
Chapter 126 Suddenly there is a madman who sharpens his knife at night

Chapter 126 Suddenly there is a madman who sharpens his knife at night
Tian Qianli cut it down with a single knife.

Blood splattered.

Everyone around even had a sense of unreality and illusion.

Isn't it just a short story?

Isn't it just a news release?

There is also the danger of beheading...

What's more, the one who was killed was the current celebrity scholar, a disciple of the Beihai Gongmen, and the upstart reform school of the current imperial court.

It is said that the Yuanshun Escort Bureau is very close to the Reform Faction, and its head Escort Da Dao Wang Wu is inseparable from Tan Weixin, running around.

What's going on with this scene?

Our own people fought.

Anyone who knows the whole story of the political reform can't understand it at this moment, but quietly shrank back again, their eyes flickering...

I thought to myself, no wonder the newspaper described Zhang Kun as a murderous demon king. This man really killed people when he disagreed with him.

It is indeed not wrong to say that he destroyed the establishment of diplomatic relations with foreigners from all over the world.

Previously, I felt that the "black dog" was indeed a bit too much.

Thinking about it now, it's surprisingly appropriate...

Zhang Kun's five senses are now sharp and his mind is clear. Looking at the eyes of dozens of common people and traders standing far away around him, he immediately understands what these people are thinking.

He walked to the middle of the lobby, took two steps back and forth, stopped in front of He Fangyuan, a handsome young man in a suit and leather shoes, and looked at him coldly.

He Fangyuan had been frightened for a long time and was fighting with each other. Being watched by Zhang Kun, he couldn't bear it anymore, knelt down on the ground with a puff, and said in a crying voice: "Master Zhang, the student is just writing a report. I didn't criticize the big people, and I didn't utter a word of evil. The following black dog story was drawn up by the editor-in-chief Brother Tang himself, and I have nothing to do with it."

"It turns out that you are also a student of the thatched cottage. You have changed the law, and this is how you changed? Do you know why you are put behind and not killed for the time being?"

"Students don't know."

At this time, He Fangyuan didn't know what shame was.

With the knife and ax at the head, that is kneeling and calling daddy, without even half a moment's hesitation.

Looking at this young man, Zhang Kun thought that the other party must be one of the so-called overseas students of this era. Mu Yang and Mu Qiang only see the beauty of the upper class, but not the suffering of the lower class.

Moreover, the saddest thing is that he didn't realize where he was wrong from the beginning to the end.

Perhaps, I thought in my heart that this article was written for the good of the country, for the good of the nation, and to shout for the reform.

This group of scholars, including other editors and writers of the newspaper, might not be the same as the peddlers, who have no idea of ​​the dangers of the articles they brewed by themselves.

Tang Wenyuan still knew that he had done something bad, so from the beginning, he didn't make any distinctions, but just bit his colleagues.And, move out of the background relationship, want to escape...

This is a qualified bad guy.

And He Fangyuan in front of him is not even that qualified to be a bad guy.

"You have to be responsible for doing wrong things and writing wrong articles. It doesn't mean that you don't understand, so you can mess around."

Zhang Kun sighed, and felt that he still had to make some sense.

"If you don't teach, you will be punished..."

Even if it wasn't for his own excuse and to reverse his image in the hearts of the people, he still had to set the tone for future articles in the newspaper.

I was fighting others to death in the front, and there was such a "mouthpiece" behind me advocating foreigners and smearing my own people, so I can live on?
"He Fangyuan, let me ask you, before writing the manuscript, did you find out the whole story of the martial arts competition?"

Zhang Kun knew that the death of so many foreigners was accompanied by reporters from the Beijing Daily. If they couldn't even find out such a little information, the newspaper didn't have to deal with it.

It's not convincing to stay at home and make up short stories.

"I know, it was Andre, a warrior from the Eagle Kingdom, who challenged him all the way until he reached the Yuanshun Escort Bureau. When he met Mr. Zhang, you..."

"Okay, it's good to know. Then let me ask you, since you are very clear about the cause and effect, do you know that Tongxing Escort, Black Tiger Boxing Gym, and Plum Blossom Boxing Gym suffered heavy casualties, even Mr. Yuanda and others died. "


He Fangyuan raised his head in a daze, not knowing what Zhang Kun meant by asking this question.

"Warrior fights, doesn't that often kill people?"

"Since you know that people often die in martial arts fights, and you also know that Andre is so fierce that he killed my compatriots like pigs and dogs. Then, what's wrong with me beating him to death?"

yeah, what's wrong?
Only then did He Fangyuan turn the corner, and all the people around him showed doubts on their faces.

Why didn't you think so before.

I always feel that the death of a foreigner in front of Yuanshun Martial Arts Hall is a big event, a great thing.

Basically, not many people care about how many people died in those martial arts bodyguards...

At most, he just sighed. The other party was not good at learning and not strong enough, and he didn't care if the boxers died aggrievedly.

Everyone subconsciously ignored one point.

The reason is very simple. The life of the common people, including those in the world, is actually worthless; while the life of a foreigner, especially a citizen of the Eagle Kingdom and a warrior of the temple, combined with these identities, the life of that person is the most precious.

"Even the illiterate hunters in the mountains know that when wild beasts come down the mountain to eat the crops and kill the villagers, they must be killed directly. But when they come into your mouth, you just have to hold them in reverence, you can't fight back, and you have to wait." It's like a VIP, isn't it?"

"Be peaceful, be tolerant, and face the perpetrator with a friendly attitude... Accusing us of martial arts is a chivalrous use of martial arts to violate the ban, and it is a cancer that destroys peace. He Fangyuan, now I am going to kill you, please forgive me , Take a good look."

"Forgive me, forgive me."

Until now, He Fangyuan still doesn't feel that he is wrong. Isn't everyone doing this, thinking this way?
Now that the reform is being implemented, and many parties rely on foreigners, how can they cut off their arms and anger them?
Foreigners are a hundred times nobler than the people of Qingguo, so what's wrong with holding them?
As for such a trivial matter, shouting and shouting?
On the contrary, there were a few scholars nearby, and among the crowd, there were also some businessmen, whose eyes were touched.

Yes, why have you always felt that foreigners should be superior?
People like me always think that Qingguo people should be inferior?

Just like facing those high-ranking officials and nobles, the eight members of the royal family will consciously lower their bodies, kneel and kowtow respectfully.

This has already been engraved in the bone, no one teaches it, it will come naturally.

"Could it be that we are born to be inferior to others, bullying me, insulting me, slandering me, and killing me, I still have to respect him and let him, after a few years, let's see how they themselves will enjoy the glory and glory in the rest of their lives ?”

"He Fangyuan, you wrote this article, what are the consequences? It's not that the relationship between the two parties will become better, but it will make foreigners feel that we can be bullied. If you step on your foot and slap you in the face, you still have to scream .

It’s fine if you want to be a dog by yourself, but you also want the world to be a dog with you.If things go on like this, Chinese people have all become wild dogs wagging their tails and begging for mercy. In their bones, they feel that everything about foreigners is good, and that the moon abroad is also round... People's hearts go to the ocean, and thus the country is not a country.You said, you don't deserve to die, who deserves to die? "

What he said made everyone in the newspaper look ashen.

This matter cannot be discussed separately, once the deepest secret in the heart is revealed, it will make people feel ashamed.

Yes, why did the barbarians change their clothes, shave their hair, and do these weird things when they entered the customs? Why is this?
Is it not to break their backbones and let them realize the truth that they must have the consciousness of being slaves.

Get used to dwarves.

Once the order "Keep hair but not hair, keep hair but not hair" is issued, it will be implemented.Seeing that the streets are full of bare wild boar tails, who can proudly talk about the Han family's clothes and say that he is a Chinese citizen?

Except for those bloody men who died under the butcher's knife.The rest, one counts as one, are all slaves.

It's Shunmin.

This is how the bones are broken little by little.

It was the same with barbarians in the past, and it is the same with foreigners today.

"Do you know now why I wanted to kill you?"

After Zhang Kun finished speaking, he didn't want to say any more. The shaping of ideas and concepts is never a one-time thing, it is a long-term and arduous task.

The establishment of national self-confidence is not something that can be established with empty words.

At this time, the people's wisdom is not yet developed, and everyone is as stupid as pigs and sheep.

Talk too much, and most people still can't understand.

Even if you understand it, you can't do anything.

After all, someone still needs to open the way, and the law must be changed.

Even among the reformists, some people have selfishness, and some people want high officials and generous salary, but they don't really want to strengthen the country and enrich the people.

But whatever their purpose.

It is a good thing to just ask for changes and break this pool of stagnant water.

Really, this dynasty can no longer be broken.

"No, I can't just watch them messing around like this. In the end, I only end up with Xuanyuan, a warning to the world. It's better to intervene in it and make things go on the right track."

"Come to this world, leave your name when people pass by, leave your name when geese pass by, even if it's not to collect dragon energy, break through your cultivation, and go back to rescue your hometown. Even if it's for the millions of suffering people in this world, for these people of the same root People of the Han family with the same blood, yellow skin and black hair. Isn't it right to do what you can?"

"Enrich the country, strengthen the army, awaken the people, open up the wisdom of the people, resist foreign aggression, and let the vast land of China stand on the top of the world again."

"I want to change the law! It's changed. The God of Light is coming, and I can't stop it."

Zhang Kun changed his mind, a frightening light flashed in his eyes, and he shouted loudly: "Tian Qianli, I didn't see it, this great writer can't wait anymore? Drag it down and chop it up."


Tian Qianli held his head high, took two steps in three steps, grabbed He Fangyuan's neck, and carried him to the gate, where he swung his knife down amidst the other party's cries like killing a pig.

The howling stopped abruptly.

Tian Qianli was overwhelmed by Zhang Kun's deafening speech before, but Tian Qianli was excited.

Among the merchants and common people, some were deeply touched, and tears appeared in their eyes unconsciously.

Seeing that He Fangyuan was beheaded, there were more than ten cheers of excitement immediately.

"The people are awakened a little bit like this... They are stupid, they are stupid, just because no one can say it, no one can do it. Not everyone is born willing to be a low-key slave."

Zhang Kun didn't even look at the bloody light at the door.

When he turned his head and looked at more than ten people in the newspaper office, they all lowered their heads and no longer dared to look at him.

"Send people to recover the newspapers. If you can't find a buyer if you have already sold them, I won't make it difficult for you. If you haven't sold them, take them all back and burn them on the spot."

Zhang Kun said indifferently, pointing to one of the middle-aged scholar who was plainly dressed like an old farmer in the country, and his face was full of bitterness, "You come to write, and write down the cause and effect of the battle in front of Yuanshun Escort. In a fair and just tone, write a news seriously, and reissue this issue of the newspaper, is it possible?"

"It can be done, sir."

The middle-aged man was somewhat restrained, but he answered without hesitation.

Come to think of it, what Zhang Kun said earlier was not useless.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay, and didn't dare to say anything more. They quickly followed Zhang Kun's instructions and sent newspaper staff to redeem the newspapers in the hands of the vendors again.

What's more, they didn't dare to offer any discounts. More than a dozen people rushed to various places to get back the newspapers that had been sold earlier.

As soon as the murderous demon king came to the newspaper office, he first killed more than a dozen soldiers, and then beheaded two of the newspaper's cutting-edge literati.

No matter whether you have listened to his theory or not, you agree with his ideas or not.

At least, at this moment, in the face of power and blade, no one dares to stand up.


"Wow, wow..."

After a while, there was a sound like a tide in the distance.

Some people shouted loudly, some people were furious, and the ground trembled slightly.

Wang Jingya's complexion changed slightly when she heard the sound, and she stepped out of the gate in two strides.After taking a look, he immediately raised his eyebrows: "It's the Dingwu Army. There are many people here, and Kang Beihai and the others are here too. Shall we escape?"


The eight people from Yuanshun Escort Bureau all drew their weapons, as if facing a formidable enemy.

All of them turned their heads and looked at Zhang Kun. It was up to him to decide whether to fight or flee.

"Why run away? We came here aboveboard, and there is nothing shameful about what we do. Just in time, we have to talk to Kang Beihai, Tan Weixin and the others. Wait."

He was still very pleased.

Not to mention everyone in Yuanshun Escort, at least the people around them dared to fight to the death.

Don't ask right and wrong, and don't ask who the opponent is.

As long as I give an order, these people dare to rush forward and fight for their lives.

They are his real team, including some members of Yuanshun Escort, and even Wu Zhongda who was sent to Jiangnan to serve as an escort.

Before I knew it, I was no longer alone.

With a wave of his arms, there should be almost a hundred people responding.


People come quickly.

The momentum is also great...

The law enforcement battalion of the Dingwu Army with guns and live ammunition behind them seemed to be dispatched, and each of them showed a fierce spirit.

The leader was a short, big-headed middle-aged man in an official uniform of a golden snake with a black background.

The middle-aged man was extremely majestic, and he waved his hand...

The [-] soldiers behind him immediately dispersed, holding spears from all angles, and surrounded the newspaper office tightly.

Zhang Kun also saw that when this person stepped into Tai Street, three warriors with strange appearance and strong blood followed behind him like shadows.

In addition to the eye-catching personality, he walks like a dragon and a tiger.

The middle-aged man walking side by side with him is also extraordinarily imposing...

He was also dressed in an official uniform, with a short beard under his chin, a round face with a smooth forehead, and a melancholy expression.

It seems to be for national affairs and family affairs, worrying about it every day... just looking at it gives people a heavy feeling of compassion.

The one in front should be Yuan Shuangcheng, the current Dingwu Army, the commander of the Wuwei Youjun, and the military training wizard of this era.

Sure enough, there is the wind of a general.

And the 40-year-old middle-aged man with a short beard, with such a spirit of worrying about the country and the people, and full of vicissitudes of life, should be Kang Beihai.

Followed by his side, all behind half a step to show respect, it is obvious that his disciple Liang Shaofu, as well as Tan Weixin, Yang Shen, Yang Rui, Liu Guangdi, Kang Huairen, Lin Chao, etc. are very famous in another world. The famous "Six Gentlemen".

Lead the knife into a fast, live up to the young head.

Looking at this group of scholars who are either Jinshi or Juren, and all of them are well-versed in Chinese and Western, all of them are capable scholars.

Zhang Kun couldn't help but take a few more glances.

What kind of blood, what kind of ideas, to abandon the future, put all their eggs in one basket, and carry out the reform to the end.

Even when he was beheaded in the end, he didn't repent and beg for mercy.

When he saw this group of people stepping on the bloodstains in the lobby, they walked in without stopping.I know that scholars and scholars are actually different.

Some people are naturally courageous and heroic, while others are completely spineless.

As several figures in high-grade official uniforms walked in, everyone kneeled inside and outside the lobby.

These people are too late to leave, and they dare not leave.

Forced to watch this series of big plays.

But the people in the newspaper had no chance to leave at all, and being stared at by Zhang Kun, they didn't dare to have any ideas.

I had to obey orders obediently.

The two ferocious heads at the gate told them that offending the imperial court is not terrible, but offending the young man in front of them is a business of beheading.

At this time, seeing a group of people coming in, several people in the newspaper office burst into tears, let out a mournful cry, and knelt down in unison.

In this way, Zhang Kun, who was sitting on the grand teacher's chair, was very conspicuous.

Of course, there were also bodyguards who were holding knives and guns behind him, and their bodies were tense.

Kang Beihai stepped into the door, his gaze swept over the two corpses like a falcon, and he couldn't bear to look any further.

Those are his proud students.

It is a disciple of thatched cottage.

Now, he was beheaded and died a miserable death.

Without saying a word, he turned his head and stared at Zhang Kun who was sitting on the grand teacher's chair, and for a while, he didn't know how to speak.

After Yuan Shuangcheng entered, his eyes were first attracted by the neat row of dead soldiers.

His facial muscles twitched crazily, and he glanced horribly at the dozen or so soldiers who had been shot and squatted in the corner, and said a word through his teeth.

"I want an explanation, otherwise, not only will the Great Sword King Wu not be able to protect you, even if the emperor comes in person, he will not be able to save your life."

Yuan Shuangcheng, who was discussing how to deal with the crisis with Kang Beihai, Tan Weixin and others, was also shocked when he heard the newspaper clerk rushing to complain.

In the capital, there are still such crazy people.

Not only did he kill scholars and literati, but he also killed more than a dozen soldiers who he sent to protect the newspaper from harassment.

It's like slaughtering chickens and geese, without mercy.

If it wasn't for the fact that Da Dao Wang Wu wasn't here, he might have pointed at the opponent's nose and questioned him.

Is there such a "madman" in your bodyguard agency?
(End of this chapter)

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