
Chapter 142 See if you can kill the dragon today

Chapter 142 See if you can kill the dragon today

"Help, help."

A group of people in front ran out of breath.

Countless people screamed and cried.

Every now and then someone falls behind.

Behind them, gunshots sounded like fried beans, and flames spewed out from the middle of the street, the corner of the house, and the roof of the building.

Woven into a network of fire.

However, Zhang Kun found out strangely.

Those green-skinned monsters were fine, with three blood splashes splashed on their bodies, basically they had no mobility anymore, they could only collapse on the spot and couldn't get up.

But those two-foot-three-four guys with gray skin and protruding fangs can charge forward against bullets.

There seemed to be a layer of black air on these things that could not be seen clearly. After the bullet hit, it lost most of its kinetic energy, and it didn't penetrate deep into the flesh, so it bounced out again.

These things with stone sticks and wooden sticks in their hands have great strength. When they encountered a car on the road, they kicked them away as soon as they collided with each other. With a wave of the huge stick in their hands, several people couldn't dodge in time, and were beaten into meat paste by several sticks .

There are more than ten catties of strength in both arms.

Moreover, these things seem to be particularly ferocious in nature, and they will growl at the sky from time to time.

It's kind of crazy.

If it is said that the two strong monsters with a height of four to five meters are somewhat human-like, then the dark-skinned monsters about four meters behind are not quite human-like.

That thing, the muscle of the whole body is like a sarcoma, the mouth is grinning to the root of the ear, the hair is thick all over the body, and the eyeballs are protruding. If it catches someone, it will be stuffed into the mouth and chewed.

At a glance, there are three such dark monsters on this street.

As soon as Zhang Kun rushed into the happiness road, what he saw was this scene.

My heart sank, and I was extremely anxious.

"Dad, Mom, and my little sister... There are many people living in the community, and it's the weekend again. The incident happened suddenly, so it's likely that they didn't come out."


As soon as Zhang Kun thought about this, his feet accelerated even more, and a long white mark was drawn from the whole body, heading straight from the street to the end of the street...

The green-skinned monsters along the road flew up one after another, and a tall gray-skinned monster in front of them was standing in front of them, howling and hooting, raising a stick and swinging towards them.

Where did Zhang Kun pester him patiently, he put his palm on the stick, and in an instant, his arm vibrated three times.


The huge arm of the gray-skinned monster exploded.

A howl of pain has not yet come out.

Zhang Kun had already passed by it, swung the stick back, and smashed its head.

He leaped like flying, ups and downs, holding the black unknown firewood stick with one thick end and the other thin end, his body ran with a whistling sound of piercing the wind, one stick and one head, and rushed straight forward along the main street.

"Go back, go back, you can't go over there."

Just as he was rushing to the end of the street, there was a burst of gunshots nearby. A man in uniform, with dust and sweat on his face, looked at Zhang Kun in shock, and said hurriedly: "Retreat, all retreat, the bombing will start in 10 minutes. Danger ahead."

This man spoke very fast, as if he was roaring, and he could hear clearly amidst the noisy gunshots and roars of monsters around him.

"Do you have a knife?"

Zhang Kun glanced back and asked in a deep voice.

He didn't stop, and kicked out a pair of legs in a row. The five green-skinned monsters in front of him and one big gray-skinned monster were directly kicked until their bones protruded from the skin and flesh, and their bodies were deformed.

With a stride, he advanced more than ten meters, and the black stick swung round, knocking a four-meter-high pitch-black monster staggeringly, and fell to the ground and slid ten meters.

Seeing that the pitch-black monster didn't die, but got up and roared even more fiercely, Zhang Kun threw down the broken wooden stick with his backhand, feeling a little helpless.

There is no weapon at hand, and these things are thick-skinned and thick-skinned, so the efficiency of killing is not very high.

"Yes, yes, use mine, this... Teacher, I have a knife here, a custom-made alloy knife, it is better to use a cold weapon, monsters don't eat bullets a bit. My name is Cheng Yaonan, I belong to Qinglong Nanqiwei, teacher what is your name?"

He just hid in the corner, covering the retreat and shooting, when he saw Zhang Kun killing him all the way, so fierce that he had never seen this kind of scene.

While I was shocked, I was also a little puzzled.

Today, Chuanwu masters have been proven to be completely bragging. Those masters of fighting all over the country are on the bloody battlefield, but they find that they are not very good at fighting.

The key is that the strength and speed are completely inferior to monsters.

However, it's no wonder that people from all schools and sects have practiced kung fu and boxing for decades, and practiced hard to kill enemies with cold weapons, and it is already rare...

The only remaining ones in Nanjiang Province who have real skills are all very old and struggling to walk.Let them go into battle, that is not to be expected.

The person in front of him should have practiced martial arts since he was a child, so he is a so-called genius.

Or the most powerful martial arts teacher in any martial arts school.

There are always pearls in the sea of ​​sand, and this one is no exception.

Zhang Kun took the knife, weighed it, and found that it fits surprisingly well. He also noticed that those uniformed men lying on their backs in various corners all had knives around their waists. They were real guys.

There is a faint understanding in my heart.

He rushed forward with a knife, three rushed in, selected three gray-skinned monsters to kill, and stepped on the car, slashed horizontally, beheading the head of the four-meter-high strange-shaped monster.

"Good knife! My name is Zhang Kun. You don't need to call me a teacher. How is the community in Happiness?"

When Zhang Kun slashed across with the knife, he didn't feel any counter-shock force from his arm. It was as smooth as a knife cutting butter, and he couldn't help but admire.

However, the feet were still running forward in a hurry, and the knife swept across the road, and a monster fell down.

He found that the one who had just popped out seemed to know a lot, so he suppressed his anxiety and inquired about the news, slowing down his forward pace slightly, and extending the saber a little to the left and right.

"This kind of monster usually requires more than ten or twenty elite soldiers to pile up, and it takes human life to pile up and die."

Cheng Yaonan was a little stunned, and glanced at the pitch-black head, his eyes were full of shock.

"The power of the bullet is greatly reduced. Is it the reason for the black smoke? Are the arrows useful? What about the explosive bomb?"

"It's still useful. However, according to expert analysis, what kind of long-range weapon protection is this? It's still on our side. If you go to the opposite side, the bullet can't even break through the skin, then it will be useless."

"There's really no need to go forward, brother, that place is very dangerous, it's too close to the crack."

Cheng Yaonan was panting from running, he didn't fire a shot, he just ran away, looking at the dead monsters in front of him and behind him, his eyes were already numb.

Mainly because I am used to it.

If it's just a monster of this strength, then there's nothing to be afraid of.

It's just that the thing stuck in the crack is the real problem. It won't be long before the crack will form a real portal. When that huge monster rushes into Jiangcheng, Nanjiang Province will be in danger.

"I'm not reconciled if I don't take a look."

Zhang Kun naturally also saw the huge crack, and the two smaller holes next to the crack, all kinds of monsters were continuously gushing out.

The void less than ten meters from the ground is like a door opened on the wall. The door has not been fully opened, and several small openings have been broken.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the horror of the dragon head.

The blood in his body was boiling to the extreme, his head was slightly dizzy, and the roaring sound came out, he felt the ground shaking, and he was a little unsteady.

"There are still nine minutes and 13 seconds left, it's really too late if we don't leave."

Cheng Yaonan was full of anxiety, and wanted to drag Zhang Kun away, but he didn't dare.

This person who killed monsters to chop melons and vegetables was a master he had never seen before, and he was worried that the other party would get a knife on him.

Obviously, the Xingfuli community is very important to this person.

The front gate of the community has collapsed, and the interior can be seen.

There are three seven-storey old-fashioned buildings side by side, divided into six sections from the middle part.

The middle part disappears.

Building 7, Unit 2, 301.
Building 7 was found, not to mention room 301, even unit 2 was gone.

From there, you can see the skylight on the opposite side, the dragon head struggling behind, and the fluttering wings, setting off gusts of wind.

"how come?"

Zhang Kun's eyes shrank into a line, and his heart seemed to be grabbed.

"Hey... let's go, I really can't delay, there are still 8 minutes to launch, and those who escape slowly will be buried with these monsters. In fact, we are facing the pit, and we can't deal with that thing. Apart from……"

Cheng Yaonan was patient, and explained one more sentence: "Don't worry too much, this kind of situation has happened many times. Generally speaking, people nearby will not die, but will be randomly thrown to the opposite side. Might not be able to find it.”

He didn't make it very clear.

But Zhang Kun understood.

When the space rift opens, the space is chaotic, some monsters will be thrown over there, and some buildings and humans will be sucked in here, and the two worlds begin to merge in an instant.

'Throw it to the opposite world, is there still a way out? '

Zhang Kun raised his eyes to look at the bright red dragon head, his eyes were full of killing intent.

However, the head of this thing is almost as big as half a building. Is it really something that human beings can't beat?
"No, go back."

Cheng Yaonan suddenly screamed.

He saw that another tiny hole under the dragon's head began to erupt again, and hundreds of black, gray, and green monsters spewed out.

As soon as these monsters hit the ground, they rushed over screaming.

Unexpectedly, excitement and enthusiasm can be heard from their voices.

And in this group of dark monsters, a figure swept over like black smoke.

One can only vaguely see that the thing has gray skin, snow-white hair, a slender and tall figure with uneven bumps, a bow on its back, and a thin sword in its hand.

"It's a shadow elf, an assassin type, it can't be entangled with it."

Cheng Yaonan and the few companions who followed him ran back and shot.

The bullets rushed past like a curtain.

He had heard from his colleagues in the north that he encountered this thing in the space crack of Luoyan Lake, and killed a squadron of them in just half an hour.

In the end, he was killed because he stepped into a fire mine trap.

Head-on confrontation, complete defeat.

The bullet was ejected, and shot towards the shadow with a whistling sound.

But it just splashed pieces of sparks.

It didn't hinder the opponent's approaching speed.

Zhang Kun saw clearly this time.

He found that bullets were not useless.

Instead, there was a special layer of ripples on the opponent's body. The pointed bullets, which were absolutely invisible at first, would immediately lose speed as soon as they touched the thin ripples.

Then, the black shadow waved the tiny stabbing sword in his hand and picked them away one by one.

It can be seen that with the opponent's speed, they will get close after a few pounces, and none of the people behind can escape.

Zhang Kun said coldly: "Let's go, this thing can't get through."

"No, you can't fight him. This is a big elf. It's a big elf. According to experts, it has a combat power of thirteen to fifteen levels. No one can beat it. Get back quickly and come back to ambush later."

Cheng Yaonan was already very angry. If he hadn't seen this young martial artist practicing boxing and knives, he was too strong and rare, so he wouldn't have accommodated him like this.

Taking risks again to come to the happy community.

It's like being a nanny again, answering every question.

The chief instructor said this at the beginning: "There are too few real warriors. Each one is a precious seed, which can cultivate countless elite fighters, and can also be passed on to various schools, so that those children can learn from the best. I started practicing at an early age, and this is hope.”

Cheng Yaonan was deeply convinced.

So, he was really in a hurry.

It doesn't matter if I die, this one will not have any accidents, and being able to escape is the greatest gain.

Zhang Kun suddenly turned around, his eyes turned red, but there was a smile on his mouth: "Captain Cheng, I'm sorry, I still can't leave, this is my hometown, it's better not to be bombed, or not to be bombed. Then Something, there's radiation..."

He turned around slowly, facing the black shadow leaping like a sharp arrow, he sneered and said, "I still want to give it a try and see if I can kill the dragon today..."

As soon as the word "dragon" was uttered, Zhang Kun's voice suddenly rose, and a loud shout shook the surroundings.

With a radius of three feet under his feet, he sank more than three inches without making a sound, his body made a loud noise, and he rushed forward with a roar.

The speed of the impact was actually three points faster than that of the black shadow.

"What shadow elves, what assassins, do you think they are playing games?"

Zhang Kun pierced the wind with his sword, and blood flames rose from his body. The light of the sword was faintly surrounded by snowflakes, and a little blood had already cut to the neck of the shadow elf.


The black shadow let out a soft cry, and the rushing figure suddenly folded backwards without any warning. The soft and boneless body slid quickly parallel to the ground. It stabbed Zhang Kun's lower abdomen.

This move was extremely fast, the sword was released without sound, it was extremely fast, even surpassing the sound.

A trace of coldness flashed in the dark eyes of the shadow elf Zellina, and a sneer grinned at the corner of her mouth.

The human who appeared suddenly was very powerful and extremely fast, even several points faster than himself. However, if he wanted to compete with the shadow elves in combat skills and how to deal with the enemy, he didn't know what to do.

According to the guidance of the mother god, the further opportunity is in the plain of ashes, at the lair of the red dragon Agaska. Sure enough, I waited here and finally got the opportunity.

'What a fertile piece of land this is, so fresh and full of vitality, but yet, no strong oppression can be sensed, which proves that there are no powerful individuals here... This is a great opportunity bestowed by the Creator , as long as you can gain a firm foothold and extradite the belief of the mother goddess, this credit...'

(End of this chapter)

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