
Chapter 8

Chapter 8
At noon, when Zhang Kun and Li Xiaowan reappeared on Xibanbi Street, their images had changed drastically.

Zhang Kun was dressed in a sky-blue robe, gentle and handsome, with a tall and straight figure, holding a folding fan in his hand, walking on the road with three steps and shaking, attracting the attention of all passers-by.

What a worldly good son.

And Li Xiaowan, who was half a step behind him, was even more powerful, wearing a light moon-colored cardigan and a pleated water green skirt...

A small face that has just been washed and cleaned is already showing its brilliance, revealing a trace of rosy color, it is Xiaohe's beautiful years when her sharp corners are just showing.

It's so hard that people can't take their eyes out.

"Which family is this young master or young lady coming out to relax..."

There were whispers all around.

"It's too conspicuous, Cousin...cousin, are we really going to do that?"

Li Xiaowan was very cramped, and while walking along, her eyes didn't dare to look forward, her head was almost lowered to her chest, and several times she almost stepped on her skirt and fell to the ground.

I thought to myself, this big brother Zhang, why did he call himself cousin and make up his life experience?
That's all right, but it's a little bad to go to the gate of Yuanshun Escort to pick quarrels and make trouble, will someone break your head?
However, ever since I picked up this "cousin" when I was in despair, my times seemed to turn around, and my life began to have hope...

'He is knowledgeable, capable, very, very powerful person, you must be right to listen to him. '

Thinking of what Zhang Kun told her earlier, she was a little embarrassed, gritted her teeth again, and silently recited the lines in her heart.

Although the little girl is only 14 years old and hasn't experienced too many hardships in the world, she actually has her own judgment in her heart. She can intuitively feel whether a person is trustworthy or not, and whether she is very powerful.

'It was hard to get more than eight taels of silver, so this time I went to five taels. '

Thinking of the two sets of clothes that Zhang Kun had bought at "Jinxiuzhai" earlier, Li Xiaowan felt a heartache again. After spending such money, she would have to beg for food again in a few days.

"It's a big deal, money and wealth are outside the body." Zhang Kun chuckled twice, and he could see what Li Xiaowan was thinking at a glance.

The begging career these days has left a shadow in her heart, but if she wants to achieve her plan, she must not wear dirty clothes.

"found it."

From a distance, he saw Tian Qianli's figure at the corner in front of a restaurant, and Zhang Kun slowed down.

At this time, Tian Qianli was not as arrogant as before, his face was full of impatience, and he was talking to an old man with a weathered face and a worn gray-white cloth on the opposite side.

"Father, why is it only three taels of silver, why can't I borrow more from others? When I become a bodyguard master, my monthly income can reach 20 taels, and I will get bonuses for sending out bodyguards. I will be rich and honorable at that time, so what is this little money? "

"I've borrowed money from my relatives, and the family can't open the pot anymore. Your mother is sick, and last year's harvest was not good. Master Wang still owes rent..."

As the old man spoke, the wrinkles on his face deepened, and he couldn't straighten his waist.

"What are you doing telling me these things? Come on, let's do it in twos and threes. At least I can invite another guest. As long as the senior brother has a word, today's business will be done. You can go back."

Tian Qianli looked at the old man's dirty and torn clothes with distaste, thought for a while and said, "Seldom come to the Escort in the future, it's not good to be seen by others."

After finishing speaking, he weighed the money in his hand, pocketed it, and walked to the entrance of Taihe Restaurant without looking back, where Tan Heishan and Zhong Dali were waiting, the three of them looked at each other, and greeted a man and a man from the Shunyuan Escort. Female.

Tian Qianli smiled all over his face, and hurried forward to greet him: "Senior Brother Du, Senior Sister Wang, please come in quickly, the younger brother has already prepared the table, just wait for the two to reward you."


"Are you really going to target him? Why do I feel that the old man is so pitiful?"

Looking at the back of the old man walking alone, Li Xiaowan felt uncomfortable.

Zhang Kun shook his head: "Poor man, there must be something to hate. He probably didn't teach his son well when he was young. Let's teach him a lesson so that Tian Qianli can understand the difficulties of society and see himself clearly. In the future life will go more smoothly.”

Li Xiaowan was dumbfounded, rolled the whites of her eyes and quietly looked at Zhang Kun.

He clearly knew that what he said was all nonsense, yet he still felt that it made sense.

Whether this so-called "borrowing a ladder to go upstairs" is useful or not, she actually has no idea.

"Have you memorized everything I taught you?"

Zhang Kun was not at ease, turned his head to ask a question, and walked towards Taihe Restaurant.

"I have a good memory, and I haven't forgotten a word." Li Xiaowan hurriedly followed.

When the two entered the restaurant, Xiao Er came up to greet them.

Zhang Kun looked at the lobby, deliberately chose a table next to Tian Qianli and the others to sit down, and ordered some food and wine.

When the dishes were served, he and Li Xiaowan gulped down the food while listening to the conversation at the neighboring table.

This meal is worth two taels of silver, both of them cherish it very much, so there is no need to talk.

"Junior Brother Tian, ​​you guys were taught by Uncle Hong himself. Our family doesn't speak two different languages. As long as we can work together, we can become bodyguard masters. Let's take a few trips with senior brother and me to see the world. You can stand on your own.”

At the next table, a 27-year-old man with a delicate moustache, took a sip of wine and talked with a smile.Tian Qianli stood up quickly, smiling all over his face: "Thank you, Senior Brother Du."

Brother Du's name is Du Fengjiang, he is the eldest disciple of Mr. Wang's escort, and he is considered a good hand in Yuanshun escort agency.

He is well-known on the Southern Guard Road, and his comrades in the green forest also sell him a little bit of face.

His status is naturally not comparable to that of Tian Qianli, a disciple of his father Wu Yixue who has just graduated from the teacher.

"Sit, sit, you don't have to be so polite."

Du Fengjiang stroked his mustache, and pressed his hand with a big horse sword. Before he could say anything, a heroic woman next to him with a ponytail slapped the table and smiled, "Junior Brother Tian is about to train his strength and strength. Boxing must also be proficient, let's learn from each other after dinner."

"Where do you dare to fight with senior sister?"

Tian Qianli's scalp was numb, and he hurriedly shook his head.

This senior sister's name is Wang Jingya, and her name is very delicate, but her appearance is hard to describe.

The facial features are also exquisite. This figure looks a head taller than him, and his arms are almost as thick as the thighs of ordinary people... His body is bulging, his waist is as thin as a bee, and his legs are like an elephant.

With one punch down, it is estimated that half of his life will be gone.

The point is not that this senior sister is amazingly powerful and difficult to deal with.

It's who she is.

As the precious daughter of President Wang's bodyguard, do you dare to greet her harshly?
What's the point of sparring with only being beaten and not being able to fight back, let alone being unable to fight back.

Speaking of which, there are really not many people in Yuanshun Escort Bureau who dare to fight her.

Winning is no fun, losing is humiliating.

"It's boring, one or two are so timid."

Wang Jingya curled her lips and just lowered her head to eat.

Suddenly, I heard a crisp female voice: "Cousin, after returning from studying abroad, you don't want to take the imperial examination, but you want to join the Guiyou Escort. Uncle will be pissed off when he finds out."

"You don't know, cousin. When you are abroad, you are weak, and you are looked down upon by foreigners. You have suffered a lot of humiliation, but you haven't learned the essence of boxing, and you can't beat them.

When I came back this time, I just heard that the Escort Agency of the Friends is second to none in the capital, and the old man of Shenquan Song is famous all over the world. If you can learn the techniques of boxing and marksmanship, you can strengthen your body and strengthen your country..."

A few people frowned slightly, looking at the man and woman at the next table, they felt that the wine was no longer mellow, and the food was no longer fragrant.

Tian Qianli looked at the next table and saw that girl was delicate and weak, his eyes straightened slightly... He thought that that cousin really has no eyesight, who doesn't know that in the capital, Wang Wu, the head of the security guard, is the best strong.

Next, the girl really asked: "Cousin, you forgot one thing. If you want to talk about fame, Wuwei, the sword king of Yuanshun Escort Bureau, is even more famous. Moreover, he is in the prime of life, just at the age where he can fight. Wouldn't it be better to learn boxing and saber techniques?"

"Otherwise, Senior Dao Wang Wu must have a very high level of art, but, cousin, have you ever heard of any of the young people in Yuanshun Escort Bureau who are very famous?
Looking at the members of the club, there is Li Yaocheng among the disciples of the younger generation, who is young and weak... the Three Emperors Cannon Hammer is unmatched, and the 36-point snake-coil spear technique is quite a legacy of Zilong, which compares with all the young people in the capital. . "

"So that's how it is. The Guiyou Escort is very good at teaching apprentices, much better than the Yuanshun Escort. It seems that their family can also talk to Li Zhongtang. Most of the escorts under the sect have entered the Five Cities Army Division and Patrol Battalion as officials.

If my cousin is successful in his studies and gets a job in an official position, uncle won't beat you either. "

The girl giggled, presumably convinced.

It was originally a sweet and beautiful voice, but it was harsh to Tian Qianli's ears.

He suddenly stood up.

"Big words, what are you capable of? How dare you underestimate Yuanshun Escort? Judging by the tone of your voice, you are also a martial arts learner. Why don't you compare with me and see where our young disciples are different?"

Following Tian Qianli's words, Senior Brother Du Fengjiang also nodded in agreement.

Wang Jingya looked at Zhang Kun's arm with great interest, and shook her head slightly, with regret in her eyes, but she didn't stop it.

(End of this chapter)

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