This female barber is very skilled

Chapter 260 Tang Qing Cries Li Li

Tang Qing hugged Li Li and cried bitterly. Li Li buried her head in Tang Qing's arms and sobbed softly. The two of them cried for more than half an hour before they stopped.

Tang Qing wiped away the tears for Li Li first, and then wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. She wanted to take a good look at the scars on Li Li's body.

Under the light, the scars on Li Lijiebai's body were particularly eye-catching.

These scars were as long as a poisonous snake coiled around her entire body, and as short as earthworms and centipedes, crawling all over her body.There are also those small spots, like black ants gnawing a piece of white suet.

Li Li closed her eyes tightly, Tang Qing couldn t bear to look any more.

Tang Qing's heart was bleeding, and she believed that the blood in Li Li's heart had already drained dry...

who is it?who is it?Who is so vicious?To leave these sinful scars on such an almost perfect female carcass?
Li Li, how many injuries have you suffered behind your back?How much pain did you endure?

It's hard for Tang Qing to imagine, Tang Qing can't believe it, and it's even harder for Tang Qing to forgive himself.

How could he scold her in such a vicious language, why he kept urging him to go to bed with such an evil mind?
Li Li on the bed was motionless, as quiet as a clay sculpture and wood carving, but this holy statue of a goddess was tortured by the wicked.

Tang Qing helped Li Li lie down, covered her with a quilt, and then took the initiative to get into the bed, and hugged Li Li tightly and fell asleep.

"Can you fall asleep?"

Not long after lying down, Li Li asked Tang Qing.

Tang Qing understood that Li Li was trying to ease the atmosphere, and didn t want her to be too ugly, nor did she want Tang Qing to be too sad, and it paved the way for the next story about her experience.

Tang Qing then followed Li Li's intention and tightened his arms first, and Li Li hugged him even tighter, and said with a smile:

"How can a beautiful woman sleep soundly in her arms?"

"I didn't expect you to be so perverted."

"Everyone has the love of beauty, who told you that you are so beautiful?"

"What's the use of false beauty?"

"I am a real beauty!"

"Don't comfort me, who would have thought that Li Zapo, who is as beautiful as a flower, would be so ugly when she took off her clothes?"

"Compared to those sanctimonious hypocrites, you are breathtakingly beautiful from the inside out!"

"Youth Tuan, do you know? So far only three people have seen my body, and only you can hold me in your arms and praise me like this."

"I'm not a pervert."

"Don't comfort me in this way again, I know you are sincere to me."

"Do you know my sincerity? Are you ready to make a promise with your body?"

"It's a pity that you are a daughter."

"I can pretend to be a man like Yingtai."

"What is fake is always fake, just like him and her."

"He and she are the other two people who have seen your body?"

"Do you know who he and she are?"

"Your biological father and your twin sister."

"Why him and her? Why not him?"

"I know your personality well. That he is not your true love, so you never let him touch you. His success is just taking advantage of others' danger."

"I just used him as a shield to stop those stinky men from harassing me, which might be unfair to him."

"So he took advantage of you, and you didn't pursue him, and gave birth to Xiaobaa."…

"Xiaobaa is also a life, a lovely life!"

"Don't worry, Xiaobaa will not let you down."

"The key is that I want to disappoint Xiaobaa."

"Don't think too much, in fact, there is no disappointment or disappointment among relatives."

"Dear ones? Is my biological father counted as relatives? Is my twin sister counted as relatives?"

"Of course he and she are your relatives, the closest people."

"No! No! No!"

Li Li suddenly lifted the quilt and jumped up.

Tang Qing got up quickly, trying to pull her to lie down.But as soon as she stretched out her hand, Li Li suddenly jumped under the bed.

"Tell me, tell me, is my body really that ugly? Is it that scary?"

Li Li stood on the ground and showed Tang Qing the scars on her body more clearly.

Tang Qing jumped out of bed and hugged Li Li tightly.


The two embraced and wept until the tears dried up.

Tang Qing pulled Li Li to the bathroom and washed every inch of her body.

"You know what? When my biological father saw the scars on my body, he passed out."

"That's because he loves you."

"Wrong, he was afraid! When he woke up, he avoided me like a plague god, and he didn't want to see me again until he died!"

"Then why did you let him see it?"

"I have been bearing these scars in silence for decades, and I hope someone will share them with me."

"As your father, he should bear all this for you."

"But he didn't, he didn't, he didn't!"

Li Li became irritable again.

While wiping Li Li's body, Tang Qing asked her back:
"Since he treated you like that, why do you still have to hold a funeral for him?"

"He got worse after seeing my body, and I have failed him."

"It's him who has failed you, so don't think too much."

Tang Qing wrapped the bath towel tightly for Li Li, pulled her out of the bathroom, and lay down on the bed again.

"Qingtuan, do you think he is so afraid that he regards me as my mother?"

"He regards you as Aunt Li?"

"Well, as soon as he saw my body, his face turned pale with fright, and he kept shouting, are you coming to seduce my soul? Are you coming to seduce my soul?"

"Could it be that Aunt Li is also full of scars?"

"No way?"

"Yes, definitely. Do you think that Aunt Li, who sings so well, will suffer less? Not to mention anything else, how much hard work did she have to put in for the scene of "Chasing Fish? Pulling Scales"?"

"Well, my sister and I both like to sing operas in private, but we can't learn anything from the scene of "Chasing Fish? Pulling Scales"."

"Why is Li Ya scared when she sees your body?"

Tang Qing asked Li Li about Li Ya along the topic, and at the same time asked slowly how Li Li got these scars on her body?Which villain did it? !

Li Li answered quietly:
"My father can't share the scars on my body. I think Li Ya should share some for me. Who knows that when she sees the scars on my body, her reaction is bigger than my father's?"

"How could this be?"

"I can't figure it out either. I can only say that the scars on my body are really ugly and shocking."…

"No, I think these scars on your body are the best interpretation of your unyielding life. You are more worthy of our respect and closeness!"

"Youth Tuan, don't use words to comfort me. I'm already very relieved that you didn't pass out immediately like my father and sister. You were too scared to see me again."

"Hey, do you think the two of us are a bit literary today? These words are all polite."

"Maybe it's because of the Li family's old house. The environment makes people."

"Master Li is worthy of being a great Confucian in our Shan City, but it's a pity that he failed to take good care of you, and let you live under the fence since childhood, and still be bullied by the wicked like this."

Tang Qing stretched out his hand to caress the scar on Li Li's body.

Li Li shrank, wrapped her quilt tightly, and turned her back to Tang Qing.

Tang Qing knew that Li Li would not easily tell who the villain was?What happened to the scars on your body?He immediately changed the subject, lest Li Li return to her previous state and ignore her.So while pulling Li Li's quilt corner, he asked with a playful smile:

"What? Do you have an idea? Don't you also have a tendency to do this?"

"Where is this and that? Do you say that others have it if you have it yourself?"

"Hey, hey, I'm very normal, and I definitely don't have that tendency."

"Ouch, what a disappointment!"

"So disappointed? What are you disappointed? What did I disappoint you?"

"Hey, it seems that you are just a goose. I am trying to play the piano to the cow in vain."

Li Li sang.

"Why are you still singing? What the hell?"

Tang Qing turned over and sat up.

"Youth Tuan, let me speak plainly, don't be angry."

Li Li also sat up.

"Say it, I promise I won't be angry."

"It seems that this marriage without love will not be happy. It will not only hurt the other party, but also hurt the children."

"Li Li, did he, he, he bully you?"


Li Li threw herself into Tang Qing's arms and began to cry.

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