
Chapter 69

Chapter 69
Grain store, Dashilan...

In the Escort Bureau of the Friends, more and more people gathered, and everyone looked serious.

Except for the escorts who were walking outside, almost all who could come came.

Including several deputy chief escorts are also there.

"Confused, really confused." Sensing the solemn atmosphere around him, a trace of melancholy flashed in Song Caichen's eyes, but his face was flushed with anger, pointing at his disciple Li Yaocheng and scolding him.

He is not a direct descendant of the Escort Bureau, but he came to Beijing from Beihe to join the members... He brought his disciples here, of course, because he had practiced with the Divine Fist Song Lun for a period of time when he was young, so he had a bit of affection.

Since he is not a direct descendant, he naturally doesn't have much weight to speak about. In fact, his boxing skills are not ranked among the brothers of the same generation.

But it was a coincidence that his own disciple got the "Shenquan" respected by the old man. He met him once and taught the essence of Sanhuang Boxing, and even passed on Zilong's 36-point big gun.A set of Coiled Snake Spear and a set of Pear Blossom Spear are combined together, which is exquisite.

Therefore, after three years of hard training, Li Yaocheng became well-known in the capital when he was a weak champion.

Just such an outstanding disciple, no matter how you look at it, he is the leader of Huiyou Escort.

It is generally up to him to keep the family business and make a name for himself.

This time, I didn't expect that there would be such a big mistake.

"Yes, the disciple was flustered for a while, but he didn't have time to react in the future, so that the uncle was killed by a foreign gun... The disciple is really incompetent, so I went back to face the wall..."

Li Yaocheng is not a pedantic person, when he saw the posture in the hall, his mind became numb.

At this time, why don't you take advantage of the master's words and run away immediately.

'It's no good to stay here. '

Sure enough, as soon as he spoke, a voice rang out: "Wait a minute, Martial Nephew Li, let me ask you. Even if you couldn't stop Junior Brother Luo when you received the black dart, there was a conflict afterwards. Why did you see Changchun Palace?" The second manager, Eunuch Cui, did not retreat, but turned hostile to him? Do you know that when Ruyin came, he provoked the upper body and dragged the members of the Escort Bureau into trouble?"

The one who spoke was Zhang Chonghua, the third-ranked deputy head of the security guard, the "Camel Lion".

The figure of this person is very tall, but for some reason, he always bends forward during boxing practice, with his chest and back drawn, giving people a feeling that he is ready to pounce on prey at any time.

In addition, he was born with a lion's nose and wide mouth, mighty momentum, and even a shaggy beard, which earned him a reputation as a camel and lion in the world.

Song Lun, the chief bodyguard of Megatron now, "Shenquan" is old and can't easily appear in front of others. Most of the time he spends his time recuperating and practicing, hoping to go further, to gather energy and blood, and prolong his life...

It's not about the Destroyer Sect's business, and the disciples won't bother him.

Although the Escort was dead, he was still an extremely important head of the Escort, so obviously he could not be considered extinct.So, a few apprentices gathered together to express their sorrow, and then opened a land and water dojo, and after the matter was settled, they could be sent out.

If the death is suffocating, a large number of people will be sent to the Escort to seek revenge.

With the prestige of Quan Escort, comfort the deceased Quan Xia's peace.

People in the rivers and lakes come and go in the wind and rain, and it is inevitable that one will not end well.

It is not a very unusual thing.

However, this time there was a bad thing, Luo Yupu died, but he died not very honorably.

These bodyguard heads and bodyguard masters couldn't even find a target for revenge.

To be precise, he dare not take revenge.

It's all right not to dare to take revenge, but also to worry about other people's revenge, what's the point of this?
Li Yaocheng was a little helpless, sighed, squeezed out a smile and said: "Master, you are right, but in that case, anyone with a little blood will not be able to get away. Everyone knows that the people are so innocent. , What's wrong with those children? Why did they end up in such a pitiful situation? It's fine if they don't see it, I can pretend to be dead and ignore it, my nephew, but since I have encountered it, how can I do nothing?"

The more he spoke, the higher his tone was, and his brows and eyes were full of sharpness, like a silver gun behind his back.

Not to mention Eunuch Cui, even if the emperor and queen mother were here, he might dare to shoot.

"I just hate, hate my own weak strength, no spare power, joined forces with Zhang Kun and Zhang brothers from Yuanshun Escort Bureau to kill the enemy, and cut the remnants of evil ways and villains under swords and guns."

"Presumptuous, Yao Cheng, why did you talk to Master Uncle? You still haven't backed down." Song Caichen's face turned dark, and he quickly stopped the conversation, but it was too late.

"Yes, the disciple retire."

Li Yao became a donkey down the slope, and didn't pay much attention to the black face of "Camel Lion" Zhang Chonghua's uncle. After saluting, he immediately turned and left, but no one stopped him.

Obviously, they didn't have a good way to deal with this matter and Li Yaocheng.

You can say that he is very good at shooting darts, but he just teamed up with others and killed his employer.At the same time, he offended the nobles in the palace.

You say he is incompetent, he really doesn't...

One shot at a time, blocking the red lotus monster's tea kung fu, the general will pass a hundred moves and retreat completely.With such a record, who dares to say that he is incompetent?
Although the reputation of the Red Lotus Demon Dao "Lotus Heart Venerable" is not very good, everyone present recognizes her strength.

Even the three deputy chief escorts dare not say that they can definitely beat him one-on-one.

That's an old boxer who has accumulated dark strength for many years, with sophisticated methods and profound skills, and he has lost countless ruthless people who have become famous heroes in the world under his hands.

Not to mention the younger generation, even an old boxer at the peak of Anjin, it would be very dangerous to meet him.

Dozens of bodyguards in the hall were all whispering, some were disapproving, some were filled with righteous indignation, and some were so excited that they almost called out.

"In the name of the silver gun, I just saw the strength of character today. If I were present, I would not be able to see Mrs. Wang and that beast acting like this."

"It's a pity that Uncle Luo died before he was able to leave his master. He died disgracefully under a foreign gun. It's really a disgrace to my generation of warriors."

Those who practice boxing will die under the punches, so they will naturally live and die without complaint...the skills are inferior to others, there is nothing to say.

However, after decades of constant cold and heat, a whole body of kung fu acquired through painstaking practice was ruined between the fingers of a few ordinary people, which is embarrassing.

Thinking of the long guns and cannons in the hands of foreigners, and thinking of the calls from all sides for a full re-equipment of foreign guns and cannons in every city and county, all martial arts practitioners felt an unbearable sense of suffocation.

The times have changed, what is the way out in the future?
It's useless to practice martial arts. In the future, it's better to buy a foreign gun and practice the trick of pulling your fingers.

"Now, the capital is full of excitement. In addition to the Golden Monkey and the Silver Spear, there are also Baquan and Crazy Swords... In less than a day, the names of the Four Talents in the capital have already been heard like thunder. I don't know where it came from. What kind of conspiracy does the news have?"

(End of this chapter)

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