
Chapter 144 Salary plan

Chapter 144 Salary plan
"Student Zhang Kun, I want to ask you something."

A middle-aged man with glasses and gray hair hurried up, with a smile on his face, and he held Zhang Kun's hand tightly with both hands.

"This is the chief instructor, Qin Fengshan, who is in charge of the defense of Jiangcheng in the southern part of Qinglong."

Cheng Yaonan secretly poked Zhang Kun's back with his finger, reminding him.

Zhang Kun didn't find any trace of his parents and younger sister just now, and he has been thinking about it all the time. After half an afternoon of cleaning and fighting, he is already very tired.

Although I was surprised by the identity of the chief instructor of Qin Fengshan, I was still a little uninterested.

"If it takes too much time, there may be nothing I can do to help. I still have things to do."

Zhang Kun shook his head.

He needs to find a way to blend into other spatial rifts, preferably a safer passage, and there are no too strong enemies on the opposite side.

Parents and others have been involved in the past, and they have to search carefully for where they are, and where they can delay too much time.

According to Cheng Yaonan, there are gaps like this everywhere now, because the resistance force in the early stage was too weak, and tens of millions of people suffered.

Therefore, at the beginning, it was possible to cover up the news and deceive the public so as not to cause large-scale panic, but now, it is basically clear, and it cannot be concealed.

At the same time, the news of the various space channels gradually appeared in the eyes of the world.

However, in the past, everyone just regarded it as a rumor.

To be honest, not many people would really believe it until they saw it with their own eyes.

According to Cheng Yaonan's knowledge, in Nanjiang Province, including Jiangcheng, there are six land boundaries with space cracks.

There were two places that used big weapons to repel the attack. The other places were fine, and they were in a tug-of-war right now, and there was no serious danger for the time being.

It's just that every day has to be filled by a large number of human lives.

It seems that the enemies on the opposite side are endless.

The worst thing is that this kind of situation is happening in the entire Daewoo Federation. Blue Star seems to have become a big house with broken walls, and there are air leaks everywhere.

Especially the Western White Tiger District, I heard that a group of barbaric half-orcs have occupied the entire province, erected a bloody mask, and can't be driven away by any big killer. The people there are the most miserable.

"I know I know……"

For Zhang Kun's blunt refusal, Qin Fengshan didn't seem to mind at all: "Student Zhang Kun, we will also pay attention to the affairs of your parents and family at any time, and send letters to the major defense areas to search carefully...

However, this is a matter of fishing for the moon in the sea, so there is no rush.If you want to enter other space passages, we can also find a way to coordinate. It is best to have experts to accompany you, which is much better than going alone. "

Qin Fengshan sighed and continued: "According to experts, because of the interaction between the two worlds, strange factors have infiltrated. The plants here are growing wildly, and the animals have also begun to change. They have become bigger and more aggressive. It's not safe anymore.

This is not the most uncomfortable place, the biggest danger, in fact, is still in the future, once the world interaction reaches a certain level, the environment of our Blue Star will gradually change to adapt to the survival of the creatures on the other side.At that time, the spatial rift will further expand, and the giant dragon like today can enter and exit freely, even..."

Qin Fengshan didn't want to say any more about the following words, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.

The only ones who can squeeze over now are some small soldiers. The most powerful level found so far is the thirteenth-level creatures. If it is really possible to squeeze over the twenty-level or even thirty-level creatures.

Or those so-called gods have come over, does Blue Star have a future?

It's only been a year, and it has already deteriorated to such an extent. In a few years, I'm afraid that all of Blue Star's territory will fall.

What will happen to the human beings who originally lived on this planet in peace?
Perhaps, the one who dies first is the luckiest.

"There is no hidden force in the major regions of the Federation? Can you kill the intruders before the expansion of the space channel? Or, get stronger as soon as possible?"

"It's easier said than done? Isn't there now guns and all kinds of thermal weapons? All cutting-edge research is mostly focused on lethal weapons, and the strengthening of the human body itself has not only made no progress, but even has a tendency to regress. Start all over again. It took more than half a year to change the path, and it took a long time to change the thinking and concept, and it can’t be done with a single order.”

Qin Fengshan spoke a little cryptically at this time.

However, Zhang Kun understood.

You said, in the past countless years, ordinary people would be detained for even fighting, practicing martial arts, knitting...

The more flamboyant and embroidered legs, the more fun you can perform, the more money you can make, and the more you can live a better life.

Only fools can learn and practice the real killing skills.

The most useful ability is to fight with bare hands, half-truths and half-fakes under various restrictions on the ring.

In the same way, you can't hit people at their vital points. If you kill someone, there will be endless troubles.

Under such a big situation, it is suddenly necessary for people to change course and let ordinary people who have never accepted the martial arts of killing and fighting get the force to fight monsters. If you think about it, you will know how difficult it is.

This point is not as good as the Daqing World that Zhang Kun just came back from.

At least, the martial arts and weapons there are real knives and guns, they can really kill people, they are the ability to settle down and live, to be rich and prosperous.

There are real people who can devote their entire lives to practicing.

The biological instinct and evolution is to use it or lose it.

If you don't practice, don't use it, don't spend energy, naturally, this kind of ability will gradually degenerate from the bones and blood of a person.

Seeing Zhang Kun's thoughtful appearance, thinking that he had been persuaded, Qin Fengshan was overjoyed, and said again: "Don't worry, classmate, our Southern Nine Guards will pay attention to the news from the opposite side wholeheartedly. Even if we don't find one, we will look for one." When the time is right, I will send you there."

"It's not that you can't go there now, but that the other side really can't guarantee safety, just like the big elf you met today, the energy level is thirteen according to detection.

After all, only a very small number of creatures of this level can come over, because our side is not suitable for the other party's survival. Once they come over, their strength will drop slightly. The more powerful creatures come, the more they will drop. over here.

And going there, their strength will be much stronger...

Moreover, there are at least level [-] to level [-] creatures on the back of each passage, and the number is unknown... This is the news that we have obtained with our lives. Many teams disappeared as soon as they passed by. "

"Isn't there a weaker channel that can sneak in?"

Zhang Kun is still a little unwilling to give up.

Judging from the great elf's force, it's not impossible to deal with it with a little more combat power, just cut a few more knives.

However, that big elf is only level thirteen... If the strength and speed alone are increased by [-]% to double, it will not be easy to deal with.

Her strength and speed are faintly above Huajin, which is a higher level.

If the official speculation is true.

Zhang Kun estimates that his strength and speed levels are actually on the verge of level [-].

In the opponent's home court, if you encounter enemies from level [-] to level [-], you may really not be able to beat them.

Leapfrog battles, at most one can only leapfrog one level, which already requires desperation.

No matter how strong the opponent is, if he directly crushes it with strength and speed, he doesn't need to compete with himself in boxing and saber techniques, so it's not easy to handle.

The most outrageous thing is that this level of masters does not seem to be very rare on the opposite side.

Seems like a lot.

"In fact, all the federal districts have realized the seriousness of the situation, and are planning to call together experts from all districts to break in at the beginning of June.

The target passage this time is called the Forest of Green Fields. According to news from the Death Squad, it is the territory of an earl. The earl seems to be very cruel, and there are resistance forces in the jurisdiction. As long as you enter, you may gain a firm foothold. "

"Seize a piece of land and collect books and skills?"

Zhang Kun's eyes lit up, this is a good way.

At present, Blue Star is in trouble. For many years, it has not paid attention to the strength of the human body itself, but has been developing thermal weapons. When people don't eat this, it is like a sheep without minions.

Let the other party slaughter.

In less than a year, tens of millions of people have been lost. When the integration of the world intensifies and the masters from the opposite side come over, at that time, the danger of the country is not enough to describe, and the world of our own may fall quickly.

As long as you see the ferocity of those monsters, you can understand that this is no longer a relationship of enslavement or not, and it is really possible to become food in the mouth of the opposite monster.

There is no qualification to back down at all, if you back down, you will die.

Therefore, the only way to break the situation is to fight hard.

If your strength is inferior to others, then find a way to increase your strength. If your knowledge and experience in martial arts are insufficient, then go to the opposite side to grab it.

"So, this plan is called [Xinhuo], the inheritance of Xinhuo, to illuminate the future, with the strength of student Zhang Kun, I can recommend it in the name of the Southern Defense Zone, and then join the selection and get a place to enter the Green Field Passage ..."

Qin Fengshan said bluntly.

Except this method is the safest, the other passages are basically death, either in poor mountains and bad waters, with piles of monsters, or in the lairs of some powerful creatures, with many monsters.

Once in, the best situation is to be able to send out some news. It is very difficult to break in. Nine deaths are not enough to describe.

"What can I do for you?"

After hearing so much from Qin Fengshan, Zhang Kun knew that he had to do this favor.

The other party made it clear that this was actually a deal, and they would not use any name of righteousness to pressure them.

Seeing fit, they helped each other.

Anyway, in this critical moment, helping others is actually helping yourself.

Who can say for sure what will happen in the future.

Seeing that Zhang Kun was moved by Qin Fengshan's words, he was overjoyed at the moment, "It's not a difficult task for Zhang, but if we do it ourselves, I don't know how many people will die."

He even said as he walked, "Jiangcheng is a region with a well-developed water system, and it can be regarded as a water transport center. Not to mention the commercial advantages. In the case of land roads blocking people, it is of great significance to us to keep this site. .”

"Originally, the figure of the red dragon Agasga appeared, and many monsters from the Ash Plain came over. The higher-ups were basically ready to abandon this place, wash the ground with shells, and use big killers to frighten it. This place will become a place of death. But it depends on With your actions today, the dragon actually flinched, and it seems that he will not dare to come over in a short time, which bought us a lot of time, and it is possible to hold on."

"You mean, move all the people, mobilize a large number of armed personnel, and then completely surround this site and clear out a quarantine area?"

Zhang Kun looked at the continuous stream of vehicles going out of the city, and countless people gathered, shouting and huddled wanting to get in the car.

I'm afraid that if I walk too slowly, something unbearable will happen again.

"Yes, whether it is to transfer people to garrison or relocate the people, it will take time. But the monster will not rest, there is no powerful force to suppress it, as long as it is broken through, the scene will get out of control. So, please Stay here for half a month, and then it won't matter."

Zhang Kun nodded, if it's only half a month, that's fine.

At the beginning of May at this time, there was still some time before the team in June entered the forest of green fields together.

Besides, this is also my hometown, so it's better than anything else if I can keep it.

He looked around at the bustling streets, as well as the tall buildings he was used to seeing since he was a child, the flower fountains in the park, the honor wall in the school, and the countless food stalls and stalls in the snack street...

It's really a pity that it's gone.

"Instructor Qin, one thing I don't understand is that since those high-level monsters will be suppressed when they come over, why the red dragon would desperately squeeze into the cracks in the space, and even want to come over if it wants to come over, it won't Worried about some accident and losing your life?"

Zhang Kun thought of another question and asked immediately.

The red dragon was indeed behaving strangely.

If you really come here and are attacked by a "big killer", even if you don't die, you will have to lose half of your life.

It must have some unavoidable reason, a reason to come here.

"We are also surprised by this. However, it must be that the red dragon underestimated the lethality of our weapons. They often judge the opponent's strength by their breath, and our thermal weapons basically have no breath. Of course, you were in the channel at that time. Give it a blow from the mouth, I'm afraid the Red Dragon will dispel this idea."

Qin Fengshan's eyes were full of shock and disbelief, and he laughed and said: "When we got the letter from Cheng Guangyao, we really couldn't believe it. Later, we called up some of the remaining surveillance cameras around, and then we found out that your How dangerous is a knife, next time, don't be so impulsive."

Although he didn't know why Zhang Kun rushed into the flames, he still survived.

However, it was clearly seen that the red dragon's right eyeball was cut with a knife, and golden blood splashed out.

The last dragon chant was not so much an attack as a howl of pain.

It was also this blow that made the red dragon Agasga realize that there were not no powerful creatures on the opposite side of the passage, and it was not worth it to take the risk of greatly reducing its strength.

So it waits, and waits for a better opportunity.

For the giant dragon, taking a nap is several years, and it can afford to wait.

(End of this chapter)

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