Chapter 126
Wu Chuzhi threw a cigarette at Kong Ziqian's bed, "Are you in the past seven? Do you want me to change you into white clothes and burn some paper?"

Confucius looked at his watch, smiled suddenly, and got off the bed, "Thank you, no need, just past seven."

The three of Wu Chuzhi were stunned when they heard the words, they really dare to love!

Confucius took out a bowl of instant noodles, unceremoniously requisitioned Qin Xu's water bottle, tore open the ham sausage and soaked it.

Then he dug out a brazier from under the bed, lit two candles, lit three more incense sticks, burned some paper, muttered something,
"May my sincerity never be trampled upon again! May the true love in the world never be let down again."

Qin Xu and the others were numb.

Well, as long as the youngest is happy.

"Have some wine to celebrate your first seven?" Liu Liu pulled out the beer box.

Confucius took the lead to pick up the wine bottle, and Wu Chuzhi had no choice but to sit down and serve two bottles with him.

Qin Xu took a sip, took out the peanuts from the cabinet, and poured them on the small table in the middle.

The number of Wu Chuzhi's peanuts seems to be the rhythm of a long talk.

"Second brother, the exam is coming up next week, and you still have a night talk?"

Before Qin Xu could speak, Kong Ziqian interrupted, "It doesn't matter if the four are fighting for the sixth. Anyway, I plan to hang out with you. After passing the fourth level, I will be done with my degree certificate."

Wu Chuzhi was amused when he heard the words, and looked at Confucius and Liu Liu amusedly, "What do you say about the second and third?"

Qin Xu waved his hand, "It's still Yang Zhenchun's sentence, you have to tell the brothers, what are you going to do?"

Wu Chuzhi understood what Qin Xu meant, he was unwilling to take advantage of his brother.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Confucius is willing to take advantage.

Master Kong has a mine at home, and he is avoiding going home to take over.

Of course, he also has the idea of ​​partnering with Wu Chuzhi to do business, but it's hard to say it clearly in front of Qin Xu and Liu Liu in the dormitory.

Wu Chuzhi looked at the expectant eyes of the three and smiled, "Now I can tell you clearly that after the final exam is over, if you have nothing to do, you can come to the company to do it first.

As for what to do, you will know when you come, anyway, you are busy. "

Seeing Qin Xu and the others beaming with joy, Wu Chuzhi hurriedly added, "But I put my ugly words first, and it's still the old rule to say it first and then not to mess it up.

The starting salary I give you must be higher than that of others who have worked for two or three years, ensuring your medium living standard.

But if you want to have big fish and big meat, you have to rely on your own ability. I will build a platform for you, and you will build it yourself. "

Liu Liu and the other three shrugged their shoulders indifferently, "Understood."

It's not the first time he's done this. Wu Chuzhi did the same thing when he was in the club. The basic salary plus commission, it's very reasonable to work harder.

Qin Xu threw a few peanuts into his mouth, "By the way, you are not in the big class today, and the people in the class discussed that we should go on a trip together after the exam.

It is the last group activity of the class, for you, in fact, it is also for everyone to practice, take more photos, and have a thought in the future. "

Wu Chuzhi was startled when he heard the words, and a sense of melancholy rose in his heart.

I can't tell what it's like to be ignorant, the scene when I first entered the school seems to be still yesterday, and in the blink of an eye, it's graduation.

The atmosphere in the dormitory became depressed.

Liu Liu laughed, trying to break the silence, "I still remember when we first arrived in the dormitory, the boss saw that the youngest didn't wash his feet, so he cut him straight away."

Everyone tugged at the corners of their mouths in unison.

Wu Chuzhi raised his head and took a sip of wine, then put the bottle heavily on the table, "What you just said doesn't count! Don't come this summer vacation, come back after school!"

After that, he looked at the three of them with a smile, "This summer vacation, you can read books, travel, or have a relationship."

The three of Qin Xu looked at each other and smiled, Confucius shrugged his shoulders, "As long as you want, you can read anytime and anywhere.

Falling in love is not something that I can decide on my own, it should be something that can be met but cannot be sought.

So, I do one trip at most, carrying a backpack by myself, and when I arrive at the train station, I buy a ticket and walk around as I please. "

Wu Chuzhi raised his eyebrows at him, raised the wine bottle and touched him, "Congratulations, you finally came out."

Confucius raised his head and took a big gulp, looked at the light outside the window, and murmured, "I don't know why, but suddenly I stopped complaining.

For a broken person like me, it is really hard for the girl who loves me to pick up pieces and love me piece by piece.

I felt a little sorry for her..."

After a while, there were three inhalation sounds in the quiet bedroom.

Wu Chuzhi felt that he was still a bitch, so he shouldn't provoke such a bitch!
He turned his head and asked Qin Xu, "What about the poor students when traveling?"

Qin Xu was also disgusted, and even ate a few peanuts to suppress the pressure, before answering, "If we don't go far, we will go to Mount Emei.

The round trip of the bus is 100 yuan per person, tents are used for accommodation, food, part of the farmhouse, and part of the self-bred.In the past few years, there is still a surplus of class fees, and it is enough for each person to pay a few dozen yuan at most.

The poor students in our class are not too poor now, and they are all doing things in our club. "

Speaking of this, Qin Xu suddenly discovered that it seemed that Wu Chuzhi had done a lot of good things in the past three years.

At least for the few poor students in their class, although their lives are not very nourishing, they will not eat bran and swallow vegetables.

Early the next morning, Wu Chuzhi took Qin Xu to find a counselor.

This kind of class group activities needs to be reported in advance, otherwise, no one can bear the responsibility if something happens.

The counselor Wang Ben actually didn't want to deal with this matter. For him, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

But seeing that it was Wu Chuzhi who came forward, he had no choice but to admit it, "Don't make trouble for me, pay more attention to safety."

Wu Chuzhi blinked and blinked, "Why don't you keep following us for a while? Two days and one night, it should be a refreshment."

Wang Ben pulled his collar unconsciously, trying to cover up the traces of his girlfriend's violence last night, "Fuck off! But what you said reminded me, I'll find a class assistant to follow you."

Wu Chuzhi couldn't help but reached out and slapped himself on the mouth.

what happened?

I've been talking cheap all this time!

The summer vacation of Shu University has always been famous for its long time, usually more than 70 days, which means that Wu Chuzhi and the others have to travel in mid-June.

After completing the early graduation procedures, Wu Chuzhi just arrived at the office at noon, and Wu Chuzhi reversed the schedule on the calendar.

In fact, that time period was his busiest.

Mp3 should be put into production at that time, the selfie stick is also in the final stage of finalization, and Shenzhoupay may be starting to spread marketing on a large scale.

Kong Hao has completed the software design and is in the process of final packaging and testing.

Wu Chuzhi rubbed his chin, feeling a little regretful. Did he agree too quickly for this class trip?

I didn't think about it yesterday, it should be pushed until before school starts.

The way he hovered in front of the calendar caught the attention of Ye Xiaomi who was sorting out the files for him.

"what happened?"

Wu Chuzhi had nothing to hide and told her about the trip.

Ye Xiaomi thought for a while, and persuaded, "After all, it's your college classmates, and it's your graduation farewell party, so it's nothing you don't care about."

Wu Chuzhi thought about it too, and looked at her apologetically, "Then it will only be hard work for you."

Ye Xiaomi looked indifferent, "It's not hard work, it's Uncle Gong and Uncle Li who worked hard."

Seeing that Wu Chuzhi was stunned, she giggled, "Don't you know that I'm your class assistant? I'm going too."

She also just received the notice from Wang Ben, and when she heard that it was Wu Chuzhi's class, she immediately agreed.

And with him!
How could Ye Xiaomi miss this opportunity!

Wu Chuzhi couldn't help laughing, "It's still like this! Didn't I have been stared at by you every day?"

Ye Xiaomi pursed her lips and smiled happily, "Why, not happy?"

Of course Wu Chuzhi was extremely happy.

Just kidding, live in a tent.

As a class assistant, there must be special treatment.

Even if there is no special treatment, Wu Chuzhi will arrange special treatment.

By the time……

Wu Chuzhi smiled obscenely.

Ye Xiaomi also understood what he was thinking, so she blushed and gave him a slap, "Good idea! I'll sleep with the girls in your class then."

She doesn't want to lose face!

Wu Chuyi became anxious when he heard that, and put his arms around her slender waist, "It's fine to sleep alone, but the girls in our class have everything from snoring to grinding their teeth."

Ye Xiaomi gave him a sideways look, "Yo? Why do you know all this?"

Wu Chuzhi said aba aba twice, with embarrassment on his face.

Ye Xiaomi also knew that he was joking, so she stuffed the folder into his arms and said angrily, "Why don't you hurry up and do something?"


May 5, Jisi month, Gengxu day, it is advisable to meet relatives and friends.

Standing in the meeting room of the prison, Wu Chuzhi was bored looking at the imperial calendar on the wall.

What a day.

In fact, Wu Chuzhi is not qualified to visit the prison.

According to the laws of China, in principle, the objects to be interviewed by criminals are close relatives and guardians of criminals.

However, the laws of China are relatively warm. The prison believes that it is helpful for the reformation of criminals. With the approval of the prison, they can also meet with each other.

Wu Chuzhi went through the normal procedure and came to the reception room with the "Meeting Notice" issued by the prison city.

The time is only half an hour, but generally it does not exceed an hour, and the police officers will not rush you.

Therefore, Wu Chuzhi waited for a long time before it was his turn to go in.

Sitting outside the bulletproof glass, he waited for a while before he saw Zhuo Lang who was snatched by the prison guards.

Inside and outside the glass wall, there are two completely different worlds.

I don't know if it was intentional, even the lighting is different, the light on Wu Chuzhi's side is warm yellow, while the light on the other side through the glass is cold white.

A striped shirt and a bald head are the uniform attire of inmates.

Seeing Zhuo Lang dressed like this in front of him, Wu Chuzhi wanted to laugh.

After all, what Zhuo Lang cared most about before was his flowing hair. When playing basketball, he had to wear a headband to keep his hairstyle uncluttered.

But looking at his dull eyes again, Wu Chuzhi wanted to cry again.

Unlike the prison visits in TV dramas, Zhuo Lang was sitting next to a prison guard with earphones.

This is the real prison.

The prison will monitor the whole process of the visit.

After confirming that the equipment was correct, the prison guard indicated that the two could talk and pressed the timer.

"Chuchu..." Zhuo Lang couldn't stop crying after saying these two words.

In fact, there is no intrigue or intrigue in the interview room, only family members comfort and encourage each other, and keep each other warm.

In a word, the interview room is the most tender place in the prison.

But Zhuo Lang has never enjoyed this kind of warmth.

There is a kind of person in the prison called "three non-criminals", who have no interviews, no accounts, and no letters.

Zhuo Lang's situation is better, but he has no crimes, and there are letters between friends.

As for the meeting and accounting, his immediate family members are no longer in this world, and Zhuo Lang doesn't consider the remaining relatives to be his relatives, and he doesn't want to see them.

Friends are limited by regulations and cannot come to visit.

Wu Chuzhi was able to come in under the banner of being helpful to his transformation.

For this, it has been reviewed for a long time, and countless materials have been provided to prove the relationship between the two.

The prison authorities also knew about Zhuo Lang's situation, and seeing that he really had no immediate family members, they turned a blind eye and agreed to Wu Chuzhi's request to visit the prison.

Wu Chuzhi knew that he was too emotional to speak now, so he talked about his recent situation and things between friends.

"...Langlang, do you know that Kong Hao's boy is already blooming, and he found a senior sister to be his girlfriend...

Do you still remember Gao Chao, he is very awesome now, he made a robot and won the national robot competition championship...

Yan Heng and Hao Xueer broke up not long after entering university..."

"Is she okay?" Hearing the name 'Hao Xue'er', Zhuo Lang's dull eyes suddenly lit up.

Wu Chuzhi smiled secretly, "It's not very good, you know, she always wanted to take the road of painting, but her parents wanted her to study in a normal school.

However, she has been studying by herself. According to Guanwan, Hao Xueer slips to the Academy of Fine Arts every week to attend classes. "

Zhuo Lang sniffed and forced a smile, "That's good, she's quite independent, she should go her own way."

"I bought a set of books for you. You can pick them up later. They are all textbooks for Yanhang's aircraft design major."

Wu Chuzhi took out the dozen or so books from the box he brought.

The light in Zhuo Lang's eyes suddenly brightened, and he stretched out his hand to touch it, but was blocked by the glass window.

Zhuo Lang withdrew his hand in embarrassment and sniffed.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Lang suddenly exploded, slapped the glass window hard, and shouted hoarsely, "Take it away! I don't want to see it! I'm already ruined!"

The prison guards sitting on the side and behind him immediately rushed up to control him, "19931! Calm down! If you do this again, get out!"

Zhuo Lang, whose head was pinned down, began to cry unwillingly, "Chuchu, my life has been ruined! Leave me alone! Just pretend that there is no one like me in this world!"

This is the case for Zhuo Lang, the first in parallel time and space.

After serving his sentence and being released from prison, he disappeared into the world without seeing anyone. It wasn't until a classmate ordered takeaway that he accidentally saw him again.

But the next day, when they got together to find Zhuo Lang at the food delivery station, he resigned and disappeared again.

In the vast sea of ​​people, if a person deliberately wants to hide, where can others find it?
Thinking of this, Wu Chuzhi became angry. He picked up the phone and yelled, "Damn it! You still have decades to live! You're only 21 years old! You're only ten years away from turning 22!"

He paused, calmed down and sighed, "Everyone will have experiences in this short life, just like a ship sailing on the sea, sometimes there will be bumps and wind and rain.

I know what you mean, you think you have been in prison, and you can't get into your ideal university.Yes, you can't design fighter jets, so why can't you design other aircraft?
Langlang, everyone will experience the trough in life, and I have also experienced it. It is really terrible, and it is easy for people to surrender.But it's not as scary as you think, it's just bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

As long as you get tough and show it your determination, he will turn it into a test for you, allowing you to gain something, and you will be able to handle things more easily after you get out of the haze.

Everyone has the right to pursue the light, and naturally also has the right to choose to give up. What is right and wrong depends on how you choose. "

After finishing speaking, Wu Chuzhi fell silent, quietly looking at the glass window in front of him.

After a while, Zhuo Lang stopped his tears, raised his head and pulled the corner of his mouth at Wu Chuzhi, "Yes, everyone has the right to pursue the light, everyone is a child of the light, how can you be willing to be invaded by darkness?
People live a lifetime, not only the troubles in front of them, but poetry and the distance are waiting for you in front of you. Is this what you mean?

Chuchu, don't forget, I'm also a top student, and I can recite chicken soup.

Yes, you come out.

But what?Chuchu, have you thought about it?
Your dad is still here!

Your success can make him shut up, make him look up to you from now on, make him feel relieved, let him raise his chest and say to everyone, 'I am Wu Chuzhi's father! '

and I?After I reach the other side of glory, who shall I show?

My dad is gone!he's gone! ! ! "

Zhuo Lang didn't move at all, which gave the prison guard no excuse to interfere with his emotions.

He pursed his lips, his eyes were red, and he yelled hoarsely, "He's gone!!! He's gone!!! I'll prove it to someone!!!"

Zhuo Lang raised his head and stared at the ceiling, tears streaming down his face.

Zhuo Lang's mother died when he was very young, and he couldn't even remember what his mother looked like.

He was raised by his father who was both father and mother.

For so many years, his father never remarried because of him, and the relationship between father and son was very deep.

Of course, during the rebellious period of his youth, he also contradicted his father a lot. The father and son also had a big quarrel and a long cold war when they chose to fill in the professional application.

However, this does not affect his love for his father at all.

When the news of his father's death reached his ears, he didn't even have the courage to live.

The prison guards didn't dare to tell him the truth when they saw this, they only said that the death was accidental by drowning, saying, "Your father's ashes are still stored in the funeral home. If you die, who will bury your father in the grave?" 'This kind of words came to restore his desire for life.

At this moment, he thought of his father's voice and appearance again, and wept uncontrollably.


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(End of this chapter)

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