
Chapter 108

Chapter 108

Yang Ying's accident happened before dinner.

The little guy is very lively, compared to his third brother Yang Lin who is two years older than him, he is a bit too lively.

Because I just learned boxing, it was the time when I was enthusiastic. I jumped up and down without a shape, and caught my third brother Yang Lin and beat him up. Yang Lin's nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

So, she was suppressed and reprimanded by Yang Shoucheng and Liang Yingzhen, and asked her to be quiet. Moreover, she was taught for a while that beating her brother was wrong and shameful.

If Yang Shoucheng and Liang Yingzhen did anything wrong, there is nothing.

However, children may think wrong.

Yang Ying felt that her parents were a bit biased. It was obvious that Yang Lin couldn't beat her, and even sued after losing. This is a very spineless behavior.However, the guy who likes to sue has won the care and love of his parents, but he has been severely reprimanded.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got, she went out of the drugstore, sobbing by herself, to complain to sister Chen Jialan Xin from the painting and calligraphy shop next door.

That elder sister is one year older than her, but she is much more stable. She has learned the Four Books and Five Classics since she was very young, and she is good at female celebrities. She looks like she walked out of a painting.

Every time Yang Ying is unhappy, as long as she finds her and talks to her, all the troubles will be gone.

The two kids had a great time.

In the past, as long as Yang Ying went out of the gate and turned left, the family didn't worry about her.

Know what she is going to do.

Anyway, go and come back.

What Yang Shoucheng didn't expect was that Yang Ying's little girl didn't come home when it was dinner time. When Agui went out to look for it, he went to the painting and calligraphy shop. After a while, he ran back with a face full of panic.

Afterwards, An Ren Tang's guards and guards all mobilized.

He searched carefully in front of and behind the house, and asked passers-by and various shops.

It's not that it's useless.

A guard found a small embroidered shoe by the ditch to the south. The peony flower on it was drawn with a unique double-needle method, and Liang Yingzhen's mark was left on it.

These are the little girl's shoes. They fell into the ditch and were soaked in sewage. If it weren't for the sharp-eyed guards, they wouldn't have noticed it.

After discovering the shoes.

The Yang family immediately became more flustered.

Knowing that something happened to Yang Ying, she was either kidnapped or killed.

Is this okay?

Immediately, he said that anyone who provided clues would be rewarded with money.

This method worked very well. A beggar in ragged clothes came forward to receive the reward. He shrank and told everything he had seen secretly, saying how someone covered Yang Ying's mouth and how he left the street so quickly. .

He also said that the man had accomplices and drove an ox cart to the south in the direction of Niulanfang.

At this time, Li Sicheng and Ye Yuying were guests at Yang Shoucheng's house...

Speaking of which, Yang Shoucheng was Ye Yuying's cousin, and the two parties were related.

Ye Yuying heard that her cousin was kidnapped, and then thought of the clothes of the gangster who kidnapped the little guy, and immediately judged that this was the remnant of the Red Lotus Society.

It must have been the failure of the Red Lotus Society's mission last time. Therefore, in order to make up for the mistake, or even for the sake of face, the children were tied back intact.

How arrogant and bold is this?
Li Sicheng and Ye Yuying were afraid that night would be full of dreams, so they just told the Yang family, they held swords in their hands, looked at the direction, and hurriedly chased after them.

"Confused, both of them are not very strong. Even Yuying, who has practiced for 16 years, is only a step into bone forging, and she lacks some actual combat experience. Cheng'er has wasted time, and now she is away from her. There is still a long way to go for bone forging. With their abilities, they might not be able to save people, but instead..."

Ye Yinzhang's beard trembled wildly, and his whole body trembled with anger.

I don't know whether he was angry at Honglianhui's kidnapping in broad daylight, or expressed dissatisfaction with Li Sicheng and Ye Yuying's unauthorized actions.

To save people, you must be saved, but you have to pay attention to the method.

Bumping around like headless flies, it is very likely that no one can be rescued, and they have put themselves in it.

In fact, there are already bad signs.

Li Sicheng and Ye Yuying chased them out, and more than half an hour passed, not only did no news come back, they also disappeared.

It didn't seem to stir up the slightest splash.

"Brother, at this time, I don't want to think too much about it. Call the brothers and fight the Red Lotus Society. Ever since we embarked on this road, we have long stopped taking our lives as our own. Kill the faint official It doesn’t matter, killing the scum of the rivers and lakes is nothing more than killing the word, and it does not violate the purpose of acting on behalf of the sky.”

Liu Changhe is handsome, good at wielding willow-leaf double knives, a master at the early stage of dark energy, and he can be regarded as a well-known big boxer...

He looks like a Confucian scholar, but he is actually very hot-tempered, not as sophisticated and deep as Ye Yinzhang.

In fact, in the face of this situation, no matter how sophisticated you are, it is useless.

The enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light.

He cast a mouse-restraint weapon again and lost the upper hand.

Can only see walking steps, seeing tricks and breaking tricks...

Some risks are unavoidable.

It was Yang Shoucheng who suddenly remembered something at a critical moment, a person.Let Agui rush to Baicao Hall for help... and he himself, with some guards, followed Ye Yinzhang and others to explore the way first.


I heard that it was not only Yang Ying who had an accident.

Moreover, even Li Sicheng and Ye Yuying joined in.

Zhang Kun didn't know what to say at all.

I was secretly annoyed in my heart.

After the incident at the Green Willow Villa last time, I originally thought that I would find Li Chengyao when I had time, and join forces to uproot this evil... religion that does all kinds of evil and deceives the people.

In the end, for some reason, these troublesome things happened one after another, which made me unable to get out.

Things were so delayed.

If you don't move, it doesn't mean that your opponent is just waiting quietly.

Red Lotus has been doing things silently, this is not the first time, nor will it be the last time.

It's just that this matter is related to himself, and it is also related to the follow-up of the last incident, so Zhang Kun can know it at the first time.

"It must be an act of retaliation. That veteran Lianxin, where did he get the courage to start doing it again? Is it aimed at me, or is it aimed at the Small Knife Society?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Zhang Kun's mind.

I thought that most of this matter was aimed at the Knife Club.

Because the act of abducting Yang Ying again seems to be a temporary idea, but in fact, the target must have been selected long ago.

As for the news that he accepted Yang Ying as his apprentice, it was only a verbal joke, and the two sides did not publicize it.Outsiders naturally have no way of knowing, and if you think about it, the Red Lotus Society must also not know.

It would not be possible to start with Yang Ying to lure himself into the game.

Then, the problem is very clear.

This must be, those people in the Red Lotus Society, remembering that the knife meeting broke their good deed last time.

The last incident not only exposed the inside story of the 'children's blood', but also led to the death of Imperial Physician Wang on the spot, making the pharmaceutical plan impossible to carry out, and the intermediary contact Cui Gonggong was also exhausted after the incident.

All of this, from the source point of view, the problem lies with the Small Knife Society, and they opened the curtain of the incident.

Therefore, it is not wrong for Honglian to count the hatred on them.

There is another reason, that is, although the Xiaodaohui seems to be powerful, but there are not many masters, it can be regarded as a soft persimmon.

Don't worry about big changes in dealing with them.

'If I'm right, knives must be dangerous.Knowing their strength, they dared to make a move. Obviously, they had sufficient preparations to beat them. '

Zhang Kun just thought about this in his heart, but didn't say it.

He was worried that someone was thinking too much and felt sad.

In fact, Zhang Kun still underestimated the sensitivity of women's minds.

Just standing aside and listening to a few words, Li Xiaowan's eyes were already straightened, and she was a little dazed.

After a while, he said with difficulty: "Cousin, go and have a look. If you can save it, you can save it. If you can't, keep the green hills, so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood."

Zhang Kun's heart skipped a beat.

His eyes were sharp, and he had already seen that Li Xiaowan's face was pale...

A pair of small hands, tucked into the sleeves, trembled slightly, obviously worried to the extreme.

She must have already guessed that her elder brother Li Sicheng, whom she just met today, has already stepped into the trap set by others.

Her last blood relative is likely to die forever.

This kind of experience was too cruel for a girl who was underage.

But even in this situation, Li Xiaowan still didn't cry or say anything.

I am afraid that I will also feel the pressure and fall into danger.

The girl is very sensible, and it makes people feel distressed, of course she is not born like this...

Who doesn't want to be an innocent and innocent young lady who will never grow up?
Who wants to be a sensible girl who is always cautious in her words and deeds, and lives her life carefully.

It is not forced by this era.

Wang Jingya was a little angry.

She hugged Li Xiaowan immediately.

"Sister Xiaowan, what are you talking about, but you underestimate Zhang Kun too much. No matter what, you have to believe in his strength. Even if Honglian is ten times stronger, he can save people. Come back, don't worry. No matter how bad it is, there is still me."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head halfway and looked at Zhang Kun.

Just say, should I go down?
I let you finish all the words, what else should I say?
Even though Zhang Kun was in a slightly heavy mood, he was dumbfounded by Wang Xiaoya's words, and said angrily, "Okay, you know how to be a hero, and the hammer, you take the hammer with you, and Xiaowan will take care of the house..."

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked around again, "Tian Qianli, Xiao Lin, Xiao Wu, you guys, take care of the medical clinic and close early... Strangers are coming, so be careful."


Several people responded in unison.


It didn't take much time to confess some things.

When Zhang Kun arrived at Yang's Mansion, Yang Shoucheng, Ye Yinzhang and his party were already waiting at the intersection.

Seeing Zhang Kun's figure, Yang Shoucheng hurriedly greeted him with a torch, and apologized: "This time, I have caused trouble for Master Zhang again."

"Doctor Yang is out of touch. Xiaoying is my apprentice. If you attack her, no matter what the purpose is, the Red Lotus Society will die. Let's go, let's talk about it later."

While talking, he and Ye Yinzhang and the others looked at each other, both of them knew each other, they were all prepared for a bloody battle, and neither said a word.


When we arrived at Niulanfang in the Southern District, the large area in front of us was covered in darkness. Occasionally some houses were lit, but there was no sound. The group of people didn't know where to look.

It was already dark.

If the other party deliberately hides and searches for clues, it will be a hundred times more difficult.

Yang Shoucheng was as anxious as a headless chicken, standing at the crossroads, turning around, confused.

"What should I do? What should I do? I'm afraid Xiaoying'er is already very scared. I shouldn't have scolded her before. If I hit my brother, I should just hit her. Children don't have evil intentions. Why should I scold her?"

This old man in his 40s squatted on the ground and sobbed.

After all, he is only a doctor, and he has rarely experienced such a dangerous situation. Thinking about the safety of his little daughter, he felt sad for a moment, and couldn't help but collapse.

Seeing Yang Shoucheng like this, Ye Yinzhang and the others were also shocked, and they would not be able to think of a way for a while.

Wang Jingya, on the other hand, became calmer when it came to big battles. At this moment, her eyes were as bright as stars, and she said in a low voice, "It's okay. I'm a professional when it comes to finding people. Sister Hua, Xiaowen, do you have any?" Is there any news?"

"Wang Xiaoya, Miss Wang, how dare we not do our best for what you have told us? What's more, this time Chief Zhang is in charge. Even if we don't take your face off, we must perform well in front of Chief Zhang and repay him The kindness of care..."

Two figures emerged from the darkness.

The one who spoke was a plump woman who kept on dressing up, with a machete on her waist.

The woman with her head covered in a handkerchief looks like a housewife, but her ability to speak and do things makes it easy to see her identity as a quack.

This is one of the female bodyguards in the bodyguard bureau. Zhang Kun sometimes practiced boxing with Wang Jingya, and this elder sister Hua Ronghua would come to joke with a calm face.

Therefore, Zhang Kun also recognized her.

And beside her is a delicate, round-faced woman who doesn't like to talk too much.

Holding a rapier in his hand, his brows and eyes have fortitude.

It is said that this is also a graduate of Fu Wuyi School's previous classes, and he is not as flamboyant as Tian Qianli.

It's also very easy to do things.

Her name is Wen Xiuxiu.

Sister Hua said a few words, knowing that everyone was in a bad mood at this time, she turned around and pulled an honest farmer out, "Tell me, tell me about the group of incense burners you know... promise Your benefits will not be forgotten."

"It's really Daoist benefactor. If you want to know, then it's okay."

The middle-aged man in the crops was full of fear at first, and then saw Zhang Kun standing solemnly under the firelight, rubbed his eyes suddenly, and grinned.

"Can you even recognize me? Is your kid all right now?"

Zhang Kun was surprised.

This man is not a stranger, but a half acquaintance.

His son is the stupid scholar who reads so crazy that he thinks he is Zhang Sheng in The Story of the West Chamber, and thinks that Mrs. Yingying will come to meet him one day.

That day, Zhang Kun used poison to fight poison, and found an old technician to play the role of Cui Yingying, and played with that kid.Immediately let him realize that today is right and yesterday was wrong, and he is completely awake.

"Okay, it's all over, it's even better than before..." The middle-aged man grinned from ear to ear, and when he saw Zhang Kun, he wasn't afraid anymore: "That day, although benefactor pretended to be an old fairy, others recognized him as an old fairy. No, the old man can recognize it. Don't your hands and neck look like an old man?"

Well, you're smart.

Zhang Kun felt that he had underestimated the wisdom of the working people.

Maybe it's not that people can't recognize it, and it's not that they don't know that they are pretending to be ghosts.

However, when the time comes to the point of desperation, no matter how fake a person or thing is, he still wants to give it a try.

What if it is cured?

There are some things that are really better to be believed than not to be believed.

Rarely confused.

'It's an excellent way to find these people's heads. '

Seeing this middle-aged man, Zhang Kun recalled the past and gave Wang Jingya a surprised look.

Unexpectedly, this Huniu turned out to be as careful as a hair.

Last time, I wanted to earn dragon energy points for free clinics, so I prepared well for the battle, and faced Luo Qi's bodyguard assessment... She even developed that list of free clinics into an informant for Yuanshun bodyguards.

Once something happened, it was activated immediately, and it really worked at this time.

And the most rare thing is that these things are just idle chess arranged by Wang Jingya...

"Sister Xiaowan reminded me. She said that a good fighter has no great achievements, and everything is forewarned... Anyway, I couldn't understand it, so I just dealt with it. I just thought of looking for the thief from the Red Lotus Society. Poor people, there are many incense burners, wouldn't it be easy to find them?"

"Yes, you did a good job." Zhang Kun praised.

How much did the two women mess with when they were free, things that they didn't know?

He turned his head unnaturally to look at the middle-aged man, and said with a smile:

"It's important, Mr. Zhang, you lead the way. Where do the incense burners often gather? Since you have participated in the incense ceremony, you must not forget the way."

"Of course, those people are good people at first glance, but they will give out money if they can't stand it. Especially the Venerable who presided over the ceremony has a small cloth bag that can pour out countless green coins. I saw it with my own eyes. The Taoist priest stood in front of the crowd, stretching out his hand to take money out of the cloth bag, each household distributed three, a total of more than [-] copper coins, and the small cloth bag was still bulging, it is really a fairy trick."

The middle-aged man talked on and on, and while running ahead to lead the way, he suddenly asked: "Grandpa, are you trying to find their bad luck?"

"You don't have to worry about this matter, just find a place. Take the money and go home to sleep, as if you never came out tonight."

Zhang Kun smiled without answering, took out a small ingot of silver and stuffed it in his hand.

"How did this happen, how did it happen?"

The middle-aged man refused while holding onto the money tightly.

Zhang Kun couldn't help laughing out loud.

"If you give it to you, you can keep it. If you really find someone, you have to accept your love."



Ye Yinzhang walked in the front, and suddenly stopped.

In front of him was a smelly place, and a few tens of feet away, there was a large courtyard.

The walls are uneven and mottled, pigs and cows are thrown everywhere, red and black, gathered into small puddles, with dense flies and mosquitoes flying on them, under the light of the fire, people's heads are numb .

this environment.

No need to ask, it must be that there are too many pigs and cattle slaughtered on weekdays, and there is no special person to manage them.So dirty and messy and smelly.

The strange thing is that people in this era have excellent psychological endurance.

Faced with such a smelly situation, none of them changed their faces, and they didn't even mess up their breathing.

(End of this chapter)

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