
Chapter 67

Chapter 67
"The slave deserves to die, the slave is ineffective, please punish the Lafayette."

Cui Yuming was lying in front of the jade steps, crying like a child weighing more than a hundred pounds, with tears and snot in his eyes, weak and helpless.

"Damn you, I told you not to engage in such crooked ways, but you didn't listen. This is good, someone caught your pigtails. A few chaotic parties can make you feel ashamed, what a waste."

Behind the bead curtain, after saying this sentence, there was no more sound, only the light knocking of tea cups.

Cui Yuming waited for a while, but gave no further instructions...

With a sigh of relief, he raised his head, and saw Eunuch Li, the chief executive, stepping out of the bead curtain, winked, and Cui Yuming hurriedly followed out of Changchun Palace.

"Eunuch Li..."

Cui Yuming did something wrong, and he didn't care about competing with Eunuch Li at this time, so he asked quickly: "What is the meaning of Lafayette, the Queen Mother, and can I intervene in this matter?"

He wiped the tears off his face, his eyes were full of viciousness: "Damn it, those rebels are so bold, they dare to spread the news randomly, and they will never stop doing this matter. Master Yin, what can you say?"

"Don't even think about it, is Master Yin someone we can call around at will? It's an eventful time, people's rumors are very tight, and reformers are uniting with courtiers to find gaps. At this time, there must be no mistakes. What you make yourself, you can do it yourself. Let's make peace, don't disturb the Empress Dowager's support."

Eunuch Li looked kindly and kindly, but he didn't scold Cui Yuming, but just sighed: "Yuming, you have to remember, we are slaves to make the master feel at ease and comfortable... If you can't handle the errand, let the master come Take the blame. Do you think this is the reason?"

"Yes, yes, Eunuch Li taught the truth. Of course, Master Yin must protect Lafayette. I will find a way to do this on my own, and I will never get involved in the palace."

Cui Yuming was beaten with a few words and was sweating profusely.

Like a man who fell into the water grasping the last straw, he quickly promised himself to calm down the matter. After saluting, he turned around and left.

"Hold on."

Eunuch Li shook his head: "You take Langyong Batulu and lead a team of personal guards out. Don't disturb the military guards. At this time, the capital must be absolutely chaotic. Also, this matter only punishes the culprit, don't involve too much. Especially at the Yuanshun Escort Bureau. I heard that Yuan Shuangcheng has been successful in training troops and won the trust of His Majesty. Now the new army at Xiaozhan is stationed around, gathering attention from all directions, and even the foreign military officers have passed. Once things get serious, they will become the laughing stock of all nations .”

"I understand."

Cui Yuming really understood this time.

"Also, Li Changsheng's family, have you got it?"

"No, it's just that I saw a person that day, who was suspected to be his son Li Sicheng, and together with the rebels attacked Wang Taiyi, and finally disappeared. It was his daughter Li Wenyuan, who changed her name and changed her shape, so it was very difficult to find. Unexpectedly, the clue was broken."

"This matter is the most important thing. Be more careful... Even if it gets out about the little things about children, no one pays attention to it. On the contrary, the Empress Dowager's personal morality cannot be tarnished. If the news leaks, you know What will be the consequences."

Eunuch Li said earnestly.

At that time, if any unbearable words come out, everyone will lose their heads.

It's not just the family of Li Changsheng, the imperial physician of Miemen.

"Yes, yes. It's a small thing to save." Cui Yuming's face turned pale when he heard it, and he responded with all his mouth.

Eunuch Li didn't speak harshly, but it put him under great pressure.

I used to think about it, this guy looks a bit useless, he only knows how to be submissive.Now it seems that the other party is really clever.

I have done so many things by jumping up and down, and made many mistakes.

When it really comes to a critical moment, if you pull it out, you will die... On the contrary, the opponent sits high on the Diaoyutai and remains invincible.

After standing in front of the palace gate and waiting for a while, I saw a burly, mountain-shaped bald man, wearing iron armor, holding a yellow stick with a thick wrist, walking over.

Behind him were four men with deep eagle eyebrows and thin braids.

Just five people walking forward, there is a kind of arrogance and boldness.

"Lord Lang, I'm sorry for your trouble this time."

"It's all for Lafayette, so there's nothing to say. It's just that Eunuch Cui, just a few quack boxers, forced you to lose your face and flee to the palace in a hurry? This is too ridiculous. Why don't you Specify where you live, wait for me to come directly to the door to arrest someone, and see who dares to stop you?"

"It's absolutely impossible. That man is highly skilled in martial arts. Once he strikes a grass and scares the snake, he may flee immediately. Then it will be difficult to catch. Besides, the other party is holding a foreign gun and has good marksmanship. Don't be careless."

Seeing that Lang Yong still didn't care too much, he knew that after being proclaimed "Batulu" by the queen mother, he became a little defiant...

Normally, he would always be dissatisfied with Master Yin, the boxing master, thinking that he would not be his opponent in a bloody killing field, and it was not a skill to try to learn from each other.

When Manzhou entered the customs, its warriors thought they were the winners, and it was not uncommon for them to look down on the people of the world.

However, although this guy is a bit arrogant, he is still very capable.

As a fourth-rank guard with a knife, he brings a group of close brothers, so there is no need to offend him.

Just coax him to do things.

"Okay, whenever you do it, just say hello."

Lang Yong shook his head, greeted some of his subordinates, and went out to drink.

Cui Yuming stood on the spot and thought for a while, then coughed lightly, with bloodshot eyes still hanging from the corner of his mouth.

He was wounded in his internal organs by a knife, although he was protected by the golden silk armor, he was not seriously injured.However, in order to sell miserably, he didn't heal his injuries, so he rushed into the Changchun Palace, crying and praying, and at this moment he was a little dizzy.

"Xiaochunzi, you go..."

After he gave an order, he suddenly woke up, remembering that Xiaochunzi and Xiaodongzi had died in Luliuzhuang, and they must have been the same as Wang Taihe at this time, and their bodies could not be found.

Feeling tired for a while, Cui Yuming sighed, and pointed to a young eunuch who accompanied him: "Go, you go and check the follow-up of the matter. If you can't get it right, go to the patrol camp and call Chen Fengming to see me. Last birthday , He also sent a picture of a hundred birds, he is a knowledgeable and interesting person."

"Yes, father-in-law."


After Zhang Kun handed over the follow-up work of Luliuzhuang to Yuanshun Escort, he called a carriage and took Wang Jingya back to his own medical clinic, Baicaotang.

The name of the hospital is grand.

In fact, the medicine is really not complete.

On weekdays, it only treats some common diseases, and does not use too many rare medicinal materials.

The poor people at this time are really suffering from a serious illness, and they can't last long, let alone come to the medical clinic to seek medical treatment.

And those patients who can delay for a long time and come to Zhang Kun's clinic by chance are mostly suffering from poor diseases.

In the words of later generations, it is malnutrition.

Prescribe a few prescriptions, soothe meridians and activate collaterals... tonify blood and qi, and within a day or two, the disease will be cured by [-]%.

For the rest, prescribe the right medicine, and it won't be long before you can go to work in the fields.

After curing a group of patients, the reputation of Baicaotang directly resounded throughout the West Banbi block at the speed of an airplane.Compared with An Ren Tang, it is not much better.

The reason is naturally very simple.

Now that Li Xiaowan has money, she no longer cares about the broken silver, and has become more generous.

Xu is the experience of having nowhere to ask for advice and almost starving to death. This girl is extremely unwilling to see others suffer.After treating patients, not to mention earning money, sometimes they have to pay family property.

Collecting a few copper coins for a symbol is not even comparable to the change of medicine money, let alone spending a lot of energy on acupuncture.

Can this reputation be bad?
Zhang Kun didn't care about Li Xiaowan's actions at all, but rather agreed with them.

'Anyway, I opened this clinic not to earn some money, but to help the suffering poor people. '

Zhang Kun looked at the dragon energy point in his attribute column, thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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