
Chapter 40 I'm an Actor

Chapter 40 I am an actor

Of course Zhang Kun didn't escape.

He was just impatiently watching the debate among the people in the Escort.

Things have already happened, and they don't want to fight back... On the contrary, they are scruples about this and fear that, and want to ask for a perfect solution, how is it possible?

Bandits don't have too many scruples, they kill as much as they want, and fight as much as they can.

Therefore, after a long time of good times, you will lose your blood and even your courage.

There are still some people who want to hand themselves over in exchange for the bandit's understanding. He really has nothing to say.

It can also be seen from the fear of the enemy and the cowardice of the people in the past, how heavy losses have been suffered by all the troops and horses of the imperial court in the wars with other countries... How frightened they are when facing foreign guns and cannons.

"The sea battle failed, and the land battle was another thousand miles away. They were all beaten to Zhili and to the gate of the capital... Some time ago, there was news that even the Jiaozhou Peninsula was lost. The court could only admit the reality and cut the land with their hands." lose money.Whether people or ghosts can take a bite of this huge country, what is the basis for it, it is foreign guns and cannons...'

'Thinking of it this way, it is not difficult to understand why they are afraid of foreign guns and cannons.This is the tragedy of warriors. After decades of hard training, it is really frustrating for them to be unable to resist a slight movement of the opponent's fingers. '

Fighting martial arts, bodyguards may not be too afraid.

However, hearing that the other party might have mastered a lot of foreign guns,
The faces of those people changed on the spot.

Zhang Kun could see clearly.

At the same time, he also saw a large group of people secretly looking at him...

'Is this hoping that I will take the initiative to top the tank?Sacrifice one of me, happy everyone, I see you big-headed ghost. '

Zhang Kun was a little disappointed after hearing a few words.

Immediately took Li Xiaowan away without a sound.

He didn't want to embarrass Wang Jingya, and he didn't want to let bloody men like Wang Zhongda face the baptism of foreign guns and crossbows.

No need.

It's really unnecessary.

After watching so many movies and TV shows, as well as so many fantasy fairy tales, why don't I understand that all enemies are paper tigers?
As long as the mind does not slip, there are more solutions than difficulties.

When facing difficulties, the first thing to think about is not to escape, nor to be afraid, but to face up to difficulties and be proactive. This is the only way to solve problems.

Not for anything else.

Even if it is to return the favor of that big girl Wang Xiaoya.

"Take me into the Escort Bureau and teach martial arts wholeheartedly. You really treat me like your own relatives."In ancient times, high and low counted as a kindness to know one another, and one must sacrifice one's life to repay it... Although modern people don't pay much attention to this, I, Zhang Kun, am not ungrateful.One person does things and one person is responsible. Since this matter started because I killed Zhao Bao.Then, it's up to me.For a while, Grandpa took over. '

Zhang Kun's eyes were bloodshot quietly, and he returned to his home silently.

"Cousin, cousin, do you want to glue your beard?" Li Xiaowan asked timidly.

"No need this time, take out my book long robe. Yes, it's the white one, and the fake braids, the bookcase..."

Zhang Kun touched Li Xiaowan's head and said with a smile: "Actually, Dr. Yang of An Ren Tang takes good care of you. I can see that he doesn't just treat you as an apprentice in the medicine hall, but for other reasons... ...If, I mean, if, I don't come back, you can go to An Ren Tang."

"Cousin, can't you not go?"

Li Xiaowan's voice was a little choked up, her eyes were red, and she looked at Zhang Kun.

These days, those who are close to each other have long been used to being by my side without knowing it... Don't worry about everything, all the suffering and danger seem to be far away from me.

Since the "storm" hit that day, she has never had this kind of peace of mind.

Really, I don't want to give up, and I don't want to lose this kind of life.

I don't want to see that kind of consequences.

"It's okay. Although the world is big, there are not so many smart people. Trust me. Do you remember how I taught you to beg for money? Haha, there are many fools. If I, Zhang Kun, are tricked by these fools , will it make the 14 billion compatriots laugh out loud?"

What 14 billion compatriots, Li Xiaowan didn't understand, just thought Zhang Kun was talking nonsense to explain himself.

He didn't say any more at the moment, silently took out a change of clothes, and tied Zhang Kun's fake braids.Dressed up as a scholar coming to Beijing to catch the exam.

It seems that there is no violation at all.


"You, 100 taels, shopkeeper Li, of course I recognize him, and I've seen him several times. Pay the money, we're familiar with each other, and we still have to follow the rules."

A bare-chested man with a full face and a knife in his hand said with a strange smile.

The middle-aged man with a chubby face and a mandarin gown bowed his head and held up the silver, with a bitter expression on his face: "Master Jiu, why do you add filial piety? After this trip, my whole family will have to drink the wind..."

"Stop complaining to me, who doesn't know that you Baoyuzhai sell stones as treasures, and you can make a lot of money. The toll is only 100 taels, and you are taking advantage of it."

The shirtless man impatiently pulled the shopkeeper Li away, let go of the seven or eight people including the carriage and entourage, and walked towards Zhang Kun: "Scholar? I hate scholars the most...the heart is vicious, and I can't do shit. Said, it can make money. If it weren't for you people, I wouldn't be able to stay in my hometown. Ten taels of silver, let you go there."

"Could it be less?" Zhang Kun felt a pain in his face as he took out his purse.

"Stop talking nonsense, just say a few more words, and you don't have to go anywhere. It just so happens that there are still a few teachers missing in Crouching Tiger Village."

"All right, I'll give it."

After paying the money, Zhang Kun also seemed to be chasing sheep. He was chased by a few bandits and flowed through the col along with the people.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw some corpses laying around on the ground, with blood flowing in patches.

These people have arrow wounds, gunshot wounds, and, of course, more injuries from blade lacerations...

'Not only was the ambush, but afterward, regardless of whether he was dead or not, he was stabbed. '

Zhang Kun's heart was cold, but his eyelids were slightly drooping and dull.

He is now playing the role of a scholar who went to Beijing to rush for the exam, but lost his name.

News came from my hometown that my mother was seriously ill, so I had to hurry back...

His figure was originally slender, with a long robe on his body and a bookcase on his back, and his whole body and face exuded a refined and elegant aura.

Even if he himself said that he was not a scholar, no one would believe him.

Therefore, the bandit who stopped the road to collect money didn't even think about searching him for weapons.

Of course, he didn't bring a knife.

Regarding acting, Zhang Kun has always believed that whether the acting skills are good or not is not too important, the most important thing is to be dedicated.

The attitude must first be correct.

Not far in front of him, on a tall wooden stake, half-hanged a tall, bald middle-aged man.

The whole body of this man was limp and paralyzed, with bloodstains all over his body, his head was lowered, and his eyes were dull.

It should be the head of Yuan Guangyao's bodyguard, the well-known Xingyi Huquan Anjin master of Yuanshun Bodyguard Bureau...

It is said that he was born in the Dongshan area of ​​North Zhili, where he beat someone to death, was hunted down by the government, and fled to the capital to seek a living.He joined Yuanshun because he admired the martial arts and loyalty of Dasao Wang Wu.

He is capable and forthright, so he is respected by some bodyguards.

This time, Cao Yin was escorted back to Beijing from Jiaxing, and it was also a secret escort, and outsiders didn't know it.

On the bright side, it was actually escorting a batch of grain from Yuanfeng Trading Company, which would not have attracted bandits in the first place.

Unexpectedly, not far from the capital, he was ambushed at the door of his house.He didn't make much use of his abilities, so he was beaten half to death by foreign guns and captured.

Zhang Kun just glanced at it, didn't look any further, and followed the flow of people.

In my heart, I was silently estimating the terrain...

On the left is a sharp-edged hillside like a blade, which is not easy to stand on.

The hillside on the right is gentle, with shadowy figures on it, and deep in the woods, there are loud chatter and laughs.

Thinking of listening to what the executioner said in the escort agency earlier.

The most deterrent of this group of bandits is not Zhao Snake, the leader of the Second Village, nor his several big bosses. A few people can stop it.

There are more than two hundred bandits and bandits. They can be regarded as mobs.

The key issue is that on the top of the roadside hillside, hidden in the depths of the forest, the seven or eight foreign guns are sparsely hidden...

There are also a few strong crossbows.

Taking advantage of the fact that the eyes of the people traveling with him were not on him, Zhang Kun's figure flickered slightly, and he ran into the woods as lightly as a civet cat, and groped up the hillside.

(End of this chapter)

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