This female barber is very skilled

Chapter 71 He came uninvited

Chapter 71 He came uninvited

Made a mistake?
Tang Qing finally asked Li Li if she was pregnant, but Li Li actually said that she had made a mistake!
"I'm not pregnant."

"Are you not pregnant? There will be problems in the hospital examination?"

"It's not that there is a problem with the inspection, it's not my inspection at all."

"Didn't you check? Who checked?"

"My secretary."

"Your secretary?"

"Well, my personal secretary. She was cheated by bad guys when she was young, and she accidentally had it."

"A little secretary, a big boss of yours accompanied her to the hospital for an examination? You really care about your subordinates."

While Tang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, he still doubted Li Li's explanation.

"It was impossible for me to be so caring. The main reason is that I am also responsible."

"You are also responsible? What responsibility?"

"Don't talk about this, I'm not pregnant anyway, so don't worry about me."


Seeing that Li Li didn't want to talk anymore, Tang Qing could only stop here, and couldn't get to the bottom of it.

It's meaningless to ask the bottom line, as long as Li Li is not pregnant, Tang Qing doesn't have to worry about ruining the Li family's reputation.

Next, let's ask Li Li if she has owed a huge debt. Since there is no one in the store now, the two of them have already talked about it anyway.

But when Tang Qing was about to ask, Li Li spoke first.

"Is the hair almost done? I'll go back to have lunch first, and my daughter is at home alone."

"Let's have lunch together, too."

"No, I'll be here on time tonight."

Li Li said as she put on her coat and walked out of the People's Barbershop.

Tang Qing didn't eat lunch. During the few days of rest during the New Year, eating, eating and sleeping, she gained weight. She had no waist and became rounder.

After finishing the hair for the two female neighbors in the afternoon, I closed the shop early and went home to prepare dinner with my parents, parents-in-law and mother-in-law.

Both the father-in-law and mother-in-law cooked very well, Tang Qing specially invited them over.

"Qing, do you think Li Zapo will really come to my house for dinner?"

"Mom, why are you also called Li Zapo? You must not say that when Li Li arrives later."

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I don't hear a lot from the neighbors in the neighborhood, did you just say it?"

"Li Li will definitely come. Either she refuses to agree, or she promises to do it. I believe her."

Before Tang Qing finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

"Hey, you all come here, come here quickly, Xiaoqiang, come here too!"

Tang Qing heard the knock on the door, hurriedly greeted the four old men and their sons, and stood neatly at the door to welcome Li Li's mother and daughter.

Bang, the door opened wide.

"Dragon, Dragon, Lord Dragon."

When Tang Qing saw that it was not Li Li, but the old leader, his joy was not only replaced by great disappointment, but also a sense of panic surged in his heart.

"Why, not welcome?"

The old dragon head walked into the courtyard while talking.

"Welcome, welcome, we are glad that Lord Long can come."

"Master Long, please come in."

Tang Qing was still stunned at the door, and his father and father-in-law accompanied the old dragon head into the main house from left to right.

"Master Long, please sit down."

"Master Long, you smoke."

Dad and father-in-law were all smiling, offering cigarettes and serving tea.

"Don't be so polite, I won't dare to come after being so polite."

"Master Long, we are glad that you can come. During Chinese New Year, you must have dinner here."

"Yes, today is only the fifth day of the first lunar month, Master Long must have dinner here."

Hearing what his father and father-in-law said, Tang Qing stomped his feet anxiously, thinking, why don't you two talk about it, why do you want to talk about dinner?If the old leader stays for dinner, what if Li Li and her daughter come?It's not that you don't know that he and the Li family are not dealing with each other.

Alas, originally Li Li agreed to come to my house for dinner, and the whole family was very happy, but now?Seeing his mother and mother-in-law frowning in the kitchen, Tang Qing was helpless.

Old dragon head, old dragon head, it's not that we don't welcome you, it's just that you came at the wrong time.As long as you don't come at this time, we are equally happy, as happy as Li Lilai, as well as prepared and entertained, and I will accompany you to drink a few cups.

But today you came at a really bad time, it's past four o'clock, and Li Liniang's baby girl should be here soon, what should I do?You can't catch up with the old dragon head like Bao inquired. It's only the fifth day of the first lunar month, and besides, the old dragon is not Bao inquired.

I'd better go out to meet Li Li, if I can delay it halfway, I will delay it for a while, maybe the old leader is not at my house for dinner, and I will leave after a while.Even if we eat at my house, I will explain to Li Li in advance that the old leader came to the door by himself, we didn't invite him, we only invited your mother.

"Duk, duk, duk!"

Just as Tang Qing was about to open the door to go out, there were three clear knocks on the door.

"Mom, let me drive."

Knowing that Li Li's mother and daughter had arrived, Tang Qing took a deep breath and prepared to open the door.His son Xiaoqiang rushed over, stood on tiptoe, stretched out his little hand, and opened the door.



The little strong man has little strength, the door is only opened a crack, and two small heads are exposed inside and outside the crack.

The little head inside the door, with a tiger head and a tiger head, slipped back and forth with a pair of big shiny eyes on a round and fat face.

The little head outside the door is delicate and well-behaved, with a pair of small almond eyes on the pink and tender oval face, which are as clear as water, looking bright.

"who are you?"

"who are you?"

"You speak first."

"You speak first."

"I asked first."

"You are a boy, the boy should answer first."

"Okay, my name is Xiaoqiang."


"I'm not a cockroach, I'm a little man, what's your name?"

"My name is Xiaobaa."

"Little sheep."

"I am a sheep, but not a lamb."

"Come in, welcome, welcome, warm welcome!"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!"

"You two little brats talk about cross talk? Who taught you this?"

Tang Qing had already laughed aloud when he heard it, and his original worries and worries were temporarily thrown away.As she opened the door, she invited Li Li and her daughter into the courtyard.

"Nowadays, children who watch a lot of cartoons have become smart."

Li Li smiled and walked into the courtyard.

"Boss Li, hello, hello."

"Hello, hello, Boss Li."

Tang Qing's father and father-in-law Wen Xun ran out of the main house to meet Li Li.

"Two uncles, if you call me like that, should I not come?"

"Hey, this..."

"This one……"

The two elderly people were speechless for a moment because of Li Li's choking, and they didn't know how to respond.

"You guys, you can either call her niece politely, or call her Li Li directly. Do you call Boss Li or just call her Li Zapo? Li Li, do you think so?"

The old leader came out of the main house slowly, and greeted Li Li while scolding.

"That's right, Master Long is still right. You call me Boss Li, but don't you call me Li Zapo?"

Li Li responded with a smile.

"You, you..."

Tang Qing looked at Li Li and at the old dragon head, confused.

Originally, I was worried that Li Li might turn around and leave when she saw the old dragon head at her house, or that the old dragon head would leave when Li Li came over.Even if we consider that today is only the fifth day of the first lunar month and we can't turn our faces at my house, we should at least keep our voices silent. How could we be so affectionate?
"Li Li, come in and sit in the room."

"It's so beautiful, Li Li, you still buy things like this? Haven't you already bought clothes for Xiaoqiang?"

Tang Qing's mother-in-law and mother came out of the kitchen to greet Li Li.

"A little heart for the four old people, oh, and Master Long's."

Li Li handed several large bags of things in her hand to Tang Qing's mother, mother-in-law and Lao Longtou respectively.

"Oh, do you still have mine? Thank you, thank you eldest niece."

The old leader happily accepted Li Li's gift.

"Mom, brother Xiaoqiang asked me to play, can I go?"

Li Li's daughter came to ask.

"Of course, but you are a big sister, you have to take good care of little brother Xiaoqiang."

Li Li's daughter, Datang Qing's son is one year old.

"Sister Baa, hurry up and play in my little room."


The two children ran up the stairs hand in hand.

"Slow down, be careful not to fall!"

Li Li hurried to catch up.

"Hey, wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

Tang Qing pulled Li Li to the corner of the courtyard.

"Is it because Master Long came to your house? Don't worry, I asked him to come here."


Li Li's answer surprised and delighted Tang Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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