Rekindling looking back has been three lives

Chapter 124 Cup of tea releases military power?

Chapter 124 Cup of tea releases military power?
Su Bo, originally the human resources director of the Guohe Group in the parallel time and space, stood firmly by Ye Xiaomi's side in the unparalleled battle of professional managers' rebellion.

When Wu Chuzhi activated the King Wu mode, the atmosphere in the entire company became tense.

In terms of time, God is fair to everyone, everyone only has 24 hours a day, and as the top leader of the company, Wu Chuzhi himself is the "bottleneck" of the company's operation.

When he gets up quickly, the whole enterprise will involuntarily get up.

But Wu Chuzhi who was sitting in the office didn't know all this, he was still clarifying his thinking and direction.

Now he finally understands that Parallel Time and Space has actually achieved the ultimate in business, and the golden villain and the others have worked so hard to come here not to make up for their regrets.

Instead, I want to see if I can break out a business path.

However, obviously this is something for later, not something to consider now.

Now what he needs to consider is what kind of foundation he has to build in order to support the dream of 'Internet of Everything'.

Selfie sticks and Shenzhou Pay are both excellent cash cows, but what I lack most now is the main business that is moving towards the end.

Since the chip is not allowed, or there is no need for him to go beyond the next generation, Wu Chuzhi can only start from the terminal.

Looking at the Xingtianxia motherboard packaging box on the cabinet, he laughed.

Or, grab Wu Jun's wool again?
One is to obtain a full set of board technology and brand machine licenses on the PC side, and the other is to...

Special Meow's Wu Junjun is really easy to use!
Everything is due to Wu Jun!
Wu Chuzhi thought for a while, but still resisted the temptation.

There is no way, the PC side can't get around the willow god.

Going head-to-head with Liu Shen at this moment is courting death.

Can only wait for the time.

Wu Chuzhi shook his head, but did not continue to diverge his thinking.

At present, the main energy still has to be on the selfie stick and Shenzhou Pay.

Too much to chew.

As for Xiao Yuejia's three-year contract that he was worried about before, Wu Chuzhi at this moment could only shrug his shoulders.

Where is the use of three years?

He had to win this bet, otherwise Wanwan and the others would have no room to survive.

Especially Wanwan, Xiao Yuejia knew very well who was the biggest threat to her.

It's just whether I want her to win in the end.


In the vice president's office, Gong Ming looked at the old man rubbing his waist and complaining with a smile on his face, "You're so old, you should take it easy at night."

Li Fugen raised his head and gave him a blank look, picked up the cigarette case on Gong Ming's desk, took out one and lit it for himself, "I don't know what's going on today, why there are so many things."

Gong Ming chuckled, "Well, it's too simple. Just look at how busy Xiaoye is outside and you'll understand."

Li Fugen was taken aback when he heard the words, and walked to the door of the office, only to see Ye Xiaomi standing at the workstation, assigning tasks non-stop.

"Brother Liu, how is the progress of the industrial and commercial registration, and where is it stuck? What kind of support do you need..."

"Manager Zhang, the office furniture on the 19th floor is coming soon, please follow up..."

"I don't want to listen to the process, I just want the result, can you do it? Can't do it, we will change the manufacturer immediately..."

"Yajuan, immediately put down everything in hand and hand it over to Sister Qi, and then cooperate with President Su to inform the interviewer..."

Li Fugen listened for a while, returned to the office, put out the cigarette and smiled wryly, "In the past, when Chu Chu was not up to date, we were worried about this and that. The fuck this kid has become serious, but I can't bear it. "

Gong Ming slumped on his seat, pointed to the piled up documents on his desk, and said melancholy,

"Who says it's not? This kid is more decisive than Boss Chu. This day, I'm a little bit exhausted."

Li Fugen looked at his watch, it was 5:10, and he thumped his waist, "Get ready, I'm going to report to that kid later."

Gong Ming looked at the unprocessed documents on the table, and was a little bit crazy, "It's every day! I haven't had time to finish the data yet."


Looking at the haggard and dejected faces of the two elders, Wu Chuzhi burst out laughing.

To put it simply, the current problem is that Tianjing's P2-266 platform computer is suddenly replaced with his P4-3.6GHz processor through Ye Xiaomi's high-efficiency conversion plug-in, and the entire company feels uncomfortable.

"Chuchu, to be honest, the two of us, are we a little behind?"

Facing Gong Ming and Li Fugen's doubts, Wu Chuzhi thought for a while.

In fact, it is not a problem of the ability of these two uncles, but a problem of cognition.

The thinking of these two people has not changed from the original model.

"Uncle Li, Uncle Gong, actually, is there a possibility that you were too meticulous and too advanced?"

Both Li Fugen and Gong Ming were company veterans who followed Chu Tianshu to conquer the world from the very beginning.

In the initial stage of starting a business, the three brothers and their little aunt Ding Jing were in charge of logistics, including cooking, in the whole company.

It has been working like this, even two or three years ago, the whole company only had about [-] people.

It started with the explosion of the digital product and computer market in 2001, which allowed Tianjing, which seized the historical opportunity, to expand from a small workshop with 20 people to a small enterprise with more than [-] people in two years.

However, there have always been various problems in the management of Tianjing Company, but they have not been exposed.

Chu Tianshu's loyalty made the company have a very good atmosphere in the early days of its establishment, but it also led to two problems, one is the rule of man, and the other is the radius of management.

There is nothing to say about the rule of man.

This is a stage product in the development process of a private company.

Under normal circumstances, when the scale of the enterprise is small, it mainly relies on the rule of man. A word from the boss is an "imperial decree", which must be strictly followed, and everything needs to be consulted and reported.

After the scale of the enterprise grows, the managers become more and more aware that there is no rule without rules, and then the establishment of the "rule of law" will be put on the agenda.

The management radius refers to the total number of manageable things of a managed person or organization, which is divided into spatial radius and vertical radius.

The space radius is centered on a manager or management organization, and the space he manages;
The vertical radius is the time range managed by a manager or management organization.

It is recognized that the best vertical management radius is 7 people, which means that his direct reports should not exceed 7 people, and of course it will increase or decrease according to personal ability.

In fact, both Li Fugen and Gong Ming managed more than 30 people.

The original small workshop management model of Tianjing Company does not need middle managers.

Everyone is stirring the horse spoon in the same pot, and the management is very flat. In the early days, Chu Tianshu went straight to the bottom and managed to the forefront.

In order to save costs in the small workshop, everyone basically has multiple jobs, even Chu Tianshu himself has worked as a cashier for the company for a period of time.

This is also what a private enterprise should look like in the early days. Later, it slowly expanded. When it reached 20 people, Li Fugen and Gong Ming began to assume the responsibility of managers.

Their style is exactly the same as Chu Tianshu's, and they also like to stick their shots to the end and stand at the forefront to command the battle.

But after reaching the scale of hundreds of people, this model does not work.

Everyone actually has the best management radius. When the affairs exceed their own management radius, the work will be backlogged, and the efficiency of the entire company will also slow down.

The reason why the problem was not exposed before was because Zou Fang, the former director of the General Affairs Department, was lazy at work and artificially slowed down the work progress.

Of course, this is also related to Chu Tianshu's personal thoughts.

People from Xishu have a deep-rooted idea that if they are rich, they will be safe. Seeing that the company has an annual net profit of 2000 to [-] million, Chu Tianshu is satisfied and does not want to change it.

His idea is to slowly increase the management staff according to the development of the company.

But Wu Chuzhi is different.

After accepting the overall experience gift of the golden villain who once managed a super large group with tens of thousands of people in parallel time and space, this product has far surpassed the carrying platform of Tianjing Company in terms of ability, thinking, and structure.

The current solution is either for Wu Chuzhi to slow down, or for everyone in the company to get up.

Wu Chuzhi chose the latter.

Seeing that Li Fugen and Gong Ming were lost in thought after listening to his words, Wu Chuzhi smiled.

He wasn't going to embarrass the brain cells of these two old uncles, so he dug out a document, "Uncle Li, how much is the model HC01 of the Moonlight Treasure Box in Donghua store?"

"31 units, and two customers are installing the machines, and the inventory at night should be 29 units," Li Fugen replied without thinking.

Wu Chuzhi applauded, "Uncle Li, you have a good memory!"

Li Fugen smashed his mouth, saw that the office door was closed, so he flicked a chestnut,

"You boy, speak to me in human terms! You, Uncle Li, don't understand sarcasm, right?"

Wu Chuzhi rubbed his forehead and laughed, not thinking it disobedient.

These two are real uncles, and now it's off-duty time, joking around doesn't affect my prestige, but it's a way of intimacy.

He didn't intend to live alone.

"Look, Uncle Li, this is the problem." He handed over two cigarettes and lit them for the two elders.

"Uncle Li, your management is too meticulous. I would think that the current seven store managers in the company are useless. Because this is what they should manage.

If you manage too carefully, it is easy to form multiple leaders. The grassroots employees not only have to report to the store manager, but also report to you again. In this way, when carrying out work, the employees do not know who to listen to, and are tired of dealing with the dual leadership. work, reducing work efficiency.

And you should have used this part of the time to think about the overall agency sales work, such as competing for the interests of manufacturers and suppliers, such as the establishment of downstream agency distribution channels. "

Li Fugen took a puff on his cigarette and plucked his eyebrows, "Chuchu, to tell you the truth, I have thought about this issue for the past two years.

Why do I get more and more tired?To be honest, I thought it was because the company had grown to a certain scale, and we old people couldn't keep up. Boss Chu also had this idea, so our business has always been relatively conservative.

After what you said today, I understand that the management has not kept up. "

Li Fugen thought of a store manager who resigned.

When we were eating and chatting on the day we left, the store manager said aggrievedly that he had no prestige as a store manager, and the employees didn't like him at all, and they reported everything directly to Li Fugen.

In the past, he thought it was a problem with the store manager's ability, but now that he thinks about it, he really took too much care of himself.

Gong Ming also thought deeply, Li Fugen's problem is very typical, and it is exactly the same with him.

Wu Chuzhi summoned Ye Xiaomi and asked her to slowly explain her understanding while making tea for them.

Now that she knows how great Ye Xiaomi's potential is, let her listen to these things more, and getting in touch early is the best arrangement.

Ye Xiaomi anxiously waited for the tea and listened carefully.

Li Fugen and Gong Ming, who were well aware of the relationship between the two, did not take it for granted when they saw this, and even felt that it was only natural for Ye Xiaomi to sit here.

"In our country, the average life expectancy of an enterprise is about 3.5 years. Don't be surprised. In fact, international statistics are similar to this.

Most companies died after a few years of operation, and most of the surviving companies were still small companies that could not develop to the scale of large companies.

There are many factors at play here.From the perspective of objective factors, there are problems of the macroeconomic environment, changes in market demand, corporate strategy, and insufficient input of various resource elements, such as lack of financing and so on.

If the enterprise has the ability to overcome these problems, the enterprise can continue to develop. When the enterprise develops to a larger scale, the enterprise will have the opportunity to reach the edge of the "gap" that jumps from a small company to a large company.

We are right on the edge of this ditch now, or, in fact, since one or two years ago, with the efforts of Uncle Li and Uncle Gong, Tianjing Company has reached this position.

Whether the enterprise can cross this 'gap' depends on the internal management factors of the enterprise.

The core content is that business leaders need to carry out adaptive transformation of the enterprise's management model to meet the needs of the enterprise to operate on a larger scale.

The leaders here are not my uncle and me, but all the senior leaders represented by the two uncles.

The reason why the vast majority of small companies fail to cross the chasm is indeed because the business transformation has not been successful, but in most cases the leaders do not realize that the management model needs to be transformed.

The so-called management mode refers to the organizational management method of the enterprise.

There are fundamental differences in the way large and small companies are organized and managed.

When the company is relatively small, the enterprise usually needs to adopt the line function management mode.

When the company develops to a relatively large scale, the company's business involves multiple product lines, multiple business segments, or the business scope expands to multiple regions, the company needs to adopt a management and control management model.

The essential difference between the two management models is that the line function management model is a centralized management method, while the essence of the control management model is a decentralized management method.

When the company is small, the company emphasizes decision-making efficiency and quick action.

At this time, the decision-making power is concentrated in the hands of the leadership team with the founder as the core, which is more conducive to the development of the enterprise.

But when the company develops to a certain scale, the decision-making power of all the company's businesses is concentrated in the hands of only a few people, which will greatly reduce the quality and speed of decision-making. At this time, what the company needs is decentralized management.

Only with decentralization management can enterprises operate and develop on a larger scale.Transforming from a centralized management model to a decentralized management model is the "chasm" that a small business needs to cross when it grows into a large company, and it is a "rite of passage" for an enterprise. "

Wu Chuzhi took a sip from the teacup Ye Xiaomi handed over, and continued, "This 'gap' is not so easy to bridge, and many entrepreneurs don't even realize the existence of this gap.

Many of these enterprises are developed to a larger scale by entrepreneurs relying on their unique technological advantages and hard-working entrepreneurial spirit.

The company has multiple product lines, its business has expanded to the whole country, and it also has a certain number of wholly-owned or holding subsidiaries.

However, the company's internal management model has not been transformed with the company's business development.

Business decision-making is still concentrated in the hands of a few leaders at the top. Even every order of the company is distributed from the top to each subsidiary company.

This management model has led to many problems in management, such as low output per capita, low enthusiasm and initiative of employees, failure to establish a talent echelon, and lack of successors for the company's development.

Going back to Uncle Li’s example, there are two main reasons why we have stayed in the urban area of ​​Jincheng. One is that the leadership is not aware of the external market space, and the other is the store manager level. lack of talent. "

Li Fugen nodded thoughtfully, "Indeed, if you, Chuchu, say that now we want to expand our business to other cities, or even go out of the province, I have no choice but to have no one in my hands."

Wu Chuzhi spread his hands, "The essential reason for these problems is that business leaders manage a large company in the same way they manage a small company!"

After that, he smiled and looked at the two elders frankly, "However, many things are easier said than done.

For leaders, except for a few geniuses, most people are used to adopting a centralized model in their companies.The reason is very simple. The consciousness of centralization is human instinct and innate.And decentralization is an ability that needs to be acquired.

If the company wants to change from a centralized model to a decentralized model, the company's leaders first need to carry out inner self-revolution, change their management concepts, and learn to decentralize.

Uncle Li, Uncle Gong, we have reached the point where we need to decentralize power. "

After all, Wu Chuzhi stared at the two uncles who raised him up.

Li Fugen and Gong Ming pondered for a moment, then looked at each other, and suddenly laughed.

Gong Ming pointed to the teacup in front of him, and jokingly said, "Chuchu, do you count as a 'cup of tea to release soldiers'?"

Wu Chuzhi pursed his lips and smiled, but said, "Yes!"


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(End of this chapter)

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