
Chapter 199 Territory Vision, Hard Future

Chapter 199 Territory Vision, Hard Future

"Is what you said true? The matter is of great importance. Once the news is false, it is not a small number of people who will be harmed. Instructor Xiao, don't blame us for being suspicious of you. This matter has to be verified carefully and proceed with caution."

Blue Star, Moon Island.

The commanders of the green field exploration of the fourth district gathered together again, just for the two returning from the opposite side of the passage.

Xiao Zhihu and Chen Changsheng.

Regarding the shocking news that the two brought back, everyone was caught in surprise, and some couldn't believe it.

Especially the West District and North District, they asked again and again, verifying all the details one by one, for fear of missing a trace of doubt and stepping into a trap.

You know, there are gods on the opposite side of the passage, and there are all kinds of inexplicable spells.

Puppetry is not a high-end spell, if Xiao Zhihu and the two are not sober, they are suspected of being controlled by others.Then, listen to their words and arrange people to carry out the next plan at will...

Once there is a problem, it is a big joke.

Having said that, it is of course a happy event for someone to return, proving that the death squads who performed difficult tasks in the past did not die.

The plan is still going on, and things are very promising.

Even if it's just the members of the Eastern District who come back, at most they will lose the initiative in terms of the initiative and let the Eastern District take advantage of it. If everyone is in the same blue star, they won't say much.

The most critical issue is that the news brought back by the other party must not be wrong.

Xiao Zhihu was asked dozens of times, even when he was fighting against the Judgment Knights that day, he told him every move, every move, and what color underwear he was wearing, and he still didn't feel impatient at all.

Xu Changsheng couldn't bear it anymore.

"Whether it's true or not, you have to use your brains. You can't tell it verbally. Didn't we bring back the chip and the scroll? Whether the chip is fake or not, and whether the images inside have been processed, you should be able to tell.

Also, the magic scroll also recorded the images at that time, and there is even the body of Thomas, the golden knight of the Judgment Knights, as evidence. What is so unbelievable?It should not be too late, and things will change if it is too late. Don't worry about mother-in-laws. How to proceed with the next step, please discuss a charter early.

Captain Zhang is now supporting the overall situation alone, and he is likely to face the encirclement and suppression of the next army, and may even face the assassination of masters, without support. "

Xu Changsheng grew up in Wudang Mountain when he was young, he was Qingxiu Wendao, practiced martial arts, and lived a happy life.

Later, with the rise of live broadcasting, he found another channel to promote Taoism and Wudang's real skills.

Because he is handsome and handsome, he can be regarded as prosperous, and he has a small reputation in the live broadcasting industry, and he is called Wudang's little master.

For this kind of otaku who grew up in the new era, practicing martial arts all day long, chatting, and broadcasting live, it is too difficult for him to think about the affairs of his family and the country and the peril of the planet.

However, no matter how nerdy you are, in the face of a worldwide crisis, if you have the ability to do so, it is impossible to justify it.

So, I just tried to go through the selection process, and I got selected...

After entering the tunnel, it was originally a situation of ten deaths and no life, but in the end, he turned danger into luck, followed the right boss, and survived.

Not only did he survive, but he also got some opportunities to learn Yaoyang's grudge.

Although time has passed not long ago, the threshold of level eleven has already been seen.

Under the impact of the strong energy on the opposite side, his internal organs felt strengthened very quickly, which was much faster than the expected training speed.

I thought in my heart that it might take less than ten days to strengthen my heart, reach the level of viscera training, and equal my master's achievement.

At the same time, it also activates the battle qi, let Yaoyang get started with the battle qi, and begins to strengthen the physical body from the inside out.

This is not because his talent is so good that he is better than all the practitioners in Blue Star, but because of the difference in the training environment.

He found that practicing on the opposite side, because of the energy density, the speed of practicing is at least ten times faster than that of Lan Xing.

In this case, as long as the Eastern District is persuaded to send more cultivation seeds, the day of counterattack will not be too far away.

Of course, he and Xiao Zhihu had a tacit understanding of the fact that the training efficiency was increased tenfold, so he didn't talk much about it.

I just said something casually, the opposite side is full of energy, which is very good for practice.

They don't hope that the past are all related households for profit...

According to Zhang Kun, for the first batch of past, what is needed are elite warriors who are genuine, not afraid of death or tiredness, and who keep their home and country in their hearts.

Let’s not talk about the advantages and disadvantages first, let’s talk about responsibilities first.

It's really over, let's talk.

At the same time, Xu Changsheng had to admire Zhang Kun's thoughtful and complete thinking.

When they were sent to "move troops", they actually prepared two images of magic and technology in advance to dispel Blue Star's doubts.

Presumably, the complexity of the human heart was anticipated.

"Chief instructor, the image is real and has not been processed. You can send someone to verify it on the spot."

The technicians came to report soon, and the commander of the fourth district finally believed at this time, believed that the opposite side had really won a barony, and also supported more than [-] troops.

This opening is so perfect that it makes people feel like they are dreaming.

No, not even in a dream.

"Come on, Brother Xiao, Brother Xu, tell us again, how did Captain Zhang take down Thomas? We are deeply impressed by his force, but we need to learn more."

The people from the West District, North District, and South District all became enthusiastic, pulling Xiao Zhihu and Xu Changsheng to chat with each other, and even secretly winking, asking the adjutant to go out and arrange for people to check the things on the other side of the passage.

At the same time, a packet of information was sent to the administrative centers of each district.

Even Qin Leshui couldn't avoid it, and reported the matter of the green field passage on Moon Island to the cabinet to receive the next step.


The results of the verification naturally needless to say.

When it was dawn, there were boats approaching all around. The three thousand elites from the east and south districts had already arrived, and the troops from the north and west districts were still on board, and they were expected to arrive in the evening.

At the same time, according to Zhang Kun's help-seeking plan, each of the four districts summoned 200 elite warriors from the private sector. At the very least, warriors who had reached the seventh level of physical training, that is, the dark energy level warriors, a total of [-] people entered the passage.

This is related to the long-term development of the "Sprout" program.

Since the appearance of the space channel, the energy has become more intense. Some boxers who train their bodies, as well as the top fighters of all levels of fighting and fighting, have taken the lead and began to absorb energy for body training intentionally or unintentionally. From forging bones to tendons, people in various districts practice to this point.

These people are recorded in every district.

When it really comes to a critical moment, emergency mobilization is still possible.

The entry of the army is one aspect. It is useful to conquer the world, and it can play a big role in the early stage.

However, in the final analysis, the background of a world still depends on the level of strength of the warrior.

Now the Territory of Thorns is not well-known, it just took over a small territory surreptitiously, it has not been targeted much, and the masters it has attracted will not be too strong.

This is the best time to develop.

For those who practice martial arts, the earlier they enter, the greater the advantage.

But if things start to ferment, sooner or later, it will attract the attention of the higher-ups of the other world.

Then is the test.

When the real test comes, they can't rely on some strong opponents from other worlds who have surrendered. The real base is Blue Star. They need their own warriors and their own cutting-edge power.

Otherwise, if one instigates a rebellion, if it is not done well, it will be a great disaster.

"By the way, Captain Zhang also said that this time in the past, the priority is to equip swords and bows and arrows. Everyone must be prepared to hone their physique and practice fighting spirit. In the early stage, Blue Star support materials, especially food and meat, are needed to assist practice.

Also, some agricultural experts and animal husbandry experts have to go there as soon as possible. As for the administrative aspect, it is not easy for me to intervene in the form of the organization.However, let's make a suggestion. As for whether to adopt it or not, it is up to the chief instructors to refer to it in detail. "

Before leaving, Xiao Zhihu couldn't help talking about his suggestions.

He saw that all the districts had sent administrative teams and diplomatic talents, and some of them were even high-spirited, as if they were going to do something big...

"Brother Xiao, just say it directly. This matter is related to the survival of Blue Star. You can't make any mistakes. After all, with such a great start, you don't know if there will be more in the future?"

Qin Leshui said with a smile.

Gesello in the west, Solov in the north, and Tiger in the south also nodded in agreement.

Xiao Zhihu was born as a standard Qinglong guard, with a strong military style on his body, he is down-to-earth and steady.

The suggestion he put forward should not be aimless, but may have really seen some kind of hidden danger, so he can't complain.

"Then let me tell you, chief instructors, in the process of defeating the thorn collar this time, I can see that Captain Zhang's strength aside, I haven't seen where his upper limit is; his vision is extremely precise , In terms of strategy, it is also unconstrained and eclectic. I have a feeling that if you want to really open up the situation on the opposite side, the hope is likely to be on him. So..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Zhihu was a little bit hard to say.

Blue Star's governance model, not to mention the West and South Districts, has already moved towards the route of parliamentary governance. Even the Eastern District has eliminated the individual hero model for a long time, and gradually developed towards the parliamentary model.

In other words, never put power in the hands of one person.

It is the daily norm to restrain each other and cooperate with each other to deal with some affairs.

It will not work if you want to talk about one's words and worship individual heroes.

Now, however, they are building territories in other worlds, attacking in all directions, and expanding their territory. If there is no wise and powerful leader to unify the power in their hands... If each district does its own thing, it is likely to cause bad things.

Besides, he could also see that although Zhang Kun looked young, he was by no means a fool.

Once he is annoyed, he will no longer be responsible for the soldiers and horses in each district. The development of the matter may make the districts very uncomfortable.

"You mean, take him as the leader and obey orders? If the decision is wrong, wouldn't it put everyone in a dangerous situation... This matter is too risky, and we need to think long-term."

As soon as Xiao Zhihu opened his mouth, Gesero understood it.

To be honest, if the East District hadn't opened up the situation first, he would not even be willing to let Zhang Kun take the title of lord in name.

I'm afraid that he doesn't know much about Western society and humanities, which will show his feet and affect the construction of the territory and the communication of the relationship between the four parties.

What he thinks is to use the most suitable person for each position.

As for Zhang Kun, it sounds like he is an extremely powerful general.

Then, just lead the team to charge.

Fight against the masters, protect the territory, and act as a sharp knife in the territory to be a guard.

Professional things should be done by professional talents.

The army belongs to the army, and the government affairs belong to the government...

It is absurd to let a master of the advance team take charge of everything.

This matter has nothing to do with race and position, but for the sake of the overall situation.

Of course Solov thought so too, but this person was straightforward, and he was still too embarrassed to say some things.

After hesitating for a while, he said, "The lord should let him take over. On the surface, everything will develop as it is. However, all our districts must have the right to make suggestions, and we cannot let him go his own way... If he makes a mistake, all the tens of thousands of elites will be killed." Bury..."

Tiger in the southern area narrowed his gaze, "I have no objections, as long as I can gain a firm foothold, get more fighting spirit and magic inheritance cheats, and strengthen the army and civilian power. No matter who is in power, I will support it."

Qin Leshui laughed quickly and said: "Now, it's too early to talk about how to govern and make decisions. Since Captain Zhang took the lead in laying down the thorn collar, it proves that he has done a good job, let him continue to lead the army.

If there is a real problem, it will be discussed and resolved at that time... We have a saying in the Eastern District that a snake can't do without a head, it always needs a leader.Otherwise, all parties will be forced out, and sooner or later there will be big problems.what do y'all think? "


Qin Ge from the southern district nodded.

Solov in the North District thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I also second the proposal."

I saw a few people who all had the same idea.
Gesello was a little helpless, shook his head, nodded and said: "That's all I can do. I hope there will be no irreversible problems. It's a rare and best start. This channel is more important than any other place. I actually think that the strategies of each district The center of gravity is all shifted here... However, this matter is not in a hurry, let's wait and see."


While raising manpower and supplies to enter the channel, each district of Blue Star is intensively communicating with the upper echelons.

When it comes to future development strategies, there is no room for them not to act seriously.

Even, the Eastern District has issued an order overnight, calling on all states and governments to select warriors, and strive to send all good seedlings to the opposite side to seize the opportunity...

At the same time, on the Internet and in life, a discussion on cold weapon combat technology was launched.

Gradually, let the combat mode transition from hot weapons to cold weapons...

The ban on armed forces has been lifted, and they are encouraged to keep fit and practice hard to kill the enemy.

Primary and middle school students offer martial arts courses, with fist and foot weapons as the main course, and even its weight is higher than cultural courses.

This is of course to deal with the invasion on the other side of the passage.

And prepare for the two world wars in the future.

Because, Zhang Kun also asked people to bring back a sentence, "National martial arts practice will become a reality. Whoever has more masters will have the right to speak and live more people."

This is of course not a lie.

In fact, from Zhang Kun's current perspective.

After the fusion of the different world and the blue star, with the suppression of the two worlds, it tends to balance.

Hot weapons will one day withdraw from the stage of history...

At this time, there is no expert platform, and some politicians alone, no matter how loud they shout, can't stop those strong men who have their own force from striking down with their swords.

With his current strength, under full attack, he can already disrupt a city with one person...

With a single strike, a small hillside can be leveled, and a person can be smashed to pieces at a distance of tens of meters.

Not to mention the legendary fighters and mages who are stronger at another level.

That could be called a natural disaster.

In the hinterland, one person destroys one city, just like playing.

When the Yuan Bullet loses its deterrent power, how can it be used to fight against the invisible and invisible legendary warrior?
The legendary sorcerer issued a forbidden spell, which affected everything in a radius of tens of miles and turned into ashes... Facing this kind of attack, how can we resist it?

This is still at the legendary level, what if it is a god?

Really let the real body of the gods appear, a coercion, may be necessary to suppress the land of a state...

Raise your hand, change the day and change the day, move mountains and seas.

No matter how strong the governing ability is, I am afraid that they will not even be able to speak out against this kind of force suppression, let alone use tactics.

Everything must be built on the basis of force.

Therefore, Zhang Kun didn't care whether the districts recognized him as the lord at all.

What he wants is actually to quickly increase his strength...

My own, as well as all the warriors of Blue Star.

If you can train more blue star fighters, just train a few.

Then, with the help of these people, a large number of intelligence personnel were sent out to search where the parents and sister were?
See if they are still alive?


Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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