This female barber is very skilled

Chapter 83 Tang Qing is very melancholy

Chapter 83 Tang Qing is very melancholy

After Bao inquired about the wonderful publicity, Li Li's image in Yan City suddenly grew, and her reputation was even louder than before.

Even when her company went bankrupt, the troublemakers blamed it on Li Zhong and Li Cheng, two ungrateful people, saying that Li Li transferred the assets because she was too sad and had no intention of doing business anymore.Selling the big villa is out of filial piety to Master Li. She wants to live in the old house and accompany Master Li all the time.

Public opinion on the street is like this. When you say something bad about a person or something, you will say that you are worthless, and the bad ones cannot be the worst!
When you say that a person or a thing is good, it is perfect but not the most perfect. Even if there are flaws, they are also advantages.

While Tang Qing was happy, he felt a great sense of loss. This sense of loss was not because Li Li's reputation once again overshadowed her, the nine-pound master.

Successfully dealt with the turmoil of the Li family's inheritance, sought justice for the aunt in Shanghai, changed the attitude of Wang Carpenter's wife and daughter-in-law towards Wang Carpenter with one sentence, sent the glasses doctor to eat light steamed buns quietly, and so on, the name of Jiujin Master Tang Qing The head once overwhelmed Li Li and Li Zapo in Yancheng.

Tang Qing didn't want a name. She tried her best to get close to Li Li and please Li Li. She was entrusted by Master Li to help Li Li maintain the reputation of the Li family.

So far, the Li family's reputation and Li Li's name are still upright, and Tang Qing is happy. What she is disappointed is that there are fewer and fewer customers in People's Barber Shop, and even those regular customers have disappeared collectively recently and have not come.

The first month is already full, why are there so few people coming to People's Barbershop?Are you still busy visiting relatives and friends?how is this possible?Students go to school normally, factories operate normally, and people walking on the embankment walk normally.

Then why is the people's barber shop not normal?Is it because my shaving skills are poor?People don't want to come?I still feel the same?In order to adapt to the market, didn't a new perm machine be added during the Chinese New Year?
Although the perm machine is not as magical as the salesman made it out to be, even though it scorched Li Li's hair, it is still good to use, right?

Li Li got a perm again a few days ago, didn't she keep praising me for getting a perm better than a barber in a big city?
Li Li?Is it because of Li Li?

Tang Qing looked at Li Li sitting on the special barber chair with closed eyes and rested his mind, and then looked at Shixin Street outside the store, feeling melancholy.

"The pear blossoms are pale white and the willows are deep green,

When catkins fly, flowers fill the city.

In melancholy there is a snow in the east rail,

Life is so clear. "

Tang Qing didn't know what kind of state of mind Mr. Su Shi and Su Dongpo were when he wrote these poems, and he didn't fully understand the meaning of the poems. It was just that when he was teaching his son to recite ancient poems a few days ago, he read this poem several times and felt that he was the same as himself. The mood of the few days is somewhat consistent.

"I am melancholy about a snow plant in the east column, and my life is so clear."

In this life, why do you have to worry about yourself?Whether it's short or long, isn't it good to live a normal life?
Back then, I wished Li Li could come to the People's Barber Shop, ask me to have my hair done once, and sit in this special barber chair and chat with me like neighbors in the neighborhood, and talk about my heart.

Now that everything has come true, why am I so melancholy and lost?
"Pig killer?"

Tang Qing saw the pig butcher passing by the door of the people's barbershop while thinking wildly.

"You stop for me!"

Tang Qing rushed out of the people's barbershop and stopped the pig butcher on the street.

"Master Nine, Nine, Nine Jin, are you, you, are you okay?"

The pig butcher was a little nervous.

"I have nothing to call you? Tell me, what have you been doing for so many days? Why don't you come to the store to talk nonsense?"

Tang Qing questioned.

"I, I, busy, busy."

The pig butcher didn t dare to look Tang Qing straight in the eye, and tried to cover his head with a pair of big hands.

"Well, you pig butcher, not only did you not come to my shop, but you also went to other people's place to shave your head? Tell me, where did you get this crooked melon and cracked date?"

Tang Qing opened the pig butcher's two big hands.

"I, I, I..."

The pig butcher faltered and couldn't speak.

"Goose, goose, have you become a goose? You are still singing to the sky! Tell me, why don't you come to my shop? Why do you go to someone else's place to have your hair shaved?"

The pronunciation of "I" and "goose" in Yancheng dialect is the same as "e".

"Master Jiujin, aren't you busy?"

The pig butcher replied in a low voice.

"I'm busy? What am I busy with? When I was busy before, didn't you come to my store every day to talk nonsense, and you couldn't be driven away?"

"I, I, I..."

"Goose goose goose? At first I thought you were busy with Shanghai Auntie Anthurium, but no matter what, you won't go to someone to shave your big pig's head, right? You still have my nine pounds in your eyes Master? The same goes for Aunt Shanghai. She used to do nothing for one day, but came to report every day for 360 for five days. Now it’s fine, she hasn’t come for almost half a month, and I’m so pissed off!”

Tang Qing was really angry, especially when he saw that the pig butcher went to another barber shop to shave his head. The anger was not ordinary.

Seeing that Tang Qing was really angry, the anger was not small, the pig butcher wanted to run away, but he just couldn't move his feet.He was afraid of Tang Qing from the bottom of his heart. He thought that Tang Qing, who was only 13 years old, broke a beer bottle and threatened him with glass stubble.

Tang Qing saw the pig butcher standing in front of him stupidly, motionless and silent, and became even more angry.

"Goose, goose, no goose? If you don't go goose, I want you goose!"

Tang Qing took out the razor.

"Hey, hey, Master Jiujin, what's the matter? How can you use a razor on a pig butcher?"

Aunt Shanghai rushed over and grabbed Tang Qing's hand holding the razor.

"It's good of you to come, you two, give me white hair floating green water, and quickly float to the people's barber shop!"

Tang Qing shook off Aunt Shanghai's hand.

"Master Jiujin, don't you understand? How can white hair float in green water? What is white hair floating in green water?"

"Don't ask too much, Master Jiujin is telling us to float into the people's barber shop like geese."

The pig butcher came to his senses and pulled Aunt Shanghai to the People's Barbershop.

"Float like a goose? How can I float? There is no water in the street?"

The Shanghai aunt walked and asked, completely confused.

"Sit down, you big pig head, I have to give you a good repair. Otherwise, if you kill a pig and go out with a crooked melon, people will think that my master Jiujin's hair-shaving skills are useless!"

Tang Qing dragged the pig butcher to sit down on the barber chair, and couldn't help saying that he picked up the clippers and aimed at the pig butcher's head for a burst of harvest.

"Master Jiujin, do you want to shave Yi's head?"

Aunt Shanghai looked at the shiny pig-killer's head in the barber mirror, her eyes widened.

"Can it be fixed without shaving your head? Don't worry, it won't affect your spring blossoms and your tryst in the wood shed in Lushan Park."

Tang Qing angrily used a razor to shave off the roots of the pig butcher's hair.

"Master Jiujin, what are you talking about? Allah behaves well. Allah has never set up a tree shed in Lushan Park."

Aunt Shanghai made a distinction, her face was already flushed red.

"I didn't say that you have already been there, I mean that you can go to the wood shed in Lushan Park for a tryst when the spring is warm and the flowers bloom, and the pig butcher shaving his head can also illuminate you."

The razor in Tang Qing's hand was fast, and so was his mouth.

"Master Jiujin, we won't go to the forest shed in Lushan Park. Aunt Shanghai said she is afraid, but she still likes to go to the bridge hole at the east end of the bridge."

"Pig butcher, did Nong get shot in the brain? Can Nong have the nerve to say it? Allah and Nong have only been to the bridge a few times in total? Last night, Xiang was almost pushed down by the beggar who slept there. Creek."


Tang Qing and Li Li leaned forward and backward with laughter, unable to stop at all.

"Oh, I'm so embarrassed, butcher, Nongga Shoutou, Nongga Shoutou!"

Aunt Shanghai slapped the butcher hard with both hands.

Li Li persuaded:
"Aunt Shanghai, I think it's better for Nong and the butcher to go to the wood shed in Lushan Park. There are no beggars who come back in the middle of the night to push you. However, Master Jiujin has to match the butcher with a hood."

(End of this chapter)

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