
Chapter 129 I Don't Bully You

Chapter 129 I Don't Bully You

"So that's it, this really might be my fault."

Zhang Kun thought of breaking into the palace for the second time.

Especially the second time, in front of that Lafayette of the West Palace, Yin Fu was beheaded directly, and Shi Shiran left.

Although the other party didn't do anything at the time, he must be very vigilant in his heart.

Zhang Kun even suspected that the old lady was no longer staying in Changchun Palace.

She may be hiding.

Because of some things that happened one after another during this period of time, she was a little poisoned.

For some unsightly actions, the tolerance is not as high as before.

Concubine Zhen's premature death meant that the person in the harem could no longer hold back the murderous intent and anger in her heart.

In this way, it is really possible for the reform to fail early.

In particular, when Zhang Kun heard what Tan Weixin said, Kang Beihai was uniting with foreigners and preparing to write a letter on the matter of uniting the country and governing the country.

There is a kind of urgency like burning eyebrows.

"Could it be that the emperor is stupid? You know how to get foreign aid, which is considered smart. However, the foreign aid you get is a big bully. Who will the sovereignty of this country belong to in the future?"

No wonder the former Prime Minister of the Sakura Country, Hirofumi Ito, rushed to Jinmen and then to the capital for a meeting without stopping excitedly.

This is the existence of huge benefits.

Now that you have the rightful opportunity to directly carve up this piece of land, why would you hesitate?


Emperor Guangxu looked stupid, but he wasn't actually stupid.

Because, he had already seen his own doom in advance.

The crisis is felt.

If the current situation continues like this, sooner or later, he will be abolished.

That kind of thing, Nishinomiya, can definitely do it.

"It's not the right approach. It just intensifies the conflict and puts the hidden struggle on the surface."

After thinking about it carefully, Zhang Kun shook his head slightly.

Kang Beihai, Tan Weixin and the others all thought a little better.

Perhaps, in their hearts, they would always think that the empress dowager in the West Palace would not be too ruthless because she would think of some affection or the fact that the court cannot live without a king.

In fact, this is just taken for granted.

That woman is more powerful and vicious than they imagined.

"You may never have imagined that the old woman would personally order someone to cut your neck with a blunt knife. It took countless knives to cut you to death. '

Zhang Kun gave Tan Weixin a weird look.

The other party obviously did not see the seriousness of the matter.

"It is absolutely impossible to unite the state and govern the country. The matter of Ito's coming to Beijing must also be prevented... If it can be delayed for a while, it will be delayed for a while."

There was a faint murderous intent in Zhang Kun's eyes.

Some people's operations are really challenging their own cognition.

In recent days, he has already learned about the naval battle at the beginning from the mouths of everyone in the Escort Bureau and the common people.

This kind of big event can't be hidden from anyone at all. The reason why the people are so discouraged is because this battle completely tore off the fig leaf of the imperial court.

Facing the island country of Quor, tens of thousands of troops attacked, the entire Beiyang Fleet was wiped out, and 4 people died.But the Cherry Blossom Army only killed more than [-] people. It is said that most of them died of illness due to acclimatization.

Of course, the number of dead people is nothing, the key is the follow-up operation, which is somewhat confusing.

After the soldiers of the Cherry Blossom Kingdom landed, they occupied the major ports like a broken bamboo all the way, killing people in the fields, and bloodbathed the city.

Seeing the pass and breaking the pass all the way, seeing the city washing the city, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of troops, as if they were not defended, were beaten and screamed and fled.

Isn't this just a joke.

No one can say exactly how many people and troops died in this battle, only a lot of them.

Even the largest naval force, the Beiyang Fleet, the admirals and generals committed suicide, and the rest surrendered.

The troops of the Cherry Blossom Kingdom directly occupied the Eastern Liao Peninsula, and went straight to Zhili, threatening the capital.

As for the flow ball and table bend, they were also taken away.

Then, Li Zhongtang began to negotiate peace, signed the contract and surrendered.

Not only the occupied land could not be recovered, but the dead soldiers and civilians died in vain.Moreover, Sakura Country had to pay 5000 million taels of silver.

5000 million taels of silver sounds like just a number, and it doesn't seem like a big deal.

However, if it is calculated as food, it is very remarkable.

At this time, one tael of silver is basically enough for an ordinary person to eat for a year.

After paying 5000 million taels of silver, there are 5000 million people, more than half of the people in the world, who have been hungry for a year.

The wool comes from the sheep, and the dignitaries will not eat less, nor will they reduce the luxury of their lives. The huge pressure of compensation is of course all on the common people.

Tax increases, apportionments, small labor, layer upon layer of pressure, layer upon layer of exploitation.

Of course, whether the people are hungry or not, like Li Zhongtang, and those nobles and officials, don't care.

These silvers, as well as the massive resources and mines that have been robbed, will soon become the capital of the Sakura Kingdom to expand its military and prepare for war, making it stronger and giving birth to the ambition to embezzle all directions.

That is to say, from the beginning of this battle, all overseas countries have seen the weakness of Qingguo, and seen the weakness in the bones...

All swarmed over, wanting a piece of the pie.

If there is no accident, soon, in less than two years, the Eleven Kingdoms will invade the capital, forcing that Lafayette to sign the contract again.

Not only do they have to pay another 4.5 million taels of silver, but they also need to pay 9.8 million taels of silver together with the interest...

The garrisons of various countries marched in and occupied ports and major cities. The salt tax and customs duties were collected to pay off debts, and the Qing Dynasty court apologized to all countries.Moreover, all kinds of rebellious people must be suppressed.

What does it mean?

The foreigners made it clear that the army marched in, occupied the fertile land, oppressed the common people, and turned everyone into slaves and money-making machines, and they were not allowed to resist.

They didn't even bother to send troops to suppress it, and wrote it into the contract, letting the Qingguo court suppress the people themselves.

This is winning.

Everything started with the failure of the political reform, or in other words, with the failure of the Sino-Japanese War of [-]-[-].

The culprit is said to be the former Sakura Prime Minister Itou Hirobumi, and it is not unreasonable.

Because, when he was prime minister, he made every effort to develop the strength of the army and launched an attack on Qingting.

Winning this battle is one of his greatest achievements.

Such a "victor" came to Qingguo. Emperor Guangxu, Kang Beihai and others were planning to discuss with him the establishment of a joint government and let him guide the reform.

Zhang Kun thought it was really interesting.

This court, this era, is simply rotten.

There is no worst, only worse.

The reform faction will place all their hopes on Emperor Guangxu, but Zhang Kun will not.

However, he also had to admit one thing.

A reform requires a signboard.

The common people also need a reason to temporarily stabilize their hearts...

Emperor Guangxu really couldn't die.

Otherwise, it will be very troublesome.

Because most of the people in this era have been brainwashed...

Unless the royal family and the imperial court ask them to do things, otherwise, with a knife resting on their necks, they don't know how to turn back, but they will die happily.

The foreigner is here, it is the master.

Kneeling and kowtowing is just, kill if you want, and it's okay to die.

Here comes the emperor and officials, it's my lord.

If you kneel and kowtow, you will die if you die. Since ancient times, no one has died in life, so it's nothing.

Forget it, the master's hands are sore when he raises the knife, what should I do if he is tired, I still don't work on him, cut his own neck, and kill him head-on.

What?Rebel against my lord, you rebel, die.

The people of this era are so fucked up.

The wisdom of the people is not enlightened, what you say is false.

Therefore, a sign had to be erected...

Emperor Guangxu was there, and there was enough name to make the people obedient, to feed the people, to read books, to enlighten their wisdom... Open your eyes to see the world.

The course of suffering can be shortened.

This is what reform means.

"Although the emperor cannot die, he cannot bind his hands and feet like Tan Weixin and Wang Wu. In the end, it will be nothing but a bamboo basket."

Looking in the direction of the palace, Zhang Kun saw wildfire in his eyes and made a decision.

"Brother Tan, if there comes a day when blood flows into rivers in the world and most people die without a place to bury them, in exchange for the enlightenment of the people's wisdom and the prosperity of the country, will you do it or not?"

"Go, endure the pain for a while, in exchange for eternal peace. If this is the case, even if Tan is in hell, he should still be smiling."

Tan Weixin looked at Zhang Kun with strange eyes.

He didn't know what the other party wanted to do, and how would he do it?

But he just had a very strange feeling, as if, this matter had become a little different.

Perhaps, my lifelong wish, it is really possible to succeed.

Whether this is an illusion or a delusion, Tan Weixin doesn't know, but in the darkness in front of him, with no future in sight, he can do whatever he wants.

Anyway, it's better than the current situation.

"Okay, I hope Brother Tan will remember this sentence in the future. I will intervene in the matter of the reform and push it forward. Don't worry."

Zhang Kun sneered.

He opened his throat and shouted: "Where are you guys? Come with me to the newspaper offices of various countries. The Beijing Daily has been punished. It doesn't make sense. Those foreign newspapers can't pay the price."

The affairs of the imperial palace, the affairs of Emperor Guangxu, it is not too dark now, so it is not easy to handle.

He decided to visit foreigners first.

Didn't it mean that this is hell?

And said I was a devil.

In hell, as a devil, how could it be possible not to eat people?

"It's here, it's here, Zhang Kun, which one do you want to fight first? Is it the Geely National Newspaper Office or Citigroup? My sledgehammer is already hungry and thirsty."

Wang Jingya was still recovering from a broken arm, but with only one left arm, she was still full of fighting spirit while holding a hammer.

Sure enough, a militant.

"And me, I'll go too."

Tian Qianli's eyes were excited, he had killed two scholars earlier, it was as if he had a new life.

At this time, his face was covered with red light, his eyes were wide open, his nose opened and his breath was heavy, and he actually had a bit of murderous aura.

Sure enough, this person still needs to practice.

This traveler who came out of poor people finally became a bodyguard, and he saw that he was about to become one of his men who charged into battle again.

The future can be expected.

"Let's go too."

Chang Lin, Hua Rong, Yu Xiuxiu, Tan Heishan and others all spoke together.

To follow Escort Zhang to do things, and ignore those who have no brains, just to be straightforward.

"You don't need to go too many people this time. Sister Hua, Xiuxiu, you two go back and inform the security bureau to be on guard so that no one will take risks. Then, take care of one or two at the medical center. Xiaowan is there, so there is nothing to guard against." no."


Zhang Kun turned his head to look at Tan Weixin, and said with a smile: "Brother Tan, I have to borrow your staff from the Beijing Daily this time."

"Just use it, anyone who doesn't obey the order will be killed."

Tan Weixin responded decisively, looking at Zhang Kun as if looking at a generous man with a tragic song "The wind is rustling and the water is cold", his eyes are complicated and moved.

"Master Zhang, is it worth doing this?"

As expected of a great talent with a strategy in mind, the scholars of this era all turn their minds quickly, and they can guess what Zhang Kun wants to do and why he wants to do it from a few words.

"You have acted like this and gathered the hatred of all countries into one body. This matter is extremely dangerous, so don't be careless."

"A man is a man, he should act decisively, he will act decisively, and he will do something and not do something."

Zhang Kun laughed and said: "Although there are many tigers and wolves, I am proud of the mountains and forests, why should I be afraid?"

"Okay, today I will follow Master Zhang through this journey, write an article for you personally, record this matter, and publish it in all provinces and states to strengthen our reputation."

Now that he guessed that Zhang Kun might take action against the Sakura Kingdom, he rushed ahead of Emperor Guangxu and cut off his assistance from all sides.Then, Tan Weixin would naturally not stand still.

Although he was at the forefront of the reform, when it came to the main strategy of the reform, he really didn't have much say, only the right to make suggestions.

That is to say, take advantage of the opportunity.

There are some things that you have to do if you do it, and you have to do it if you don't do it.

Knowing it was wrong, I said it, but no one listened...

Regarding the political reform, Emperor Guangxu and Kang Beihai hit it off right away, they had already designed the future perfectly, and they couldn't listen to what others had to say for a long time.

As soon as Zhang Kun made a move, he held back the hatred of the Eleven Kingdoms, and broke the strategy of joining the nation, making the move of Sakura Country Ito and his party to come to the capital, which became a big joke.

While breaking the justifiable political aggression of foreigners, it can also paralyze the diehards of the queen party.Let his next big move take a while.

This is actually killing two birds with one stone.

It's also impossible for others not to accept the move.


Emperor Guangxu and Kang Beihai never thought that if he attracted foreigners to coerce the diehard forces, would it trigger a crazy counterattack on the other side?
I must have thought about it.

Is Nishinomiya willing to let power go?
How could Prince Gong, Prince Qing, Rong Lu, Gang Yi, Li Zhongtang and others willingly let go of important positions.

If their own status cannot be guaranteed, they will be the first to attack.

Perhaps Emperor Guangxu, Kang Beihai and others overestimated the support of foreigners, and also overestimated the support of Cherry Blossom Kingdom.It even overestimated the personal character of a new army general...

I didn't expect that, in fact, the foreigners of all countries are not willing to see any country that can conquer Qingguo alone and gain its own benefits.

They are holding each other down.

The real support for the reform is nothing more than talking about it and supporting it verbally.

As for the strength, sorry, no.

Who won, who lost, who lived, who died.

What are you doing with them?
The Qingguo in front of him is just a piece of fat... Whether it is swallowed in one bite, or divided into several bites, and eaten slowly, the method is different, and it will not be unsatisfactory.

Some of them are patient.

And the general of the new army who has been standing by his side, the military training wizard, will stab them fiercely at the critical moment.


"Wan Guo Gong Bao" was still controlled by the priests of the Temple of Light at this time, and the editor-in-chief Johnson was an old man with hair and beard meticulously groomed.It looks like a kind and amiable foreign New Year old man.

He was welcoming distinguished guests at this time, discussing the direction of the next report with the temple priest Ritimotai and others.

The writer, named Alice, was a blonde beauty with a hot figure, skin as white as milk, and eyes as blue as the sea.

When Zhang Kun led a group of people into the building of the "Wanguogongbao" newspaper office, the beautiful reporter was surrounded by four or five men.

Is being courteous.

A young man with a lot of hair growing on his arms blatantly praised: "Miss Alice's photo is very good. It makes people feel creepy when they look at it. This is how the savage devils in Qingguo should look like. I heard that all countries Most of the newspapers adopted the photo."

"It's not all because I took the picture well. This person is born with a demonic aura and is disgusted by the gods... It's just a pity for Warrior Commander Andre. He is such a good person. I heard that there is hope to become a knight soon. that's too regretful."

There was a trace of pain in Alice's eyes.

Andre had pursued her some time ago.

Because the samurai had a noble background and a bright future, she was ready to decline two more times and agreed to him.

Unexpectedly, some things are over before they start.

How could it be accepted that Andre would die in this savage land, at the hands of a yellow-skinned monkey.

"It's not just photos, Ms. Alice's article is also well written. After the newspaper is sent to the country, many people must want to eat its meat raw. That barbarian named Zhang Kun dared to kill my eagle people, and he would not live long. gone."

A gentlemanly young man in a tuxedo smiled and flattered from another side.


There was a sudden explosion.

A blood hole suddenly appeared in the head of the very gentlemanly young man, his body turned sideways, and he fell on the marble floor, his eyes widened and he lost his breath.


Everyone screamed.

Hearing the sound of gunfire, seven or eight foreign soldiers came running from all directions, yelling and shouting.

The sharp whistling whistle sounded shrill.

The living room on the second floor opened suddenly, and some well-dressed foreigners walked out.

Zhang Kun even saw the face of an acquaintance.

That was Ritimotta, a well-known priest of the temple, and a formidable scholar.

Zhang Kun gently blew away the green smoke from the muzzle of the revolver that had not dissipated.

Without looking at the soldier who was rushing over, he raised his head and said with a smile: "Meet you again, Priest Liti, just now this gentleman slandered my reputation, cursed my life, and was very disrespectful to me...Kill him, don't you Do you mind?"

Seeing this scene, Ritimota's eyes turned red.

This is a newspaper office directly under the temple, which is regarded as the temple industry, and the people in it are all devout believers.Even those soldiers are their temple guards.

The other party walked in through the main entrance openly, shot and killed people, but he didn't seem to care about people like himself at all.

Is this fearless, or murderous?
Ritimotta's body trembled slightly, and his heart felt cold.

"Stop, stop everyone. Don't shoot!"

He opened his mouth and roared, and the veins on his neck were bulging.

Those soldiers who rushed forward and were about to aim their guns to shout, all stopped in astonishment, not knowing why Priest Liti was doing this.

"Smart, Priest Liti, we are considered acquaintances, and Zhang will not bully you.

Point out the headline writers and reviewers at your paper.If you do something wrong, you will be punished, and if you say the wrong thing or write the wrong article, you will have to pay the price. "


Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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