
Chapter 73 Both Shengyu and He Shengliang

Chapter 73 Both Shengyu and He Shengliang

The gates of the city were opened.

The city guards who guarded the gate seemed to have been informed, so they withdrew early, and even called the merchants and people in front of the gate to make way.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes, everyone was secretly startled.

His face was terrified.

Some were crying and howling, some were running around like headless chickens, and some were crouching on the spot with their heads in their arms and pretending to be dead.

Of course, those who are quick-witted have already taken three steps and two steps to hide on street corners and walls.Quietly watching this team of murderous cavalry roar past.

Along the road, he trampled to death two blind middle-aged mud legs blocking the middle of the road, and knocked into the air a young beggar who was running around and yelling in circles. A little bit of blood splashed, and the horse team left the city gate.

"It's a patrol camp. I don't know if they caught the trace of some Jiangyang bandit... Haha, those stupid birds don't know how to dodge, and even block the road. I laughed so hard."

"How did I see that there are a few of them who are the imperial guards, wearing heavy armor, covering their entire body. Which kind of strong thief did they encounter?"


When it came to the guards, the voices of the people who were discussing became quieter.

This kind of person's actions usually involve matters related to the inner court...

They are small people, no matter they are poor or have a little money, they can't get involved, and they have to be careful when talking about it.

"Don't you know the one in front of you? It's Cui Yuming, the second general manager of Changchun Palace, Eunuch Cui, known as 'Xiao Luocheng'. Beside him is Chen Fengming, who was born in the Escort Bureau and is a master of the Three Emperors Boxing and Pear Blossom Spear. He is also a master of Yijin. Boxer. It is rumored that this person is not as good as the 'Silver Spear' Li Yaocheng, and may even have a deeper level of cultivation... This time he brought out all the elite from West Street and Ten Squares, and he must have seen the great credit."

"Yeah, this guy is very shrewd. He's a master who doesn't see a rabbit and doesn't shoot an eagle. He's desperate to bring out all the strong players under his command. He must have his own measure, and he will never suffer a loss."

"I don't care about Eunuch Cui and Chen Fengming. Does anyone recognize the guards immediately?"

"I don't know, what kind of imperial guards are they? They are guards with knives in front of the imperial court? Look at the bright yellow on the collar of the leader... This man in a yellow mandarin jacket is obviously one of the fourth-rank imperial guards with knives." [-]. Judging from his appearance, he has an eagle nose and deep eyes. He is not like ordinary people. If he guesses correctly, he should be one of the two Batulus. I wonder if it is Lang Yong or Chahala?"

A middle-aged man with the appearance of a Confucian scholar stroked his black beard and said in a deep voice.

"I seem to remember that one of the Four Talents in the capital, Gong Baosen, the Golden Monkey, is also a fourth-rank imperial guard with a sword. Could it be that this person has the strength to compete with him?"

"What do you think? To be granted a yellow mandarin jacket, and to get the blue eyes of the Empress Dowager and the Holy Majesty, no matter how weak she is, she won't be so weak? At least, she won't be weaker than Sixiu in the capital."

Since ancient times, learning literary and martial arts has been in the emperor's family.

The Imperial Palace is actually the best touchstone.

A martial artist who can be valued by high-level officials is really a powerful person who is one in a million.

The panic dissipated, everyone was full of interest, and they began to discuss who was hunted down by them.

However, some people directly guessed the target of this group of people.

There are concerns.

Someone gloated.

Some people also want to see a surprise.

So, in a swarm, many warriors and idlers rushed out of Yongding Gate, put on the awning with their hands, and looked around.

"Cousin, he..."

Li Xiaowan was dragged to the back of the crowd by Wang Jingya, her face wrinkled into a dishcloth in pain.

Can you beat so many people?Do you want to find a way to tell him to escape quickly.

She also knew that it was not easy to ask a large number of escorts from Yuanshun Escort Bureau to do it at this time.

The inner court was worried that they couldn't find the handle of the Escort Bureau, so it was not good to cut down the forces of the reform faction openly and aboveboard.

If a large number of people fight head-on, it will become a big mess...

The Wuwei Army was alarmed, even if it was to save face, Yuanshun Escort Bureau couldn't hold back.

On the contrary, it is this kind of private vendetta and other petty fights, each depending on its own ability, so no one pays attention to it.

Who wins and who loses has little effect on the court situation.

What, Cui Yuming has a lot of people.

That's different, Mr. Cui's position is high and powerful, and as a third-rank chief eunuch, it's nothing to bring a few followers.

Besides, those thirty or so people were all on patrol... catching thieves was their job, and they had the right to dispatch at any time, especially in Xibanbi Street, where they were under their jurisdiction.

Even if there are several times more people dispatched, no one will make irresponsible remarks.

From this, we can see how much freedom Chen Fengming has in patrolling and arresting heads.

As long as you stand in line, the more chaotic the court, the easier it is to make meritorious deeds.

"Don't worry, a large number of people is meaningless to him. Xiao Wanyou forgot that Zhang Kun still has pistol skills? If you start a fight, you won't be as upright as me... Although there are many people on the side of the eunuchs, it is actually useless of."

The old god Wang Jingya was there, comforting Li Xiaowan softly.

His eyes were on fire.

'This damned injury, why is it still not good? '

'My hammers are hungry. '


Song Caichen sighed: "Zhang Kun is finished."

A young man in a commoner hat beside him pressed his hat brim and said with a smile: "Master, you don't know the bravery of that man, that's why you made this judgment. A single word mad can explain everything."

This person is Li Yaochen, he is not gloating, but he also knows that he must not help at this time.

His every move is not only related to the safety of his relatives and friends, but also related to the life and death of his members.

The Friends Escort Bureau is very kind to me. It is very unreasonable to drag all the people close to me for the sake of a new comrade who has a good appetite.

I can only secretly wish him good luck.

What's more, Li Yaocheng didn't think Zhang Kun would lose.

"Senior brother Chen is too utilitarian... He could have sat on the Diaoyutai and had everything he could do, but it would be unwise to wade into this muddy water."

"Yao Cheng, do you feel that you are also responsible for this?"

Song Caichen's face was complicated.

The name of Li Yaochen's Silver Spear resounded throughout the capital, and he was regarded by most people as the helm of the next generation of Guiyou Escort.

Although he can't tell the difference between the inside and the outside, the big road temper of the hero of the world is not very appreciated by others, who think it is too idealistic.

However, people in the Jianghu respect the strong in the first place, and they have a mere personality and temper, which can be changed in the future, as long as he realizes the responsibility on his shoulders.

Martial arts has an upper limit, if you can't practice it, you can't practice it, and crying is useless.

Li Yaocheng was ten years old, and he has already caught up with most of the seniors. His boxing and spear skills have been practiced to the point where he has achieved great success.

The actual combat ability is even more extraordinary and refined, and he can display his extraordinary ability with a single effort.

Putting it on the ancient battlefield, it is the talent of a fierce general who is not born in the world.

It can be foreseen that in the near future, he will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. One day, it is very possible to reach the level of the power of the divine fist Song Lun.

What is this, this is the white jade pillar that lifts the sky, and the purple golden beam that erects the sea!

When he grows up, the members can still prosper for a hundred years.

Therefore, whether it is the older generation or the younger generation, there are more than [-] escorts, and there are at least [-] to [-] who are optimistic about him.

This call is too loud.

No one can hold it down.

Even the three deputy chief escorts who are now in charge can only watch helplessly.After all, the old man Song Lun of Shenquan is not dead yet, he is just retreating and cultivating his mind...

As for Chen Fengming, he could only sigh, since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang.

He has been compared to the Friends of the Escort, and despite his prestige in the world, he has also been suppressed by outsiders.

At the age of 27, his reputation is far inferior to the so-called "Four Talents in Beijing".

It is conceivable how powerless and hopeless it is for a Yi Jin Realm catcher who is arrogant and has captured countless thieves on weekdays.

He can't change the word-of-mouth in the world, but he can change his own status.

Since the Second Chief of Ouchi threw out the golden bait, it was exactly what he wanted.

It is only natural to do our best to help.

"Just look at him and ask for blessings."

Li Yaocheng's eyes were shining brightly.

He knew that Chen Fengming naturally had the strength, even if he was matched, he couldn't say that he won easily.However, this senior brother's city is very deep, as if he is always scheming about something.

He usually does not want to deal with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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