early in the morning. The Qingming Festival and the Winter Solstice must not be so lively.

Tang Qing respectfully stood in front of Master Li's tomb and said loudly:

"Master Li, you are the uncle of Li Li and Li Ya. In order to fulfill your little cousin and daughter-in-law, you don't hesitate to tarnish your reputation, and you are willing to bear the burden of humiliation. It is admirable!"



Li Li and Li Ya knelt in front of Master Li's tomb and burst into tears.

"Master Li, sisters Li Li and Li Ya are going to welcome Aunt Li home today and enter the middle hall with their father. This is also a family reunion. You should be happy, and you must be very happy!"

Tang Qing reached out and wiped away tears and continued:
"Master Li, those who are cleared will be cleared. Your reputation, the reputation of the Li family and the reputation of the entire Li family, will be judged by future generations. From today onwards, you can rest in peace!"

Tang Qing bowed respectfully to Master Li's tombstone three times, and everyone present bowed to Master Li three times.

"Everyone, sisters Li Li and Li Ya are going to welcome their mother back to the middle hall. Please keep quiet. Those who dare to make loud noises or make trouble, don't blame me, Master Jiujin, for being rude!"

Tang Qing led Li Li and Li Ya to Aunt Li's grave in strides.

Tang Qing's father and Wang Carpenter followed closely behind.

Mr. Zaijiaoba and the 20-member engineering team of the contractor arrived at the grave and stood neatly in two rows.

The spectators stood far away in the grove beside the tomb, no one dared to get too close, no one dared to make a sound.If he wanted to sneeze, he quickly covered his mouth and nose with his hands, for fear that Tang Qing would find out and settle accounts with him in the future.

Carpenter Wang and Caijiaotou lit candles and incense in front of Aunt Li's grave, burned paper money, and kept chanting in their mouths, intending to tell all the gods and land fathers and mothers what happened, and ask them to be merciful and keep Aunt Li safe Home reunion.

Li Li and Li Yage held three sticks of fragrance and worshiped around the small mound for a week, then knelt in front of the tomb and kowtowed three times.

"Seven eight, the auspicious time is here!"

With a yell, Mr. Ba stood around the tomb in eight directions: east, south, west, north, and southeast, southwest, northwest, and northeast.

The contractor handed the two shovels to Tou Tou, who took the fragrance and handed them to Li Li and Li Ya respectively.

Li Li and Aunt Li got up and took the shovel, and led by Caijiaotoutou and Wang Carpenter to the left and right sides of the small mound.

"The filial daughter opened her grave and raised her bones!"

After the foot and head shouted, Li Li and Li Ya tremblingly raised the shovel and shoveled a shovel of soil into the air.



Before the raised soil fell to the ground, Li Li and Li Ya cried and fell on both sides of the small mound, heartbroken and in pain.

The contractor and [-] engineering team members worked together to excavate the small mound.

"Huh? No!"

"It's not right, why is it so hard?"

"Everyone, don't use large tools, wait until I have a look."

Just after digging, the shovel bounced off the hard material.

The contractor stopped the engineering team members from digging down, and slowly dug out a small area by himself.

"Master Jiujin, there seems to be cement under the soil."

"Cement? How is that possible?"

Tang Qing took a closer look, and there were indeed lumps of cement exposed under the soil.

Tang Qing's father came over to inspect carefully and said to Tang Qing:
"Could it be that your grandfather has already built a tomb for Aunt Li, and he is afraid that outsiders will disturb Aunt Li, so he covered the outside of the tomb with soil?"

"It's possible, it's entirely possible for my grandfather to do this. Foreman, you and your engineering team members quickly shovel the dirt on it!"

Tang Qing's heart was pounding, and his anticipation was more urgent than Li Li and Li Ya.

The contractor and [-] engineering team members were busy for a while. After shoveling away the soil from the small mound, an exquisitely constructed tomb appeared in front of everyone.



Li Li and Li Ya rushed to the grave and wept loudly.

"Don't be sad, you two, take a look at this tombstone."


"And the tombstone?"

Li Li and Li Ya looked up and followed Tang Qing's fingers. There were two tombstones in front of the grave, one with Aunt Li's name engraved in red letters, and the other with the names of Li Li and Li Ya's father engraved in black letters.

"Mom, dad!"

"Mom and Dad!"

Li Li and Li Ya cried and fell in front of the tombstone.

"Wait a second, see what is engraved on this brick?"

Tang Qing picked up a brick from the middle of the two tombstones.

The bricks are ordinary green bricks, and the green bricks are densely engraved with words.

"Li Li, Li Ya, two good boys, when you see this brick, it means that your family is reunited, and Grandpa Tang is happy for you.

Qing'er, you and your dad must be here too, right?Aunt Li’s tomb does not need to be dug up, just press the place where the blue bricks were placed, and the two tombstones will be removed, just take out the relics that Aunt Li gave to Li Li and Li Ya, and the coffin inside must not be moved. No baby either.

Li Li, Li Ya, after burying your father, please fix the tombstone so that your parents can rest in peace.If Grandpa Tang offended or did something bad, please bear with us.

Tang shaved his head, autumn [-]. "


Tang Qing held the green brick in his hand and burst into tears like rain.

"Youth Tuan, thank you, thank you Grandpa Tang!"

"Master Jiujin, don't cry, we will remember Grandpa Tang's kindness in our hearts!"

Li Li and Li Ya comforted Tang Qing in turn.

Tang Qing was still worried a moment ago whether Li Li and Li Ya could bear the pain of his biological mother's grave being dug up. He didn't expect that his grandfather had already considered everything. There are two tombstones, red and black, and two tombstones.

"Qing'er, quickly let Li Li and Li Ya take out Aunt Li's belongings."

Tang Qing's father came over and pulled Tang Qing aside.

Li Li and Li Ya looked very calm and focused at this moment. They knelt in front of the grave and pressed down the tray where the green bricks were originally placed, following Tang Shaved's words.


The red and black tombstones were moved to the two sides, revealing the exit of the tomb passage.

There was nothing at the entrance of the black tomb, it was for Li Li Li Ya's father to put the ashes.

There is a small box at the entrance of the red tomb, which should be a relic left by Aunt Li to Li Li and Li Ya.

"You sisters take out the relics."

Tang Qing's father reminded Li Li and Li Ya.

Li Li and Li Ya kowtowed three times facing the tomb passage, and then took out the small box together.

The small box is very heavy, made of rattan wood, the kind that lasts for a thousand years.

There are two small locks on the small box, which lock the left and right sides of the small box.

"Sister, where are the keys?"

Li Ya was pure and eager to open the small box, but she couldn't find the lock to open the key.

"Grandpa Tang didn't say either, where is the key?"

Li Li also wanted to open the small box to see what her mother had left for her sisters.
"Sister, why don't we ask Master Jiujin?"

"Didn't you see that she was sad? Besides, she might not know it?"

Li Ya and Li Li held the small rattan box in their hands, helpless.

"Qing'er, come here and put the bricks back where they were."

Tang Qing's father greeted Tang Qing.

Tang Qing held Qingzhu in his arms, and stood aside dejectedly.

My grandfather built Aunt Li's tomb out of the normal etiquette of the Tang family, which is understandable.But why did grandpa set up two gravestones, red and black?

Setting up a gravestone for a person who has not died is a deviant and injustice. Not only the person you put on the gravestone and his family can blame you, but everyone in society can blame you. You don’t want to shave your head It is not an exaggeration to be denounced by thousands of people.

Grandpa, why are you doing this?

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