This female barber is very skilled

Chapter 61 What is the truth

Chapter 61 What is the truth

Li Zhong and Li Cheng are not Li Ye's biological sons, and have no blood relationship with the Li family. Tang Qing may be able to believe it while being surprised.

But Li Li said that she was not Master Li's own, Tang Qing couldn't believe it, and it was hard to accept it.

If Li Li was not Master Li's own, why did Master Li entrust Tang Qing to help Li Li maintain the reputation of the Li family?She was originally identified as Master Li's illegitimate daughter by the people of Yancheng, and rumors were raging.If Master Li wants to maintain the good reputation of the Li family, he can completely clarify his relationship with Li Li.

Also, if Li Li is really not Master Li's own, wouldn't Tang Qing's previous efforts be in vain?The reason why she was obedient and accommodating Li Li without principle was just because she didn't want to live up to Master Li's entrustment to help Li Li maintain the reputation of the Li family.

If Li Li was not Master Li's biological daughter, Tang Qing only needs to spread the word to the whole Yancheng through inquiring, and the Li family's reputation will naturally return to what it was before, and she doesn't need to curry favor with Li Li.

So far, Tang Qing has catered to Li Li and tried every means to establish a good relationship with Li Li, all because of "being entrusted by others to do things of loyalty", rather than flattering her, the big boss, and getting any benefits from it , to show off in front of outsiders.

Thinking of this, Tang Qing calmed down instead, all surprises and doubts became indifferent, what she cared about was the portrait of her grandfather.

How do you draw it so alike?
Looking at the portrait, my grandfather's voice and smile are still in front of my eyes.

In terms of respect, admiration, and love, grandpa is the first in Tang Qing's mind.

The grandfather in the portrait should be in his 70s, and Tang Qing was already seven or eight years old at that time.I remember that he often wore a double-breasted short jacket and a pair of twisted crotch trousers underneath, all made of coarse cloth. When grandma was around, she usually sewed a new set for grandpa in three to five years.After grandma left, grandpa didn't buy any more clothes.

Grandpa's appearance is average, it's impossible to be handsome, and he doesn't even have a dignified appearance, and he can't even say that he has good facial features.

Grandpa's eyes are a little small, and they narrow into a slit when he smiles.His nose is a bit flat, and there is a big mole next to his nose, and there is a long thick hair on the mole.When Tang Qing was a child, her grandfather hugged her, and she would always stretch out her little hand to pull the hair.

Whenever Tang Qing used his small hands to pluck the hair on his grandpa's mole, his grandpa would pretend to be in pain, and pursed his mouth, "Yo huh yo huh".The grandfather's mouth in the portrait is a little crooked, as if he is "yo ho ho ho ha".

Tang Qing can't forget the grandfather of "Yo He You He", and she can't forget the principles of life that his grandfather taught her in "Yo He You He".

"To be a human being, you have to put yourself in the shoes of others, which is equivalent to thinking about yourself."

"Grandpa, how can you be considered thinking of others?"

"It's very simple. Don't think of yourself first, but think of others."

"Grandpa, I still don't understand."

"For example, when you shave your hair, you can't covet your own convenience. The shampoo water is always just one temperature."

"Isn't it enough to wash your hair with warm water?"

"Wrong, shampoo should vary from person to person."

"It varies from person to person?"

"Yes, you have to adjust the temperature of the shampoo according to each person's hair quality and skin."

"So complicated!"

"Life is not simple, and it is even more difficult to do what we do. If you are simple, you will encounter trouble. If you trouble first, things will be simple."

"Grandpa, then I won't do hair shaving in the future."

Tang Qing still started shaving his head, and he did it very well, and Master Jiujin's reputation was well known in Yancheng.

"Put yourself in the shoes of others and think more about others."

Tang Qing looked at the portrait, thinking of his grandfather's words, his heart moved.

Master Li knows best whether Li Zhong, Li Cheng, and Li Li are from the Li family.Since he didn't tell outsiders that they were not from the Li family before he closed his eyes, he must hope that they are still from the Li family.

A person as sophisticated as Mr. Li must have known that Li Zhong, Li Cheng, and Li Li would have a lot of trouble over the division of family property after his death.If he was purely for the reputation of the Li family, he could have confessed to the world that Li Zhong and Li Cheng were not from the Li family, and Li Li was not even his illegitimate daughter a hundred years ago.In that way, Master Li and the Li family will have a clear and clean reputation in Yan City as always.

But Master Li didn't do that. Not only did he always acquiesce that Li Li was his illegitimate daughter, he also entrusted Tang Qing to help Li Li maintain the reputation of the Li family.

Among them, there must be Li Ye's unspeakable secrets or to protect Li Li.

Yes, to protect Li Li.

It is entirely possible for Master Li to do that. He should put everything about himself aside, but for Li Li to live a good life.

Master Li entrusted me to help Li Li maintain the reputation of the Li family. I guess there is another deeper meaning, not just referring to the Li family's good words from the people of Yancheng.

Tang Qing reorganized her mental journey that night, just like she carefully combed the shaved hair for others.

After Tang Qing glanced at the grandfather on the portrait, he walked up to Li Li and asked softly:

"How do you know that Li Zhong, Li Cheng and yourself are not Li Ye's own?"

Li Li curled up on the bed in the shape of a shrimp, not at all like a goddess in front of everyone.She opened her eyes and glanced at Tang Qing, then closed them again, and replied weakly:
"I heard it from someone."

"Listen to someone? Do you believe it?"

"I have to believe it."

"Have to believe? Why?"

"Because I have to accept my fate."

"Accept fate? Are you Li Li a person who accepts fate?"

"I don't accept my fate and there is nothing I can do."

"Really? I think that person has ulterior motives."

"Have ulterior motives?"

"Yes, I don't want to ask who that person is, but I can be sure that person has ulterior motives."

"Why would he do that?"

"To knock you down!"

"Knock me down?"

"Down with you, down with the Li family!"

"is it possible?"

"That should be the case."

"You mean he has ulterior motives? To defeat me? To defeat the Li family?"


"Why did he beat me and the Li family?"

Li Li sat up from the bed, staring at Tang Qing.

"Because you are Li Zapo of Yan City!"

Tang Qing answered Li Li with a smile.

"You, are you looking at me as a joke? Ridiculous to me?"

"I didn't. Do you know the real meaning of the people in Yancheng calling you Li Zapo?"

"What meaning can it have? Don't you say I'm crazy? Oh, blame me for being moved by you on a whim and telling you the truth. Well, just watch me, Li Zapo's joke, anyway, my heart is scorched , everything doesn't matter!"

Li Li closed her eyes and collapsed on the bed again.

"The truth? The real truth may only be known to Li Ye, but my grandfather knows it!"

Tang Qing walked up to the portrait of his grandfather and watched intently.

The night at the end of the year was silent, and Tang Qing had no sleepiness.

Although the business of People's Barbershop has been very good in the past few days, thirty or forty heads have to be shaved a day, and they have to perm the heads of several female neighbors in the spare time.It was so busy until the morning of the New Year's Eve, because the Chinese New Year was approaching, and it was like this every year.

Tang Qing didn t feel sleepy, but considering that the new day was a busy day, she still felt that she needed to take a nap for a while, otherwise it would affect the shaving of customers.

Walking to the bed, Tang Qing took off Li Li's coat first, covered her with a quilt, and then lay down on a recliner beside the bed.

I didn't feel sleepy when I was standing, but as soon as I lay down, Tang Qing snored immediately.

"Wake up, wake up!"


Tang Qing woke up with a start, jumped up from the recliner, opened his eyes, and saw Li Li standing beside her pushing her.

"It looks like someone is calling you outside."

"Call me?"

"Master Jiujin!"

"Master Jiujin!"

More than one voice sounded anxious.

"what time is it now?"

"It's almost eleven o'clock at noon."

"My mother!"

Tang Qing hurried out.

Walking to the door, turned back to Li Li and said:

"You have a good rest these few days, don't think too much, come to my house for the new year. Don't worry, I will help you find out the truth!"

(End of this chapter)

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