
Chapter 4

Chapter 4
The strong man held a thick wooden stick in his hand, and was about to move forward with a fierce look on his face, but there was a mist in front of him.


Sand, gravel and mud hit his head and face.

As soon as his eyes hurt, his conditioned reflex was to cover his eyes immediately.

As soon as the hand was raised, there was a shock in the crotch, and the heart-piercing pain came to his mind like lightning.


The strong man bent down in pain, thinking about attacking with a stick, but his limbs were weak, and his whole body was numb, as if all the strength in his body had disappeared.

Without saying a word, Zhang Kun jumped up, first of all, he grabbed the sand, dust and mud and threw it over his face, then lowered his head and swooped down...

With one kick, the strong man jumped half a foot and grabbed the long stick that the strong man was waving indiscriminately. He took a half step back, twisted his waist and swept across.

With a muffled "bang", it hit the side of the strong man's head hard, causing his head to tilt, his forehead sunken, and he fell down like a wooden stake. Not willing to give up, he slammed down again with a stick.

"I'm out of temper."

Zhang Kun let out a long breath.

Turning his head, he looked at the thin man who was dragging behind.

The thin man let out a "wow", turned his head and ran away, almost crying from fright.

"Still running!"

There was a cold light in Zhang Kun's eyes.

When I first came to Guijing last night, because of injuries on my body, it was difficult to move, so my clothes and shoes were stripped off by the other party... Don't look at this thin man as cowardly as a mouse, but he is actually vicious in his heart, because he couldn't take off his pants, he wanted to strangle himself to death .

'We can't let him go, it may be very troublesome if we call someone again. '

Without even thinking about it, he followed closely with a stick, full of murderous intent.

Zhang Kun came here just now, and he understands the misery of the lower class people in this era, and his heart is full of insecurity. He knows exactly what is going on with the "Sanda" he learned.

In fact, I enrolled in a summer class that year, and learned some basic boxing postures, but I didn't learn how to use my strength.

Then I checked some women's anti-wolf techniques on the Internet, and learned a little attack on the vital parts of the body. This technique is not taught in Sanda gyms.

According to the old man in the family, if you don't usually fight, you can really lose money if you fight.

It's just a hard word.

However, if the thin man really called a bunch of brutal beggars, if there were one or two Lianjiazi, he would definitely not be able to do it.

Those who are unfamiliar with the place here cannot escape even if they want to.

Therefore, we must not let him go...

The girl stood there with her mouth open, glanced at the strong man twitching on the ground, shivered all over her body, and hurriedly followed behind Zhang Kun.

It's not that she also wants to chase and kill, but she feels a little scared to stay here alone.

"This beep can really run..."

Zhang Kun stared at the thin man in front of him, cursing inwardly.

The thin man ran like a rabbit, probably because he was used to being chased and beaten. He darted through the alleys, circled the house, and turned without slowing down.

The white shoes on her feet were particularly dazzling.

"Those were my shoes. I spent three red tickets. They were running shoes..."

Zhang Kun felt the severe pain from the soles of his bare feet. He wondered whether he was injured by a small stone or stepped on a splinter. Naturally, there was no time to check the injury at this time, so he just gritted his teeth and ran in pain.

After all, he is the sprint champion of Jiangcheng No. [-] High School Games. He is also physically stronger and full of endurance. In the end, he was not pulled too far...

Seeing that the skinny man in front of him got into the alley again and was about to turn a corner, what he didn't even think about was a lunge, and the long stick in his hand was thrown out suddenly.


The thin man was knocked out of shape, fell headlong, hit the wall with his head, and his head was bloody.

"Forgive me."

The middle-aged thin man howled and screamed.

I was about to run to the destination, but I didn’t expect to be caught up. If I knew it, I would have hid in the old lair, and I would not have encouraged Brother Hei to steal the money. In the end, I bumped into an evil star. I only hoped that the scream would attract cousin Xiang to come and check. .

He only yelled halfway, and was about to tear his throat open and howl when the back of his head shook and he hit the ground, knowing nothing.

Zhang Kun picked up the wooden stick and knocked it down. Seeing that the middle-aged thin man was still, he was slightly stunned for a while, then looked down at his slightly trembling palm, took a deep breath, and then bent down, He took off the opponent's sneakers, pulled out the splinters on the soles of his feet that pierced into his flesh, and put them on again.

Without shoes, he really couldn't bear it. The soles of his feet were not calloused, they were delicate and delicate, and they would hurt when he walked.

As for the school uniform on the skinny man, he didn't take it off and put it on again.

It's just that it was robbed of a day, and it was already covered with dust, mud, water and blood stains, making it dirty and smelly, Zhang Kun felt disgusted in his heart.

He searched up and down, only found three copper coins on the skinny man, and was silent for a while.

A small figure behind him has already followed up, panting on his knees out of breath, with timid and hesitant eyes.

Zhang Kun shook his head and beckoned, "Come quickly."

He had already heard the creaking sound of the front door opening, took a few steps forward, dragged the girl to hide behind the stone pier, and bent over her to hide tightly.

The dim light shone in the alley, and the figures stretched long.

What came out was a tall, long-faced man with a ruler-length knife in his hand, looking left and right, a little sneaky.

"It's Beard, are they back?"

Someone in the room asked impatiently, and some wailing sounds came downwind.

The long-faced man looked around and hurriedly replied, "No, it might be a wild cat meowing."

"Then hurry up and stand at the door, worrying that others will not know..."


The long-faced man shrank back, and closed the door lightly again.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhang Kun breathed a sigh of relief. When he turned around, he found that his hands were shaking. No, it was the girl beside him who was dragging his arm shaking all over.

"Are you scared?"

"No, I'm not afraid at all, I'm very brave."

The girl said hastily.

Ha ha.

Zhang Kun chuckled, I will believe you if you don't knock your teeth.

In fact, he was quite satisfied.

Although the girl was timid, she still followed.

The most important thing is that when the girl was trembling just now, a golden shimmer invisible to the naked eye flew out of her head and plunged into the center of her eyebrows.

Not surprisingly, the dragon spirit increased a little.

【Name: Zhang Kun】

[Talent: Blood Bravery]

【Age: 17】

【Physique: 11】+
【Agility: 11】+
【Spirit: 10】+
【Martial Arts: Sanda (Beginner)】+
【Skills: language (beginner), mathematics (beginner), English (beginner), physics (beginner)...calligraphy (beginner), painting (beginner), table tennis (beginner)】

Dragon Qi: 1
Nethergate: (0.2% regression)

Zhang Kun's eyes stopped for a long time on his physique, agility, spirit and martial arts, and he thought about it.

I have already tried my physique. I added a little bit earlier to improve my physique. This is all-round, and the price/performance ratio is actually quite high.

Because, adding physical fitness not only enhances musculoskeletal strength, but also strength and immunity, all kinds of things related to physical fitness...

So, as the name suggests, adding points to agility should enhance speed and responsiveness, as well as short-distance flexibility, dodge attributes, and so on.

These two attributes, from speed to strength, to adaptability, are of great help to life preservation.

So, is the spiritual attribute to make yourself feel good and sleep less?
Or, does it have other magical uses?

The dragon energy points are too few, and they are too useful. Should I add constitution or agility?
Zhang Kun hesitated for a moment, but still turned his attention to the column of "Sansa" in martial arts.

Try this out.

Previously, because he had some foundation in Sanda and was surprised, he was able to easily knock down the "beard" and "thin man". Otherwise, if he failed to beat, the consequences would be very serious.

As a newcomer, life is so difficult, and I don't have any skills to defend myself, so I don't feel at ease.

Ideas converge on "Sansa".


The word "beginner" in Sanda has been blurred for a while, and it has become "proficient".

Numerous pictures of training and fighting came into my mind, as if I had experienced a long time of practice, such as straight punches, uppercuts, swing punches, side kicks, swirl kicks, and eye-piercing kicks. into instinct.

The body and consciousness are different, and it seems to be able to punch and kick from all directions, naturally.

This is proficiency?
Presumably, the awesome coach who paid me to teach me Sanda didn't even reach the level of proficiency.

There was a roar in Zhang Kun's mind, and he felt like his whole body was boiling, his blood was boiling hot, and a wave of energy emerged from the depths of his body's bone marrow, reaching all his limbs.

At the same time, he felt that his body was filled with an inexplicable force, his muscles and bones became tighter, and his body became lighter.

Stepping a few steps under the feet, from sudden action to sudden stillness... turning and jumping, it was much easier.

"Grass, it was a waste to add physique earlier. It turns out that the correct usage of dragon energy points is to add martial arts." '

Zhang Kun looked closely again, and found that with the addition of points, his Sanda has entered the proficiency stage. Not only has his hands and feet become particularly coordinated, he can shoot from any direction, and there are many more instinctive applications.

The most incredible thing is that his physique and agility have been added a little at the same time.

Now, his constitution has reached 12, and his agility has also reached 12...

This means that while his Sanda skills can skillfully use various tricks, his strength, speed, defense and responsiveness have been comprehensively improved.

If the physical agility at the 10 o'clock stage is the data of a normal adult, then Zhang Kun's physical fitness, speed and responsiveness have surpassed that of a normal strong adult by more than [-]%.

"Dragon Qi points are so useful, this girl contributed two points by herself..."

After adapting to his physical condition, when he looked at the young beggar next to him, Zhang Kun's eyes were full of love, as if he saw a baby.

It was so hot that the girl shrank her head again and again in fright, and almost buried her head in the ground.

Hearing the voice of the person in the room, it seemed that he was waiting for "Beard" to come back...

The strong man who was defeated earlier was full of beards, which may be the beards mentioned in the house, and the thin man also kept running to this side, certainly not without purpose.

Could it be that they are a group?

"Or, go and see?"

In fact, the safest thing to do is to leave immediately, but the very slight whimpering and crying sounded again in the house.

Hearing it in his ears, he couldn't move a little.

'Well, this is some kind of gang. With the style of thin men and beards, they must have done nothing good, so just take a look. '

After thinking about it, Zhang Kun picked up the stick again, held it in his hand, and quietly approached the door.

Looking through the crack of the door, you can see the smoke lingering inside...

The light of the oil lamp was dim, and the vision was somewhat blurred. The first thing that came into view was a fat man in commoner clothes with a white cloth wrapped around his head, offering incense.

Looking in the direction of worship, I saw a small wooden statue.

The wooden sculpture is only the size of a fist, black and black, with three heads and eight arms, and each head is grinning.

'Is this burning incense and worshiping God? '

'There is a circle behind the head, could it be the Buddha's light? Is there such a vicious Buddha statue? '

Zhang Kun looked away after only a couple of glances, thinking that this is still a gang with faith, and he should not be messed with.

As soon as he turned his gaze, he looked to the other side, his eyes turned cold.

Just now under the shadow of the oil lamp, I still couldn't see clearly, but now I looked carefully, and found that there were four or five small figures writhing on the ground.

That's a kid.

The whining sound came from there.

Several children couldn't tell the difference between male and female, and all of them stuffed their mouths with rags.

Two children's arms were twisted strangely, as if their bones were broken, and their forearms were dangling miserably, which was shocking.

The long-faced man was holding a leather whip at this time, and swung it down heavily, making a muffled sound.

There are two small ones, crawling around on the ground.

It seemed that the pain was so severe that he couldn't cry out.

"Those two families who are willing to pay, be gentle, it's not easy to ask for a price if it is broken; the other ones are left unattended, and the family has no money, so they will be put on the side of the overpass in two days to ask for money..."

The chubby man who respectfully burned incense and worshiped turned his head, his face was full of kindness, looked at the children rolling around on the ground, and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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