Chapter 90

Tang Qing saw that the old leader and Wang Carpenter were very angry because of Da Mao's sentence "money eats money", so he decided to stimulate them again, so he pretended to say casually:

"Big Mao, I really want to go to Daduqian to 'money makes money', but just like you, I worry that the money will not be born by then, and it will be eaten. In that case, your wife will lose her capital, and the bachelor will lose her money for the rest of her life." That’s all. But I, Xiaoqiang, don’t have enough money to study, why don’t I jump to the East Bridge?”

After Tang Qing finished speaking, he took a peek at the old leader and Carpenter Wang.

The hands of the old leader holding the blue and white porcelain teapot trembled slightly, the muscles on his face twitched and his eyes narrowed into a line.

Wang Carpenter's skinny face obviously changed color, from ruddy to livid.Since Tang Qing sent him to the hospital, his complexion has been good.

Now Carpenter Wang not only changed his face, but his hands trembled obviously, and his whole body trembled very obviously.But the eyes are wide open, originally a pair of triangular eyes with black and white, looks a bit fierce.His mouth opened and closed like a stranded whale looking for water to drink.But he was clearly holding a purple sand teapot in his hand, indicating that he wanted to respond to Tang Qing, but he didn't know how to respond.

Tang Qing was even more sure that Laolongtou, Wang Carpenter and Daduqian were related, and this relationship must have originated from "money begets money".

Is it to stimulate the two of them again, give them a side drum, and let them be more careful, and be careful that "money begets money" becomes "money eats money"?
Or let's just stop there and find out how big belly money "money begets money" first?

It stands to reason that the old dragon head and carpenter Wang are not ordinary people, so they naturally have a sense of proportion in their hearts, so I don't need to talk too much to make each other unhappy.

When Tang Qing was thinking about what to do next, the old leader got up and yawned. While pouring tea by the sink, he said lazily:
"Age is not forgiving. You will feel sleepy when it gets dark. Everyone, sit down, I'll go first."

After the old leader put the large blue and white porcelain teapot on the cup holder, he walked out of the People's Barbershop.

"This person, you can't accept your old age. It's okay to stay up late for three days and three nights when you were young, but now you fight with black eyelids. Everyone, I'm leaving too, you sit down."

When Carpenter Wang stood up, he almost fell down. When he put the teacup, his purple sand teapot almost fell to the ground, not to mention, he almost touched the other teacups on the ground.If it wasn't for the quick reaction of the pig butcher, who went to hold the cup holder, it is estimated that all the ping-pong-pong tonight.

"Master Wang, are you feeling unwell? Shall I call you a rickshaw?"

"It's okay, I'm sleepy, I'm just sleepy."

Carpenter Wang staggered out of the People's Barbershop.

The pig butcher looked at his back and said to himself:
"He didn't drink again, why does he look like this? Could it be that a ghost is on his body?"

"Hey, butcher, are you talking about ghosts at night? Get up, Alaza, come back, master Jiu Jin, hurry up."

Aunt Shanghai stood up.

"Then I'm leaving too, Master Jiujin, take your time."

The pig butcher naturally followed Aunt Shanghai and disappeared into the night.

In Shixin Street at night, except for the neighbors sitting in the shade in summer, there are almost no people in other seasons, and only the people's barber shop is still open.

The weather is getting warmer, but the cold spring is expected to be colder, and the late spring cold this year is more obvious.

It's already March, and apart from the fact that the sun shines on the head at noon, it feels like spring, but the evening and morning are still terribly cold.

After Tang Qing shaved Da Mao's head, he went to the sink to clean up the shaving tools.

It was less than eight o'clock, and Tang Qing wanted to go home early today.Because of the big money for dinner, I didn't make or eat it. I'm a little hungry now, and there won't be any more customers anyway.

It used to be that the store didn't close until eight o'clock, mostly because the regulars were talking nonsense in the store and you couldn't send them out early.

Today, Lao Longtou and Carpenter Wang went back early because they had a lot of money, and the butcher and Aunt Shanghai also left early. I don’t know whether to go to Dongqiaotou to drill the bridge hole or go to Lushan Park to drill the forest shed.

When the time is right, I have to remind the two of them, they are both at this age, don't always be romantic like young people.

At the beginning, it was understandable that they didn't dare to go to each other's homes because of face. After all, they lived upstairs and downstairs, and the neighbors would inevitably make irresponsible remarks when they saw it.

But you have drilled too many bridge holes and tree sheds, and there will still be a lot of gossip.

Butcher, it has been more than four years since your wife died in a car accident.

Aunt Shanghai, it has been almost a year since you and the contractor separated.

The contractor is going to hold a wedding soon, marrying the little secretary.

The two of you can also go to get the certificate openly, and if you want to hold a banquet, you can do it lively, and it is rare for a half-way couple.If you don't want to do it, just let the neighbors share the happy candy and let you know, so you can live the rest of your life well.

Tang Qing was thinking wildly while washing her shaving tools. This is her usual pattern.


Tang Qing vaguely felt movement behind her, and was about to turn around to check, when a pair of big hands hugged her behind her waist.

With the sound of rapid breathing and the strong smell of alcohol, accompanied by the man's body tightly attached to his upper body, Tang Qing's brain went blank for an instant, and he was very dizzy.

No, I will never let him succeed!
Tang Qing is Tang Qing, her brain immediately returned to normal, even more sober than before.

Don't move around, if he has a knife in his hand, it's easy to stab me to death. It's all over, but it's just a pain for Xiaoqiang. After he lost his father, he lost his mother.

But if I don’t die, if he makes me disabled, it will be even more painful for Xiaoqiang. He will lie on the bed or sit in a wheelchair and drag Xiaoqiang all his life. It’s not because he stabbed me to death.

Fortunately, although this person hugged me tightly, he didn't make any next move. He must be a novice.

Since I am a novice, I have to calm down even more.

"Brake with stillness, let the opponent make the first move, and then you make a move, and give him a fatal blow!"

This is what grandpa taught her.

Yes, stop with static and see what he's going to do next?
As long as you dare to take the next step, the razor in my hand is not a vegetarian.

Tang Qing was cleaning the shaving tools by the sink, and the razor was just in his hand.

She originally wanted to kill him with a single blow and turn him on his back.

But the man came over, and even Tang Qing's hands were hugged together, unable to move.

So Tang Qing can only stop with stillness, as long as that person dares to make the next move, her razor will immediately take action, cutting his throat, stabbing his heart, and gouging out his lifeblood. Tang Qing has Tang Qing's own tricks.

Tang Qing has the patience to stop with stillness, and she must also stop with stillness. If that person wants to make the next move, she must let go of her hand, so her razor must be faster than that person's shot at her. Have confidence.

As for braking with static, no one can be more patient than Tang Qing.

Thinking back to when Master Li was on February [-]th, when such a big snake crawled on her body, she still calmly stopped and waited for it to leave by itself.

Tang Qing simply entered the cranky mode again, anyway, if you want to hug, hug first, there will always be times when your hands are sore.

I'm hungry and my body is a little cold. You hug me like adding a padded jacket to me. I have to thank you.

Hehe, I'm wearing thick clothes on such a cold day, no matter how tight you hug me, it's impossible to have an intimate contact with me.

Hehe, it's really strange, I met a lot of hooligans today.

Playing hooligans with big belly money is not really a trick, he just doesn't want me to go out of the People's Barbershop, and he is afraid that I will report him, so he clings to me tightly.

This person's hooliganism is probably real. The cow-like panting sound is so violent, and the two big iron-like hands are so hard, he must be trying to take advantage of me.

Hee hee, although I, Tang Qing, don't know what flowers are like before and under the moon, and I have never been through bridge holes and tree sheds, but I can be regarded as a person who has experienced it. I, Tang Qing, know very well whether a man is really a hooligan or a fake hooligan very.

After all, does Ala have Xiaoqiang, who is the child's mother.

"Master Jiujin, I really like you!"

"Huh? Why are you?!"

When Tang Qing heard that person's voice, he couldn't help being furious, turned around, and slapped him.

(End of this chapter)

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