
Chapter 124 Chapter 123

Chapter 124 Chapter 120
Zhang Kun flicked the thin silver needle in his hand.


The tail of the silver needle dances into a round arc.

The middle-aged man who was lying on the sickbed like a rib bone groaned, and his brows that had been tightly locked all the time relaxed.

As one needle trembled, the seven needles inserted in his chest also trembled at the same time.

A scorching hot air flowed in the chest and abdomen, and the disease was mostly cured.

"Seven stars protect life, exorcise evil spirits, and induce righteousness... After returning home, eat more good ones, and you won't worry about relapse."

Zhang Kun sighed.

That's the way it is said, but this middle-aged man looks like the type who is suffering from overwork.

I work hard every day, but I may not be able to eat enough.

Otherwise, you can't starve into a skinny appearance.

Although this seems to be a cold syndrome, in fact, it is still a hunger disease.

Malnutrition is the root of the disease.

Zhang Kun wrote another prescription, added a tonic to it, ordered Xiao Lin to take the medicine, and then turned to look at Li Xiaowan.

Wang Jingya has a straightforward personality, and she can't bear to be wronged, and she is fine with being angry.

To be able to make the good-tempered girl Li Xiaowan so angry that her little face stretched out, and the black-mouthed and black-faced, this newspaper should be considered to be of a certain level.

Walk over and pick up a newspaper at random.

This is the Gazette of Nations.

In name it is Qingguo's newspaper, but in essence it is controlled by foreigners.Most of the above news is news from various countries, major reform events.

There are also some pages that talk about finance and international relations.

On the headline of the front page, there was a photo printed impressively.

The angle of the photo is amazing.

Standing in the center of the image is Zhang Kun himself...

A face is as white as jade, eyebrows flying slantingly like blades, and the depths of the eyes are faintly bloody, a gloomy coldness.

He was holding a knife in his hand, blood was dripping from the tip of the knife, his green robe was fluttering, and his killing intent was awe-inspiring.

And under his feet, broken bones and blood splashed.

Just as Andre's terrified expression froze, his head exploded from being trampled on.

The moment the photo was frozen was the moment when Andre's head was stepped on and exploded.Just looking at the still pictures alone gives me a creepy feeling.

The background is surrounded by the three inner floors and the outer three floors, which are so crowded that the long street is crowded with the people of Qingguo.

The men had pigtails and shabby clothes.

There are bunts, there are robes...the faces are weird and ferocious, and they scream with their mouths open, like a group of evil spirits, wanting to devour flesh and blood.

"Good guy, this newspaper is of a high level, especially the reporter who took the photo. The photos he chose combine light and shadow, and the atmosphere is well rendered. With just one photo, the scene of demons dancing wildly is vividly expressed."

Zhang Kun chuckled, his eyes slightly cold.

Just look at this photo, without looking at the cause and effect.As long as you are a person, you will not feel that you are a good person in the photo.

100% believe that the young man in the green robe in the middle of the image is a murderous maniac.

In fact.

The copywriting of the newspaper is also written in this way.

"The devil king came to the world, a journey to hell, and the temple warrior Andre died in the Far East."

The following text is to describe how enthusiastic Andre is, how he concentrates on serving the gods and helping the lost lambs... Moreover, he does not care about reputation, he taught the ignorant people in the Far East the method of fighting the eagle knight to strengthen their bodies , let it stay away from illness, peace and joy.

It is such a noble, just, selfless child of God, citizen of Great Eagle, whose limbs were cut off by the Far Eastern devil with a sharp blade, and his head was brutally trampled to death...

The onlookers of Qingguo not only showed no sympathy, but cheered loudly.

It is really a group of demons dancing wildly, the country of hell, it needs to be purified.

This newspaper seems to take care of the foreign language level of the Chinese people. It is bilingual in Eagle and Chinese, and anyone who is literate can understand it.

"After all, it is a newspaper for foreigners. It is too embarrassing for them to report the truth in a fair and just manner. It's okay."

Zhang Kun took a long breath and suppressed the evil fire in his heart.

Reversing black and white is the basic operation of foreigners.

He had already prepared in his heart.

From copywriting to pictures, this newspaper not only discredited itself, but also discredited the whole Qingguo.

When people look at it, they will think that the land of China today is so cruel, so barbaric, and so backward.

The people are like evil spirits, and the country is hell.

This is Qingguo in the eyes of foreigners.

He picked up a few more newspapers at random, saw "China and Foreign Affairs Jiwenzhi Xinbao" and a few chapters of newspapers whose names he didn't recognize, probably the overseas editions of "The Times" and "New York Times". a photograph.

The content is similar, and it also portrays Andre as a poor, innocent and caring gentleman, and portrays himself as a demon.

There is no need to read the rest of the foreign newspapers.

At that time, it seemed that journalists from eleven countries were almost all present.

Certainly nothing good to say.

Now, I am famous all over the world.

However, it is notoriety.

Notoriety cannot be appreciated by everyone. Of course, Zhang Kun did not receive the slightest bit of dragon spirit. After reading it, he felt no sense of gain except for holding a sigh of relief.

If I knew it was like this, it would be better not to see it.

I have nothing to do after eating, and I am looking for guilt.

"And this one, this one is even more annoying."

Still angry, Wang Jingya handed over another green paper newspaper in her hand.

Zhang Kun saw that this was the "Jingcheng Daily". It was said that it was founded by the reformers, and it only started to prosper within half a year.The main purpose is to publicize the policies of the new law, as well as the benefits to the country and the people.

For example, some time ago, they were promoting new schools, developing science and technology, strengthening the country and enriching the people...

Starting from enlightening people's wisdom, learn the world's advanced science and technology, and enhance national strength.Learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries and make Qingguo prosperous and strong.

For Qingguo's own people, this newspaper is actually very useful...

I can learn something from it, know the current international situation, and some of Daqing Kingdom's next moves.

Especially, it is very useful for those intellectuals, it is a channel for them to open their eyes to see the world.

And often, these intellectuals lead a large number of ordinary people... most of the illiterate people will learn the truth of the incident and the changes in the world from their mouths.

I have to say, this newspaper is doing well.

Slowly, it has begun to have its own reputation.

Just like the "Guo Wen Bao" in Jinmen, the "Current Affairs News" in Shanghai, and the "Xiang Bao" in Nanxiang, they have extremely extensive influence in the land of China.

But precisely because the "Jingcheng Daily" is very credible, it was founded by the reformers, and the emperor endorsed it behind, so most of the officials and the people believed it.

This is even more problematic.

Zhang Kun saw the headline on the front page of this newspaper, which read, "A strip of water, good neighborliness and friendship, international relations cannot be damaged!"

There is nothing wrong with the title, it can only be said to be some "progressive" people with a brain hole, a very beautiful delusion.

The problem is...

This newspaper also used the photo of Zhang Kun stomping on Andre's head.

It is obviously the same one, no need to ask, it must have been taken directly from the foreign consul and used.

First of all, it describes the beginning and end of the battle between Zhang Kun, head of the Yuanshun Escort Bureau in Beijing, and the warriors of the Eagle Kingdom.

He didn't talk about the grievances and resentments, the cause and effect, but only said that this is a contest between two countries' warriors.

In the end, it finally led to human life, ending with Andre being beaten to death.

In a stern tone, the newspaper criticized the social reality of "confucianism is used to disrupt the law, and martial arts is used to violate the prohibition", and called on the people to be peaceful, tolerant, and treat the distinguished guests from overseas with a friendly attitude.

It can be seen that the writer of the article has some literary talents, and the words are a little provocative, which makes people feel touched.

I think it does make sense... Fighting and killing is the worst thing.It can only destroy, but not build, and it will make the country worse.

I feel even more that those warriors don't know anything, they just know how to kill with a knife, they are vicious.

Not only will it destroy the friendly relations with all nations, but it will also endanger the lives of merchants and common people, so it should be cast aside...

Rejection is right.

It's nothing.

The imperial court has been promulgating the prohibition of martial arts, and it does not like to see military people. This is related to the confrontation between civil and military, and it is afraid of military rebellion.

The key is that at the back of this article, there is also a short story appended.

It is said that during the Warring States period, a scholar-bureaucrat named Zhuang Wen in Chu State liked to raise dogs.He loves the smooth-haired and muscular black dog at home, and he often takes it out to show off.

In his spare time, he also cultivates the fighting skills of the black dog, and occasionally takes him to the mountains to hunt...

One day, Zhuang Wen, a scholar-bureaucrat, went to bed in the thatched cottage and woke up too late.

Also forgot to feed the black dog.

He lived and died in Yan State and came to Jiaomi Mountain to visit.

Zhuang Wen and Mi Shan get along with each other through playing the qin, they share the same interests, they are considered good friends of the whole family.It's not polite, just walk in the door.

Just as Mi Shan brought his wife and daughter into the yard, a big black dog half as tall as a man rushed towards him.

While roaring, Mi Shan's wife and daughter were killed, and Mi Shan was also bitten off a leg.

When Zhuang Wen heard the movement and rushed out, he discovered the tragedy...

He could only reluctantly hold the crossbow and shoot the black dog to death.

After the article, I appeal to those who keep dogs, no matter how indulgent they are, they must be more restrained, otherwise it will lead to tragedy, and it will be too late to regret.


"Okay, what a writing style!"

Bloodshots welled up in Zhang Kun's eyes.

I couldn't hold back my temper.

"The foreigner challenged and beat people to death everywhere, and he also preached that the Daqing warrior was vulnerable and weak. I waited to fight, and the result..."

Li Xiaowan's breath hadn't calmed down yet, and there was some doubt on his face: "Boss Wang has been helping the reformers, running around for the reform, and he doesn't even care about his family. They know that their cousin is the bodyguard of the Yuanshun Escort. Why is it still organized like this?"

"I don't know much about this matter. It seems that I heard my father say it. There are actually two trends of thought in the reform school... For example, Bei Haigong and others advocate the use of the consul of the Eagle Kingdom and the power of foreign priests. Even, with the help of cherry blossoms The country's armed force forced the old-fashioned and stubborn forces to retreat, and pushed down the establishment of immortals in advance."

Wang Jingya thought for a while, then frowned and recalled all the things Wang Wu said to her that day.

"It is constitutional, that is, let the emperor be supreme, write his words into the constitution, and implement it throughout the country."

Li Xiaowan corrected.

"Isn't it like this now?"

Wang Jingya was a little confused.

She knows how to read and write, but most of her thoughts are on practicing martial arts on weekdays, and she doesn't know much about literature and political reform.

"It's different. In the past, although Emperor Guangxu was the emperor, the people also thought he was supreme. But in fact, if you think about it, the status of the empress dowager in the West Palace is very important in everyone's heart?" Li Xiaowan asked.

"It's more than important. The emperor must listen to what the empress dowager Lafayette says."

Wang Jingya took it for granted.

This kind of thinking has been engraved into the bones of the people of Qingguo, and it seems to be justified. No one has ever thought about the reason.

"Then why is it important? Why is it that the emperor is not as good as the queen mother when he speaks? Emperor Guangxu wants to listen to Lafayette instead? He is the emperor..."


Classmate Wang Xiaoya was stopped by the question, she turned her head and looked at Zhang Kun helplessly.

It's embarrassing to be compared to Li Xiaowan.

Zhang Kun was speechless, so he had to help explain: "Because the one from the West Palace, although she has handed over the power in name, in fact, the military power, personnel, and financial power are all in the hands of her cronies.

Think about it, if all the powerful bodyguards follow me and the money is in the hands of my trusted bodyguards, I can arrange who will be the bodyguard and who will be the bodyguard.So, after Chief Escort Wang came back, who would listen to him? "

"Uh...then you are not allowed to rob."

Wang Jingya thought about the scene for a while, suddenly her face was shocked, and she said nervously.

Now Dao Wang Wu is floating outside, the manpower and financial power of Yuanshun Escort is really controlled by Zhang Kun, and Qi Fulin, shopkeeper Lin and others can't speak well.

As for the other bodyguards, after a few battles, most of them have been convinced.

What the Escort Bureau talked about was just a livelihood, a business.Whoever can bring them glory, and whoever can make their lives better, will naturally be up to whoever they are.

What's more, Zhang Kun's force is extremely powerful, which has already been proved.

Even if they have any dissatisfaction in their hearts, they will have no idea when they think of this godlike and ghostly martial arts.

"Why did I rob your family's bodyguard?"

Zhang Kun couldn't help rolling his eyes, "However, Emperor Guangxu wants to rob. He not only wants to rob, but also takes back all the power from the Queen Mother's cronies, and arranges his cronies to be in key positions. This is the abolition of officials." , Cleaning up redundant administrative measures, the reason why the diehards resisted it. It is related to vital interests, who is willing to make concessions?"

"So it turns out that the emperor can't speak well, so Bei Haigong and others want to use the power of foreigners to push him up and let him exercise unique power... No, foreigners are so helpful, they must be among them What's the benefit?"

Therefore, Wang Jingya is still very smart, and is very good at drawing inferences from one instance.

Once you understood the reasoning behind it, you immediately figured out that the foreigner had a hand in it, and there should be some conspiracy.

Emperor Guangxu made his promise, and his words were written into the constitution.

Next, can it be written directly that the foreigner's self-governing territory, the army will be stationed, the factory will be opened legally, and taxes will be collected by itself...

In this way, Daqing Country, which is still Daqing Country in name, will actually become a large overseas factory for foreigners and a machine for wealth creation.

All Chinese will become their slaves and workers.

Moreover, they are not worried that the people will not cooperate.

Who would dare to disobey the imperial decree issued by your emperor?

"Even my little sister can figure this out, why can't Kang Beihai and the others figure it out?" Li Xiaowan sighed at the side again, at such a young age, she felt quite old-fashioned.

The heart of worrying about the country and the people is beyond words.

"Let's not talk about Kang Beihai, little girl, you just said that there are two trends of thought, what else did Uncle Wang say?"

Bringing the topic back, this time, even Zhang Kun was a little curious.

It stands to reason that the Great Swordsman Wang Wu had joined the Black Banner Army, had fought fierce battles with foreigners, and cut off countless golden-haired heads under the sword.He is running around for the reform, certainly not for the welfare of foreigners.

"It's Uncle Tan. A group of them think that there is no need to use the power of foreigners to force the diehards to be too hasty. Since the inner court of the West Palace has not hindered the reform of running schools and the economy, they should first open schools, mines and railways, abolish imperial examinations, and select talents. .First make the country rich and the people strong, then train the new army, purge the eight seats... As for the establishment of the constitution, in order not to intensify the conflict, let’s not mention it for now.”

Wang Jingya spoke in some detail this time, and Zhang Kun understood.

This is actually the difference between radicalism and slowness among reformists.

One side wants to complete its merits in one battle, pull down Nishinomiya, and wipe out the diehard conservative officials.

On the one hand, it is to enrich the country first, strengthen the military first, and then act.

Different routes lead to the same goal.

Radicals have their advantages, and slowing down has its advantages.

Being ridden on the neck by foreigners and pulling arrows, the country is so weak that it makes people disgusted.

Anyone who is not blind knows that changes are required.

Is it a top-down change or a bottom-up change?Can those with vested interests give up their power?this is a problem.

"The law still needs to be changed, otherwise, the world will be over."

Zhang Kun said calmly, with a faint clue in his heart.

The important affairs of the imperial court are still a little far away from him. First of all, the matter of the newspaper must be resolved.

He originally thought that as long as the news of killing the arrogant foreign warrior Andre would spread, he would always get the gratitude of some people, not to mention the dragon's aura.

Maybe there is a small group of people with lofty ideals who feel proud and dedicated to themselves.

This is a very logical thing.

In another world, Huo Yuanjia and others attacked Western and Eastern martial arts and strengthened the country's prestige.I don't know how many people raised their fighting spirit and took off the hat of the sick man of East Asia from their heads.

Although this kind of deed does not have much impact on the international situation, it has a huge effect on the cohesion of people's hearts.

The "Beijing Daily" and other practices not only dug the foundation of their own dragon energy points, but also discredited the Chinese warriors.

It reminds all officials and scholars of warriors that they are "black dogs".

At the same time, it will also mislead those ignorant and ignorant people into thinking that foreigners are here to save the Daqing Kingdom and to benefit the people.

They are all true, kind and beautiful. They want to hold flowers, kneel on the ground, and welcome them warmly.

Anyone who dares to beat them or kill them is a vicious dog...

Tolerable or unbearable?
There was a cold light in Zhang Kun's eyes.

It is not without reason that so many traitors will appear in the future.

Literati do not kill with a knife, they only do so subtly.

(End of this chapter)

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