
Chapter 150

Chapter 150

"Nowadays, there is no food for defense inside, and no soldiers to help outside. Once the bandit army overwhelms and Liu Bei and Chen Deng encircle, we will be in danger."

What Chen Gong said made all the generals standing in the hall look bad.

Lu Bu sat on the big tiger-skin chair, narrowed his eyes slightly, seeing the faces of the generals in his eyes, and felt annoyed in his heart.

"I was deceived by those two thieves from the Chen family. Not only did Xuzhou be handed over to others, but they were also stabbed in the back. They lost troops and fled back to Xiapi in embarrassment. Now there is an isolated city left to defend. Once surrounded, don't It is said that it is fighting for the world, even keeping his wife and children is difficult. '

The most uncomfortable thing in Lu Bu's heart was that he clearly knew that this old guy was flirting with Yuan Shu and the others, but he couldn't move him.

A while ago, Chen Gong also joined hands with Hao Meng, one of the Eight Great Generals, to plot a rebellion secretly, intending to tie himself up and sacrifice himself to Yuan Shu to vent his anger.

Although Hao Meng was beheaded, and he didn't investigate whether Chen Gong had a hand in it, but there was still a thorn in his heart after all.

Uncomfortable is uncomfortable, but you still need to use it.

Especially when Xiapi is in danger.

At this time, there were no resourceful men in the camp, and if they wanted to get out of the predicament, they had to ask the old man to make suggestions.

After all, no matter what, Chen Gong would not surrender to Cao Cao. The two sides were incompatible and had old grievances. He could only choose to assist himself with all his heart.

Looking at Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Zang Ba, Cao Xing and others standing silently on both sides, Lu Bu sighed in his heart, knowing that these people were a little discouraged and disappointed when they saw the slim chance of victory, so they didn't want to talk.

He sighed secretly, squeezed out a smile and said: "What clever plan does Gongtai have to break this situation, and I hope you can give me your advice."

"The thieves are powerful, and we cannot stand on our own. Even if the general can hold on to Xiapi for a while, how can he hold on for a long time.

With Xuzhou lost, Xiapi is an isolated city, and it is difficult to supply the army with food for three months. It is not a place to live and work.To win this battle, after all, reinforcements must be invited. "

Chen Gong said softly.

He is a well-known scholar and official in the world, he is qualified to speak in such a leisurely manner, if you win or lose, I will pack up and go to Yuan Shu at worst.

Although the chaos is dangerous, it is still possible to just sneak away.

Back then when I followed Lu Bu, I just saw that this man was a good knife, used it well, but it was really not suitable to use it to stir up the world, so it was fine to discard it.

At this critical moment, all the generals in the tent are in a hurry, but Chen Gong is not in a hurry.

He has a way out.

"I don't know, where did the reinforcements come from?" Lu Bu leaned forward, with anxious eyes on his brows.

"Yuan Gonggong, this person is the lord's natural ally. He formed an alliance to fight against Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Cao's forces. If we cooperate, we will benefit both, and if we divide, we will suffer. Some time ago, Yuan Gonggong asked someone to propose marriage for his son, but the lord agreed, but he was deceived by Chen Hanyu's old thief. Not only regretted the marriage, but also beheaded the envoy, and backtracked, causing disasters, alas..."

"The matter has come to this point, and Yuan Gonglu doesn't seem like a broad-minded person, so how can he ignore the past and send troops to help?"

When Lu Bu heard that he was asking Yuan Shu for help, he felt very tired.

This guy has already proclaimed himself emperor, and he has clearly become the vanguard of the rebellion. If he joins forces with him, he doesn't want this reputation anymore.

Another one, he also heard about it.

Yuan Shu's son is really incompetent, he spends his days messing around with flowers and grass, he is a playboy, and he can't do anything without writing.

Let the daughter marry his family, and the wife is not very good at talking.

Not to mention, the daughter herself is not willing.

Chen Gong shook his head and laughed: "For the sake of the great cause of the world, the lord is reluctant to give up a daughter? Yuan Gonggong is the best face, as long as he sends his daughter there, no matter how humble he is, and makes amends for the past, he will be able to expose the murder of the envoy. Even He still has lingering resentment in his heart, thinking about the current situation where everything is damaged, as long as there is a step to go down, he will definitely send troops to rescue."

The old man seemed to be talking about another family's military affairs: "If the master is unwilling, then the public has never mentioned it, and you can die with the king."

call out……

The generals in the hall took a deep breath.

He frowned and looked at Chen Gong.

Although they sounded very dissatisfied, the despondent words made people want to hit him three hundred times.

But I have to admit that the strategy is indeed very good.

Giving up a little girl in exchange for an army to rescue...

As long as Yuan Shu sent troops, under the attack from front to back, Cao Jun would be exhausted from a long distance and would not be able to fight for a long time, so he would have to retreat.

The rest of Chen Deng and his son can be wiped out.

As for Liu Bei, he knows how to steal chickens and dogs, and never fights tough battles.

When the time comes to scare him once, just drive him away.

Wouldn't Xuzhou still fall into the hands of himself and others?

Thinking of this, the generals in the hall became short of breath, and some people couldn't help but look at Lu Bu to see how he would answer.

"Let someone think carefully."

Lu Bu sat up straight, his face sank like water, and it took him a long while before he could say a word.

He waved his hand to let the generals retreat.

Chen Gong waved his folding fan with a smile on his lips.

He knew that the plan had been accomplished.

Although Lu Bu didn't express his position face to face, he actually let go...

He is such a face-saving person, but when he really sees the benefits, he moves faster than anyone else.

'Feng Xian, Feng Xian, this is for your own good.If it is true that this place is defeated, all the generals can live, but you cannot.The matter of surrender can only be thought about in your mind. Do you really think that others can keep you?Who doesn't know the names of the three family slaves, and who dares to keep you by my side? '

Walking out of the hall, Chen Gong shook his head.

If it wasn't a last resort, he really didn't want to keep changing doors.

People who leave their hometowns are humble, and now they have left their hometowns, their former teachers, classmates, and friends of the township party, all were killed by the Cao thief.

The Yanzhou gentry wished they could eat the flesh and bones of Cao thief...

As long as Thief Cao is defeated and driven out of Yanzhou, it doesn't matter if he is judged as double-faced and three-handed by the world.

Really, Lu Bu is useless.


"I don't want to marry, I sell my daughter for glory, and I want to marry you."

Lu Qiling was outraged.

Last time, she married herself off like a commodity, and even though she was chased back halfway, this kind of behavior was really chilling.

Back then, I was protecting my mother, Erniang, and the others, leading hundreds of soldiers, fighting all the way out of the capital, and fleeing thousands of miles away. If I were a man, I would have commanded the army and become a general, and became famous all over the world.

However, just because she is a girl, she has to marry, like a tool to marry the little-known Yuan family's idiot.

Fortunately, it was said last time that the two parties were equal and engaged in a marriage.Although the marriage is not good, she is still married as the daughter of a prince, and her status is guaranteed.

But now, what are you doing?
Make an apology, please come to my door?
Is this a married woman?Or send a girl?

I'm afraid I can only be a concubine if I go there.

"Presumptuous, how do you talk?"

Lu Bu's face was flushed with anger, his daughter was disobedient, what could he do, could he just pick up Fang Tian's painted halberd and kill him directly?
After so many years, I have had a baby girl, holding it in the palm of my hand for fear of falling, and holding it in my mouth for fear of melting.

He thought that whoever wanted to marry his own daughter would fail.

However, when the daughter grows up and is about to become an adult, she always wants to marry.

Looking at the world's young heroes, there are not many who are worthy of their own daughters.

Although Yuan Gonggong is not a very good person, but he comes from a good background, the family of the fourth generation and the third father, and marrying his son, speaking of it, he is actually a high-ranking man.

As for selling girls for glory in exchange for reinforcements, Lu Bu would never admit it.

Just thinking about it, the two sides form an alliance to fight against the Cao bandits together, and it is not unacceptable to say that it is not unacceptable to marry a daughter.

As for Yuan Shu's proclaiming himself emperor, he was suspected of being a traitor. Whether he would be attacked by the princes of the world is a matter for the future.

Don't think about it for now.

Let's go through the catastrophe in front of us first.

If there is no present, where will the future come from?

Lu Bu saw this very clearly.

"Give me five hundred horses, and wait for me to go into battle to capture Cao thief. Wouldn't it be better to be trapped in an isolated city and make people laugh?"

While shedding tears, Lu Lingqi picked up her cold iron square halberd, rushed out the door in a few strides, grabbed her little red horse, beat the horse and left.

A little girl in green clothes behind her looked back and saw Lu Bu and Mrs. Yan were both motionless, sighed like a little adult, and followed closely out of the mansion.

"Luzhu, don't follow, it's none of your business here."

Lu Lingqi believed in Ma You Rein, walked on the street of Xiapi, she looked a little dazed, and said with a sigh.

"Miss, the master was at a loss for a while, and he changed his mind after a few days. Don't be too angry. It's not worth it if you get angry. If you want me to say, don't take this matter to heart at all. You still have that temper of the master. I don’t know, one idea every three days, it’s so fast. If you promise Chen Gong today, you might back out tomorrow.”


Lu Lingqi was amused by Luzhu, and said intimidatingly: "You just keep arranging for father. When he hears it, if he wants a healthy woman to beat you, I won't stop him."

"If you want to stop it, you have to stop it. Luzhu is reluctant to leave Miss. It's freezing cold and there is no servant by her side. Who will rub Miss's back..."

"Bah, you can't hold back your mouth. If it wasn't for the fact that you helped me block an arrow that day, I would have torn your mouth off, girl."

"Miss is reluctant."

The two chatted for a while, and Lu Lingqi felt better.

I thought, my father really changed his mind very quickly as Luzhu said, and at this time he must have lost his mind for a while, so he wanted to negotiate peace with Yuan Shu in such an inconspicuous way.

But how did he know that when Yuan Shu sent General Ji Ling to lead an army of [-] to attack Xuzhou last time, he was about to destroy Liu Bei, but was stopped by his father. To go is nothing more than to bring shame on oneself and make people ridicule.

He was shameless, and he was scolded and satirized, but he didn't take it seriously.

But, as a daughter, I can't bear it.

Those who knew it would think it was a marriage between the two families, but those who didn't know it would say that Marquis Wen sold his daughter, and they didn't want it.

If such a reputation spreads out.

It would be better to be dead.

"Get ready to go back. In the past two days, we have stepped up the training of the Xiu Gong Battalion. Although there are only 300 people, they are used well, but it is not impossible to fight a bloody road."

Lu Lingqi's eyes shone sharply.

Whoever said that women are inferior to men, on the battlefield, they still have one head and two arms, who lives and who dies, let's fight.

Thief Cao is nothing more than a cruel, lustful and shameless butcher. If you take him seriously, he really is... Father is really old, has too many worries, and has lost the vigor of his youth.

But for this kind of situation, there is actually only one way, and that is to cut through the mess with a sharp knife, rush to kill the enemy, and kill a bloody path, and the world can go well.

It's really funny to be trapped by people layer by layer and trapped in Xiapi City.

"Hey, whose soldier is that?"

Just as she was about to go back, Lu Lingqi glanced at the corner of her eyes and found that she had arrived at the northwest corner of the city.

There is a huge manor here. Looking through the gaps in the wall tiles, you can see many soldiers standing in the dark, all standing in strange postures, and there are faint shouts coming out.

"Here, it seems to be the Chen family. Didn't it mean that the Chen family's father and son have already led troops to rebel, and now they are rushing the most urgently, chasing behind the master, and killing them to Xiapi... His family still has soldiers and horses in the city, Hou Don’t the General and General Wei patrol the city?”

Lu Zhu was also puzzled.

Suspicious in their hearts, the two looked closer.

I saw that on the rammed earth of the square, 800 people stood upright, each posing in strange pile steps, sinking slightly with empty steps, and one or two of them blushed.

At a glance, seven or eight of the ten were already profusely sweating, soaking their thick autumn shirts.

However, even though they were extremely tired, no one dared to lie down and rest.

"This is a drill, miss. They are different from when you were training soldiers. They don't fight against each other. They just stand motionless as if they are shitting and riding a horse. Could it be that they want to compare who takes the time to go to the toilet?" longest?"

"Haha, and also, that person beat them one by one with a stick. The person who got hit was so comfortable, it seemed that he had benefited a lot. This..."

Lvzhu was out of temper, and immediately thought of other aspects. She talked vigorously, giggled and chuckled, and was almost noticed by others, so she quickly lowered her head.

"Shut up."

Lu Lingqi laughed and cursed, she knew that her servant girl was just a little sparrow, she was a little unreliable in doing things, and she didn't have the sense of propriety.

However, Green Pearl also has one advantage, that is, loyalty, she grew up with her since she was a child, and she can also joke and amuse herself on weekdays, which adds a little vitality to the dull and lonely martial arts career.

After a long time, I got used to having such a person whispering by my side, at least it won't be so difficult.

"What do you know, don't talk nonsense, look carefully at that man's stick, there is something strange..."

Lu Lingqi took a few glances, then suddenly breathed lightly, and said in a low voice.

"Is there something weird about the stick? It's just an ordinary wooden stick, with two leaves that haven't been cleaned off. Miss, are you bullying me for my poor eyesight..."

When Luzhu said this, her voice gradually lowered: "Yes, every time he knocked down with a stick, there was something weird.

The soldiers, who were obviously unable to hold on, immediately seemed to have taken the medicine of tigers and wolves. "

(End of this chapter)

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