This female barber is very skilled

Chapter 394 Tang Qing Looks for Li Ya

Chapter 394 Tang Qing Looks for Li Ya

"Director Liu, I invited you here to ask Li Ya what kind of pig she came to our Yan City to win?"

Tang Qing got straight to the point, Director Liu didn't need to beat around the bush here.

"Master Jiujin, can you speak more clearly? I don't quite understand."

"Director Liu, is Li Ya going to come to our Shan City to set up a big company?"

"Yeah, I'm talking to my boss now."

"Xiaoqiang said, Li Ya's big company is here to win pigs in our Yancheng? What kind of pigs are they winning? Are there so many pig raisers in our Yancheng? Does she want to win pigs in our Yancheng like the northerners race horses? This is against the law Yes!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha……"

Director Liu couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Tang Qing was confused by Director Liu's smile, and couldn't figure out where he said something wrong that made Director Liu smile so happily?
"Director Liu, smile softly, and be careful not to be heard by the nurse and drive you out."

"Oh, okay, okay. Master Jiujin, why are you so cute? You're even cuter than Xiaoqiang."

"Director Liu, am I cute? Are you complimenting me or scolding me?"

"Master Jiujin, why did Xiaoqiang tell you that Li Ya is coming to Yancheng to run a big company?"

"Xiaoqiang said, the big cousin is scolding Shibapi, and Li Ya is going to come to Shancheng to run a big company, no matter what, she has to find a boss, otherwise she will blame Li Zhen for nothing. Xiaoqiang also heard you say, Li Ya's coming to Yancheng to run a big company this time is a win, the No. [-] and No. [-] people on the scene attach great importance to it, and they want to meet Li Ya in person."

"Master Jiujin, Xiaoqiang is still a child, do you take his gossip seriously?"

"Director Liu, do you mean that Li Ya came to Yan City to win pigs?"

"Master Jiujin, have you heard of the term investment attraction?"

"I've heard that word on the radio, on the TV, all day long."

"Li Ya's coming to Yancheng to set up a big company is to attract investment, so the No. [-] and No. [-] characters on the scene attach great importance to it."

"Oh, so it's this investment attraction? I thought it was winning some boar and sow, this Xiaoqiang!"

"Master Jiujin, it's my fault that I can't speak Mandarin. Our Yancheng dialect has the same pronunciation of 'pig' and 'zi', and we both read 'zi'. Xiaoqiang thought he was winning some kind of pig."

"Director Liu, what kind of big company is Li Ya going to start?"

"I don't know the details. According to some gossip, Li Ya is planning to set up a large comprehensive company in Yancheng, integrating production, investment and trade."

"Although our Yancheng belongs to the developed eastern coastal area, it is only a small county after all. Can we do such a big business?"

"Master Jiujin, Li Ya should know it well, right? It's impossible for her to invest blindly in a flash of enthusiasm."

"Hard to say!"

"Master Jiujin, what do you mean?"

"I know Li Ya's personality. She is the same as Li Li. She is more competitive than anyone else, not to mention she is neurotic."

"Master Jiujin, you are thanks to Li Ya this time. If she hadn't invited medical experts from the northern metropolis, you would have been in trouble."

"Director Liu, it is precisely because Li Ya has done so much to me this time that I am worried that her coming to Shancheng to set up a big company is not out of normal business."

"Master Jiujin, do you mean that Li Ya came to Yan City to set up a big company for another purpose?"

"Director Liu, can you help me find out what kind of big company Li Ya runs? What kind of business does it do? Is it related to the business Li Li did?"

"Master Jiujin, I will definitely inquire about this for you, and I will tell you as soon as I have any news. As for your question about Li Ya's relationship with Li Li's original business, I just remembered one thing."

"What's the matter? Director Liu, tell me quickly."

"Master Jiujin, during the half month Li Ya was in Yan City, besides being busy with your affairs, she also took time to visit the stores and factories that Li Li originally opened in Yan City."

"Is Li Ya going to take back those shops and factories that Li Li used to have?"

"Yes, Li Ya gave the other party a timetable and asked them to put forward their own conditions, and she accepted them all."

"Oh, it's true, it's true, it's going to be a big event, it's going to be a big event."

Tang Qing frowned and shook his head, heartbroken.

"Master Jiujin, what is going to happen? Can you explain it more clearly?"

Seeing Tang Qing like this, Director Liu knew that the situation was not good, but he didn't know exactly what was going on?

"Director Liu, can you do me a favor? I will definitely invite you to eat the braised pork cooked by my mother after I recover."

"Master Jiujin, why are you being so polite? Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Director Liu, try your best to contact Li Ya and tell her that my injury has suddenly deteriorated and my life is dying. Let her come back no matter what."

"Master Jiujin, there should be no problem contacting Li Ya, the key is that you can't deceive her with this white lie."


"Master Jiujin, do you think that if your injury suddenly worsens and your life is in danger, Li Ya will definitely contact the director of the hospital and relevant medical experts immediately. Isn't this lie exposed right away?"

"Oh, how can I get her to see me?"

"Master Jiujin, you can call her directly and ask her to come and visit you, or you can talk to her on the phone."

"Director Liu, you don't know Li Ya well. She is the same as her sister Li Li, and she will not change easily. She is going to come to Yancheng to set up a big company, so she just doesn't tell me about it, which shows that she Don't want me to know."

"Yan City is so small, there's no way you don't know about it?"

"When I know, it's a done deal, and it's useless for me to stop it."

"Master Jiujin, Li Ya, why did she hide it from you? Why did you stop her from running a big company?"

"Director Liu, Li Ya is making such a big battle, do you think it's really that easy to start a big company and do business in Yancheng?"

"Is there any conspiracy behind it?"

"Conspiracy is out of the question, but if Li Ya really does that, it will not only run counter to her original intention, but also ruin the reputation of the Li family's old courtyard on Lushan Road, the reputation of Li's old house in Lutaishan, and the entire Li family. The family's reputation in Yan City."

"Master Jiujin, have you thought about this too much? If Li Ya really starts a big company in Yancheng, and the No. [-] and No. [-] characters on the scene come forward, won't the reputation of the Li family's old courtyard on Lushan Road become even better?" Is it loud? Also, if Li Ya helps Li Li take back the original shops and factories, wouldn’t Lutai Mountain’s old house be proud again and the scenery reappear?”

"Director Liu, don't think so simply. Let me ask you, where did Li Ya get so much money all of a sudden?"

"This is the Li family's old courtyard on Lushan Road. The family has a solid foundation. Not to mention seven or eight figures in the bank, there is also a lot of hard currency. According to people who have seen it, when Li Ya's grandparents left Yancheng, they only had famous calligraphy and paintings. There is a big cart full of antique jade wares.”

"Director Liu, you know this, and the neighbors in the neighborhood must also know this, and they know where the money comes from."

"Well, the source of the money is definitely not right, and the people of Yancheng scolded it fiercely in private."

"So, if Li Ya uses this money to set up a big company in Yan City, and wants to return to Li Li's original stores and factories, what do you think the people of Yan City will say in private?"

"Master Jiujin, I haven't thought about this, and Li Ya certainly hasn't thought about it either."

"Director Liu, Li Ya only wants to win back face for her parents in Yancheng, but she never thought about how to win back face is the right way? Is it really to win face for her parents? They The underground parents can truly rest in peace."

"Master Jiujin, what do you say?"

"Director Liu, you must find a way to help me call Li Ya over, so that Li Ya can sit down calmly and listen to me."

"Master Jiujin, I really can't think of a way to do this. You know, I'm just a small neighborhood committee director, and Li Ya won't take me seriously at all."

(End of this chapter)

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