
Chapter 242 Distributing Tasks, Everyone Shows Their Skills

Chapter 242 Distributing Tasks, Everyone Shows Their Skills

"Little catcher, why is it you?"

Little Taoist nun Mingxin circled around Zhang Kun like looking at a diorama. She turned around two or three times, but the shock on her face was still uncontrollable.

She stretched out her hand and squeezed Zhang Kun's arm muscles in disbelief, feeling that it was tough and thick, as strong as a god of iron, and finally believed that this was really the "friend" she had met at the beginning.

Although this "friend" is just a friendship that has had a few meals, but Mingxin has traveled a few times in the arena these days, and there are not many friends who are pleasing to the eye, and he remembers every one of them.

She was still thinking in her heart, after she got out of the "control" of her senior sister, she had to find a chance to go to Baling City to see if he had caught that harmful monster.

But I didn't think about it, after a short time, I saw it, but I saw it under unexpected circumstances.

"Not long ago, your martial arts were still very poor. I didn't expect that after a long time, you have already become the captain of the Tiance Mansion, and your strength is much stronger than that of the captain of the Demon Slayer."

Little Taoist nun Mingxin couldn't stop talking, and she chirped, "I knew that the person that guy was waiting for was you, so I wouldn't have cursed secretly in my stomach."

"Are you still scolding me? Can't wait, you don't have to wait..."

Zhang Kun's heart twitched slightly, his eyes flicked, and he saw Zuo Yukun smiling gently, like the face of an uncle next door, and felt a little puzzled.

"Of course I have to scold you. So many people have been hiding in the valley for almost ten days just to wait for you alone. Go and ask, which one is not anxious? Even my most bumbling senior sister is very It's impatient."

Having said this, Ming Xin shrank her neck.

I don't know how her senior sister disciplined her strictly on weekdays, even if she secretly said bad things behind her back, she would feel very guilty.

"That doesn't make sense. Could it be that I'm really that important?"

Zhang Kun thought to himself, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Little Taoist nun Mingxin has a lively and sharp aura, but she doesn't give herself the slightest sense of threat. Obviously, this person's strength is not good enough.

Compared with the captain of Tiance Mansion and Ya Jiang Pianjiang of the Governor's Mansion present, her sword repair strength is probably not much stronger.

It is approximately equal to the state of the middle stage of Gangqi to the late stage of Gangqi.

However, sword repair has always been amazing.

Since Fairy Mingyu brought her junior sister who has not fully grown up to take action, she should still have some confidence.

"Let me tell you, quick catcher, when you are about to attack, don't be brave. The senior sister has already found out that Zen Master Guangfa of Bodhiyuan is not only difficult to break through the vajra body, but also profound in Buddhism. Moreover, he He has also trained the Eighteen Dharma Protectors, although he has not been fully trained, the Dharma Protectors are comparable to the perfection of stellar qi. I am actually very pessimistic about this surprise attack."

"Well, I see."

Zhang Kun nodded and said with a smile: "We are about to set off. If you don't go there, your senior sister should be furious. Mingxin, you should think about hiding behind. When the time comes to fight, the soldiers are fierce and the battle is in danger. Your senior sister may not care Not on you."

"I'm not afraid, you don't know, my swordsmanship is amazing."

Ming Xin's body trembled slightly, her mouth did not show weakness at all, it was very hard.

"That's good."


Now that everyone has arrived, Zuo Yukun, as the head of the trip, didn't delay any longer, and said a few words casually to encourage everyone. A group of 30 people went into the night, and soon arrived at Bodhi The courtyard is located on the mountain peak.

"Although this mountain is not high, the lights are bright, and it looks like it's not very prepared. However, the Guangfa demon monk has been operating for a long time, and Bao Buqi has long been hiding on the mountain path. No matter which direction you go up the mountain, you can't hide it from him. ears and eyes."

When they reached the foot of the mountain, everyone stopped. The smile on Zuo Yukun's face was gone. His eyes were as cold as an eagle's, and he looked at the magnificent place on the top of the mountain.

"If you have any suggestions, it's the last chance to put them up. Once you do it, you will never complain about life or death."

"It's at this time, and I can't back down. Even if Monk Guangfa is three-headed and six-armed, with two fists and four hands, he can't stop the attack of two masters at the level of Shenwu. As for the thirteenth elder and five hundred disciples, let's just go all the way. Just hide and kill."

Yan Beifei's temper was like a raging fire, and he couldn't hold back anymore, looking at the top of the mountain, he was eager to try.

"My trip to Zizhulin is only to kill the demon monks and relieve the people. It can restore peace to the people of Pingjiang. It's a little dangerous, so don't worry about it."

"That's good." Zuo Yukun was delighted to hear that.

With a very sincere expression, he said: "Brother Changshou and Brother Beifei, this time I have to rely on you two more. The demon monk himself and Zizhulin Mingyu Fairy personally deal with it, but his eighteen Guardian King Kong, ordinary people can't deal with it, so it's more Please stop them, both of you, in case they are the savior and cause more trouble."

Afraid that the two of them might not understand, he explained carefully: "Monk Guangfa sacrificed the Eighteen Dharma Protectors to find powerful warriors in the rivers and lakes, and cultivated a pious heart with the Buddhist Purdue technique. A person is comparable to Monk Guangming, which can be regarded as a perfect stellar qi.

The other lieutenants of my Tiance Mansion have no chance of winning against them.Once the Eighteen Dharma Protectors are allowed to exert their full strength, set up a formation, and unite with Monk Guangfa, they may face two powerful opponents at the Dharmakaya level..."

"Don't worry, even if it's the Eighteen Dharma Protectors, each of whom is full of stellar qi, it's still hard to win this general in a short while. I have no problem here. I just don't know if Brother Changshou dares to stop and fight with me field?"

"Two people against 18 people, do you think it's okay?" Zhang Kun was a little puzzled.

Zuo Yukun spoke sincerely, and Yan Beifei was full of enthusiasm, but he always felt that something was wrong.

'Isn't the partner playing me? '

"Just hold them back, don't let the Eighteen Dharma Protectors join hands with Guangfa, Fairy Mingyu and I can quickly kill Guangfa, and when the time comes to free up our hands, we will naturally sweep the scene."

Zuo Yukun said confidently.

I don't know where his confidence comes from.

Zhang Kun looked at Fairy Mingyu, who had always been expressionless, and saw that she was just like a white lotus, blooming quietly, as if she didn't hear what she was waiting for.

It doesn't even say whether he can survive the fight, or whether he will come to save himself.

Thinking of what little Taoist nun Mingxin said, Zhang Kun secretly kept his eyes open.At this time, although I can't allow myself to retreat, everyone is watching.But there is no need to reveal your abilities in advance.

"If it's just holding down 18 people, I don't have much problem here."

"Then it's settled. Once the matter is completed, Zuo will definitely ask for credit for the two of you."

Zuo Yukun laughed out loud.

The laughter became louder and louder. Under the night sky, the mountain peak rumbled, and the temple on the top of the mountain trembled.


As Zuo Yukun drew his sword and flew into the air, it turned into a long flame and went straight to the top of the mountain...

Fairy Mingyu also turned into a stream of light with a "咻", and firmly locked on a huge aura deep in the temple on the top of the mountain.

The two arrived almost at the same time, and with one knife and one sword, they caused a lot of waves.


Amidst the huge shock and roar, the entire palace collapsed.

Countless gold bricks and jade tiles, painted pillars and carved beams, turned into groups of debris, splashing in all directions.

Far and near, there were countless people shouting in alarm.

No matter whether it is a big monk or a young monk, men and women, under this shock wave, they all vomited blood and flew down.

Some are close and weak.

It can't even bear the aftermath.

While still flying in the air, it exploded into a blood mist.

What's more, some big monks in disheveled clothes roared and brandished all kinds of weapons, rushed to the open space and set up various formations. Someone shouted, "Enemy attack!"


Everyone at the foot of the mountain was stunned, amazed at the lethality at the level of the Yuanshen realm, and at the same time excited.

"Everyone, don't keep your hands. The demon monks in this temple have done all kinds of evil things, but those who stay on the mountain, there are very few innocent people, so don't let any one go."

"The portraits of the thirteenth elders are recognized by everyone, and no one can escape."

"Leave three people behind and hunt down five hundred disciples. The disciples of Huanxi's lineage are all disgusting and filthy. They must not be allowed to take away a statue or a book, lest they will leave a legacy."

More than [-] strong opponents in the mid-to-late stage of the Gang Qi Realm, each selected a target, smashed the jade steps under their feet, and rushed up the mountain with a rumble.

There was a wave of blood along the road.

Sure enough, his subordinates showed no mercy.

Seeing it, as long as it sees the bald head, it will be extremely vicious.

Soon, he ran into a hard stubble, and fought frantically with some great monks.

I have to say that the Bodhi Court is indeed not simple.

Its inheritance is profound and mysterious.

Elders and disciples, no matter how high or low they are, all have some special skills.

The burst of Sanskrit sound did not collapse immediately, which was comparable to the dozens of masters attacking.

It's just a few tricks, and when the formation is formed, it still has a slight upper hand.

Zhang Kun glanced at the little Taoist mingxin, and saw that this guy was a very thug, controlling the sword light, roaring back and forth, hitting if he could beat him, and leaving when he couldn't beat him.

With the flickering of the sword light, the whole body turned into dozens of paths, making it impossible for people to see where her real body was.

"Split light into shadow..."

This sword light hides its shape, and then divides into countless, it really has the ability to save life.

No wonder Fairy Mingyu brought her junior sister out to kill the enemy, and then she didn't care about it anymore.

It turned out that she wasn't bragging at all, she was indeed very good at swordsmanship.

Instead of worrying about this person, you might as well worry about yourself.

"Brother Yan, please!"

Zhang Kun looked at Yan Beifei thoughtfully.

This guy is also dishonest, he spoke with enthusiasm earlier, as if he was going to die on the spot.

As a result, the two leading masters of the Yuanshen rank had already fought head-on with the Guangfa monk, and the rest of the companions in the middle and late stages of the Gang Qi realm had also started killing, fighting desperately in front, and he was still the old god, and he was still alive in the back. wait and see.

This gesture really humiliated the big beard on his face.

It looks rough and bold, and it's all for show.

"Brother Longevity please!"

Yan Beifei followed suit politely.

Glancing at the battle situation on the mountain, he murmured repeatedly, his face moved: "Although Zuo Yukun is very power-hungry, he is not a good person, but he is still very capable. Monk Guangfa."

One must know that although Zuo Yukun is the deputy governor of Yuezhou Township of Tiance Prefecture, with a high position and authority, he only broke through to the realm of divine martial arts three years ago...

This newcomer to the Divine Martial Realm is naturally inferior to the old-fashioned masters of magic.

Not to mention anything else, there is a big gap between the early stage and the middle stage. In a fight, whether it is cultivation base, strength, or the robbing of the vitality of the same realm, they are all weak.

But he is fighting like crazy...

The strength can be inferior, but the momentum must not be lost.

Of course, Fairy Mingyu was of great help to the reason why he was able to withstand Monk Guangfa's gleaming golden Zhangliu Dharma Body.

This fairy looks cool and indifferent, but her swordsmanship is completely different from her junior sister.

At this time, the blue long sword on the shoulder has already woven a heavy sword net, the sword edge thunders, and every sword falls has the power to split the void and shatter the mountain peak.

Zuo Yukun is the main defense, Mingyu is the main attacker.

The two of them didn't retreat half a step, trying to take the lead, attacking frantically.

And the Guangfa monk, like a god at this time, waved his Zen stick, knocked down with a bang, and the mountain peak was three points shorter.

Even had a little upper hand.

"The Dharma Protector King Kong has appeared."

After being intercepted after making several moves, Monk Guangfa's face became solemn, he pinched the seal with his hands, and let out a deep drink.


Eighteen ghostly shadows of golden monks appeared around him.

Immediately afterwards, the phantoms became solid, and each of them was powerful. Once they appeared, they would form a formation with the strange asynchronous method under their feet.

As soon as these 18 people appeared, they immediately shared the pressure of the Guangfa monk.

At the same time, the Buddhist power on the body of the Guangfa monk resonated with the breath of the 18 people, pinched the Dharma seal with his left palm, and pressed it down with one palm.


Fairy Mingyu's long sword, glowing with thunder and roaring, was shot back backwards after being hit by this palm.

But Zuo Yukun withdrew his long saber, the blade buzzed and trembled, and there were several tiny openings, and a pink light mist had already invaded his body, making half of his face blush and half pale.

"If you don't do it yet, when will you wait?"

Zuo Yukun was obviously in a hurry.

The Guangfa monk with the body of the Eighteen Dharma Guardians did not need to defend, but only used to attack, and the power of his shots was almost doubled. At this time, he screamed and rushed, and within a radius of tens of feet on the top of the mountain, it faintly turned into a home field, and there was a strange wave Enveloped, the energy is surging, and the vitality of the world seems to have spirituality, making the Buddha's power stronger and suppressing all external forces.

"Divide 18 people, don't let them form an formation, and be careful to form a field with wide law."

Zuo Yukun obviously couldn't bear it. Although he had cultivated to the Divine Martial Realm, and his strength was endless, his swordsmanship was exquisite and tyrannical, but all the vitality outside him was controlled by the enemy, and this world seemed to be crushing him.In a blink of an eye, he fell into an absolute disadvantage. If he continued to fight like this, if there was no change, he could only retreat in this battle, and the action would be considered a failure.

Moreover, in the face of the frenzied pursuit of Monk Guangfa, I am afraid that along the way, it is unknown how many lives will be lost.

At that time, what future is there to talk about?
After a big defeat, it would be considered pretty good to be sent to jail and punished without going all the way to the end.

"My darling, it seems that it won't work without my old Yan. Brother Changshou, what are you waiting for?"

Yan Beifei didn't know whether he saw something clearly, or he felt confident.

While the figure was undulating, it turned into a rainbow light, dragging two huge black hammers, one hammer left and one hammer right, bang bang bang bang, the hammer was extremely heavy, and under the bombardment of the two hammers, it turned into nine shadows of hammers, Stopping the nine Dharma Guardian King Kong, the opponent's golden light was like a mist, and he retreated.

"This is leaving nine of them to me, and I don't even want to suffer at all."

Zhang Kun felt more and more that there was something wrong with this General of the Governor's Mansion named Yan Beifei. He was rough on the outside, but delicate on the inside, always weighing the pros and cons. No wonder he was able to be a general.

Even so, Zhang Kun didn't object, let alone say much.

Just a chuckle, the long knife on his back came out of its sheath, and chopped off with one blow.

The light of the knife differentiates, like a plum blossom with nine petals.

Within a radius of ten feet from the top of the mountain, it seemed as if they were in a world of ice and snow, but they quietly snatched the vitality of heaven and earth from the joyful Buddha power that was about to form a field, and turned into pieces of ice and snow to fall.


The knife rang.

The bodies of the nine Dharma Guardian King Kong who roared and rushed slightly stagnated, a thin layer of ice was formed from the feet to the top of the head, and their movements became extremely slow, like snails.

"Five aggregates and plum blossoms, a world of ice and snow."

With Zhang Kun's sword attack, the gang qi was condensed, and the spirit moved first. Using the intention to attract the momentum, he entered the sword with the momentum of plum blossom ice and snow, directly freezing the nine King Kongs.

He wanted to see how Zuo Yukun would finish Haikou that Zuo Yukun had boasted about before setting off.

Didn't it mean that he could kill Guangfa monk quickly?
Just look at how he kills quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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