
Chapter 175 Ingenious plan and clever strategy, soldiers without blood

Chapter 175 Ingenious plan and clever strategy, soldiers without blood

Times make heroes.

All careerists may not be careerists at the beginning.

It's time and fate.

It is this era that forces people to move forward step by step, and then, when they stand in a high position, they want to see further.

Today's Liu Bei obviously no longer has this condition, and there is no soil for ambition to breed.

His most thought should be like Liu Biao's, that he can get a state and county, report it to the king, and serve the people of the people, that's enough.

Thinking of Liu Biao, Zhang Kun looked at Liu Bei with strange eyes.

That Liu Jingzhou was already in his 40s at this time, he was no longer young, and he had lost his vigor long ago, but in fact he was not too much of a threat.

However, in a hurry, it is not at all difficult to plan for the opponent's Jingxiang land.

The opponent has more than 20 cavalry in the land of Jingxiang. He is considered a powerful prince. If he really wants to fight, it is not impossible to fight, but it may delay too much time.

This person will not be like Sun Ce, who will rush forward lightly and put all his eggs in one basket. He will send troops to grind slowly with the forces under his command.

You can't ride deep into the enemy's territory and go to the beheading tactic again.

As the lord of a powerful force, acting like this is always frivolous and lacks integrity, which is not good for people's attachment.

Therefore, at this time, Liu Bei can be released.

Liu Bei, among other things, is a great genius in person.

Wherever he goes, people will look at him high. After getting along for a long time, people will give him the territory before he knows it.

Either ask him to retreat from the enemy, or ask him to govern, anyway, there is no prince in the world who does not value him.

At this time, Liu Bei was appointed as the prefect of Jiujiang by himself. He lived in Shouchun, at the junction of Yangzhou and Yuzhou.

Because, unsurprisingly, for a long time, Zhang Kun's lineage will be located in Shouchun, and this place couldn't be more suitable.

Both the environment and the geographical location are excellent.

Look to the Central Plains in the north, control Wudi in the south, and Jingxiang in the west...

To the east is the place of foundation, Xuzhou.

Also, didn't Yuan Shu proclaim himself emperor long before his death?There are also ready-made palace gardens in Shouchun.

Zhang Kun didn't even need to build a house anymore, he just moved in, and it was enough to set up a small court.

"I don't know what the lord thinks of the family?"

After a little episode, the Jiangdong officials returned to their hearts, and the court discussion continued.

At this time, Guo Jia no longer hid his edge, and directly pointed out that there are now as many as 15 soldiers and horses, and the strength of the counties in Yangzhou is weak, and Sun Ce has withdrawn all their troops. Wujun, Kuaiji, Jian'an, Linchuan and Jiangxia, Luling...

Three groups of soldiers and horses, each commanding 146 soldiers by three generals, attacked all the way. Within a few months, all [-] counties in the [-] counties in the south of the Yangtze River had to surrender.

Yangzhou is vast, far above Xuzhou, and with Xuyang and Yangzhou in hand, as long as a little rest and recuperation, you can train an elite army of 30. At this time, it is no longer suitable to use the name of Xuzhou governor...

Even if you don't call yourself emperor, you have to call yourself king, otherwise, the officials under this command will not be easy to arrange.

The reason is this reason.

It is very inappropriate for you, the governor of Xuzhou, to order rewards for the counties of Yangzhou.

On the side of the Qing emperor, after Yuan Shu's death and Sun Ce's defeat, he will not be able to use the reputation of being a minister.

At this time, heroes from all over the world can also be gathered to compete with the Northland.

It has to be said that as soon as Guo Jia's words came out, Jiangdong's new civil servants and generals were all anxious.

This is home.

If such a three-way army sweeps down, if the mountains and rivers are not smashed and the people are displaced, then they must be telling lies.

Maybe, after a few months, my family and old friends will all suffer.

Before anyone else could speak, Zhang Zhao, who had nothing to do, had already spoken first.

One emperor and one courtier.

Although he was loyal to Sun Ce beforehand, and the monarch and his ministers benefited each other, he deliberately did not make any suggestions for the new master, but when things came to an end, he still felt that his consideration was a bit inappropriate.

The current situation is not the time to make contributions or not.

It's whether the other party needs to contribute.

If there is no effective performance, there are so many talents in Jiangdong, how can the Zhang family get the slightest benefit.

Moreover, even if Jiangdong's people are dissatisfied, isn't it still possible to transfer people from Xuzhou?
When outsiders come in, they will do nothing more than domineering and oppressive things. All the four great families in Jiangdong will suffer.

So, he couldn't help it anymore, he exchanged a glance with Zhang Hong, and immediately went out to play.

"Although Wu has a vast territory, most of the troops are controlled by the four surnames. Once the four surnames and the Sun family surrender, all the cities will not need to be attacked, and the spread can be determined..."

"Oh, Zibu may send envoys to various families to persuade them to surrender together?"

Zhang Kun's eyes moved slightly, and he saw Guo Fengxiao bowed his head in silence, and the corners of his mouth curved into an arc inadvertently.

He immediately understood that the military adviser's previous statement that the three-way army swept the land of Wu was actually forcing Zhang Zhao, Lu Meng and others to express their views.

It doesn't matter whether you work hard or not, whether you put your heart into it or not, it doesn't matter, I send troops to fight here, anyway, no one can stop the front of the soldiers, even if the land of Wu is smashed, they can't hold it.

It is nothing more than a delay of several months to a year and a half.

The more resolutely you resist, the more casualties you will suffer.

Therefore, if you want a complete Jiangdong, or in other words, if you want the power of the aristocratic family not to be damaged, then you should find a way to surrender early.

A ghost is worthy of being a ghost, with just one sentence, he forced Jiangdong's surrender to do his best.

In fact, Zhang Kun was also very reluctant to fight one city after another.

Cao Cao's development is too fast, and he is still farming in Jiangdong.

When Yuan Shao finished fighting and 50 troops lined up on the frontier, he would be too passive if he hadn't settled the affairs of the Xu and Yang states.

If Jiangdong can quickly settle the dispute, farm and develop, and then mobilize soldiers and horses, he can get ahead of Cao Cao and stab Yuan Shao directly in the back while the opponent is fighting with Yuan Shao...

Maybe, a situation where the fish and the clam compete, and the fisherman wins.

The four surnames in Wuzhong refer to the four wealthy families of Wu Dilu, Zhu, Gu, and Zhang. Throughout the dynasties, there have been people who have served as officials in the court, and their financial power and power are all very important.

The original trajectory was that the Sun family, Sun Quan, formed an alliance with the four surnames to rule Jiangdong together.

Naturally, Zhang Zhao also had this idea.

It is nothing more than wanting to consolidate the status of the family without loss.

For me, there's actually not much harm.

'What I want is peace in the world and stability for the people. As for the class conflict between the aristocratic family and the common people, as long as a way to rise is given at that time, this matter is not too important. '

Unify first, and then deal with internal affairs. Some things can be done slowly.

Zhang Kun's main purpose now is to gain dragon energy points.

The sooner the world is at peace, the more dragon energy he can get, and he actually doesn't want to delay this matter.

After killing the demon Taoist Yu Ji, he gained another 33 points of Dragon Qi. This proves that the situation behind the scenes has changed again, which has had an extremely profound impact on the future.

Perhaps, it is to break Cao Cao or Yuan Shao's temperament...

Therefore, behind everything, there are gains and losses. As long as the territory is bigger, things will develop in a better direction.

"It would be better if Zibu could persuade the four families to vote, so as not to resort to reckless warfare and increase the number of killings. However, it is difficult to convince people with empty words and without bloodshed. If they rebel in the future, they will be more troublesome. "

"This matter is easy. I heard that the families of the four surnames in Wuzhong are prosperous and wealthy, and the children they raise are also outstanding. Now the lord is not yet married, so it is suitable for a wide range of wives and concubines. Why don't you ask each family to donate their daughters to marry Qin and Jin?" ...In this way, we are all a family, so naturally we can't talk about dividing ourselves into enemies..."

Guo Jia said with a smile on the side.


"it's not good!"

"Yes, yes, but I'm afraid of being criticized."

As soon as Guo Jia said this, Zhang Zhao turned pale first.

Going out to pick up jobs by yourself, and actually taking back a job that sacrificed his sister or niece, wouldn't it break people's spines.

There are several other families who can keep peace only if they sacrifice their prostitute daughters.

I don't know what they will think?
If it is true that she married Chen Yuanzhen as the official wife, then that's fine.

This person is extraordinary in martial arts and has a great future, marrying him is a high prospect.

The key point is, from Guo Jia's tone, this is not as a wife, but as a concubine. Whether she can stand out in the future depends on the competition among the various families.

"Zhang Zibu, you have to think about it. If the lord, the King of Jin and Wu, marches northward in another day, and sets foot on the Central Plains. The Zhang family, as well as the three families of Lu Zhu and Gu, want to send a girl to their door, and they still have to see if there is one." This qualification... Marriage is the best way now, if you miss this moment, it will be too late to regret."

Guo Jia said sternly, although what he said was absurd, it sounded a little reasonable.

As long as everyone thinks about the scene where the lord defeated all the heroes in Jiangdong and wiped out all the civil servants and military generals with one person's strength, they shudder in their hearts.

Yes, who can beat this kind of character?

Even though Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are extremely powerful, they can't find any means to deal with such strongmen when they really confront the enemy.

When the time comes to really rule the world, my daughter will no longer be a concubine, but a concubine in the harem.

Even if she doesn't get the seat of a queen and becomes a concubine, she is still honoring her ancestors, so it's nice to say it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhao's embarrassment gradually dissipated, and he bowed respectfully and said, "There is no objection to the minister's family. The sister of the family is only twenty-eight years old, and the country is beautiful and beautiful. She is famous in her hometown, and she is the master's good man." match."


Everyone around was stunned.

Just now Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong were both as angry as if they had dug their ancestral grave.

Unexpectedly, this old boy promoted his sister in the blink of an eye.

This attitude can change really fast.

But then again.

The lord has just come of age, and although she has an irresistible relationship with Lu Fengxian's daughter, Lu Lingqi, the position of wife is still undecided.

At this time, one step ahead, everything is possible.

The Zhang family here has some advantages over others.

What makes them stronger than others is that there are already two tribesmen who have listened to them first.

Seeing each other every day, playing side drums from time to time, can also help the sisters of the clan, so things are done.

"In addition to the four families in Wuzhong, there is another family. My lord must investigate."

Now that Zhang Zibu changed his mentality, he immediately felt close to Zhang Kun again, and looked at Zhang Kun with gentle eyes, so he thought about him wholeheartedly.

"Even though Sun Bofu died, the two armies were fighting each other. It's no wonder who won or lost. However, the Sun family is still very powerful, especially in Kuaiji and Wu Commanderies, where they have enough soldiers and provisions. If the persecution is too urgent, making him want to burn everything, it will only increase the loss, it is better to let the Sun family's daughters marry together."

Jiangdong's descendants were all dumbfounded.

Hearing this, Lu Meng was almost choked by a mouthful of saliva, and finally recovered his breath, and said with a wry smile: "Zibu, although the young girl of the Sun family is cute and she is Bofu's sister, she is just now. Eight years old..."

"Alas... Ziming doesn't know that although Sun Jiashangxiang is eight years old, she is already proficient in bowing and horses. She is small, but she has already seen the majestic character, how can she miss it? Now it's just a marriage discussion, you can make a decision first, and it's not too late to get married in the future."

There is something in Zhang Zhao's words.

It means that Sun Shangxiang is so outstanding, no matter who is in charge of the Sun family after Sun Ce's death, who dares to marry Sun Ce's younger sister, isn't he afraid of rebellion?
Therefore, there is no particularly good solution, and sooner or later the entire Sun family will be wiped out.

As the old master, Sun Ce, the monarchs and ministers get along with each other, and the friendship is not shallow. How can we see the Sun family come to an end?

"In this way, I also feel that Sun Shangxiang is really extraordinary, and he is really a good match for the lord." Tai Shici pulled his beard vigorously, and said first.

"Yes, I also think it is very good." Lu Meng rolled his eyes and suddenly realized.

"My minister agrees."

"The minister also agrees."

Jiang Qin and Dong Xi also agreed in unison.

Zhang Kun was dumbfounded.

He didn't care whose daughter he married.

Marriage does not depend on feelings, but on family background and the exchange of interests.

Just like Lu Bu back then, he also wanted to marry Yuan Shu.

Doesn't he know that his daughter doesn't want to marry at all?
of course I know.

However, marrying someone is not marrying.

Marrying the son of Yuan Shu's family will allow both sides to further their power, which is beneficial to everyone.

Therefore, Lu Lingqi's thoughts were directly ignored.

This is not a future life, and it is serious to consider the thoughts of your own daughter, the orders of your parents, and the words of the matchmaker.

"Well, according to everyone's proposal, Zibu, you set off today and contact the various families. Within ten months, you will give an answer. The rain is coming, so don't miss the opportunity to send troops."

"Yes, my lord, please be at ease. If there are no accidents, there is no need to use troops in Jiangdong. On this trip, I need Ziyi to accompany me and help me."


Zhang Kun nodded in response, and sent Tai Shici to go out with him.

Zhang Zhao boasted that he went to Haikou, and hurriedly withdrew. He and Taishi Ziyi ordered soldiers and horses, said goodbye and left the city.

This time, his task is very heavy... To accomplish this matter, among the civil servants around Zhang Kun, his status will rise, and he will also be able to compete for position, so he will not be allowed to do his best.


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(End of this chapter)

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