
Chapter 237

The only regret is.

Zhang Kun originally thought that after Mingzheng killed the county magistrate and other moths, he might also get a batch of dragon energy points.

No matter how much or how little, you can have it.

But it didn't.

"Could it be that during the certification of the humanitarian mechanism, you feel that the things done by the county magistrate Wen Zhongguang, the master, the prison guards, etc. are not important and will not affect the progress of humanity?"

Once Zhang Kun thought about this, he shook his head and vetoed it.

"Probably not. The most likely thing is that even if I kill these corrupt officials and get rid of these people who are vegetarians, nothing has changed at all. Without County Magistrate Wen, there will be County Magistrate Wu, and even, County Magistrate Zhao , County Magistrate Qian, County Magistrate Sun...

Crows are generally black in this world. Even if they are white at first, they will turn black after a while.Therefore, it doesn't really matter whether Wen Zhongguang is killed or not. In the hearts of the common people, they are the imperial court and they are high-ranking figures, that's all.If you kill them, you won't get much gratitude, if you don't kill them, you won't get any resentment..."

Besides, apart from collusion with foreign enemies, the county magistrate's personal ability and ability to do evil are nothing at all.

In other words, his own ability is actually quite weak.

It is understandable that there is no reward for killing him.

It just occurred to me that the imperial court might send Magistrate Wu, Magistrate Zhao or something, but after more than half a month, a convoy rushed over from the direction of Yuezhou in the early morning of this day.

The convoy was very large, there were more than a hundred servants, guards, accompanying scribes, etc. There were more than a hundred people.

Seeing a mighty group of people coming to the city, before the city guards could ask questions, a burly man in iron armor rode forward and shouted loudly, "The new county magistrate, Mr. Gu, is here to take up his post!" , who is the guard of the city? Hurry up and come to meet him."

The city gate opened, and a group of men and horses came out to meet them. The first general dismounted, cupped his hands and said, "The last general, Zhong Tieyan, didn't know Mr. Gu came so fast and never greeted him from afar. Forgive me! This is the county magistrate Gao Guanglou Gao My lord, master Huang Yongan, Master Huang, arresting Wei Lian and the third class of yamen servants..."

Seeing a gentle middle-aged man in his thirties getting off the carriage, surrounded by people, Zhong Tieyan hurriedly stepped forward to salute and introduced everyone present one by one.

He has a down-to-earth personality, and he will do whatever his immediate boss Zhang Kun arranges.

Zhang Kun was suspended from the seventh-rank position of the subduing demon school lieutenant of Tiance Mansion, and he was in his position to seek his own government.Recently, in response to the Tiance Mansion's order, they are making every effort to prepare for the westward attack on the Bodhi Court in the Pingjiang area. The combat power of the battle has increased, and it is impossible to separate for a while.

Besides, Zhang Kun can now be regarded as a seventh-rank official, essentially at the same level as the county magistrate of Baling, guarding the city gate to welcome the post of county magistrate, according to official rules, he can go or not.

Therefore, he appointed Zhong Tieyan to go instead.

Not too rude.

The rest of the people followed suit.

Gao Guanglou, the county magistrate, was a frail scholar who was born as a Jinshi. He had some literary talents, but his methods were not as good as Wen Zhongguang's.

When Wen Zhongguang was the county magistrate, he was suppressed like an invisible person, doing some clerical affairs, not to mention power, even the yamen servants didn't think much of him. …

Logically speaking, this life is aggrieved, and he began to think so.

Later, I was a little lucky.

When Wen Zhongguang fell, he was not implicated, and his position was never changed.

Although another county magistrate was parachuted from above to take up his post, Gao Guanglou, who had just escaped a catastrophe, had nothing to worry about, and still maintained his usual invisible posture.

Don't fight, don't grab, don't stand out.

Just keep silent.

As for the chief bookkeeper, Huang Yong'an, Zhang Kun personally selected a scholar with excellent character to act. The one who went to Huangquan with Wen Zhongguang in the past has nothing to say.

In addition to the chief bookkeeper, the three classes of yamen servants, especially the fast arresting room, are all Zhang Kun's capable subordinates. Seeing the county magistrate at this time, they all looked on coldly, neither humble nor overbearing, it was just a routine.

"Why didn't you see Mr. Zhang, the county lieutenant? It seems that the nobleman is busy."

The new county magistrate, Gu Yuanfang, glanced at the people and greeted the crowd, lost interest for a moment, and shook his head, "Lead the way, the county is tired from a long journey, I visited the county government early, counted the treasury's money and supplies, and the meeting will open today."

As he spoke, he was about to get into the carriage and enter the city.

Zhong Tieyan was a little embarrassed, thinking, no need to be in such a hurry.

"Master Gu, my subordinates have prepared a banquet in Gaosheng Building..."

"No need, Commander Zhong, remember to report all the city guards and military equipment. In the future, the defense of Baling Lord must be more careful, so as not to miss important court affairs."

Gu Yuanfang ordered with a sullen face, without further words, the car curtain was drawn, and the convoy started.

He actually left behind all the people who came out of the city to greet him.

"Yes, of course."

Zhong Tieyan had no temper and responded casually.

He is a Shangguan, so whatever he says is right, there is no need to insist on it face to face. However, although the county magistrate can intervene in this matter of military training, in general, he still has to listen to the county lieutenant.

He thought to himself that this magistrate of the county probably came from a very extraordinary family, or from a noble family, so he could immediately fill in the vacancy after the accident in Baling.

Judging from what he saw at the gate of the city earlier, this person should know some things about Baling, but he may not be clear about the details. He actually treats Baling as his own, and takes money everywhere. I'm afraid it's not good.

However, this is not something I should worry about. I just need to report today's events to Mr. Zhang, concentrate on training soldiers, concentrate on defending against thieves, and don't worry about anything else.

Zhong Tieyan's guess was right, Gu Yuanfang came from the Gu family in Jiangzuo, the family was wealthy and powerful, and they also had Austrian aid in the court.

Although none of the children of the Gu family held high positions, there were a few who achieved fourth and fifth ranks, and they were regarded as powerful families.

This time, he got the opportunity to release the real shortage, because of the Gu family's relationship in Tiance Mansion, he got the news and planned early.

The five counties of Yuezhou have fertile soil and simple folk customs, which can be regarded as prosperous places, although in recent years, there have been demons.

But now in all the states and counties of the Central Plains, which county does not have some ghosts and goblins, and these strange stories and the like can't provoke the civil servants.

With Tiance Mansion monitoring the demons all over the world, and officers and soldiers from various states coming and going to hunt and kill them, he is not very worried.

In general, Gu Yuanfang is very satisfied with getting this opportunity. …

The only point of dissatisfaction is that the Miemo school lieutenant who had a good relationship with the Gu family, said bluntly that he will be the magistrate of Baling County. Don't forget to not make enemies with that county lieutenant Zhang Bailing, just be a magistrate of Taiping County.

Custody has its benefits.

Hearing this, Gu Yuanfang refused to accept it.

He has studied hard for more than ten years, and he has been affiliated in Chang'an for another ten years.

It's hard to become a parent, and when you go to the next county, you have to see the county magistrate's face. What is Taiping county magistrate is a good way to say it.

In fact, he was told not to take care of things, not to fight for power, but to be an honest Xiao Gui Cao Sui, not to make his own decisions.

Is this still the county magistrate?
It's better to say that he went to be a subordinate official of the county comfort.

After thinking about it afterward, Gu Yuanfang understood.

Perhaps, these Tiance Mansions fought against monsters every day, their brains were all trained to muscle, and they didn't understand what the righteousness of the court was?It is more likely that Zhang Bailing, the captain of Baling County, has some kind of background.

But no matter what, even if the other party also holds the military position of the subduing demon captain, he serves as the captain in Baling County, and he is an eighth-rank official.

In the same system, no matter how you say it, it is a head lower than the county.

Within a county, it is a common practice to rule the military with literature.

If Zhang Bailing didn't know what to do, and he presented a document to the court, his position as an official would not be secure.

He directly lifted his top hat.

Gu Yuanfang thought in her heart, now that she is an official, it is time to show her ambitions, she is full of energy, and she can't wait to devote herself to her first life as an official.

As long as he can make some achievements and be promoted to the state capital, the day when the Gu family's second wife will rise will not be far away.

The first thing that must be done is to establish a good relationship with the state officials, accumulate more money every year, and manage more.

As for what the people below are like, it doesn't really matter.

Thinking of the official knowledge imparted by those who went straight to the top during the gathering in the same year, Gu Yuanfang smiled knowingly, opened the curtain, and looked at the street, feeling pleasing to the eye no matter what.

"This is my people."

He seemed to see a large area of ​​walking "achievements".

I heard that there are no unruly people in Yuezhou's territory, and it is easy to manage. Once there is a problem, a few will be arrested and killed, and they will all be honest, and there will be no rebels.

This is indeed a fat gap.

I am thinking of my pride.

Gu Yuanfang heard a very discordant voice.

I saw a very unpleasant scene.

In front of the street, a few black-faced men with their clothes turned white, their trousers rolled up, and an unpleasant smell were talking and laughing loudly as they walked.

'This is a fisherman? "

The three of them each carried baskets and flat baskets, with smiles on their faces, and their faces were tanned and flushed by the sun, with a hint of joy.

Apparently, the catch from the lake fetched a good price.

Whether the men are happy or not has nothing to do with Gu Yuanfang.

What matters is that these people actually walked in the center of the street, and didn't get out of the way early.

He didn't even have any awe for his group of people.

Although not in the way.

However, being so close to someone covered in filth is first of all disrespect to noble people. …

Shouldn't they have knelt down by the side of the road early on, not daring to raise their heads?
Looking up, Gu Yuanfang saw an even more bizarre scene.

Not only a few fishermen acted like this.

The merchants and common people who came and went were all walking on the street swaggeringly, so that their convoy walked very slowly and did not reach the county government soon.

He even saw some people pointing and whispering to his group.

"I heard that it is the new county magistrate, who put on a show at the gate of the city, and asked the county lieutenant Zhang why he didn't go to greet him..."

"Haha, keep your voice down, don't let anyone catch you, the big prison is not easy to squat, believe it or not?"

"That's not enough. Let's talk about Mr. Zhang casually. Some people even say that he is too murderous. No one came to arrest him."

"That's different. People are different, and officials are even more different. I heard from the storyteller that Mr. Zhang is generous with Wang Han. There are hills and valleys in his stomach, and the prime minister can punt a boat in his belly... This new county magistrate Gu How can it be compared to him?"

"That's right, that's right, I think the new county lord is not too different from the Nawen county lord. The ostentation is really big. There are ten carriages, hundreds of entourages, and Wei Chuan and others guarding behind him." , Mr. Zhang doesn’t travel with such style.”

Since Wen Zhongguang and his group were beheaded, nothing else has changed much, but the people of Baling have been aroused.

Don't say anything else, just walk on the street.

In the past, when the common people saw nobles passing by, they were as cautious as avoiding tigers and wolves, fearing that they would bump into the big shots they couldn't afford, and cause disasters.

But now, not to mention these well-dressed literati and businessmen, even the poorest people can walk on the street swaggeringly, no one comes to drive them away, and no one bullies them at will.

At the beginning, this kind of thing didn't happen. Later, after being arrested and taught by the Bailonghui to help people behave, those high-ranking figures have basically disappeared.

Some people even hope that someone will humiliate them once.

When caught by the police, they can also get a large amount of compensation, and they can also see the horrible scenes of those wealthy families or masters of the rivers and lakes.

Not only can they reap a sum of money and food, but they can also become the protagonists in the conversations on the streets, and no one will dare to look down on them in the future.

This business, of course, is done.

Just like the three fishermen now, they looked at the convoy while walking, and stood a little closer without warning. The burly knight guarding the convoy showed disgust on his face, and slapped his whip.


"Go away, don't get in the way."

The fisherman was startled, his feet tilted, and he fell to the ground.

Woke up, fled to the side of the street in a hurry, and said in shock: "I just took a second look, and I didn't block your way. The county magistrate is amazing? You are so arrogant, you don't want to implicate your Patriarch. Like County Magistrate Wen, he was caught in the wrong place and killed."

Is this still available?

The burly knight was the leader of the family who had heard a loud noise at the gate of the city before. He cleared the way in front of him and directed his servants to beat the gongs and drums. He was walking too slowly and felt very uncomfortable.

At this time, when he heard that a pickled fisherman dared to disrespect himself and his master, he would not get angry, turned his horse's head on the spot, and yanked off his whip.


This time, it was not a virtual slap, but a real slap on the fisherman's shoulder, blood splashed, and the flesh burst.

The blow made the fisherman roll over and fall to the ground, howling like killing a pig.

"You son of a bitch, how dare you curse the magistrate of the county, come and take him to jail for interrogation, who ordered him?"

This company has a lot of experience and directly buckled a big hat.

I thought to myself, these unscrupulous people trembled and kowtowed, facing the majesty of the master.

Some people, who can't use thunderous tactics, don't give a blow, and don't know the difference between officials and people at all.

Moreover, he still thought in his heart that even if the other party begged for mercy, he couldn't let him go. If he didn't punish him to the point of losing his skin, he wouldn't let people underestimate his master, and he wouldn't be able to manage Baling well in the future.

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