
Chapter 112

Chapter 112

"Promote, the thirteen Taibao horizontally practice the golden bell cover."

"Consume 10 points of Dragon Qi, the breakthrough is complete!"

"Consume 8 points of Dragon Qi, break the limit."

After Zhang Kun returned to the "Baicaotang", he ordered not to disturb himself, lit the lamp and studied hard, carefully figured it out, and carefully studied and practiced the text on the leather scroll.

Finally, before dawn, he saw the "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Training Golden Bell Cover" logo appearing on the attribute bar, followed by the words (entry) can be improved.

After washing his face with cold water, Zhang Kun didn't want to delay for a moment, and directly raised his mind.

As the body's bones, tendons, and flesh stretched and reorganized, Zhang Kun endured the strange indescribable pain with great perseverance.

The blood on his body was surging, and there was silence inside and outside the house, and his body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

He just stood there, closed his eyes and trembled for a while, and then, there was a faint humming in the air, crackling sounds like fried beans in bones, and the sound of blood rushing.

Zhang Kun opened his eyes again, and the blood in his eyes slowly faded away. With great difficulty, he was able to escape from the memory of the continuous battle and the golden and iron horse.

This time, in addition to the transformation of his body, he seemed to appear on an ancient battlefield, with endless enemies to kill and endless battles.

Horse battles, foot battles, traps, ambushes, Jedi fight back!

Zhang Kun experienced all kinds of battles against the wind, against the wind, and overturning the situation one by one. Relying on his iron body, he forcibly killed a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood from that era.

"It's a life of fighting, but it's also a life of boredom."

I don't know who to fight for, I have no philosophy, and I don't have beliefs. I just follow orders and keep killing and killing.

This is a human weapon.

Zhang Kun felt the explosive power coming from inside his body.

The feeling that he had trained his body into a solid block of steel, and his whole body was round and one, almost made him think that he was no longer a body of flesh and blood.

Inside and outside the skin, there is a faint golden light reflected.

It was as if there was a layer of golden clothes on the outside of the body that could be discerned with the naked eye.

When the energy and blood were fully pumping, he observed carefully that the golden light lines were generally in the shape of an inverted bell against the skin, and there seemed to be countless small lines flowing irregularly on it.

Looking carefully, I can't see clearly.

"Using energy and blood as salary, and flesh and blood as iron, sacrifice magic weapons and divine weapons."

Looking at it, Zhang Kun felt that this exercise seemed very abnormal.

Like the one in the legend, you have to train yourself into a powerful weapon.

"These ancients can think of any method, but as long as it is easy to use."

He squeezed his fist and tried his strength, but he was a little disappointed.

It can't be said to be disappointment. After two improvements in Liuhequan and Baguaquan, in general, if you practice more boxing techniques, the strength that can be increased by muscles and bones will continue to decay.

This also generally proves a truth, that is, before breaking the ordinary limit of the human body, there is no real exchange of blood to strengthen the internal organs, before transcending the vulgarity.

No matter how you improve your basic physique, there will always be restrictions.

This is actually quite normal.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be possible to add up physical fitness or agility all the time if you learn all kinds of exercises by yourself.

Facts have proved that this possibility does not exist.

For example, Liuhe boxing is good for body training, and then practice Bagua boxing, and the same muscles and bones will be trained, and the improvement there will be weakened, which is also the reason for the decline of physical fitness improvement.

And the Thirteenth Taibao practiced the golden bell cover horizontally, and once practiced, it once again attenuated.

This exercise, which specializes in physical fitness, improved his physical fitness, not as strong as he imagined, but it only increased by 9 points.

It can be regarded as a great achievement, a step further.

Take a look at the property bar:

【Name: Zhang Kun】

[Talent: Blood Bravery]

【Age: 18】

[Physical: 71]

[Agility: 74]

【Spirit: 17】

[Martial arts: Sanda (proficient)]

[Liuhequan: (Consummation Breaks Limits) Bone Forging, Tendon Changing]

[Baguazhang: (Consummation, second limit breaking) forging bones and tendons]

[Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Practice Golden Bell Cover (Consummation, Breaking Limits)]

[Skills: Liuhe Knife (Consummation), Firearms (Consummation), Medical Skills (Proficient), Chinese (Beginner)...]

Dragon Qi: 11
Nethergate: (4.0% regression)


With one more skill, one more ability.

The strength has now reached more than 1400 catties for random shots, and has gradually reached an inhuman level.

It is a pity that the improvement of agility has not been manifested.

This is also to be expected.

He picked up the steel knife in the house and pumped out his energy and blood, making his flesh firm. In the faint golden light, the light of the knife struck it.


The blade vibrates.

A thin white mark appeared on the skin of Zhang Kun's arm, which disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"The strength is too small, [-]% of the strength..."

Another slash.


A little bit of thin skin was broken on his arm, and a two-inch-long blood hole appeared like a silk thread, from which a drop of blood oozed out.

"Okay, [-]% power!"

Adding more force, Zhang Kun felt that he had used a thousand catties of strength and slashed heavily on his arm.

The right hand holding the knife shook, as if he had cut into the flexible and hard reinforced concrete, and the outer layer was covered with a thick layer of rubber leather, and a strong rebound force appeared.

The left arm of the beheaded hand sank slightly, and there was pain. The golden jade-colored delicate skin had a finger-sized cut, and about seven or eight drops of blood flowed out. The cut was closed immediately, and it closed automatically...

I can feel the small wound, a slight pain, and a slight itching.

It should be in automatic recovery.

In less than half a day's work, the injury will almost heal.

"Very well, the strength of my body seems to surpass that of old Taoist Lian Xin."

Zhang Kun still remembers that when he confronted the old Taoist priest, he relied on the limit-breaking saber technique of the realm of human-knife integration, and borrowed strength to transform power, broke through the block of the one-horned bronze figure, and slashed on the opponent's body. Three times.

That's no ordinary three swords.

Any saber movement, when used in his hands, exerts force very transparently.

Even if he didn't burst out with all his strength, he still had more than a thousand catties.

But even so, the old Taoist priest Lianxin was chopped back and fell backwards, and the flesh and bones did not suffer much damage.

Of course, it also cut a long knife mark as thick as a baby's mouth. Although it was not very deep, it was considered a lot of blood.

But now, under the same strength and knife attack, he only cut a few small scars like a kitchen knife cut the skin.

Based on this estimate, the thirteen Taibao horizontal training practiced by the old Taoist may be at the stage of Dacheng, and may reach perfection, but it definitely has not reached the limit-breaking level.

If it is said that the old Taoist priest Lianxin will still be injured under the attack of the pistol, his skin will be broken, his tendons will be broken, and he can only hold ten shots and eight shots without affecting his actions.

Then, with my current physique, this pistol can break through some oily skin at most, and it can't even penetrate flesh and blood.

"The assurance of life-saving is greater."

After measuring the tyrannical defense of the body, and feeling the continuous power generated inside, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Kun's mouth.

At this time, he could finally say that even if he was not careful, he would not die so easily.

Even in this era, with the most penetrating and impactful rifles, it is absolutely impossible to penetrate one's body with a single shot.

When the bullet hits, most of it will get stuck in the muscle.

Don't say it's piercing the periosteum tendons and injuring the internal organs. If you want to pierce through the thick flesh layer and injure your internal organs, unless you are shot at the same place twice or three times.

Is there such a god sharpshooter?
There may be, but it is basically impossible to encounter it.

Also, I'm not some immobile rake standing there for someone to aim and fire at the same spot.

After grinning for a while, Zhang Kun also let out a long breath.

"You still have to be careful, no matter how careful you are. Even if the bullet can't penetrate it, you have to guard against all kinds of despicable methods, such as various toxins and chemicals."

"There are also some penetrating blows and internal vibration targeting exercises that can also hurt me. After all, the five internal organs have not been sacrificed, and they are still very weak."

"No matter how strong the body's resistance is, it doesn't have that strong resistance to these underworld things. Therefore, the tyranny of the body should be hidden."

Zhang Kun knew that this tyrannical body that seemed to be wearing several layers of armor did not become stronger in nature, but as if it was passively covered with a defensive skill.

The life-saving ability has improved, but the improvement of his actual martial arts level is actually limited.

I would never underestimate the people of the world.


In the middle of the day, when the smell of food was wafting from Baicao Hall, Zhang Kun received two waves of news.

Xiao Lin was sweating profusely from running, and this was the second time today that he hurried back to report.

For the first time, it was about the news from the acquaintance jailer of Yuanshun Escort Bureau in the sky prison.

They said it was Li Sicheng and Ye Yuying, but they were indeed imprisoned last night.

This is bad news.

The good news is that they haven't been arraigned or tortured yet, and there's no disposition order from above.

Now, Ye Yinzhang and others from the Little Knife Club, in cooperation with the Yuanshun Escort, have started the rescue operation with money and effort.

It is very unrealistic not to get them out; I just want these two people to live a little better in prison, at least not to suffer any abuse and dirtier methods.

You know, the prison at this time is not only the name that sounds scary, but the darkness inside is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

If there is no prior management, the prisoners who are deeply involved will definitely be beaten to the bone and tortured.

Hundreds of thousands of taels of silver were sent in, but it could only make the two of them a little bit more comfortable.

"Another big event happened on the street. This morning, the boxer from Auspicious Kingdom, Andre, suddenly brought a large group of people to visit the Yongxing Escort, claiming to make friends through martial arts."

Xiao Lin still couldn't believe it when he talked about it.

"My lord, guess what? That Andre said clearly that he would make friends with martial arts, but he attacked ruthlessly. He disabled two trial escorts of the Yongxing Escort on the spot, forcing Mr. Tan Zhengbang, the head of the Escort, to do it himself... Shengsheng interrupted Mr. Tan's eight-door golden lock knife with his fist on the spot, smashed his chest with one punch, and killed him on the spot."


Wang Jingya couldn't help exclaiming.

He couldn't hide the shock in his eyes anymore.

After all, Zhang Kun was not born and bred in the capital, and he had only heard of some famous martial arts masters, so he didn't have much deep impression on them.

But Wang Jingya was different. She grew up in the capital since she was a child, and while she knew these famous masters like the back of her hand, she also grew up listening to their stories.

This Mr. Tan is a self-made legend. He has a good personality and makes friends with everyone. Generally, he will not offend people easily.

Speaking of people with this kind of personality, generally speaking, their martial arts would definitely not be very strong.

Actually wrong.

Before the rise of Wang Wu, this man was known as the number one swordsman in the capital with an eight-door golden lock knife.

In terms of martial arts cultivation, he is naturally far from being number one, but his level of sword use is simply remarkable, so wonderful.

There are many disciples and grandchildren in the Yongxing Escort Bureau, and most of those escort masters joined it for the saber technique.The six dark-level escort heads in the escort agency were all brought out by Mr. Tan.

In other words, Tan Zhengbang is not only good at swordsmanship, but also very good at teaching apprentices, and has a great reputation, which is even better than Zhang Chonghua of the Friends Escort Bureau, who is famous for martial arts.

Of course, that was before Zhang Chonghua had broken through Huajin.

"How long has Andre been fighting with him?"

Zhang Kun noticed a problem.

Since Mr. Tan is known for his skills, either, he has no chance to fight back at all; or, once he has a chance to make a move, he won't be defeated so miserably.

"It was just three strokes. One knife, three punches, and then he was killed."

Kobayashi didn't know how to describe it.

He also heard the news just now, and he was shocked and inexplicable.

He felt that it was necessary to come back and report this kind of news to his master.

"I heard that the auspicious man's fist was fast and heavy. Mr. Tan had no chance to use the eight-door saber technique. He only cut half of it, and was hit by the opponent directly on the blade, breaking it in two. Then, the lower abdomen He was punched in the head and the head. Even the head was deformed on the spot."

Just from the rumors from Xiaolin, Zhang Kun can understand how fierce this foreign warrior named Andre is.

"Under such circumstances, the rest of the bodyguards of the Tongxing Escort Agency actually just watched?"

Wang Jingya expressed her incomprehension.

If it was at Yuanshun Escort Bureau, if someone really broke in and killed the bodyguard, it was likely that everyone would do it together.

It's okay to come in and kick the hall, but whether you can go out depends on luck.

"So what if you don't look at it?"

Kobayashi sighed: "In name, Andre said to be friends with martial arts, but he also brought nearly fifty strong warriors with him, carrying foreign guns on his shoulders. This kind of battle, even if it is a frontal attack, Tongxing Escort Bureau is very good. That's enough...not to mention, there are reporters from the Eight Kingdoms beside the group of Ji Li Kingdom, who are interviewing with long guns and short guns."

"Interview? Do you still want to publish in the newspaper like this?"

Wang Jingya's pretty eyes were widened, and she thought to herself, what's the point of this? Not only does this kill people, but it also ruins people's reputations?

Although she didn't have much affection for the other seven escort agencies in the capital, including this old man Tan, she felt a little empathetic in the face of the challenge of foreigners, and couldn't bear to hear the other party's current ending.

Zhang Kun still remembered this Mr. Tan, the last time when the members came to block the door, the head of the Tongxing Escort Bureau was also watching the fun and stood by the members to help.What are you talking about? Seeking revenge is a common thing. If you kill someone, you have to guard against someone coming to your door...

Several celebrities think so, even the Great Swordsman Wang Wu can't say the words to refuse the challenge.

Therefore, Zhang Kun can only accept the challenge of his friends and the life and death challenge of Zhang Chonghua.

It is completely forced by the general trend.

"Xiao Lin, you should find out the specific and real reason for the challenge. Don't talk about using martial arts to make friends. It doesn't look like it."

Zhang Kun ordered.

"All right, sir."

Xiao Lin turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly paused, and said hesitantly, "There is a rumor, I don't know if it is true? I heard that Andre was born in a temple, and he is the head of the warriors in the western capital of the Guangming God Sect...

The reason why he wanted to challenge the Jianghu in the capital was because several temple warriors under him were beaten to death in the street, especially a warrior named Taylor who had a very close relationship with him. . "

"I see."

Zhang Kun understood.

This is the most reasonable explanation.

It's a bit strange to talk about this foreigner named Andre.

Friends and subordinates were beaten to death by warriors. Instead of thinking about finding the murderer, he directly challenged the Escort and Boxing Gym. Seeing this, he was going to beat the martial arts in the capital to the ground under the witness of reporters from eight countries. Come……

Does he have the ability?
Zhang Kun's eyes moved slightly, and after thinking about it, he ignored it.

Although he wasn't afraid of this so-called Temple Warrior Chief, but he didn't come to his door, so he wouldn't come to the door to admit that he killed someone, and then fight with him.

I didn't hear it. There were reporters from eight countries on the opposite side.

There are also soldiers with live ammunition and many warriors accompanying them to witness.

In this case, if he really admits to murder and accepts the challenge, it is likely to draw the wrath of the Eight Kingdoms.

It doesn't really matter what foreigners think. The key is that if one is not done well, the natives will go up to the court and down to the common people, and they will all blame themselves for instigating troubles and offending the foreign masters.

"Tan Zhengbang is not considered to be the strongest head of the eight bodyguards. I heard that other bodyguards also hide master Huajin masters, so it's easy not to make a move. The three major martial arts also have master-level strong fighters. The foreign warrior If you really want to challenge, you will encounter a hard bone sooner or later, but I don’t need to worry about it.”

Zhang Kun turned his head and looked at the bedroom on the other side of the backyard. Since last night, Li Xiaowan hadn't come out, and he didn't know what he was busy with.

"As long as the foreign devil doesn't find me, he can pretend to be dead. The most important thing right now is to find a way to get Li Sicheng and Ye Yuying out."

Zhang Kun hesitated in his heart.

He faintly felt that the reason why these two people were arrested was for him.

However, there is no evidence.

As for the foreigners, the reason why they were able to brazenly challenge, maim and kill the martial artists in the capital, and no one said anything.In the final analysis, it is still a question of national strength.

The strength of the country is not as good as that of people. When it comes to the court, the common people and the heroes of the rivers and lakes, they can only be passively accepted.

There is no way to retaliate afterwards.

Because, once you can't help but take revenge, you will most likely be suppressed by the army.

In this case, even the Daqing Kingdom will only help foreigners, not the common people.

That's how bad it is.


Second Sister Lin is very agile.

At this time, the sixth course had already been served, and just as it was being placed on the table, Li Xiaowan finally came out.

There were dark circles around her eyes, obviously she had stayed up all night and hadn't slept all night.He was in good spirits, glanced around, found Zhang Kun in the hall, and waved quickly.

"Cousin, come here."


Zhang Kun was surprised.

He had never seen such a situation.

Because Li Xiaowan is a medical student, he actually pays more attention to the maintenance of his body. He pays attention to resting at sunset and rising at sunrise.

It is said that working and resting on time in this way can make the brain clearer and learn things faster.

Now, to actually break his own schedule, he must be busy with very important things.

(End of this chapter)

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