
Chapter 183 Ambush on the Road

Chapter 183 Ambush on the Road
"This operation is a joint operation. The main purpose is not to cause much damage to the other side, but to obtain as much information as possible on martial arts and magic practice."

Zuo Wen said with a serious face.

Zhang Kun bid farewell to Qin Fengshan, and waved away under the reluctant eyes of Cheng Yaonan and others.

With him, there are three others.

The leader is Zuo Wen, the captain of the Third Breaking Team of the Mingyue City Special Affairs Department. This person is wearing a special combat uniform, with a trace of scrutiny in his eyes, which is less feminine and more of a sharpness that is rare for women.

Zhang Kun noticed that Zuo Wen was carrying at least five guns on her body. They didn't look too conspicuous on the outside, but they were really good.

Along with her are team members Iron Arm and Knife.

Tie Bi is a simple and honest man with a slightly dull expression, but he just drives silently, like a robot.

This person's left hand is shining with silver light, and it doesn't look like a flesh and blood body.

'Is the Federation's technology already so advanced? '

Zhang Kun thought silently in his heart.

If it weren't for the invasion of the space channel, an ordinary high school student like him, a useless grassroots citizen, might never know how advanced the technology in this world is.

However, no matter how developed it is, it is useless.

With the opening of the space rift, the energy exchange between the two worlds, the physical rules have gradually changed. This is just the beginning, and the power of gunpowder is not as good as before. With changes, then the real nightmare will come.

As for the other team member "Knife", as soon as he got in the car, he was trimming his nails with an alloy sharp knife, and his mind was wandering. I don't know if he is not used to dealing with strangers, or he just doesn't want to talk to himself. .

"I understand. We are actually death squads and part-time intelligence spies. If you can sneak in secretly, don't fight hard, so as not to scare the snake."

Zhang Kun roughly understood that the mission this time was to go to the opposite side to do something.

"It's not to scare the snake, but to worry that it will hurt others, and it will die as soon as it enters."

Hearing Zhang Kun's words, Xiaodao next to him couldn't help laughing.

He stopped trimming his nails, looked Zhang Kun up and down, and shook his head: "I don't know how you got the recommendation of Chief Instructor Qin? But, you have to be careful in everything, don't think that there is one or two If you use traditional killer moves, you will underestimate others.

Research has proved that the opposite is a complete social civilization, with a practice path that has been passed down for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. On our side, if some energy had not leaked from the space channel, not even a 10th-level fighter appeared. The difference in level is too far, and no means can make up for it. "

"Small knife..."

Zuo Wen's eyes turned cold, and she reprimanded: "It's just that you are talkative, and you like to talk so much, why don't you be sent to Dolan's No. [-] passage, and talk to the orcs?"

"Left team, you say, you say, I won't talk too much, alas... In fact, I also have a good intention. Nowadays, young people don't know much about the situation, and they will get excited if they are fooled. It's okay if they don't pass the selection. If you really pass, if you are not careful, you will bury the body..."


When Xiaodao said this, he was hit hard on the head, causing his head to shrink sharply, and the words he was still saying were swallowed directly into his stomach.

After Zuo Wen hit Xiaodao's head hard, she smiled embarrassedly: "Student Zhang Kun, I'm really sorry, Xiaodao has no sense in speaking..."

"It's okay, what he said is actually correct. I probably know something about the danger on the other side. That red dragon is by no means something we can deal with."

Zhang Kun didn't care at all.

I thought to myself that these members of the Special Affairs Department probably didn't know their record in Jiangcheng that day.

He didn't know that he killed a big elf, and even rushed up to fight the dragon, but he didn't die.

Qin Fengjiang's secrecy measures are well done, maybe this is what he meant by protecting himself.

It is estimated that the chief instructor communicated directly with the above, saying that he recommended a powerful person, but did not say much about the specific situation.

So much so that the Special Affairs Office even sent people to protect them along the way.

It can also be seen from here that since the opening of the space channel, accidents have happened in all aspects, even in the camp of this world, it is no longer very safe.

I know how to send intelligence personnel here.

On the other side, I naturally understand it.

After all, it is not a beast without intelligence.

If a few magic sticks are infiltrated, then the problem will be very big.

According to some scattered information obtained by Zhang Kun so far, it can be known.

On the opposite side, there is a true god, as well as the kingdom of God, eternal life and the like.

If this thing is true, those capitalists who don't have many days to live will hardly guarantee that they will do something unimaginable when their lifespan is about to expire.

"Red Dragon?" Zuo Wen was taken aback for a moment, with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Some can't continue talking.

Normal people would only brag about how many orcs they killed, how many green-skinned and gray-skinned people they killed, and they would never drag it on the red dragon.

As far as I know, a powerful legendary dragon appeared here in Jiangcheng. Fortunately, the space channel was not too big, so it couldn't squeeze through, and finally retreated helplessly, which almost triggered a crisis of destroying the city.

Even so, the Qinglong subdivision of Jiangcheng has still carried out first-level combat preparations, and now all the civilians in the city have moved to the vicinity of Mingyue City.

The first thing this guy said was to compare it with the Red Dragon...

It is likely that I have learned some traditional martial arts, benefited from the penetration of energy from the opposite side, and broke through with flesh and blood, so I feel that the world is big and I am the biggest, and I feel that I am a genius.

Such people generally aim higher than the top.

Forget it, he will find out when he goes to Mingyue City.

Five people were selected in the Eastern District, and now four people have been selected, and there are still a large number of experts recommended from all over the world, who want to take this train and strive for the first-mover advantage.

The competition for this spot is fierce, and when he sees those people, he will understand that genius is actually nothing.

Taking advantage of the fact that the green field channel has not been too defensive, if you enter first, what benefits will you get, and your strength will be improved.

Not to mention how high your personal achievements will be.

Even if it's not too high, as long as you hand in the information you get, it's a great contribution, and your status won't be much lower in the future.

And when the other side is prepared, the passage is sealed and locked up, and if you want to go in, you can only use a lot of lives to fill it.

Judging from the strength and nature of the forces of the two parties, this is basically a narrow escape mission.

The current situation is that the opposite side can't get through. Once they come over, they will be hit by saturated artillery fire and traps everywhere.

Blue Star's side can't get through it either. Once it passes, it will be difficult to penetrate if it falls into the tide of ferocious beasts or into the lair of big monsters.

The forest of green fields that was discovered today, according to the news reported by the soldiers who sneaked in, was because the earl was inseparable from the matter and had no time to take care of the passage, so there was a time difference.

But even so, those soldiers sent out, because of their weak strength, did not even reach the outskirts of the forest, and basically died in the mouths of monsters in the forest.

If it takes too much time, it is very likely that the earl's army on the opposite side will react, the passage will be surrounded, and there will be no chance at that time.

"Let's go, try to get there before dark, this time we only have one car, and we must prevent any fish that slipped through the net to attack."

Guessing what kind of person Zhang Kun is, Zuo Wen's interest in speaking is greatly reduced.

Just told Tie Bi to drive quickly.

Nowadays, the main roads of the field railways and highways have been destroyed in many places, and since they are not used by large troops, they have a deterrent effect, and it is very likely that there will be monsters who do not know whether to live or die.

Every time the space channel is opened, there will always be countless monsters rushing in all directions, killing them endlessly.

When there are many people, you are not afraid, but when there are few people, you have to be more careful.

"Don't worry, even if there is a fish that slipped through the net, it's just a little fish and shrimp, not enough to fit between the teeth. It just adds some merit to us, and my equipment can be refurbished." The knife is indeed broken, holding back After a while, I couldn't hold back anymore.

However, Zuo Wen didn't reprimand her this time.

Obviously, she felt the same way.

A few of them are elites of the Special Affairs Department, one is an eighth-level fighter, and two are six-level fighters. It is indeed very dangerous for ordinary civilians in the wild.

For them, it is actually a hunting ground.

Sitting in front of Tie Bi, there was a little smile on his simple and honest face, and he nodded slightly.

The off-road vehicle roared and ran, ran a full 80 yards, and could avoid some stones and rotten potholes on the road. From time to time, it drove on the grass for a while, and then turned to the right road.

I have to say that the level of iron arm driving is very good.

There was silence in the car, only the roar of the motor was heard.

"Be careful, we are being targeted by someone, possibly an archer."

Zhang Kun said suddenly.

After the mental power reaches 452, even if Zhang Kun returns to this world, he can still sense the thin energy in the air, especially the hostility and malice, which he can sense even miles away.

As the car moved forward, he could feel that there were two pairs of eyes looking over in the small woods ahead, and the air was full of ominous atmosphere.

A wave of sharp aiming here and there, swept across his face, and then swept across the car body, as if he was confirming the target.

Seeing that the three people in the car were unaware, he secretly sighed and had no choice but to sound a reminder.



Following Zuo Wen's cold shout, Tie Yi kicked the brakes and trampled to death.

The vehicle stopped, and several people lowered their heads. After about half a minute, nothing happened.

All three of them turned their heads to look, the suspicion in their eyes could not be concealed, Zuo Wen ordered, "Keep driving, don't stop."

As soon as she said the words, before the car started, she felt a heavy head, and an irresistible force appeared, pressing her whole body down.

It was Zhang Kun who made the move.

He held her head down.

Before she could get angry, piercing screams and steel roars were heard in her ears.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a sharp arrow that pierced through the left car door and flashed overhead.

If he was still sitting upright just now, he might have been pierced by an arrow.

"Get out of the car and meet the enemy. It's a tenth-level wanderer."

Seeing the strength and destructive power of the arrow, Zuo Wen immediately reacted, her heart went cold to the bone.

She gave a coquettish cry, slapped her arm, broke the car door, jumped out, rolled on the ground a few times, and the gun in her hand had already fired.

"There are also here, the dark elves, captain, can't beat them."

There was already a crying tone in Xiaodao's words.

He got out of the car on the right side, and when he raised his eyes, he saw a figure jumping and galloping towards the jungle in the distance. While running, he drew his bow like a full moon. The arrow tore a deep gash, bleeding profusely.

Yu Jin spread, his body flew upside down, hit two spins, and fell to the ground, his eyes were full of despair.

"The bow and arrow are too powerful, the dark elves have strong vitality, iron arm, put it close before hitting, don't show your face yet."

Zuo Wen's two guns staggered and sprayed fire, but she was so powerless in the face of the black figure running and jumping, dodging left and right.

Occasionally, a bullet hit Soi Ying, and the other party only paused for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed towards him like the wind.

The arrows pierced the wind and howled, making her breathless, but she just rolled on the ground and dodged three arrows, her breath was already stagnant.

"Tenth level, it can be regarded as two Huajin."

Zhang Kun sat in the car, squinting his eyes slightly, looking at two pointed-eared humanoid creatures with bronze skin, rapiers tied behind their shoulders, and black lines on their skin, each holding a big bow of the same height, while running Archery, can not help but sigh.

Even the main roads between the cities have been infiltrated by the opponent. When a small team encounters such a single powerful creature, it is basically sent to death.

Even the elite members of the Special Affairs Department can only delay the time of death. It is conceivable how bad the situation has become.

No wonder, now the federal districts no longer hide the matter of space passages.

Instead, they chose to make it public.

It's really because, no matter how powerful a lie is, it can't be fooled anymore.

Seeing the enemy approaching, he stretched out his hand to look at the ground of the carriage and grabbed it, and two pieces of broken glass reached the palm of his hand.

Two-finger flick.

boo boo...

In the silence, two dark elves who were running like flying, fell to the ground and never got up again.

A pool of blood appeared on the spot, wetting the blades of grass.


Zuo Wen shot one after another, causing the dust to fly in front of her, but she found that there was no movement. She looked back in doubt, and saw the other side. The flying knife in the knife's hand shot out like a shooting star, piercing the dark elf into a hedgehog. Also did not move.

The iron arm propped the gun on the window, and he didn't fire a single shot. His face was full of resolute and tragic expressions. At this moment, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide, completely unable to understand what happened.

Zuo Wen boldly moved forward, looked at the pointed-eared archer with round eyes, checked with lingering fear, and soon discovered that there was a deep blood hole in the center of the opponent's eyebrow.

The blood hole was the size of two fingers, and there were radial shatter marks on the edge, and a hole pierced through the back of the head. Following the traces of blood splatter, one saw a fingernail-sized, blood-stained brown hole. shattered glass……

She glanced back, her heart pounding.

Don't ask.

When this kind of glass was broken, I was still in the car and could see it clearly.

So, who did it?

Do you still need to think about it?
From a distance of 30 meters, using such a light and flimsy glass to shoot out the power of an armor-piercing sniper bullet and kill two tenth-level dark elves at the same time, almost no one felt the slightest movement.

What power is this?
Looking at the iron arm driving the car, it was still looking at him blankly.

Apparently, he didn't notice anything at all.


"How did you do it?"

The vehicle was on the road again, and Zuo Wen sat beside Zhang Kun, so she was less casual, and there was some inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

After a while, he finally couldn't bear it and asked.

"You're talking about flicking glass, have you heard of the magical power of flicking fingers?"

Zhang Kun said with a smile, "Actually, it's not that difficult. You just need to find two suitable hidden weapons, and then forcefully pop them out."

Xiaodao didn't dare to say a word, and shrank his neck, as if he was very focused on applying medicine to his injured arm, but his eyes were wandering, and his ears were pricked up.

Hearing this, he gasped, wondering if it hurt the wound.

Zuo Wen couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

I don't know if it is ejected, but the question is, can the dark elf wanderer be killed by simply ejecting two small pieces of glass?

Are you sure you're not telling a joke?
"That's a level ten rogue."

She took a long breath and said in a deep voice.

I thought to myself, do you know what a tenth-level warrior is? Just one can deal with a fully armed battalion.

"I know, I just broke through the level of energy refining. I don't know how many levels are worse than that red dragon?"

Isn't this nonsense?
Zuo Wen no longer knew how to probe and ask. She was curious like a cat scratching her heart. She wanted to find out, but she was also worried about touching the taboo of the other party.

She excused herself, parked her car and entered the grove, took out her phone, thought about it, and dialed Qin Fengshan's number.

"President Qin, excuse me."

"It's Captain Zuo, what's the matter?"

"One thing, I don't know if it's convenient to say? I just met two tenth-level dark elf wanderers on the road. It was Zhang Kun who saved us. He shot..."

"If it's about Zhang Kun, don't ask any more questions... Captain Zuo, you just need to know that his strength involves a first-class secret... Be less curious and just send him to Mingyue City safely."

There was silence on the other side for a while, but he still gave one more word of advice.

After hanging up the phone, Zuo Wen stood there for a while before returning to the car as if nothing had happened.

"Drive, go at the fastest speed, don't think about ambushes on the road."


Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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