Chapter 338
The big belly money is actually the city of Yan that Li Ya used to trick him back.

For more than half a year, Daduqian didn't go to the People's Barbershop. Tang Qing wanted to ask him about the storefront, but he couldn't find him. He thought he was avoiding her deliberately, and didn't ask more about him. Anyway, the People's Barbershop was restructured , The matter of demolition has not been finalized.

When the restructuring and demolition of the People's Barbershop was finalized, Tang Qing was anxious, so he had to go to the savings bank to find money.

Coincidentally, the day Tang Qing went to the savings office to find Daduqian was also the day Li Ya used tricks to fool Daduqian back to Yancheng.

Why did Li Ya go back to Yan City with tricks and tricks?It's a long story.

Daduqian’s “Money Makes Money” activity is indeed illegal fundraising, but he did it more cleverly, raising funds from neighbors in the form of personal loans, and investing the raised funds in a company that is going to go public to obtain huge profits. return.

At the beginning, Daduqian paid high interest to the neighbors on time, and the neighbors also believed it. Some even borrowed money from relatives and friends and then lent Daduqian, the most amounted to more than 470 million yuan.

But the good times didn't last long. Not only did the company that Daduqian invested in fail to go public, but the boss also ran away with the money. All the investment funds of Daduqian were wasted and lost.

Facing demands from neighbors in the neighborhood, Daduqian had to ask for leave from the bank on the grounds that he was seriously ill, and fled to the provincial capital.

After escaping to the provincial capital, Daduqian rented a private house in a village in the city. He wanted to use the more than 5 yuan in cash on him as a bait, and repeated the same trick to raise funds from the villagers at high interest rates.

But the people in the village in the city didn't take him seriously at all, unlike him in Yancheng who could gain everyone's trust by pretending to be the president.No one was fooled, and even called the police.The big belly money had to pack up and run away, hiding in a small hotel.

In the small hotel, with a lot of money, he was unwilling to fail, and he did not want to give up his job in the bank.He thinks that as long as he can keep his job, he will be able to turn around one day if he has a lot of money.

To keep his job in the bank, the only way to pay off the interest owed to his neighbors is first.As long as the neighbors in the neighborhood gave the interest money, the so-called vice president of his savings bank was still there, and he could still continue to cheat.

So, Daduqian racked his brains, thinking hard about how to get a few 10 yuan first?
After thinking about it, Daduqian thought of Li Ya.

At first, Li Zhen wanted to cooperate with Daduqian to open a beauty and hair salon in Yancheng. Daduqian accidentally learned about Li Li and Li Ya's life experiences, and found out that Li Zhen's beauty and hairdressing salon was actually engaged in illegal pyramid schemes, so he took the opportunity to ask them Li Zhen blackmailed a sum of money.

Now Li Zhen goes in to eat Dantou, and he is still facing the death penalty.Li Li was devastated in Yan City, unable to take care of herself.Why don't I find Li Ya and make a fortune with her?
Thinking of this, Daduqian began to search the address book, and pressed the mobile phone of the contractor.

The contractor is good at contracting projects, but he has no sense to deal with liars like Daduqian.

Daduqian and the contractor first had some affectionate fraternity, from the international situation to the domestic development, from the financial industry to the construction industry, and then complimented the contractor so much that he was dizzy and forgot that he was just a contractor in a small county. It's like becoming the CEO of the world's top [-] companies.

In a flutter, the contractor told Daduqian everything he knew about Li Li and Li Ya, including their contact information and place of residence, and he didn't forget to add a sentence: "Call him anytime if you need anything!"

After Daduqian obtained Li Ya's contact information and residential address from the contractor, he was overjoyed. He was so excited that he didn't sleep well all night, and found Li Ya's place early the next morning.

The last time Li Ya returned to Yancheng, she had stomach cramps. Thanks to Tang Qing's [-]-meter sprint, she was sent to the hospital for timely treatment to save her life.The neuroticism of Hou Shibauru and her neurotic theory of "visible and intangible", "sentimental and ruthless", "intentional and unintentional", made her feel something.

The next day, Li Li took Li Ya to Aunt Li and their father's grave to pay homage. Seeing not only two green cypresses growing in spring, but also new grass sprouting in front of the grave, the two sisters were completely relieved.

Li Ya immediately decided to return to the provincial capital, no longer entangled in Li's old courtyard, no longer looking for any treasures.

Li Li told Li Ya that if you are worried about Li's old yard, you can entrust a contractor to take care of it. Although he is not authentic, he is loyal to Li's family.

Li Ya told the contractor his contact information and residential address in the provincial capital, and asked him to take care of Li's old courtyard on Lushan Road.

When Daduqian found Li Ya, Li Ya was taken aback.But the people who came were all guests, not to mention Daduqian was an old friend from his hometown, and he did his best to entertain his parents when they held the funeral.

When Daduqian saw Li Ya being so polite to him, not only his heart fluttered, but he also revealed the truth, encouraged Li Ya to do big business with him, and engaged in illegal fundraising.

Who is Li Ya?To put it bluntly, she is a scheming bitch in Wang Carpenter's mouth, deep in the city and strong in scheming.To put it nicely, it is the highly neurotic and extremely high IQ that Tang Qing said.

Li Ya saw through the slick tongue of Daduqian at a glance, got angry and decided to play tricks on him.

Li Ya first got through the mobile phone of the contractor and asked about the real situation of Daduqian.

The contractor had already regretted that he had foolishly told Daduqian Li Ya's contact information and residential address. When Li Ya asked Daduqian, he knew that something was wrong, so he hurriedly handed over all of Daduqian's Report to Li Ya.

At that time, the contractor had already learned from inside the bank that Daduqian was suspected of illegally raising funds. Many neighbors were cheated out of their money by him, so he didn't dare to hide anything from Li Ya.

After Li Ya knew the details of Daduqian, she became more determined to play with Daduqian.

Li Ya told Daduqian that she was very interested in his project, and she happened to have tens of millions of dollars on hand and couldn't find a suitable investment channel, so she was willing to cooperate with him.

When Daduqian heard that Li Ya had tens of millions of dollars in hand, he was not usually overjoyed, almost wept with joy, and fainted.Forgetful of himself, he stretched out a pair of fat paws to hug Li Ya.

Li Ya stood up and sternly told Daduqian that if he wanted to cooperate with her, he had to put on a show first.

Daduqian hurriedly behaved and asked Li Ya respectfully, how do you make a good appearance?

Li Ya said, first of all, you must cooperate with me as a clean businessman.

Big belly money doesn't know what is a clean businessman's identity?
Li Ya said that the so-called clean businessman means resigning from your status as a bank employee and becoming a social person.

Big belly money immediately stated that this can be done.In fact, he had long expected that he would not be able to stay in the bank any longer, and it would be better to resign on his own initiative if he was fired.

Li Ya went on to say to Daduqian, since you cooperate, you must invest money.

Where did the big belly money come from?I was anxious to scratch his "three to seven points".

Li Ya said, if you don’t have funds, don’t come to discuss cooperation with me. The tens of millions of funds I have on hand are not bad for interest.

Daduqian is willing to give up Li Ya as a big benefactor, not to mention that he is now in Huashan, and he can only turn around if he catches Li Ya.

Dadu Qian tremblingly asked Li Ya, how much money is needed for cooperation?
Li Ya said, you don’t need too much, as long as it can reflect your sincerity, if you don’t have 50, it’s 30. Of course, the more you get, the more sincere you are for cooperation.

Daduqian gritted his teeth and said, okay, I promise to get 30.

Li Ya said that shopping malls are like battlefields, and time waits for no one. There are many people queuing up to cooperate with me.I think you are from your hometown, and you have contributed more or less to our Li family. I give priority to cooperating with you, but you must show me the sincerity of cooperating within a week.

In order to get Li Ya's tens of millions of funds, Daduqian decided to take a risk and return to Yancheng.

After returning to Yancheng, Daduqian first went to the bank to go through the resignation procedures, but the bank had already fired him for leaving without authorization.

When the big belly money was desperate, Tang Qing went to him to ask about the storefront.

Daduqian was like a life-saving straw, his head flicked, and he flicked "three to seven cents", intending to attack Tang Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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