
Chapter 121 Five Yun Plum Blossom Slash

Chapter 121 Five Elements Plum Blossom Slash

"Wait, you said just now that Andre joined the Yuanshun Escort and challenged the Great Sword King Five? This is true."

Zhang Kun grabbed the passing man.

asked hastily.

But he knew that the Fifth Great Swordsman was not in the capital at this time.

Yang Wenzhong said that the head of the bodyguard has been running around for the reform, so busy that he doesn't care about his head.

He should be in Wanping County at this time, facing the wind and rain in all directions, and wiped out corrupt officials and lawless tyrants, so he can't care about the business of his own bodyguard agency.

At this moment, there is no strong player in the Escort.

If Andre knocks at the door...

The scene is likely to be even more tragic than that of the Plum Blossom Boxing Gym.

"Who are you?"

The man in civilian clothes who was put on his shoulders shook his body impatiently.It felt like a big mountain was pressing on my shoulders suddenly, and I couldn't move, and was lifted and put down directly.

"Ah, it's Zhang...Master Zhang, so it's you."

The man was startled, and when he looked again, he quickly forced a smile on his face, "The reporters from the Beijing Evening News just passed by, and they are the most well-informed. If there is any trouble, they will know it in advance...Look, those two According to Zhixinbao, when the foreigner and Mr. Yuanda played against each other, I saw him taking pictures."

Before the man finished speaking, a gust of wind passed by in front of him.

The figure on the opposite side has disappeared.

He hastily turned around and looked, only to see a green robe in the middle of the street, and after a few blinks, the blue shadow was already at the end of the street.

"So fast."

He took a deep breath and shouted: "Hurry up, go to the Yuanshun Escort, Master Zhang of the Crazy Saber has already left, there is a good show to watch. This person is like a fire, even dare to break into the palace, kill officials Thieves, never hold back. That foreigner bumped into it, he hit the iron plate right."

Surrounded by crowds...

All flocked to West Banbi Street.

They don't care who wins or loses.

What these people generally care about is actually watching the fun.

It's not that the Yuanshun Escort is a native of the capital, and they only want to go there.

When hearing the news, many common people, including these smiling fighters and businessmen, did not have any thoughts of hostility to foreigners, but instead expressed admiration and admiration in their tone.

It seems that Westerners should be this strong.

This is the power of public opinion.

Even the newspapers are advocating that foreigners are here to help the people of Qingguo, help Daqing reform, and let the people live a better life.Just ask, how can these common people tell the truth from the false?

Plus, this is a bad time.

Compared with the royal family, officials and wealthy businessmen in their own countries, foreigners eat a little more politely, without showing their fangs so much.So, this absurd situation was created.

When the foreigners fought with the warriors of the Qing Dynasty, many people were optimistic about the foreigners.

Are you saying it's ridiculous?
The spirit of taking nothing to do with oneself and hanging high is vividly displayed.

No wonder Tan Weixin and other six gentlemen, as well as Da Dao Wang Wu and others, are all extremely convinced... The failure of Daqing Kingdom was not due to force or weapons, but to the system and culture. superior.Therefore, they will concentrate on cleaning up redundant officials, abolishing imperial examinations, building schools, and cultivating talents in an eclectic manner... First of all, education must be promoted. '

'The people's wisdom is not yet developed, everything they say is false...'

Zhang Kun seems to have heard someone say that among the 300 million people today, only [-] million are literate, and they are scattered all over the country.

That is to say, out of a hundred people, there may not be one literate.

I don't even know the words, so why talk to them about the difference between Hua and Barbarians?What are you talking about making the country rich and its soldiers strong?
Isn't that a joke.

Since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, the Daqing Kingdom has adopted the way of fooling the people, making the people extremely stupid and listening to whatever they say.Similar to pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep, they only know how to work hard.

This is very easy to manage.

There will be no extra thoughts, let alone resistance.

Management is of course very good management, but the wolves outside also follow in... No one knows how to resist.

At this time, if there is no way to open up the wisdom of the people and make these pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep smarter, not only the cattle and sheep will be eaten, but the shepherd and the owner's house will also be eaten by wolves.

Therefore, reform is imperative.

Looking at these laughing people, and then thinking of those happy people holding human blood steamed buns in the execution ground.Zhang Kun's mood was a little heavy, and he saw long guns and short cannons and Western soldiers in front of him.

I also saw a person lying on the ground in the middle of the bustling crowd, with his breastbone collapsed and blood spurting from his mouth.

That's Honghuatong...

The head teacher of the father's martial arts school was knocked to the ground with fist marks on his chest.

It looks like there is only air out and no air in.

Li Xiaowan had a stern face, profuse sweat was pouring out of her forehead, and she was squatting aside to give first aid.

Zhang Kun went to the Plum Blossom Boxing Gym to help, but she didn't guard the clinic either. Maybe she heard the news, so she followed Wang Jingya to the Escort Bureau.

Qi Fulin stood aside, jumping his feet angrily, and just shouted, "What's the point, what's the point?"

Just impotent rage.

All the bodyguards and bodyguards around gathered in front of the door, their eyes were burning with anger, but there was nothing they could do.

Just looking at Andre, who was complacent and disdainful, felt hatred in his heart, but he didn't dare to go forward, each secretly sulking.

As for Wang Jingya, she was more courageous and staunch than the head escorts in the escort agency.

At this time, he was dancing with double hammers and was attacking violently.

The air was blasted with one hammer and one hammer, and the ponytail behind her was fluttering with the wind...

She went straight forward and didn't take half a step back.

In stark contrast to her violent aura are her double hammers.

The eight-edged purple gold hammer made of iron turned out to be quite bumpy at this time, with many fist marks appearing on it.

Wang Jingya's arm was red, swollen and blue... Her mouth was bleeding profusely, and her forehead was sweating profusely. It was obvious that she couldn't hold on anymore.

And the opponent.

Andre blocked the bombardment with one punch and one punch, and was even in the mood to talk and mock.

"Sure enough, there are no men in the Daqing Kingdom. How about King Wu of the Great Sword? With such a great reputation, he is also a coward. I'm still waiting to see his sword skills?"

He punched out with a bang, and hit the hammer so hard that the handle of the hammer was bent slightly, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Since you don't know what to do with this woman, then I will break your limbs. Catch it back and warm the bed. I just like this kind of explosive body and fiery temperament, I wonder if it is still so staunch in bed?"

There was loud applause all around.

There are foreigners laughing, and the people of Qingguo are crazy.

Of course, some people shouted furiously, and some people lowered their heads and couldn't bear to look any longer.

The camera "Puffy" exploded with flashes of spotlight, blinding people's eyes.

A large group of well-dressed foreigners were pointing and pointing, as if they were celebrating a festival.

Just as Zhang Kun pushed through the crowd, bloodshot eyes crept up quietly.

Even though he was far away, everything that happened could not escape his eyes.

He even saw clearly that Wang Jingya had already used all her potential to break through the dark force quietly.

He could also clearly see the turbulent and violent explosion-like blood in Andre's body, and he could clearly see that the opponent's tendons were swollen, and the bones were linked together, ready to deliver a fatal blow.


Andre clearly lost his will to have fun.

With a fierce aura on his body, he took a step forward, and the fist edge buzzed on the sledgehammer.

During the violent shock, Wang Jingya could no longer hold the Zijin Hammer in her right hand, and it flew three feet away.

With a snap of the arm, the bones snapped.

Andre took a step forward with his right foot, twisted his waist and turned his legs...

His left leg was already like a spatula, and his eyebrows were swept down obliquely.Her legs roared in the wind, as if she wanted to shovel Wang Jingya's leg into two pieces.

With the leg strength that he can even pull out a long seal from a steel pillar, if he hits Wang Jingya, something unspeakable may really happen.

Andre said that he wanted to kidnap someone and go back to play with him, but he really lost his temper after beating him, and this man's ferocious nature was revealed.

When punching and kicking, there is no half strength left.

It was so violent and domineering that it was hard to breathe.

The audience, this time, no matter if they were from the Qing Dynasty, foreigners from various countries, or all the reporters, let out a suppressed exclamation from their throats.

Seeing that the legs were like thunder, and the blood was flashing.

The tragic scene will appear again.

Everyone's eyes blurred slightly, and a blue shadow appeared behind Wang Jingya at some unknown time... Grabbing her shoulders, she pulled her back.


Legs are like sticks and whips.

Swept through the air.

The figure in the green robe stood quietly in front of him, his eyebrows were like knives, his eyes were narrowed into a thin line, and faint bloodshot could be seen in them.


Andre swept away with one leg, stepped back half a step, and put on a defensive posture for the first time.

Just now, he kicked the air with all confidence, and he felt a sense of weightlessness as if he had used the wrong force.

This green-robed man from the country of Qing appeared suddenly.Not only could he perfectly grasp the opening of his attack, but he could also control the distance and save the woman.

He was so courageous that he never retreated a step, facing his own fists and legs.

For the first time, Andre cheered up.

Even compared to facing Mr. Yuanda a few days ago, he was much more excited.

He felt that his second shackles were about to be released, and his potential would be released again.

As long as he breaks through this barrier, he can become the eighth knight of the Great Eagle Empire, an extraordinary and refined man.

Eliminate the hidden dangers of the body caused by taking the medicine to stimulate potential in the past, and let the body get a new life.

At that time, the five viscera will be strong, the blood will be fresh, the energy will be strong, and the strength will be more than a level higher.

'This man is a gift from the gods, as long as I kill him, I can break through. '

This idea suddenly came to Andre's mind.

He knew that this induction was not false, but a revelation given to him by the God of Light, and it was the Gospel.

"You are, Zhang Kun, Mad Saber Zhang Kun."

"Yes, it's me."

Zhang Kun gave Wang Jingya a slight backhand, motioning for her to step back first, without looking back, but looking thoughtfully at the foreigner opposite.

After his internal organs became stronger, his telepathy and ability to respond to stress became more acute, and he could sense a trace of the mystery of the power in the opponent's body from the intensity of the crisis in front of him.

This man's blood is strong, and his bones and tendons seem to have been trained to a certain extreme, not like a body of flesh and blood.

The muscles are twisted and twisted, like a sarcoma...

There is another strangeness in the induction.That is, the foreigner in front of him is like a burning torch, which seems to be burnt out in the near future, his internal organs are out of balance, and his breath is fierce and fierce.

'This kind of training and playing style should take the road of burning blood and bursting blood.Constantly consuming longevity and life, unable to maintain health, but the attack power is very strong.No wonder Mr. Yuan Da couldn't beat him, nor could he hurt him. '

Squeezing the inside and outside of the body at the same time, in exchange for extremely improved combat power, regardless of the five elements of yin and yang, they don't know what balance is, and they only pursue strength.

'Crash or reshape...'

Zhang Kun could still feel that in the other party's body, there was another force that was gradually sprouting and about to be completed.

That is the longing for life after the power reaches the critical point, a kind of vitality that declines and flourishes.

To die and then to live?

He watched silently, thinking to himself, you have to have this time first, this opportunity.

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of Andre's mouth, he twisted his neck, clasped his hands together, and twisted his wrists, making crackling bones.

Veins burst out all over his body, coiling up and down like purple-black chains.

The toes point slightly to the ground and twist around.

Obviously, all the preparatory work has been done, and we must go all out.

"Since the Great Saber King Wu can't hide, then it's the same if you kill you. These days, your reputation is not small at all. I hope you don't be too careless. Let me be disappointed again, let's use the knife."

Andre's voice was very weird, with a heavy ending, but it didn't prevent Zhang Kun from understanding what he said.

Even with the killing intent in his chest, he couldn't help laughing: "Are you sure you want me to use the knife?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let me show you what you are capable of. You people from Qingguo are screaming loudly, and you are weak when you fight, with fists and legs...Come, chop at me, and see if you can hurt me a little fur?"

Andre couldn't wait in his heart, so he hooked his hands.

He sensed danger, but was not afraid at all.

A thriving vitality, like green shoots squeezed out of the permafrost, is formed little by little...

The dry body, as if it had encountered the long-lost nectar holy water, revived its vitality.

"it is good."

Zhang Kun didn't talk nonsense anymore.

The long knife on the shoulder, as if possessing spirituality, jumped out of the sheath with a clang and jumped into his hand.

This is after he has controlled his body to an extremely high level, his skin and flesh vibrate, and he can directly draw the knife.Any muscle, any strength, can be perfectly controlled.

With a knife in his hand, he didn't twist his waist, take a step, and take advantage of the situation to slash.

It's just a light swing of the saber, like a fish leaping over a clear wave, a bird flying into the sky, an indescribably comfortable stretch.

"This soft knife technique..."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Andre's mouth.

Thanks to the prudence in his heart, he felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, but when he saw the opponent being so contemptuous, he immediately surged with anger, shouted sharply, punched like thunder, and stomped heavily...

His body was like lightning, and he hit Zhang Kun's temple with a swing of his waist.

Even people with knives must be beaten into two pieces.

Andre is tall, with long arms and arms.

Although he didn't get the weapon, he was the first to hit it just by stepping between the probes.


The surrounding audience were already anxiously waiting.

At this moment, they couldn't help but let out a long breath.

The bloody scene seen earlier was not seen, and the two people in the field chatted for a long time, which made people very anxious.

At this time, seeing Andre's punches were as fierce as landslides and tsunami, with the power to break everything, people couldn't help but shouted loudly.

It seems to be following the force.


There was a sharp cracking sound.

Suddenly drilled into everyone's ears.

For some reason, Andre's fierce fist stopped halfway through the punch.

No, it's not an active pause.

Instead, it fell down.

The light of the saber, which was originally slow, light and beautiful, suddenly burst into a fiery red glow, which should be true or false, and cut across Andre's arm shoulder-to-shoulder.

Like a hot knife cutting butter.

Andre's solid and indestructible body seemed to be vulnerable under the light of the knife.

The arm broke right away.

Pull up a stream of blood.

While the blood was splashing all over the ground, Andre was still exerting force on his side.

He didn't seem to notice that his arm was no longer on his body.



All around, far and near, including Andre, all let out an unbelievable exclamation.

At this moment, the spotlight lights up to the extreme, the puff sound is almost deafening, and the smoke is lingering...

"This knife is called Wuyun Plum Blossom Slash, the image of the mind, and the blazing fire."

Zhang Kun's smile was not a smile, his eyes were bloodshot, revealing a bloody demon, "Mr. Yuanda, I'm greeting you."

Andre grabbed his broken right arm with his left hand, his eyes were bulging, and he roared ferociously... His figure spun like a spinning top, half turned around, his legs chained together, and one leg whipped like a tiger's tail, whistling and sweeping toward Zhang Kun's head.

"I kill you……"

He hadn't hit the target with one leg, but he saw Zhang Kun retracting the knife with his backhand, and the back of the knife was lightly tapped outward, as if he could see a blue wave rising up.

"Analysis of the five aggregates of plum blossoms, the kidneys store water, and the ocean is boundless."

Zhang Kun read the name of the move seriously.

It seems to be really saying goodbye to an old man.

Tell him that there is no martial art that is sure to lose, the reputation of plum blossom boxing will not fall, and the five-element plum blossom chop will surely spread the name to the world...

The back of the knife knocked on the bone of Andre's left leg first.

The endless waves of blue water burst out in an instant.

Muscles were broken, bones exploded, and under the transmission of power, waves of blood surged...

Andre's entire left leg exploded from the calf to the knee to the thigh.

"Beng Beng Beng", like a steel wire being pulled off, or a bone being smashed to pieces by a sledgehammer.

In the splash of bone and blood, that leg had become a piece of paste, spread all over the ground in a fan shape.

This time, Andre, who lost his hands and feet, could no longer stand still.

He fell to the ground with a bang.

His face was stern like a ghost.

"You, how dare you?"

"What do you want to say? Do you want to say that you are the warrior leader of the Great Eagle Empire Temple? Do you want to say that I can't kill you? Shouldn't you cut off your hands and feet?"

Zhang Kun stepped forward, and amidst the exclamation from far and near, he stepped on Andre's head with his right foot, and his voice suddenly rose: "When you challenged all schools and schools and killed those boxers. Why didn't you Have you thought about it, should you be merciful?"

After speaking, he stepped down.


The thunder exploded under his feet.

It's like crushing a rotten watermelon.

Red, white, splashed in all directions.

Zhang Kun was the only one left on the spot... and a headless body was still twitching.


Zhang Zhang took a breath of anger and beat Andre to death in one breath.

If you don't vote for ten or eight monthly tickets, it's unreasonable.

Little fish will despise you.


(End of this chapter)

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