
Chapter 158 One mountain and two tigers

Chapter 158 One mountain and two tigers, ruthless
"Father, what is your child's halberd technique? Can he still win the battlefield and kill the enemy general?"

Lu Lingqi took a few steps left and right, retrieved Fang Tian's painted halberd, looked at Zang Ba's distressed appearance, resisted the urge to laugh, turned around and asked Lu Bu with fists clasped.

This is the heart of a little girl. She has practiced this martial art hard since she was a child, and now that she has mastered the halberd technique, she is actually ordered to stay in her boudoir and not go out to fight.

That's all.

It's really pissing off that he still regards himself as a tool for marriage.

Is it so unpopular if you are not born as a man?

"Qi'er is proficient in halberd technique, but her strength is still a bit weak. She can survive on the battlefield, but not enough to kill the enemy. If you don't go back to accompany your mother, you can discuss important matters here, so stop messing around."

Lu Bu felt very embarrassed, and felt that the eyes of the generals around him were swishing like knives and arrows, so he had to hold on to his face and insisted that his daughter's martial arts skills were fair, but her strength was not enough... She couldn't hurt the Chen family with all her strength, but on the contrary It was the halberd blade that bounced off, it was nothing.

If it were him, it would be a head with a halberd.

"That's it, uncles, drink slowly, the little girl will leave, and hope to fight against Cao with one heart, don't hurt your peace... Yuan Zhen, after the banquet, don't rush to leave. Mother said, you have taught me martial arts. , I have to cook a few pastries myself to show my gratitude.”

Lu Lingqi did not go to argue with Lu Bu, saying that her own strength is actually not weak at all, with a sway of her arms, she already has a strength of [-] jin, among the generals present, few can match it.

She knows that this era is like this, and the views on women cannot be changed by one or two things.

Saying too much is actually a waste of saliva.

But it was precisely because of this that she felt that Zhang Kun's unbiased views were truly precious.

If it wasn't for the banquet at this time, it would not be too disturbing. Maybe she would have pulled Zhang Kun out of the banquet and went to the backyard to enjoy the flowers.

After Lu Lingqi sang and danced like this, the Hongmen Banquet naturally lost its taste.

The atmosphere didn't seem so cold.

Even Chen Gong became quiet at this time, he no longer held guns and sticks between his words, but his eyes were gloomy, and he drank and ate food silently.

Several people chatted for a few words and talked about Cao Jun's affairs outside the city, but they couldn't continue talking, so they hurriedly withdrew from the table and dispersed.

"Brother Gao, what do you think?"

Zhang Liao waited outside the governor's mansion, watched Gao Shun come out, walked a few steps with him, and suddenly asked.

"not so good?"

Gao Shun deserves to be a model of cherishing words like gold.

He is reluctant to talk unless he is pushed to the extreme.

Especially I don't like to reveal my thoughts.

Is that even a question?
People go to the banquet alone and come and go calmly.

Whether it's courage, boldness, literary talent, or martial arts, all the people in the hall are compared to each other.

Even Chen Gongtai couldn't take advantage of the verbal confrontation.

As for martial arts.

After Lu Lingqi's war dance, Gao Shun didn't want to say anything.

To be honest, he didn't even think that he could defeat that delicate-looking little girl in a one-on-one battle.

There is nothing wrong with saying that a tiger father has no dog daughter.

However, even with such a level of martial arts, the other guy just sat there, didn't move, and received a halberd directly, nothing happened, and the weapon collapsed instead.

What is this concept?
Gao Shun, who was old in battle, didn't understand why, Lu Lingqi just told everyone clearly, don't think about besieging him, his martial arts skills are excellent, even if you let him sneak attack, let you besiege, it may not be able to hurt him.

Any backstabbing and throwing axes are all jokes.

Unless he fights in front of his face, resists head-on, and suppresses him in terms of martial arts, otherwise, it doesn't make any difference whether this Hongmen banquet is held or not.

Such a person cannot be an enemy, only a friend.

This is the result of today's Hongmen Banquet.

While chilling some people's hearts, it also made some people secretly have some thoughts.

For example, Zhang Liao at this time.

"Chen Gongtai's idea is good, but it's not practical. The situation is worrisome. In my opinion, this city cannot be defended."

Zhang Wenyuan sighed.

He is also a guest general, although he has always been calm, he does things on weekdays, and he never makes mistakes when he goes to battle.

Mostly still very dissatisfied.

A real man stands in the world, who doesn't want to make some achievements, make contributions, and glorify his ancestors.

Just being beaten like this, fleeing here and there, what future can there be?
However, seeing the danger, speaking has no weight, so I can only go with the flow, what can I do...

On that day, Chen Gong said "one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers", and Lu Bu had obviously heard it in his heart.

The following incidents are the best proof.

Obviously there is strong support on the side, but they turn a blind eye and listen but don't hear it.

Isn't this the nature of accomplishing great things.

"Can you hold it, can't you hold it? It's up to the Lord to make his own decision. I'll just go to battle and kill the enemy. Don't worry too much."

Gao Shun glanced at Zhang Liao, sighed, and gave some advice.

His heart is like a clear mirror, he has seen through everything long ago, and he would point out a few words to Lu Bu on weekdays.

As a general, he can only follow orders to kill the enemy and die.


Of course Zhang Kun did not follow Lu Lingqi to meet her mother.

Little girls can do whatever they want.

He is a big man, it is not a problem to go directly to the backyard of the governor's mansion.

However, when he returned home, he received a box of pastries, which were still slightly warm.

Lu Lingqi was a little dissatisfied: "Mother said that she wanted to see you. I heard that your medical skills are extremely extraordinary, and she wanted you to see her old cold legs... Aunt Diaochan has composed a new zither song. I heard that you are fighting the governor's house with your tongue and overwhelming everyone. , leaving Chen Gongtai speechless, and immediately played the sound of killing and attacking, I want to invite you to appreciate it..."


Zhang Kun was sweating profusely.

You are trying to kill me.

It's nothing to go to see Mrs. Yan, anyway, I got to know Lu Lingqi well, so I went to visit the other party's elders.

However, Diao Chan invited him to play the piano and taste the music.

If this matter reaches Lu Bu's ears, it will definitely continue the uncontested battle.

Aren't you afraid that your father's hat will be green?

He wanted to talk nonsense, but when he saw the innocent light in Lu Lingqi's eyes, he remembered that it was only at the end of the Han Dynasty, and the girls here didn't step out of the door, and they never went out of the house, so they never thought of any messy things in their hearts. Some jokes are really bad.

"Another day, another day to visit."

Zhang Kun declined with a few words, and took Hua Sijie to leave.

Diao Chan's name, even if he didn't know history very well, it was impossible for him to forget this person.

Speaking of it, the other party is still a hero of the big man.

On that day, Wang Yun set up a series of tricks, using Diao Chan to lure Lv Bu and Dong Zhuo into a fight, and finally let the matter develop step by step, luring Lv Bu to kill the national traitor...

Logically speaking, no matter how this woman behaves, as a courtier of a big man, she must always remember her favor.

Anyway, it's not an exaggeration to take a high look.

However, Diao Chan obviously did not enjoy this treatment. In the eyes of others, she is not a hero, but just a kabuki, or a tool.

Forget it after using it, it's not that you forget it, at least, some people still miss her beauty.

In the future that has not yet happened, Diao Chan will be captured by Cao Cao and given to Guan Yu to warm his bed, so as to promote the brotherhood between Guan Yunchang and Liu Bei.

This caught a beauty, and instead of giving it to the eldest brother, it was given to the second brother to enjoy.

Boss Cao is just that dark.

Bad intentions are on the surface.

It depends on how you accept the move?

Guan Yu was also ruthless enough, without saying a word, he called Diao Chan to him, and chopped him off with a sword.


Let's be individuals one by two.

It can be seen from this that the concepts of these famous heroes and heroes in history are quite incompatible with him, a descendant of later generations.

Even, he felt that those people were not even as reassuring as Lu Bu.

Faint crying came from ahead.

Zhang Kun reined in his horse, turned his head and asked, "Who is crying?"

This is also a noble compound, it doesn't look like a poor family.

He also noticed that outside the door of this house, there were some soldiers standing sparsely, looking at the yard vigilantly, as if they were guarding something.

Fourth Sister Hua was very well informed, she just glanced at it, and answered without thinking: "Listen to the crying, it should be Miss Mi's family. That day when Lu Bu attacked Xiaopei, Liu Xuande rode out of the city and left his wife and children behind. The one captured by Lu Bu's army was originally detained in Xuzhou, but because the money and food of the family were moved to Pi, Madam Mi was also moved here."

"Look, this is where the gap lies. If you are not ruthless, you can't stand firmly. In some respects, Lu Bu is actually far inferior to Cao Cao and Liu Bei."

Zhang Kun laughed, looking at Fourth Sister Hua's confused eyes, he didn't explain much.

Hit the horse and go straight back to the manor.


Next, straight past January.

In addition to reading the Huang Ting Jing every day, Zhang Kun is training his soldiers.

Under the nourishment of a large amount of meat and medicinal materials.

The eight hundred soldiers of the Chen family have already trained to look decent.

In addition, he used the method of spiritual induction to cultivate the energy and blood in a subtle way, bit by bit to break up the circulation of energy and blood in the soldiers, standardize their practice path, and rapidly improve the strength of his men like the best master teacher.

It's just one short month.

Of the [-] soldiers, more than [-] have passed the Heli test.

The rest of the people are already on the verge of joining forces, and they are about to break through.

As for the Fourth Sister Hua, Qiao San and Wen Liu, all of them have broken through the dark energy and can be generals.

At this time, this elite team took initial shape.

'I don't know, facing Gao Shun's trapped camp at this time, can we win head-on? '

Looking at the eight hundred soldiers shouting and fighting fiercely in the field, Zhang Kun also felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"In the realm of joint force, a warrior with an average strength of [-] to [-] jin is a soldier, and it is too wasteful to fight on foot. '

Zhang Kun touched his chin, still a little dissatisfied: "Sister Hua, how is the horse search done, is there still no one willing to sell it?"

"It's not that no one is willing to sell. In fact, we have already emptied out all the property in the horse market, and only collected three hundred. They are all not very good horses, which can barely be ridden. After all, the war is going on. Hurry up, the horses in the army dare not move rashly, even if you pay ten times the price, you still won’t be able to buy it.”

"Forget it, [-] is [-]. You pick out [-] soldiers who are the fastest to train and teach riding and archery. These soldiers and horses can't just be used as infantry."

Zhang Kun ordered, and suddenly remembered something again, "How is the offensive outside the city? I didn't hear the shout of killing today, but Cao Jun retreated?"

During this time, I was shocked three times a day.

In the four directions of Xiapi City, everyone screamed and killed.

All the young and strong in the city were assembled, and the big families, no matter whether they were willing or not, had to send most of their manpower to assist in the defense of the city.

From time to time, the wounded could be seen being carried down the city wall, and crying could be heard from every household.

Obviously, the offensive and defensive battle of Xiapi City was fought very hard, and it has begun to spread from the army to the people.

It is impossible to talk about every family, but it is certain that every young man is on the verge of life and death.

But even in such an emergency.

The [-] elites of my family have been nesting in the manor all the time, and no one has come to ask for help. It seems that the entire Xuzhou Governor's Mansion in Xiapi City has forgotten about myself and this army.

Of course, it's not just me and others who get this treatment, there is another one, that is, Lu Lingqi.

As a woman, no matter how much she asked for a fight, she was always ordered to watch from the sidelines. She was not allowed to go out of the city to fight, nor was she allowed to fight on the city wall.

This is no longer a matter of taking it seriously or taking it lightly.

It's like a question of three views.

Zhang Kun guessed that it is very likely that in this era, there is a saying that it is unlucky for a woman to fight a war?Otherwise, why are there no female generals in the Cao Liu camp?

Lu Lingqi can still understand it here, but her own army can't explain it no matter what.

The only explanation is suspicion.

Since he couldn't suppress it, and couldn't allow himself to intervene in Xiapi's military, he naturally turned a blind eye.

A sneer flashed across Fourth Sister Hua's face.

He sneered and said, "They treat us as if we don't exist, so that's fine, I don't believe it. When the city of Xiapi is about to be broken, they will still be able to prevent us from going out to fight."

Just as he was talking, a horse galloped towards him at a fast speed.

"Miss Lu is here. She is more anxious than us. She should know about the battle outside the city. Why don't you ask her."

As soon as Fourth Sister Hua saw the figure, she immediately greeted him with a smile on her face.

"It's pissing me off, it's pissing me off."

As soon as Lu Lingqi got off the horse, she couldn't help breathing out the fragrance.

"Yuanzhen, what do you think is the matter? It turned out that Chen Gongda was the one who made a hindrance. He told his father that he would lead the troops to live outside the city, and let you lead the generals to guard the city. It would be safe... Since then, every time someone asks If you send troops, father will be furious. If this continues, what will happen."


Zhang Kun laughed and shook his head.

It was obvious that he had already guessed what Lu Bu was thinking, but it was really unexpected that Chen Gong had a hand in it.

He originally thought that Chen Gongtai didn't say which side he was on, whether he was on Yuan Shu or Lu Bu. Anyway, when facing Cao Cao, a big enemy, he would always be unanimous and talk about breaking the crisis first.

But he didn't expect that this person's fear of him was still higher than the enemy outside the city.

Would you rather be defeated than suppress me?
What resentment what?
It's not like such a short-sighted person.

After all, he is a resourceful person who can see the situation of the world very clearly... He must have his own ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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