
Chapter 65 Seven Stars Kill

Chapter 65
Zhang Kun opened the box and took out the silver needle.

This was prepared by Li Xiaowan in advance.

According to her, Zhang Kun was out on a mission without a doctor accompanying him, so if he had a headache or got injured accidentally, he could prick his acupoints with silver needles.

Some acupuncture points can indeed relieve pain.

Of course Zhang Kun would.

Of course, there was another reason, which Li Xiaowan didn't mention, but Zhang Kun also knew.

These seven silver needles can actually stimulate the acupuncture points of the brain and stimulate the potential of the body again. If you really encounter a desperate situation, you can kill your life.

If the seven needles penetrate into the hidden acupoint of the brain at the same time, the effect will be even more explosive than the "remnant heart" secret method in the martial arts pools of various schools.

It's just that the duration is shorter, and the power and speed erupt two or three times within three seconds, which can be called the only secret method for a Jedi comeback.

According to Li Xiaowan, this is a kind of acupuncture she found in the secret chapter of "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic". It seems to be called the "Seven Star Snatching Needle", which can take people's lives as well as their own.

Generally speaking, from the first needle to the sixth needle, the attack and defense can be doubled...

If only one needle is inserted, it can support twenty breaths, and if the sixth needle is inserted, it can also support six breaths.

As long as the seven needles are not taken at once, after the event, I can slowly recover my vitality with tonics and lie in bed for a period of time, and there will be no major sequelae.

However, if the "Seven Star Killing Needle" is pierced with seven needles, the damage to the body will be too great.

They could only support three breaths, and they burst out with extremely strong potential. Moreover, according to historical records, those who used needles all collapsed and died within three hours after the incident.

Zhang Kun is also very puzzled sometimes.

Why did Li Xiaowan have so much confidence in herself, not afraid that the seven-star needle would take her own life away?
He doubted that this girl might know some secrets about him.

Just never say it, keep it in your heart.

When I first came here, I was lying in the abandoned garden, dying... Even a doctor with a hairy foot can actually judge that kind of injury. Whether he can survive or not depends on the sky.

The medicine Li Xiaowan bought at An Ren Tang was not a panacea.Even if it works, it works slowly.

To heal the injury, it will definitely take a very long time to cultivate.

However, under her nose, one couldn't breathe, Zhang Kun's injuries disappeared completely, and his illness healed.

It's like a myth.

Some things, you say no, he has.

Just like the way Zhang Kun appeared, and the miracle of recovery from injuries.

No matter how dull Li Xiaowan's brain is, she must have been thinking...

It's just that she is a sensible girl. If Zhang Kun doesn't say anything, she will pretend to be confused.

This "seven-star life-killing needle" is inherited by doctors' cunning way. For others, using this acupuncture method is the right way to kill.

However, if Zhang Kun uses it, Li Xiaowan knows that there is no major problem.

As long as he doesn't die on the spot, maybe he has a way to recover quickly.

I just don't know what kind of means it will be.

With this kind of cheating means of turning things around, Zhang Kun will not be too worried when she is out of the house.

Don't be afraid that once he goes out, he won't be able to go back.

'I'm still slowly proficient in this set of acupuncture, and I'm only sure about the first two needles...mainly in the recognition of acupoints, I have a little psychological barrier, and I don't dare to do it at will.This is the head, if you accidentally pierce it wrongly, what should you do if it is too heavy? '

Zhang Kun had this set of acupuncture techniques, but he carried the silver needles with him. As a last resort, he had to rush the ducks to the shelves and try it out.

Of course it's not there yet.

There are no obstacles to other acupuncture methods such as hemostasis, sealing acupuncture points, healing wounds, and dredging channels.

With his eyes closed, he can give the needle without any mistakes, and the effect is still very good.

After all, no matter how you say it, he can be regarded as a doctor who is "proficient" in medical skills.

In some small towns, if the requirements are not too high, the poor people can already be called "miracle doctors".

"I'd better let Xiao Wanzhi, it's not very good here."

Zhang Kun has done a good job of mental construction, but Wang Xiaoya is struggling.

There was a trace of blush on her pale face, weak and pleading.

"What's good? There is no difference between men and women in front of the doctor. Take it off."

Zhang Kun scowled.

You know it's good to be afraid, and it's better to know that it's shy, so you have to have a good memory.

Is it necessary to fight so desperately?
Hold on, hold on for a while, and I'll be here.

As a result, a hole was poked out in the stomach, and the game was almost over.


Wang Jingya plucked up the courage to take off her clothes, but she stretched her hands to the buttons of the buttons, and then retracted them, feeling a little at a loss.

The main reason is that the location of the injury is very delicate.

It hurts in the lower abdomen, you can't just lift the top, the pants have to be pulled down...it's kind of awkward.


A laugh came from behind.

Zhang Kun and the two turned their heads to look.

He saw that Li Yaocheng was still pale, his eyes hurt, and his head was unnaturally turned to one side.

It's really inappropriate to laugh out loud at this time, Master Ni is dead.

Sensing the gazes of the two, Li Yaocheng covered his mouth, coughed a few times, walked over to carry Luo Yupu's body on his back, turned around and was about to leave, and said in a deep voice, "People from the Yuanshun Escort are coming soon, you need to stop the bleeding Just hurry up, sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, don't pay so much attention."

After speaking, he carried the people away.

Even if he didn't say anything, Zhang Kun could see that his feet were a little vain, with one foot tall and the other shallow.

The previous life-and-death fight had exhausted Li Yaocheng's physical and mental strength, which was obviously more serious than what he saw.

As a result, he didn't dare to stay longer, for fear of other accidents.

The on-site follow-up processing will be handed over to Yuanshun Escort Bureau.

Including sending these poor kids home.

Even if the child couldn't find a home, didn't Yuanshun Escort Bureau open a father's martial arts school?They can also be adopted and taught Chinese and martial arts.

"Okay, no one is watching, only doctors and patients... well, I'll do it myself."

While talking, Zhang Kun took a steel knife, slapped it, and cut off the bloody clothes and pants around the wound.

The wound looks like a child's mouth, which looks a little scary.

Fortunately, it only punctured the flesh and did not hurt the internal organs, so that's okay.

Zhang Kun's acupuncture is like flying, hemostasis, unblocking the veins, locking the painful nerves...

After the acupuncture, Wang Xiaoya's complexion improved a lot, and she said with a smile: "I didn't see it, Zhang Kun, your medical skills are really good, the needles are delivered so quickly, it seems to be faster than Xiaowan, my wound will not leave scars Bar?"

Talk and go.

Are you concerned about scars?
"will not."

Zhang Kun replied dumbly.

"Even martial arts will not be affected, but until the wound heals, don't move around for a few days, and don't exert your energy."

"That's inconvenient..."

Seeming to have thought of something, Wang Jingya was tangled up again, frowning into a ball.

People always have three urgencies, you can't move this, you can't move that, isn't it...

"Let Xiaowan help at that time, even if you want me to help you, I won't do it."

"Zhang Kun, you are going to die."

This time, classmate Wang Xiaoya couldn't hold back her airs any more, she just broke her kung fu, and even her neck was red.

(End of this chapter)

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