
chapter 14

Chapter 14 Liuhe Chicken Step Pile

"You mean, you want to crack the formula of the Dragon and Tiger Zhuangyuan Soup of Yuanshun Escort Liuhequan, and then buy the medicine to make it yourself?"

As soon as Zhang Kun heard it, he understood what Li Xiaowan was thinking.

This kind of medicinal soup that is very useful to martial arts practitioners, the Escort Bureau is not doing charity, so it must be very expensive to sell.

If you crack the preparation yourself, it will be much cheaper.

Even, the amount of medicinal materials can be increased or decreased to achieve personal customization, which is of great help to individual martial arts practitioners.

"Yeah, it's actually not difficult. I have already recognized all kinds of medicinal materials, and passed the test of medicine identification and questioning symptoms last year.

My father also said that I was not very considerate in terms of prescribing the prescription... In terms of basic skills alone, I am already very solid. "

Speaking of this, Li Xiaowan had light in her eyes.

"Doctor Yang of An Ren Tang has profound medical skills, and the prescriptions he prescribed must be unique. Then I will learn secretly by the side and accumulate for a period of time. I should be somewhat confident in distinguishing the medicinal materials of Longhu Zhuangyuan Decoction and then preparing the medicine. "

Do you still have such skills?
Zhang Kun found himself underestimating this 14-year-old girl.

In future generations, that is a real genius medical student.

Chinese medicine can reach the point of prescribing prescriptions alone, not to mention some intractable diseases.

Common diseases can be seen at a glance.

The level of watching, hearing, asking, and cutting is naturally excellent.

Otherwise, her father, who is an imperial physician, would not be able to recognize her basic skills.

"In the future, you can teach me medical skills when you have time."

Zhang Kun suddenly thought of one thing.

Dragon and Tiger Zhuangyuan Soup is of course better, it can increase the speed of practice.

If not, it is not unacceptable.As long as you have enough Dragon Qi points, it will be stronger than the best body-replenishing medicine.

However, the source of dragon energy points is a problem.

Li Xiaowan contributed two points, which cannot be relied upon.

At the time when she was begging for food, there was a feeling of mutual affection... I can't tell whether it is admiration or trust and dependence, but it depends on how she treats herself like a family member, and you know how deep this bond is.

It is only natural that she gives more dragon energy.

Under normal circumstances, it is still difficult to obtain dragon energy points.

In the burning incense house, it is considered to be life-saving and revenge.Among the five children, only two children gave themselves a little bit of dragon spirit, and the other three did not.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to obtain dragon energy points... Not only do you have to do something, but also depend on luck.

Just like the favorability level in the game, not to mention full, it must be at least as high as seventy or eighty.Only then can there be hope of getting dragon energy points.

Saving people every day and taking chances to gain the love and trust of others is unreliable no matter how you look at it.

However, what if it is to study medicine and treat diseases?
Is it also a shortcut.

If there are many people saved, there will always be some who will be grateful.

Quantitative change to qualitative change...

"Of course, I'm afraid you won't learn it."

Li Xiaowan pursed her lips and smiled lightly.


The next day, the two had a hasty meal and parted ways.

Zhang Kun was going to the Yuanshun Escort to Dianmao. He went so early, mainly because he wanted to learn boxing, and he had expectations in his heart.

It's not easy to keep Wang Jingya waiting for a long time.

Li Xiaowan also wanted to go to An Ren Tang as soon as possible. She was worried that the apprentice's job would be taken away by others first.

After all, two days have passed.

Originally, Zhang Kun was worried that it would be bad for Li Xiaowan to meet acquaintances when she went out...

After he found out that the little girl was wearing a man's commoner clothes, and her hair was coiled up and tucked into a yarmulke, he realized that there was nothing to worry about.

What appeared in front of me was a handsome young man...

At least, at first glance, you will be deceived by her.

After all, it hasn't fully grown yet.

Changed the dress, there is not much difference between boys and girls.


"Why did you come?"

When Zhang Kun arrived at Yuanshun Escort Bureau, he just entered the front yard when he saw a huge figure punching there.

The eldest sister, Wang Jingya, obviously got up earlier, and her upper body was already dyed dark and drenched.

Seeing Zhang Kun, he greeted him excitedly.

'He's even more active than me. Is this the first time teaching apprentices? '

Zhang Kun had a faint feeling in his heart.

"Sister, will you teach me Liuhe boxing today?"

"It's very early, and you want to run before you learn to walk? First, you have to practice Zhuang Gong. The Zhuang Gong is not solid, and the boxing is loose. This order must not be wrong."

Wang Jingya raised her eyebrows, showing a bit of calm and prestige.

She paced back and forth with her hands behind her back, looked Zhang Kun up and down a few times, "Looking at your figure and gait, you were originally a good candidate for martial arts, but it's a pity that you are a little older and were delayed.

If you were any other boxing master, you would definitely be too lazy to spend more time on you.

However, it is because they have no vision. From my point of view, as long as you practice diligently, you can still be saved. "

A powerful breath rushed over.

"Come, learn from me."

When Wang Jingya got down to business, she kept a strict eye on her, for fear that Zhang Kun would not pay enough attention to the joking faces.

Her figure moved slightly, her legs moved forward and backward, she stood half-bent, her waist was lowered and her hips were lowered, her shoulders were relaxed...

The right palm is stretched forward, and the left fist protects the chest. It is as straight as a pine tree, and it looks solid and powerful.

"Hands and feet unite, elbows and knees unite, shoulders unite with hips, loose on the outside and tight on the inside...The force is sent from the feet, supported on the legs, rushed to the hips, twisted on the waist, sent to the shoulders, and opened to the hands, which is called Liuhe.

At this point, starting from the chicken step pile, it is not just standing in the shape of a pile, the power runs through and cannot be broken. "

After entering the state of a teacher, Wang Jingya was meticulous, put on a posture to let Zhang Kun see clearly, and then said: "Sanhe outside Liuhemen is difficult to say, but easy to say.

As long as you know the method and practice for many years, you can do it naturally.

As for the harmony of heart and mind, mind and qi, and qi and strength in the internal triad, there are no requirements for it for the time being.

Only when the boxing technique has been practiced to a high level can one explore the matter of mind penetration...

The first thing you need to do is to move accurately and stand firmly.

You know, the most difficult thing for ordinary people to practice piles is to start.It seems that the movements are correct when standing on the pile, but after all, this is a bit contrary to human instinct, and the whole body is floating.If the breathing is a little heavy, the movements will be chaotic, and it is not easy to do well..."

Having said this, Wang Jingya's voice suddenly stopped.

She found that just talking for a while, Zhang Kun, who had just started to imitate the chicken step pile, was still very unfamiliar with his movements, which seemed uncoordinated.

However, with the adjustment of the movements, a little bit is like taking root, and the movements are not bad.

Moreover, the hands, feet, elbows, knees, shoulders and hips are extremely coordinated.

She rubbed her eyes, and it was still the same.

Couldn't help reaching out and gently pushing Zhang Kun...

Then, Zhang Kun kept the posture of the pile step, and was pushed to move three inches.

The shelf was not messed up at all.

"Have you practiced Liuhequan before, or did you practice Jibuzhuang?"

Wang Jingya stared round her eyes, pulled the ponytail on her head heavily, and shook her head again in a blink of an eye: "No, if you have practiced my Liuhemen Kungfu, you can tell at a glance that you are just learning it!"

Thinking back to when I first learned boxing, it took me eight days to practice just this stance before I became proficient.

Wang Jingya suddenly didn't want to teach.

"Is this Zhuang Gong difficult to learn?"

Feeling that the atmosphere was slightly wrong, Zhang Kun felt a little bit in his heart, wondering if his hands and feet were too coordinated?

When the Dragon Qi point was raised and Sanda became proficient, two or three years have passed in my memory, and the control of the opponent's feet, body shape and footwork is very familiar.

It can attack from all directions, and even all scattered moves become instinctive.

This may be the reason for learning to move quickly when practicing Zhuanggong.

Is it going too far?

From this point of view, the proficiency in the heart of ordinary people is not the same as the proficiency in improving the dragon energy point.

"It's not difficult, basic entry, as long as you have a bit of talent, you can do it a few times. I only read it once at the beginning, and after practicing it twice, the pile shape is stable."

Wang Jingya's eyebrows twitched fiercely, and she laughed seriously, and then said: "The figure, gait, and posture are accurate, strictly speaking, I haven't started yet.

What is really difficult is to let the Qi and blood flow when standing in the posture, so that there is no stagnation in any place.

Just like you now, you feel that your blood is not smooth after standing for a long time, your face is pale, and you are sweating profusely.

That's right, the real pile method is not like this, but the circulation of blood and ruddy complexion..."

(End of this chapter)

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