
Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Gao Shun let out a long breath, and arranged for the soldiers to rescue Lu Bu...

Zhang Kun turned his head and looked at Lu Lingqi.

Lu Lingqi turned her head away, not wanting to talk to him.

"I said you are really useless. If you follow along, you will fall behind and be tied up on the tower."

Seeing Lu Lingqi's posture, Zhang Kun understood.

It must be that Lu Bu caught her with his father's authority, fearing that she would make trouble, and tied her up.

"You just wanted to kill my father?"

Lu Lingqi was wronged and didn't know what to do, she was just sullen.

Zhang Kun pointed like a knife, cut off the tendons on Lu Lingqi's body, sighed and said: "If I really want to kill, who else can stop me? Isn't this for others to see? Besides, kick him That kick won't hurt his life, but some of his bones are broken, and he will have to take care of him for a few months to half a year, which is just right for him to take care of his old age."

"Are you just getting old?"

Lu Lingqi groaned, she couldn't keep her face from being teased anymore.

Just now she laughed out loud, but she was a little embarrassed again, and hurriedly ran over in great pain, and helped Lv Bu up: "Father, I have already said, you don't listen to Chen Gong's words, you just don't listen to it, the result is fine, it's like this, Are you satisfied?"

"Shu... Shuzi!"

Lu Bu broke his breastbone and broke his arms. At this moment, his whole body was limp, dizzy, and his blood seemed to have been kicked away. He was extremely angry, but there was nothing he could do.

The most sad thing is that my own daughter actually came to blame me. This feeling has never been experienced in my whole life.

Even when facing Dong Zhuo, he endured the humiliation on the bright side and accumulated strength secretly, waiting for the day when he would become prosperous.

However, now he can only watch others flourish, while he is already old.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he really felt powerless and desolate in his heart.

"Stop yelling at him, he has a bad temper, he's really annoying, I won't intercede with you." Lu Lingqi persuaded quickly.


Lu Bu didn't want to talk anymore.

He opened his mouth and spat out another mouthful of blood, tilted his head, and passed out.


Squeezing Chen Gong to death, and smashing the myth of Lu Bu's invincibility on the spot, until he couldn't move on the ground. After summoning a few soldiers to send the "Xuzhou governor" back to the mansion to recuperate, Zhang Kun took advantage of the situation and started Command the generals.

"Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Zang Ba, Cheng Lian..."

"The end is here."

All of them shivered and responded quickly.

This is the god of killing, anyone who dares to fight, anyone who dares to kill.

Cao Cao was so ashamed by the scolding that he didn't dare to reply, so he had to retreat.

The three Liu Bei brothers ran out, one died and the other was injured, and they themselves ran for their lives in a hurry.

As for Lu Bu, his army division was beheaded on the spot, he couldn't save anyone, and even put himself on it. If it wasn't for the sake of Lu Lingqi and Gao Shun, this number one general in the world would have died out long ago.

Facing Zhang Kun again, even the rebellious Zang Ba would not dare to say a word...

At this time, if you try to be clever again, you will be looking for a dead end.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Zhang Kun is taking the initiative to seize power, and the one who follows me will live.If you don't express your opinion as soon as possible, then basically don't express your opinion.

Although it is being forced, it is being driven to the shelves.

But strangely, people like Zhang Liao and Gao Shun didn't have much resistance in their hearts.

On the contrary, from the bottom of my heart, some ecstasy flashed across.

These days, the generals who fought with Lv Bu died one by one, and the number of soldiers was reduced, and finally they were trapped to death in the city of Xiapi.

Unexpectedly, an accident happened.

For Cao Liu Dajun, this accident was indeed a headache.

However, for Xiapi City, it was a great thing.

Perhaps this is the real turning point.

Is hope.

Following this Chen Shi and Chen Yuanzhen, there may be a real hope that Cao Cao will be completely driven away, Xuzhou will be unified, and even the Central Plains may be hoped.

It's obviously a delusion in my mind.

Several generals looked at each other, and for some reason, some desires arose in their hearts. There was really a chance.


too strong.

"It's getting late, prepare dinner first, eat a full stomach, rest for an hour, and immediately follow me out of the city."

Zhang Kun said coldly.

"Night raid?"

All of them looked up excitedly.

This is an excellent opportunity.

"Yes, it's a night attack."

Night long dreams.

He hadn't forgotten that many counselors in Cao Cao's camp, one or two were wise beyond the sky, who knows what tricks they can play?

Although, under absolute force, all plans are paper tigers.

However, sometimes carelessness often leads to unnecessary losses.

During the day today, the morale of the opposing coalition forces has been completely destroyed, so of course we must take advantage of the victory to pursue.

"It's just that it may not have a particularly sudden effect, and they may take precautions."

Zhang Liao said carefully.

Ordinary people leading the army must have various omissions. If Cao Cao led the army himself, it would be a joke if he could be attacked by someone.

The opponent not only knows the soldiers, but also is very vigilant.

Often he is the only one who sneaks up on others, and others cannot steal him.

"It's not a sneak attack, it's a race against time. Even if Cao Jun knows we're attacking, it doesn't matter."

Zhang Kun's face was indifferent, and he smiled lightly: "I hope they will fight face to face."

"By the way, you each lead the troops and horses of the headquarters, Ling Qi, you lead two thousand wolf riders, and you also ride the red rabbit horse. This time you are the vanguard general, do you have the courage to charge?"


Lu Lingqi was both happy and worried.

The happy thing is that he was finally able to lead the army into battle, and he was still a vanguard general, and he got a great opportunity.

What is worrying is that if he completely takes over his father's power in this way, the old man will spit out a few mouthfuls of blood again in anger, just in case something goes wrong.

"Why, dare not? If this is the case, then I will..."

"No, no, I dare, who says I dare not, Cao Cao, right? Watch me kill him in his camp and take his dog's head."

When Lu Lingqi heard this, she became anxious.

Let Zhang Kun lead the battle, and take away all the wolf riders and ride the red rabbit horses, my father will definitely not survive tonight.

"Don't worry, it's really tough, you just bypass it and hand it over to the Chinese army."

For the Chinese army, Zhang Kun naturally led the [-] cavalry.

Bailili's three hundred cavalry were so weak that there were too few soldiers.

After winning the single challenge, he rushed for a while, forcing Cao Cao to retreat for more than ten miles, leaving behind a lot of heavy horses...

He was finally able to get together [-] cavalry, which could be used now.

It doesn't matter how good their riding skills are or how fierce they fight, as long as they can follow behind and fight with the wind.

After all, the whole battalion is a strong player working together, no matter how strong it is, everyone can be a general.

With this kind of strength, beating those ordinary soldiers is not like beating a child.

As long as he can run well and start a confrontation, Zhang Kun is not too careless.

This matter has been tested during the day.

He led [-] cavalry to pierce through the enemy's formation and killed more than a thousand people. On his side, only a dozen died.

Although most of the credit is due to him as the front arrow, the ability of his family soldiers to save their lives and kill the enemy has also been proved.


It got dark.

Zhang Kun didn't hide it either. After dinner, at the end of You hour, the brigade left the city.

This time, only Qiao San and less than [-] soldiers were left to guard the city, which can be regarded as an all-out move.

Light the torches, and rush to Cao Ying in mighty form.

It is said to be a night attack, but it is actually an open attack.

"Breaking the thief, it's tonight."

Lu Lingqi rode a red rabbit horse under her crotch, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd in her hand, killing demons and demons, killing ghosts and gods, using the overlord's halberd technique, it was a bloody storm.

It has to be said that the halberd technique passed down by Lu Bu is really easy to use on the battlefield, it is both domineering and brave, but also delicate and thoughtful.

Basically, even people and horses are protected, as long as they charge up, they will be divided by people, and horses will die.

In addition, for more than a month, after Zhang Kun's day and night practice, Lu Lingqi's halberd technique has reached the stage of perfection, and she fights like a madman, and she is indeed unstoppable.

Although the real strength was inferior to Lu Bu's, there was no general blocking Cao Liu's army at this time, so there was no difference.

Two thousand wolves rode under her leadership, like beasts rushing into a pile of sheep.

When the cavalry came into contact, Li Dian, who was the leader of the interception, had his head cut off and collapsed at the first touch.

On the flanks, Zhang Liao and Zang Ba each led hundreds of cavalry under their command, pressing down on the speed of their horses, like spreading wings, guarding the vanguard wolf cavalry, and rushing forward.


It can also be seen from this that Lu Bu's defeat was not due to the frontal cavalry charge, but due to the mobilization of troops and horses, and the left and right pincers...

To put it bluntly, every time he fights and fights, he always falls into a trap and gets beaten more or less.

But he didn't have the ability to break out of the game, so it was a tragedy.

Lu Lingqi's army also encountered the same situation.

A densely packed infantry phalanx stood in front of him, pointing their spears obliquely, like hedgehogs...

The wolf rider made an assault, and after only half a mile, he was already trapped in it, and he couldn't move.

A general in black armor commanded the army with eyes like an eagle.

Someone nearby is waving a flag...

Under the light of the blazing torches, the soldiers surged like ants, encircling and trapping the two thousand wolves little by little.

Lu Lingqi's halberd's stumps flew around, and the blood rained in disorder, but, including her, the cavalry behind her were getting slower and slower, and they were about to be forced to turn into a circle...

"Who is that leading general?"

Zhang Kun's eyesight is very strong, and he saw the army of about 2 people in front of the Chinese army at a glance.

And behind this large army is the camp of the Chinese army, and the torches are much denser, and it is estimated that Cao Cao is here.

Gao Shun followed behind, and said in a deep voice, "That's Lu Qian. The leader is as calm as a mountain, and he doesn't look too good, but he is very good at dealing with cavalry."

Cao Cao has many generals under his command, and it sounds like they are not well-known, but in fact, they are very difficult to deal with in battle.

Perhaps their level of force is not high, but from training to commanding, they are all experienced and deep, which is the foundation of his fortune.

It is not possible to occupy a fertile land by relying on a few heroes to gather a large number of refugees.

"Cao's army has not yet prepared traps and fortifications, and it is still possible to fight based on the battle formation alone. Someone will take a step ahead and defeat the Chinese army. General Gao, you will follow later to prevent Cao's thieves from escaping."

As he spoke, Zhang Kun pointed his sword and shouted: "Assault Cao's army, there will be no retreat."

"There is no retreat."

With eight hundred riders behind him, Rumble charged forward.

"Have you already planned Cao Cao's escape route before we set off? This new lord is really special."

Gao Shun listened to these words and watched the [-] riders rushing away.

Under the firelight, a smile appeared on the dull face that had always been cold and indifferent.

"Maybe, he can really do it, and break the one hundred thousand with ten thousand... After today's battle, Xuzhou will be famous in the Central Plains, and Xuzhou will definitely be determined. No one will dare to send troops to attack again, and it will never be the same again." gone."

He sighed silently, and the shadow of Lu Bu flashed in his mind again. He was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head, pointed his gun in front of him and shouted sharply: "Trap into the camp, break Cao camp, capture Cao Cao alive."



There were only 800 people, but the momentum of 8 people was roared out.

As Gao Shun also began to show his power, a row of black soldiers pushed forward like a bulldozer, regardless of whether there was a man or a horse in front, they were all pushed flat.

Zhang Kun led [-] cavalry, ignored Lu Lingqi's forward charge, but circled to the side and attacked from the waist.

He took the lead, with a three-pointed and two-edged knife, just like a sharp knife that cut through a watermelon. It was unstoppable, and it cut through the black square formation at one stroke, and pointed directly at Lu Qian's rear formation.

"Block, block."

Someone screamed loudly.

On the high platform of the phalanx, the white-robed general looked over in a blink of an eye, with a look of horror on his face.

Zhang Kun jumped on his horse and ran up, and killed the general with a flash of the saber's light. The horse's hooves did not stop, and the silver armored long saber, with a stream of blood, passed across the formation and hit the central army.

Not far away, Lu Lingqi's vanguard wolf rider felt that the resistance in front of her suddenly weakened. When she looked up, she saw the silver armor and red robe under the firelight. She laughed loudly, and her whole body grew infinite strength .

"Kill Cao Cao."

The torrent rushed past behind him.


The [-] infantry phalanx was cut into four sections and collapsed suddenly.

The soldiers ran all over the mountains and plains.

Like a headless chicken.


"My lord, I'm powerless to get back to heaven. Let's retreat quickly. Leave the green hills behind. Don't worry about running out of firewood."

A young scribe tightly grasped Cao Cao's red cloak, and in a blink of an eye looked at the collapsed formation in front of him, surrounded by scattered soldiers...

Not far away, a young general in silver armor and fluttering red robes was staring at this side, killing like the wind.

Whether it's a general or a soldier who meets him, just a little contact, they are like scarecrows, flying around.

There is no enemy under his command.

"It's too late."

The young scholar's eyes were already red with anxiety.

"Feng Xiao, you have to take care of yourself."

With wet eyes, Cao Cao suddenly took off his luxurious robe, handed it over, raised his knife and cut off his long beard... He turned around to cover his face, rode on an unremarkable pony, and walked away in a hurry.

Only a few dozen people followed behind.

Everyone was shouting to kill Cao Cao, and he didn't dare to stop for a moment.

Guo Fengxiao put on Cao Cao's robe in his spare time, rode on a tall snow-white horse, and led the team to flee in the opposite direction of Cao Cao's departure. The way of life depends on how much time you can delay."

"Don't worry, with someone here, it will definitely make it difficult for Chen Yuan to make half a step forward."

A strong man with a body as strong as a hill, carrying a huge long-handled tiger-head hammer, stood in the middle of the fire, with evil spirits between his brows.

He is, "Tiger Crazy" Xu Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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