
Chapter 79 Escort, Escort

Chapter 79 Escort, Escort

"Help, Master."

"Help, Master Yin!"

Cui Yuming ran so fast that the official hat on his head fell off, his hair was disheveled, and his purple robe was loose, he looked like a bossy eunuch in charge.

More like a bullied, helpless and pitiful weak woman.

The sorrow of its sound and the sorrow of its emotion are enough to make those who hear it sad and cry.

His speed has been getting slower and slower.

This is the disadvantage of the "Canxin" burst skill.

When he was outside the city, seeing that all the people in his company were dead, he blocked several moves in vain, only to realize that he was no match at all, and immediately broke out with all his strength to escape.

When he arrived in the city, he felt a little weak, and at this time, he was already dying.

Zhang Kun followed behind slowly, looking at the imperial guards coming like a tide, looking at the deep part of the palace, several officials dressed in red and purple, and the bright yellow, lightly flicked the long knife , smiled and said: "It's useless to let you escape to the palace. Cui Yuming, where is your five tiger soul-breaking gun? Stab me again and return to the carbine to see."

The sound is close to the ear.

A ray of murderous intent struck, and the back of the neck and vest felt faintly cold...

Cui Yuming don't look back and criticize, he can't wait to give birth to two more legs at this time, so he can run into the crowd as soon as possible.

A pair of eyes looked forward, gradually feeling a little hopeless.

He turned his head slowly, and said in a stern voice: "Zhang Kun, if you kill me, you won't be able to escape. The majesty of the court cannot be desecrated. Killing a court official privately is already a crime of rebellion and decapitation, let alone breaking into the deep palace to kill him." If you die as the chief executive, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, it will be a dead end."

"I do not believe."

Zhang Kun shook his head.

I thought that this man could come up with some new tricks before he died, but he didn't expect that what he talked about was nothing more than threats, begging for mercy and other non-innovative words.

It's so boring.

The light of the knife leaped up like a fish, cutting the air into ripples and passing through Cui Yuming's throat.

Blood sprayed like mist.

The spear held in Cui Yuming's hand finally fell, with a clang... He tightly covered the wound on his throat, his mouth gurgling, his eyes darkened, and he fell limply to the ground.

"Escort, escort..."

There were exclamations all around.

The imperial guards backed up and shrank.


Zhang Kun swung his sword, beheading Cui Yuming.I thought that there would be a rainstorm of arrow attacks, or that there would be a siege by the musketeers of the Shenji Battalion. At this time, I probably would not be able to avoid a series of bloody battles, and then escaped outside the palace in a panic.

No matter how unwilling the imperial court is to commit the crime of killing an official, it will definitely have to search the whole city for a while.

Maybe I will have to live a life of fleeing and hiding for a while, but it is a pity that my "Baicaotang" is missing this source of long-flowing dragon energy.

The speed of strength improvement may be slightly slower.


He beheaded Cui Yuming with a single blow.

Instead of rushing forward, hundreds of imperial guards retreated, forming a bucket formation, densely packed.

In the corners around the Hall of Mental Cultivation, more imperial guards rushed out and ran in that direction, all of them screaming "Guard!"

Zhang Kun stood alone in the wind, stunned for a moment.

And this operation?

One thousand, ten thousand rebels are not as important as a single hair of the emperor.

What's more, this rebel is so powerful.

The one who dared to run into the palace to kill people was Cui Yuming, the second in charge of the palace known as "Xiao Luocheng", who could tell with his nose that he was an extremely powerful master.

Even if they were to besieged, how many people would have to die?Only then can he pile up to death.

How much credit do you have for killing him...how much compensation money can you get?

Three thousand forbidden soldiers and eight hundred personal guards, although they have not arrived at this time, they all have the same heart and the same reason, and they all surrounded the Nuan Pavilion by coincidence, and the siege was tight.

Nobody was thinking of getting a shot first, or an arrow.

If Cui Yuming still had breath, seeing this scene, he would get up again in anger and fight Zhang Kun for another [-] rounds.


"Assassin, you go to fight assassins, what are you doing around me?"

The young man in dragon robe who had just walked out of the warm pavilion seemed surprised by the guard's operation.

Pointing at several leaders, he said angrily: "Does that person really dare to rush here, does he dare?"

"It's absolutely impossible. Assassins are less important than the emperor's safety. Wan Wang take care of the dragon's body, and don't get angry and hurt the liver. All the people are tied together, and the emperor is requested to evacuate quickly."

An old official with a white beard looked anxious and begged hurriedly.

"That's right, now the foreign countries are showing their power, and the whole country is in fear of the barbarian like a tiger... It is the best time to make a big change, to get rid of the old and welcome the new. The more critical this moment is, the more we must beware of open knives and dark arrows. Treacherous and treacherous schemes are unacceptable." No defense."

Another minister persuaded with earnestness and earnestness, as if there was something in the words.

"You mean..."

Emperor Guang Xu, who was still full of anger just now, suddenly thought of something, as if a ladle of cold water had been poured on his head, he shivered coldly, and looked back secretly.

That's right, Cui Yuming didn't want to escape anywhere, but he wanted to escape to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

What do you want to do?

Could it be that he wanted to transfer the guards around me.

Is he really dead, or is he fake dead?
Who is that swordsman?

Seeing him standing in the square behind the door of the Hall of Mental Cultivation with no taboos, it was as comfortable as returning to his own home.

Is there such an assassin?

Also, what about the masters of Changchun Palace?Are you watching from the sidelines, or are you already here?
"Your Majesty, the palace guards have already gone up. He is good at gossip, shape and meaning, and his strength is extraordinary. With him, everything will be safe."

During the silence, another minister laughed.

Seeing that the murderer didn't run away in a hurry, but waited at the door with a knife in his hand, the surrounding ministers confirmed their guess even more.

Strictly order the forbidden army not to move rashly, and send people to test it.

They are not fools.

I always feel that the situation in front of me is very weird and completely inconsistent with common sense.

Could it be that he really played a trick of "striking the east and hitting the west"?

The current situation is treacherous and cannot be taken lightly.

As a result, these veterans and close ministers, each of whom seemed extremely loyal, piled up neatly in front of Emperor Guangxu, blocking them tightly.

As for Cui Yuming, the second head of the inner court, whether he died a miserable and helpless death, no one cared.

This person who used to be the empress dowager and swaggered around was very annoying... I'll die if I die, it won't affect my extra bowl of rice at night.

Emperor Guangxu was moved, but also a little curious, he grabbed an old minister's shoulder, and looked out: "It's starting to fight, the palace guards are so powerful, is this Tiangang 36 sticks? Sure enough, it's going to make a big disturbance in the Tiangong, and the assassin will be worse. "

At this time, he was protected three floors in and three floors out, and there were no other assassins around him, so he felt more at ease and enjoyed watching the show.

I just feel that it is more exciting than the finale of "Sanqing Garden", and it is a real knife and gun, so the feeling is different.


(End of this chapter)

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