
Chapter 227

Chapter 227

In addition to Wen Zhongguang, his precious son Wen Tongzhao was the one who changed his face drastically.

The county magistrate thought that once he made a mistake, he left a lot of hidden dangers, and if the imperial court investigates it in the future, there may be some accidents.

With the idea of ​​leaving a way out, this time I personally welcomed the old Master Bodhi into the mansion. Apart from his family members, he also brought his son with him.

It is to let him establish a good relationship with these strange people, so that if he encounters a hurdle that cannot be overcome in the future, there will be another way out.

It has to be said that parents love their children with far-reaching plans.

Everything has been considered clearly.

Wen Tongzhao read a lot of scriptures and learned loyalty, filial piety, honesty and shame, but he did not learn the true meaning of forbearance like his father.

After the county magistrate Wen Zhongguang noticed something was wrong, he weighed the comparison of strengths, but he didn't dare to move lightly, but his teeth were bleeding, his face was swollen purple, and he roared loudly. He really wanted to stop him, but he didn't dare.

Because, he found that the other party didn't take himself seriously at all.

It's not like before, even Zen Master Guangfa, who is famous all over Yuezhou, is very respectful to himself and doesn't dare to offend him.

Master Guangming who came here this time has no taboos.

Just like a wolf, he was invited to eat meat.

No, even the master's family will eat up and down together...

The reason why there are such changes is that there is a sharp contrast between before and after.

By this time, county magistrate Wen still didn't understand.

It is estimated that it was still on that day.

After worshiping the Buddha and worshiping the gods, he vaguely felt that what he had lost was also gained.

Now that he was furious and heartbroken, he finally figured out, what was it that he had lost?
What he lost was the luck of the dynasty and the protection of the Tang Dynasty, but what he gained was the status of a "Buddhist".

Wen Zhongguang understood the truth that the situation is stronger than others, and he was bleeding in his heart, secretly planning a strategy.

But his son was young and impulsive, and rushed to kill him with a sword in his hand.

"Silver monk, be bold."

His blood pierced his pupils, and he slashed at the fat monk Guangming's bald head with his whole sword.

Because, the other party is about to disrespect his mother, is that okay?

Just halfway through the rush, Jian Guang hadn't reached his body yet.

Monk Guangming grinned and turned his palm slightly.

As he pressed down with his palm, a golden light palm the size of a water tank appeared out of nothing in the air in front of him, and the palm fell silently.

Wen Tongzhao, armed with a sword, exploded from the top of his head to the soles of his feet into a mass of blood, which scattered in all directions.

Only the embroidered clothes were left, which fell into the blood stains, which was particularly eye-catching.

"Who is this kid? He has a bit of blood. If he misses today, he can teach him well and become a Dharma-protecting monk."

Guangming smiled lightly, and scanned all directions with a fierce look.

Today's scene is not suitable. His idea is to control Baling as quickly as possible. Starting from the county government, there must be no opposition.

At the same time, using the people of a county as information, they changed their minds and minds, participated in the Huanxi Chan with the believers, and forcibly broke through the vajra dharma body.

That's the big deal.

As for Wen Zhongguang, Guangming had already heard from his senior brother.

This person has great ambitions and talents, and his mind is cunning and changeable, like weeds in the wind, Kobresia on the wall, easy to deal with.

Of course Guangming knew that Wen Zhongguang's plan was to use the Bodhi Court as a knife to seek his own future.

But he also knew that this person obviously hadn't thought about who was the main and who was the second, not who's official university, whose brain was spinning fast.

After all, it is strength and influence.

Whoever is strong is right.

This is the case in the sky, so it is not the case on the earth.



The woman caught by Guangming cried loudly.

Wen Zhongguang also had blood and tears in his eyes, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

'Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I have come to this step, I, I really deserve to die. '

The endless regrets burned his head.

However, he didn't dare to move, and he didn't dare to order the guards around him to do anything.

Because he is afraid of death.

Guangming was very pleased with the struggle and grief of the woman in his hand, he felt that he was rejoicing in the Buddha's light, as if he had realized the essence of the Dao again, and quietly took another step forward.

In the midst of joy, I see compassion. Everything in the world is an illusion, like a dream, like an illusion, or like electricity.

It should be viewed as such.

"It's so pitiful, even I can't bear to see it. In this case, County Magistrate Wen, I will help you."

Guangming couldn't bear it, and his face was full of holy and compassionate intentions. With one palm together, he slowly read the scriptures, and stepped forward step by step. His body was filled with qi, like a thread like light, tightly locked onto Wen Zhongguang's body. His stature made him unable to move.

He kept chanting scriptures in his mouth, and slowly pointed out the two middle fingers of his right hand, and a mighty pink Buddha power touched Wen Zhongguang's eyebrows.

Touching the center of his eyebrows with his fingertips, Wen Zhongguangxing was inexplicably sad and angry, and gradually struggled, his face twisted, as if he didn't want to forget anything, and wanted to hold on to something.

After a while, Wen Zhongguang's body trembling stopped, his eyes were peaceful and joyful, and his face was calm and calm.

The body without both arms seems to be nothing to him.

He just bent down and saluted, and said with a smile: "I will see the master, thank you for enlightenment."

"Very well, pass on the order to burn incense to get rid of filth. Poor monks must study the joyful meditation method, and publish a document as soon as possible to announce the virtue of Bodhiyuan, Gao Zeguang. Anyone who has a grievance, please feel free to report. Also, ask carefully, and look at Baling In the territory, every family has a twenty-eight youth, which cannot be missed."

If you want the horse to run, you have to let the horse graze.

Guangming is well aware of this truth.

He thought for a while, and saw a pair of severed hands on the table not far away, blood-stained on them, twelve o'clock hadn't passed since the fracture, and there was still some vitality.

"Wait for me to help you heal."

He reluctantly gave up a bit of the power of joy and good fortune, and a pink radiance was tapped on his arms.

The arms jumped up suddenly, sticking to Wen Zhongguang's severed arm, closing the mouth tightly, flesh and blood grew.

"The master is brilliant, with boundless magic power, and the subordinates dare not do their best, but follow orders."

Wen Zhongguang was extremely grateful, and suddenly prostrated himself on the ground, like the most devout believer.

After paying his respects, he stepped on his own son's flesh and blood embroidered clothes, and walked past his wife, without turning his eyes or taking a second look.

There is no mundane thought in this heart, which makes people feel chills.

All the guards didn't dare to take a breath.

One of them seemed to be no different from the others, but his eyes were turned up slightly, and he was observing everything in the county government from the corner of his eye, secretly crying in his heart.

Yes, this person is Zhang Kunbu's pawn.

That day, after the five-yin blazing ghost of the five-yin banner made a fuss in the county government, he felt that his eyes and ears were not working well, and he could not control the movements of the county government very carefully. Three chess pieces were laid out in the Yamen.

Among them were gardeners, cooks, and guards.

This is just one of them, protected by the magistrate Yuwen's cronies.

A water mirror in front of Zhang Kun's eyes floated in the air.

This is the "circular light mirror" learned from the innate spells of the little carp. The level of the spell is not too high, and the fine operation depends on the strength of the spirit.

Today, Zhang Kun's mental strength has reached more than three thousand points.

It is more than 300 times higher than that of ordinary people. Even from the perspective of practicing the law, it can be regarded as profound mana.

Coupled with every ounce of his strength and every ounce of foundation, he has practiced solidly.

When used, it is naturally a masterful skill.

Although the little carp is not very capable.

But I can't stand the good family background.

There is no need to worship any teacher or practice any miraculous skills.

As long as the blood is awakened to a certain level, it will naturally comprehend some strange little spells and great supernatural powers.

Mo Daolongwang can't do magic.

He is rich all over the world, is there anything he hasn't seen, and what spells can't be learned?

Except for some unique and wonderful biography, the secrets of moves of the Dalu nature, the blood of the Dragon King basically understands them.

Although Caiyu Xiaolian may not be able to use it, as long as he speaks out some of the methods he has awakened, Zhang Kun will naturally have the ability to manifest these things one by one and practice to understand them.

Just like Shuilongyin's sonic attack, Bibozhan's use of water waves, and the method of using the superimposed force of Melaleuca waves...he has mastered them all clearly.

Also, he used some auxiliary small spells like his fingers.

Just like the circular light mirror technique that is being used now, it is very popular with him.

Combining the Jiuxuan Mind-eye technique with the mirror technique, only in the land of Baling, with the medium that I set up by myself, can I see clearly.

Moreover, this kind of peeping method is what the heart sees, and it will not disturb the vitality of the world, nor will it arouse others' vigilance.

Even a strong player like Yi Guangming, who was only half a step away from the Vajra Dharma Body, could not detect anything unusual.

At this time, I can see it for real.

I also saw the coquettish operation of the county magistrate Wen Wen in the county government lifting a rock and smashing his own foot.

He couldn't help but sucked a mouthful of Liangpi and sipped his teeth, "Evil, it's so evil. It's obviously more vicious than demons and ghosts, but it still has a kind of upright Buddha nature. I bet, this is Buddhism." It was the worst time to be hacked."

"Hmph, the reputation of this Bodhi Courtyard is very bad. Although I don't know where the rumors come from, I seem to know a little from the memory of my blood. Those who are deeply rejected by everyone, let alone other people, if you meet them on the side of the road, it is right to kill them directly."

The little carp hummed, the oil bottle could be hung on the small mouth, obviously very angry.

She couldn't see the insidious means of that Master Guangming.

Dominate his wife, kill his son, and change his mind to enslave at will.

It can make people not even have the heart of hatred.

Forget the sorrows and joys of the mundane world, is this person still a human being?
There is nothing more tragic than this in the world.

Although the magistrate Wen was regarded as an enemy and had plotted against him many times, but seeing this man end up like this, he couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

If, if you fall into the opponent's hands, what will happen.

The little carp couldn't help but shuddered, his eyes full of killing intent.

"Meeting, do you want to sneak up to the door and kill them by surprise? Such disgusting people, leaving them in the world for one more day is a sin."

Zhang Kun shook his head, his eyes slightly thoughtful: "Don't worry, let's see how they move, Xiao Lian, although we have some skills, we can't underestimate the people of the world. Although Guangming is disgusting, he has a little bit of tricks. Not weak either."

He pointed to the water mirror, the light and shadow reflected in it, the light and shadow flowed, and a piece of bright yellow jade hanging around the neck of the fat monk fell into his eyes.

The jade looks like an ordinary pendant, and it is not too eye-catching, but if you look carefully, you can find something different.

It was a human figure that was formed naturally without refinement, as if a man and a woman were entwined facing each other, as if they were performing the ceremony of the Duke of Zhou.

Life is short, when, enjoy yourself in time.

This kind of charm, even through the water mirror, can infect people's hearts only with the stone portrait.

Especially small carp.

Just looking at the pendant twice more, his face was flushed, his breath was disordered, and his body was hot like a fire.

"Can't look at more."

Zhang Kun waved his sleeves to disperse the water mirror in the air, and gently pressed the Baihui acupoint of the little carp with his palm, and the cool breath came in, calming the evil thoughts and dry blood in her heart.

"Guangming, his cultivation level is by no means inferior to mine, he is protected by formations, and surrounded by many masters, he appears to be arrogant and rampant, but in fact, he is very cautious, secretly laying a net of heaven and earth.

Once someone invaded his side, he would probably fall into the siege of the formation, and the eye of the formation was the pendant. "

When it comes to the word pendant, with Zhang Kun's current strength, he can't help but feel a little moved.

This thing is definitely not something Guangming Silver Monk can refine by himself, it can be regarded as the best among Buddha treasures.

Looking at the essence through the appearance, he can see it. Although the jade is not big in size, it contains the power of countless people's thoughts, which turns into joyful Buddha power.

I don't know what method the other party used. This kind of power of mind can be mobilized at will. Although it is as quiet as the deep sea now, once it moves, it may be very troublesome.

Another point, Zhang Kun is not even sure, did the legendary Zen Master Guangfa of Bodhiyuan come to Baling?
What will be the attitude of the Tang Dynasty's Tiance Mansion when they discover that the demon monks of the Bodhi Court have invaded Baling?
If he makes the first move, will he fall into a situation where the fish and the clam are fighting and be caught by the court.

Zhang Kun understood very well.

My own identity is actually not visible now, and I can be regarded as a kind of bad person.

This bad person is not that bad person.

He is no longer a fast catcher, the leader of the gang, seizing people's property.

Regardless of justice or not, if judged strictly at the court level, he can be regarded as an arrogant person who violates the law.

In the words of later generations, this is a black (harmonious) society.

Such an identity, unwashed words.

They might have been hit together.

Choose soft persimmons.

Perhaps, the other party can't deal with the Huanxi Zen master of Bodhiyuan, so he will take the lead directly, and it may not necessarily kill him.

For the court, it's not that the other party can't do it.

Reality is more ridiculous than stories.

Anything can happen, so be safe first, accumulate more dragon energy, and see if you can improve your realm again.

Speaking of raising the realm, Zhang Kun sighed.

After reaching the Ruyi Realm in the late stage of Gangwu, he can be regarded as seeing the next step of martial arts.

Just like what I have quietly inquired about, such as the Yuanshen Realm of Taoism, the Dharma Body Realm of Buddhism, martial arts practice, and after the Stellar Qi breaks through, there will be a unique level, that is, the Divine Martial Realm, which turns the true astral into divine power.

Zhang Kun didn't know how much stronger this divine power would be than his own Ruyi Zhengang when it was condensed, or whether it had a unique magical effect.

But he knew that if he wanted to advance to the next level, the dragon energy points he needed had doubled again, quadrupled.

Break through the small checkpoints, and the three realms are equal.Breaking through the big level requires four times the consumption. This is the basic operation.

It’s nothing more than a four-fold increase in the previous boxing techniques, just a little accumulation will meet your needs.

However, in the Stellar Qi Realm, if you advance to a small stage, you already need to spend 1024 points of dragon energy, and quadruple it at this time, which is 4096 points.

But now his remaining dragon energy is only 872 points, which is too far away.

Killing the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, and the huge impact it caused, only gained more than 300 points, and there were more than ten more to be killed.

This kind of big event is not something that can be encountered every day.

At this time, there is no time, and there are not enough dragon energy points to improve the realm for the time being, so we can only wait, or in other words, just wait.

After seeing Guang Ming's purpose clearly, then see clearly what Tiance Mansion's true thoughts are, and then decide whether to intervene in it.

Taking chestnuts from the fire is risky.

Although Zhang Kun really wanted to occupy a county of Baling in a fair and honest way, and then plot the Dongting of [-] miles away, so as to get a lot of people's thoughts and make it easier and more plentiful to get the dragon energy point.

However, it cannot be rushed.

Some things, if you are not in your position and do not plan for your own affairs, if you really do things too much, it may lead to unexpected dangers.

So many years have passed.

Zhang Kun's talent of "bravery" has been worn down by life and lost all edges and corners, and all fireworks...

If we say that the previous bravery only penetrated into the flesh and blood, bursting like fire.

Nowadays, it is to enter the heart bravely and follow the trend.

On weekdays, it hides under the Jiuyuan, once it breaks out, it will rise to the Jiuxiao, unstoppable.

(End of this chapter)

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