
Chapter 59 Shield

Chapter 59 Shield

"This batch of ginseng pills has been urgently urged by the palace. The matter is of great importance. You must not slack off. If they are all safe and sound within three days of refining the medicine, you will definitely be paid a lot."

The old butler Zhao stepped forward, and in a few words, he explained the mission and rewards of the escort mission.

Don't let them care about the rest, just deposit the goods.

Moreover, guard during the pharmaceutical period to prevent Xiaoxiao from coming to make trouble.

"Isn't it just to make medicine? Yongjitang's Baoshen Pills are selling very well and have saved many lives. Is there anyone who is not open-eyed and wants to ruin the pharmaceutical business?"

Wang Jingya grinned and said: "For this matter, Yuanshun and Guiyou's two major bodyguard agencies need to jointly dispatch, why do I seem to be making a fuss out of a molehill?"

Generally speaking, the Escort Bureau accepts business, and it is not what the owner says.

Sometimes, you have to know the inside story roughly, and you also need to know where the possible dangers come from?

How strong is the opponent?

Otherwise, if the eyes are smeared, it is very likely that the bodyguard will be disadvantaged and be taken advantage of by the enemy.

Wang Jingya is rough on the outside and subtle on the inside, and she is getting used to being outspoken on weekdays. When she was young, she also heard a lot of various ways of the world, and now she asked out her doubts.

"You only need to be bodyguards, and you don't need to go out of the city. It's a very simple matter, why is it so troublesome? It's irrelevant, so don't ask more questions."

Next to the old butler Zhao was a man with a fat body like a mountain of meat, holding a strange-shaped blade with sharp branches in both hands.

He stepped forward impatiently and said.

Although this person is strong in stature, when he walks, he is very light, falling to the ground silently, faintly feeling like he is about to pounce.

Like a white-fronted big tiger with hanging eyes and lurking claws and claws.

During this period of time, Zhang Kun often makes up lessons, and he has seen what he has learned from a hundred schools of thought. He likes to listen to some old escorts talk about ancient times.

It can be seen that this fat man should practice the Xingyi Tiger Fist, and the weapon he holds is the Qilin knife... This kind of knife is cut with a hook, and it is best at breaking spears and formations.

Especially in a small space, take advantage of it.

"Since Master Lei said so, let's just do it and don't ask any more questions. I have heard for a long time that Hejian Leihu has not only acquired the true meaning of the tiger boxing, but also has the Qilin Eight Styles very well. There will definitely be no mistakes."

Luo Yupu, member of the Escort Bureau, arched his hands forward, and a smile appeared on his dark face, "I don't know what the rules are next? Please explain in detail."

"Master Luo is polite, I feel at ease with you here. There are my guards on the inner perimeter. As the leader of the Wang family's guards, it is natural to take care of the safety of the master's family. Master Luo and others will guard the outer perimeter to prevent thieves Just get close."

While talking, he glanced at Zhang Kun and the others, and said, "It's just that these kids haven't debuted for a long time, so they may be curious about many things, and I hope Master Luo can give you some pointers."

"That's natural."

Luo Yupu didn't have much to say, and looked at Wang Jingya and Zhang Kun with a slight warning, obviously telling them not to be troublesome.

"Is that Doctor Wang? He didn't come forward to speak, but just sent a housekeeper and the head of the nursing home to deal with us?"

Zhang Kun glanced at the old man walking in front of the team, seeing him getting into the carriage without saying a word, feeling puzzled.

Not to mention that these people have a high status in the world, at least they are not unknown people.When the bodyguards were invited, the master's airs were placed high, as if he didn't pay enough attention to it.

Could it be that this short-distance dart trip was just a cover, and people like myself were not as important as imagined?
"Well, it's like this for doctors. They usually have eyes above the top...Wang Taihe has been an imperial physician for many years and has a great reputation in the capital. Mostly touted by dignitaries...

In particular, he has now been promoted to the fifth rank left court judge, he can go in and out of the deep palace at any time, and has won the favor of the empress dowager and the emperor.This kind of person, do you think he can talk to us mud legs? "

Li Yaocheng is very good at checking his face. When he saw Zhang Kun looking at the doctor Wang, he guessed what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "Brothers are not used to it for the first time. You may often see the face of a dignitary in the future." , and gradually you will see the strangeness. We are not so generous in making a living."

Yes, in the eyes of the Escort itself, the business is broad, the friends are all over the world, and the fame is really a meal.

However, in the eyes of some officials, it is still not on the stage...

Even if you can fight no matter how many people you have, you are still a member of the lower Liba.

Of course, don't worry about it.


"Received the goods, let's put out the flag."

After walking for about half an hour, a group of people came to the base of the south gate wall, and a family of three entered the courtyard.

After waiting for a while, another four carriages came out, and the carriages were tightly sealed.

Although the escort flags were erected on the horse, Huiyou and Yuanshun escorts still had no chance to get close to the five carriages.

Qilin Dao Luohu led a dozen or so guards, and guarded the carriages around them, preventing people from approaching at all.

Zhang Kun also noticed that six of the ten or so nursing homes were equipped with foreign guns.What's more, it's a new type of gun, not like the self-produced guns used in the army by the imperial court, but somewhat similar to the ones that Zhang Kun captured in Crouching Tiger Village.

I don't know if it was bought from the Eagle Country, or from the Li Country, or from the Federation of Will.

'It seems that the imperial court knew that their own firearms were not good enough, and that's right, successive failures in foreign wars were not accidental.The quality of soldiers is not as good as that of others. This is the reason, and the gap in weapons cannot be ignored.At this time, even the common people began to try their best to buy weapons in the hands of foreigners, and the people of insight in the court should start training new troops. '

'Later, the classmate Yuan Shuangcheng, who made a big splash and stepped onto the stage of history step by step, should have also emerged... It seems that he also supports the reform. I wonder if he will be with Mr. Wang at this time?Or, have you come to the capital? '

Surrounded by some big rough.

Zhang Kun really didn't have many channels to understand the specific affairs above the court.

The historical knowledge he learned at the beginning was not as good as some interesting unofficial histories he saw on the Internet, so he could only understand a little bit of superficial knowledge.

He also didn't have a clear understanding of the location of the characters at this time, as well as the industrial level and military strength, and most of them relied on guessing.

With these superfluous thoughts in his mind, Zhang Kun acted like a car step by step and followed along.

This dart is really boring.

He seriously suspected that people like himself were drawn out to show the "cards."

If it wasn't for enough money, he would have tried to persuade classmate Wang Xiaoya to quit the mission.

Fame or something is actually not important to him.

Escort, not all business must be accepted.

"Strange, the ruts are very deep, and they keep shaking. Is it people or goods?" Wang Xiaoya asked softly, holding two eight-edged purple gold hammers, as if casually.

"Keep your voice down, there's something wrong with this matter, finish betting on the darts early, do your part, and don't get too involved."

After all, Luo Yupu, the head of the bodyguard, was steady, so he said something in a low voice.

Wang Jingya curled her lips and said nothing more.

Quiet all the way.

Sure enough, it was a short-distance escort, and it took another half an hour, but this time it arrived at the back door of the Green Willow Villa.

(End of this chapter)

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