Chapter 399

With Xiaoqiang's support, Tang Qing walked out of the bedroom step by step leaning against the wall.

This was the first time Tang Qing got out of bed and walked since she was injured. Every step she took was a difficult test for her.

When the feet are not on the ground, the whole body is as light as if it is in the clouds.After getting out of bed, both feet stepped on the ground, as if stepping on pins and needles, not only the heartache, but also the scalp tightness.

Tang Qing finally walked to the door, just as his father, mother, and father-in-law also came to the door, both of them were surprised by the huge pile of things at the door.

Some of these things are packed in plastic bags, some in cloth bags, and some in cardboard boxes.The big one is as tall as Xiaoqiang's body, and the small one is only as big as a bowl.

"Son, why are you up?"

Tang Qing's mother didn t care about asking about the things at the door, and ran over to support Tang Qing.

"Do you want me to stay in bed forever?"

Tang Qing's eyes still stayed on those things at the door.

"How do you talk kid? We wish you could hold a razor right now."

Tang Qing's father hated Tang Qing with his mouth, and his eyes were the same as Tang Qing's, staring at the things at the door.

"It should be no problem to hold the razor. Just now I finished eating the white rice porridge that Xiaoqiang stewed for me with a spoon."

Tang Qing said while leaning down to inspect the things at the door.

"Really? He recovered so quickly?"

Tang Qing's father couldn't believe it.

"Believe it or not, Xiaoqiang can testify anyway."

Tang Qing knelt down and wanted to open a bag to see what was in it?Because he squatted a little fast, he almost sat down on the ground.

"Son, slow down, slow down."

Tang Qing's mother hurriedly supported Tang Qing.

"It's okay, I'm not that fragile. Xiaoqiang, you and grandpa, grandma, and grandpa have a look, what are the things in the boxes in these bags?"

Tang Qing supported the wall and returned to the house by herself, and sat on a chair. She couldn't stand for long.

"Mom, it's a big bag of eggs."

"Here's a carton of milk."

"This is a bag of fruit."

"This is a box of health care products."

"It's a chicken."


Xiaoqiang and the three old people carefully counted the things at the door. There were 32 bags and 21 boxes in total, most of which were food, ranging from vegetables and fruits to chicken, duck and fish, from biscuits and milk to various nourishing drinks.Of course, there are also some daily necessities, including folding tables, folding deck chairs and so on.

"Mom, what do you do with these things?"

"Bring it in first."

"Qing'er, how can we take other people's things?"

When Tang Qing's father heard that Tang Qing asked Xiaoqiang to bring in all the things at the door, he hurried over to stop him.

"Okay then, you go and deal with it. Xiaoqiang, go back to sleep and close the door."

Tang Qing stood up from the chair and walked slowly along the wall to the bedroom.

"You, you, what do you mean?"

Tang Qing's father stood at the door a little anxious.

"Grandpa, grandma, grandpa, please go back, my mother and I are going to bed."

Xiaoqiang went to close the door of his own house while issuing the eviction order.

"Xiaoqiang, which side are you on?"

"Grandpa, of course I'm on my mother's side."

"It's really hurting you for nothing. I always look towards your mother."

"Grandpa, if you don't face my mother, I will definitely face my mother."

"Why don't I turn to your mother? I don't turn to her. What are you doing climbing up to the fourth floor at night?"

"Grandpa, if you want my mother, you should listen to my mother and help me move these things in."

"Xiaoqiang, this is someone else's property. Don't take other people's things lightly. Don't you understand this truth? Grandpa taught you since you were a child that you are short-handed when taking other people's things and soft-mouthed when eating other people's things."

"Grandpa, I understand this principle. But I have also learned this principle, that is, courtesy is reciprocal. It is indecent to go back and not to come; it is also indecent to come and not to go."

"You child, what kind of ancient prose are you reading to me?"

"Hmph, even children know the truth, but people with all white beard and hair don't know it. They have lived for nothing for decades, and they are still the manager of the People's Barbershop."

Tang Qing walked to the door of the bedroom, turned around and angrily robbed his father.

"You, you, aren't you usually serious and don't even accept an onion from others? How did you become so greedy today?"

Tang Qing's father also responded to Tang Qing angrily.

"Xiaoqiang said that coming and going is not indecent. This is the love my neighbors have for me. How can I let them down?"

"Then why did you pretend to be a wolf with a big tail? You hypocritically don't even want such a good storefront."

"Oh, this man is old and confused, but there is nothing he can do. Is this the same thing?"

"Why are they not the same thing? I'm not so confused that I can't tell the difference between east, west, north and south."

"Well, it's not that you can't distinguish between east, west, north, and south, but that you regard east as west and south as north."

"Mom, grandpa is the opposite?"

"Xiaoqiang, don't interrupt, let your mother, a big kid, and your grandpa, a kid, bicker."

Tang Qing's mother came over and pulled Xiaoqiang aside.

"Grandma, do you think my mother is happy to bicker with grandpa?"

Xiaoqiang raised his head and asked.

"You elf, you know everything."

Tang Qing's mother touched Xiaoqiang's little head lovingly.

"Grandpa, grandma praised me for knowing everything."

"Okay, you know everything, then let me help you move things into the house."

Tang Qing's father began to move the things at the door to Tang Qing's hut.

"Grandpa, do you admit that you lost?"

Xiaoqiang went to help.

"What did I lose? I didn't bet with anyone to win or lose. I thought, anyway, it's impossible to find out who sent these things. If you leave them at the door and don't bring them in, they will be broken. Your mother will still be told that she doesn't know what to do. , completely chilled the hearts of the neighbors in the neighborhood."

Tang Qing's father responded to Xiaoqiang while moving things.

"Hehe, the southeast and northwest are back in place suddenly? How can you say this so well?"

Tang Qing showed a smile on his face.

"Hey, thank you, Master Jiujin, for your compliment, and suddenly the inspiration flashed, and the thought was in place. Hey, why is it gone? Did it look like a lot of things just now?"

Tang Qing's father went out to move things again, and the door was empty.

"You only know that Grandpa Xiaoqiang has already moved in."

Tang Qing's mother pulled her wife into the house.

"Grandpa, don't you think that the neighbors in the neighborhood don't send enough things? Then if you come to move tomorrow, someone will definitely send it again."

"Xiaoqiang, don't make fun of grandpa. Go and tear off the piece of paper you pasted on the door, and paste it on another."

"Mom, what's written on it?"

"It's still four words, thank you everyone."


Xiaoqiang quickly replaced the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door with "Thank you everyone".

Tang Qing's parents and father-in-law helped Xiaoqiang organize the things sent by the neighbors in the neighborhood, and then returned to the courtyard.

After Tang Qing waited for Xiaoqiang to fall asleep, he closed the bedroom door, took off his clothes, and looked at his body in the mirror.

Although he was mentally prepared, Tang Qing closed his eyes in pain seeing himself scarred in the mirror.

Li Li is full of scars.

The woman who inquired was full of scars.

Unexpectedly, I am also scarred now, with scars everywhere, so Tang Qing dare not open his eyes to look directly.

If you don’t dare to watch it yourself, let alone others, then you will never watch it.

Tang Qing bent down to pick up the clothes on the ground, ready to put them on again.When she grabbed the clothes with her hands and straightened her head up, the photo of her and her dead husband above the head of the bed suddenly fell down.

This group photo is not a wedding photo, it is just an enlarged group photo on the marriage certificate, and there is no photo frame installed.

Tang Qing gave a jolt, and his legs softened and he sat on the ground.Since the injury has not fully healed, especially the place where the buttock was hit by the base of the big tooth stone stool, the pain was painful, Tang Qing couldn t sit still, and lay on his back on the ground.

Just as Tang Qing lay down, the group photo fell on her body like a fallen leaf impartially, covering her most private and most seriously injured parts just right.

(End of this chapter)

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